Whispering Verse

Chapter 2571 Speedster

Chapter 2570 Speedster

Miss Winslet did not object to Shade's "rest" proposal. She nodded and suddenly turned into the chubby round-faced owl.

After Shade sat on the bare bed board in the bedroom, it flew to Shade's shoulder and stood there with its wings curled up.

The two of them fell silent. Shade didn't know what Miss Owl was thinking when she closed her eyes. He was just thinking about the time rules of the "Twisted Tree Hole".

But he didn't think for too long before he suddenly stood up, and with a serious look on his face, he made the seal with his right hand:

"Night Seal!"

The light waves that silently penetrated the door from the corridor collided head-on with the black spherical shield, and the deep ink-colored night perfectly absorbed the power of thaumaturgy. The night moved towards the window as Shade moved. Then Shade suddenly jumped and broke the glass, and jumped directly to the backyard of the mansion with the owl in his arms.

Two men from the corridor on the second floor entered the room and followed them through the window to the backyard.

After they saw the young man holding the owl, they frowned together:

"You were the one who triggered the time power here just now? Not Bennett?"

"You have left a means of monitoring the power of time here, and you want to know Bennet's secret? So, you also think there is something wrong with Bennet?"

Shade also asked, letting the owl stand on his shoulder:

“What a coincidence, I’m also exploring the secrets of the Bennet family.

Since we all have the same purpose, you two can chop yourself up as an apology to me, and then exchange information, okay? "

He suggested with a smile, as if he was lamenting that it was such a nice day that he didn't want to get out of bed.

The two middle-level warlocks stopped talking and rushed towards him together. It was not that he wanted to get close to Shade and fight with Shade, but that his body suddenly accelerated when he took the second step.

But even though they had exceeded the speed of sound through acceleration, they did not make a sonic boom.

The two of them approached Shade, one on the left and the other on the right, and auras about to cast magic spells appeared in their hands. They were very confident in their own speed, and everything was slowing down in a world where time was accelerating. However, when they really got close to Shade, they clearly saw Shade's eyes turning towards them.


When he first came to Vista City, Shade had seen the "speedster" who came out of the cupboard and could pause time. He couldn't react that time, but he had already experienced it and relied on his strong physical fitness. With concentration, he could barely keep up with the speed of the two of them:

"I am now eight-ringed. I can easily punch through a building with my fist. I have fine control of my strength and can twist banknotes without tearing paper. Can't my reaction speed be close to the speed of sound?"

The two people in a hurry aimed their hands at Shade, but the red moonlight shot out by Shade's left and right hands split the two rays of light. The fallen leaves around the three of them almost froze in the air. The two fists that bombarded Shade with their rapid acceleration had already arrived in front of him, and were caught by Shade in the astonished expressions of the two of them.

Of course, the outsiders' movement speed is not as fast as theirs. This is blocking based on inspiration, prediction and instinctive reaction.

With a click, the bones of their hands shattered, and then Shade stepped on the ground violently:

"Corrupted Blood Mist!"

Eight pillars of scarlet blood spurted into the sky around him, causing the highly toxic scarlet corruption to contaminate the entire soil beneath Shade's feet.

No matter how fast they were, the two middle-level warlocks did not dare to stay on this red corrupted land. After breaking free from Shade's hands through an unknown acceleration method, the two men, who had been contaminated with a small amount of toxins, quickly retreated and exited the extremely burdensome acceleration mode. At the same time, they stretched out their hands and pointed at him:

"The Curse of Aging!"


The owl spread its wings and flew high into the sky, and then the ink shield blocked the two curses. The night quickly receded, but there was nothing in the shield, because at this time Shade had already appeared in the air above them.

The orange-red flame was held in the palm of his hand and turned into a fireball. Shade then swung the fireball to bombard the bottom. With a loud explosion, Shade understood the new power of fire that Sister Devlin had learned some time ago. Really useful.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, two embarrassed accelerating figures emerged with afterimages, but then a series of fireballs were continuously thrown from the hands of Sha De who landed on the ground.

In fact, Shade has never learned the "Fireball Technique", but the basic spell "Fire" has been able to evolve into the Fireball Technique in the hands of a ring warlock like him. The power of the First Fire has greatly increased the power of all Shade's fire spells. After Sister Devlin realized the violence of the First Fire, the power of the fireball spell was far beyond ordinary thaumaturgy.

The huge spirit supported Shade's spellcasting. Even if the two people bombarded by the continuous fireballs relied on speed to dodge, when the number of fireballs was large enough and the density was high enough, the scope of their coverage no longer allowed them to dodge.

