Whispering Verse

Chapter 2573: Out-of-control Psychic Technique

Chapter 2572 Out-of-control psychic skills

"She" in his ears suddenly chuckled, and Shade, who was concentrating on casting spells, saw the witch covered by the canvas disappear as if she had transformed into a living person, causing the raised cloth to completely fall to the tablecloth. superior.

He took away the canvas and saw a palm-sized rag doll with gray-black hair lying on the tablecloth. The rag doll's eyes were sewn with black buttons, its nose was a red ball of cloth, and its face was clearly... With a smug smile.


Shade picked up the canvas again and covered it. The canvas was removed and the witch reappeared. She sat up holding the tablecloth, pursed her lips and looked at him for a few seconds before looking away:

"There's something wrong with this transformation. My human form itself is the result of transformation. It can actually force transformation on top of the transformed state. It seems that the cursed state has a really great impact on me. I won't count it this time. I'll wait until my condition gets better." try again."

As she said that, she turned her head away from looking at Shade, leaving only the side of her face to look at him. At this time, even the roots of her ears were clearly red.

Shade had the good sense not to talk about this topic again before the end of lunch. When he set off again towards the depths of the forest, the witch simply transformed into an owl and stood on Shade's shoulder:

"I have a habit of taking naps. Do you mind if I stand on your shoulder and take a rest?"

"I don't mind, but aren't you the one to show the way?"

"I'll tell you the direction. I'll wake up when we get there."

Shade felt that she definitely didn't want to take a nap, she just wanted to forget about the transfiguration as soon as possible.

At around 1:30 in the afternoon, the two finally arrived at the destination chosen by the witch. It was an abandoned village located in the forest. Most of the low-rise houses had collapsed. Most of the buildings were adobe houses. They looked like they had been abandoned for at least half a century.

"Dannister and I came here a hundred years ago, and it was indeed deserted. I just don't know if the villagers moved collectively to the city or for other reasons."

The owl stood on Shade's shoulder and led Shade through the deserted village to the cemetery outside the village.

There were not many residents in this small village in the forest, and the cemetery outside the village did not have the churches, fences, and gravekeeper's huts like big cities.

It looked like a sparse woodland with slightly undulating ground, and the past graves had become one with the earth. But there is indeed a strong power of death here. If someone commits suicide in this place, there is a high probability that he will become an evil spirit.

"Maybe I'm still a little lacking in transfiguration, but I'm definitely fine with necromancy."

The owl flapped its wings and flew up, and the witch reappeared next to Shade.

She did not just direct Shade to work, but worked with Shade to arrange the ceremony venue in the deserted village cemetery. However, because there were too few traces left after the explosion of the corpse, only one soul could be channeled this time.

After everything was arranged, the unstable ten-ring life ring appeared behind the witch. The remaining tissues of the corpse were placed in a metal basin filled with water by Shade. She asked Shade to take a few steps back. She held the metal basin and stood in the center of the ceremony venue:

"Death is with me."

After calling softly, he poured the liquid and floating objects in the basin to the ground at his feet. Then, under Shade's slightly surprised gaze, the blood gradually made the ground transparent until the ground under Miss Winslet's feet turned into black water.

The water surface expanded as the water flowed outward, eventually forming a roughly circular area of ​​about five meters in diameter centered around her feet.

It was clearly bright at this moment, and the early autumn afternoon sunlight penetrated the tree canopy and reflected the mottled tree shadows in the forest, but the area where she was located seemed to be plunged into eternal darkness.

A golden light emerged from the witch's body to prevent her from being swallowed by the darkness, but it was clear from the way her body was trembling slightly that she still felt uncomfortable.

Shade himself was outside the dark area, but the familiar soul-piercing cold suddenly told him what Flora Winslet had done: she endured the double cold of body and soul, and partially projected A part of "real death" reaches the world of the living, and it can also ensure that the death is stably fixed and will not spread:

"The great witch of death is indeed worthy of this position. She is really not just a master of transformation!"

Although Sister Devlin can directly open the passage to "real death", she can only do so with the power of the chosen one. Now Miss Winslet projects the "real death" part into the real world, but she relies purely on her own talent and the power of the witch.

This not only requires a deep understanding of death, but also requires limiting the invasion of death into the world of the living. Shade thinks he cannot do this.

However, Miss Winslet obviously does not do this often. Judging from her trembling movements, it is clear that death has a great impact on her.

She did not speak to Shade anymore, but quickly cast a spell on the pile of corpses at her feet. Ten seconds later, the soul emitting a faint white light stood with her in the darkness.

This was the soul of the seven-ring warlock, but even the soul state made the witch frown because it was male.

She wanted to end this bad psychic environment as soon as possible, so she asked directly:

"How big is the [Tree Hole Association]?"

Obviously Shade was less than ten meters away from her, but the witch's voice that Shade heard seemed to be coming from a very far away place, and it still had echoes.

"We are a big family, all of us moving towards one goal, there are at least one hundred and eighty of us."

The soul with a dull expression failed to resist in the end.

Miss Winslet frowned deeply:

"What level is the highest level ring warlock among you? How many are there?"

"Twelve rings, I only know three of them."

It’s good news that there are no thirteen rings.

“How many people from the [Tree Hole Association] are in the Vista Glades area right now?”

She continued to ask, her right hand already grabbing her left arm, which she wanted to use to keep warm.

The sluggish soul continued to answer:

"I don't know. My companions and I are only responsible for monitoring the traces of time fluctuations in Bennet's old residence."

The light on the soul that answered the question has begun to flicker, and the witch's forced questions quickly made the soul unstable:

"How do you monitor the traces of time fluctuations?"

"Rituals, I don't understand these."

"What are the results of your surveillance and investigation?"

"Ximu Town, there is a big net