It's just that the sound and light of the fireball explosion are too conspicuous. Even if both parties tacitly throw out spells to cover up, Shade is still worried that this kind of battle will soon attract others. But before he decided to end the battle, his opponent was the first to change his tactics.

The two strangers stopped running suddenly, and six-ring and seven-ring life rings appeared behind them respectively. The seven-ring warlock stood in front of his companions and threw a shriveled scarab to cooperate with the spell. As the shield unfolded, the rumbling fireball engulfed them.

But in the smoke and dust of the explosion, the six-ring warlock who was covered was also ready to cast a spell. When the fireball shattered the shield, the black-haired six-ring warlock spilled the relic [Sands of Time] in the direction of Shade:

"Sands of Time - Thaumaturgy·Sands of Time!"

It was obvious that only a small amount of sand was spilled, but in an instant, the sky was full of yellow sand blowing towards Xia De. The strings of fireballs disappeared one by one in the yellow sand, and the fallen leaves scattered by the explosion quickly turned yellow and disappeared. The mighty power of time rolls forward, urging the decay of all things.

"Thumbs - Breath of Wind!"

The owl in the sky immediately flapped its wings to call for a hurricane, but the natural wind could not blow away the sand of time.

"A thaumaturgy used in conjunction with the relic?"

Shade was startled, but instead of dodging backwards as his opponent thought, he moved forward directly and walked into the yellow sand without fear.

Both the two strange ring warlocks and the owl in the sky were shocked by his move, but then they all discovered that the power of time did not affect him at all.

The gravel blew against his skin and continued to fly backwards. Time did not leave any traces on his face. The grass under his feet has withered and turned yellow due to time, but he is still healthy and young.

The area where the wind and sand spread was less than five meters. In the blink of an eye, Shade had rushed out of the sand, and the flames ignited in his hands again.


Knowing that they had met their opponents this time, the two people did not hesitate. They turned around and ran towards the woodland behind the manor. However, as two owl feathers fell from their heads, the two people who had just used the [Sands of Time] spell The six-ring warlock's expression froze and he died on the spot.

That feather is an illusion caused by the secret spell of instant death.

Although the remaining seven-ring warlocks were badly bombarded by fireballs, they avoided the feathers dropped by the owl after entering the accelerated state because they did not over-cast their spells.

In almost the blink of an eye, he had climbed over the back wall of the manor and disappeared into the woodland behind the manor. When Shade chased into the woods, he originally wanted to lament something like "Speeds are trouble", but another desperate scream came from the distant forest.

The owl flew from Shade's head to the forest. Shade hesitated for a moment, then turned back to the manor to collect the body. He used thaumaturgy again to restore the bombed backyard to its original state, and then re-entered the woods.

The trees here are still relatively sparse, and not long after, Shade saw the body of the seven-ring warlock lying on the ground among the trees, and an ordinary wooden arrow passed through his left chest.

The owl stood on the top of a big tree not far from the corpse, looking at the blond elf in a silver-blue robe, bending down and pulling out the wooden arrow from the corpse's chest.

Miss Elf turned around when she heard footsteps, and happened to see Shade slowing down and walking towards her.

So she smiled and said:

"Good morning, you're welcome."

The location at this time is about two hours' walk from the area where the sea of ​​flowers and the tree house are located.

"good morning."

Shade also responded, but there was no bow or quiver on her body, as if she just threw away the arrow she was holding with her bare hands:

"But I still want to say thank you. Can you tell me how you hit him while he was moving at high speed? Even with my reflexes, I couldn't catch him."

Shade continued to walk towards her. Miss Elf smiled and looked at him with emerald green eyes:

"It's easy, the forest will help me. No matter how fast he is, as long as the forest doesn't like him, even a stone thrown by a child can easily hit him."

She handed the wooden arrow in her hand to Shade:

"The arrows I want you to help find have the same appearance as this one. This one is not genuine. I made it myself. I gave it to you today for you to take a look at."

The wooden arrow was indeed just an ordinary handmade product. Shade held the arrow and nodded:

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out. Are you here to give me arrows?"

"Of course, otherwise what else could it be for? To see you dating an owl?"

The mysterious elf lady smiled and waved to him:

"Goodbye then, I'm waiting for your good news. Oh, I also want to tell you some news: this person belongs to an organization called the [Tree Hole Association]."

After saying that, she waved to the owl that was watching her warily with its wings folded on the treetop, then turned around and entered the forest, and soon disappeared.

"Tree Hole Association?"


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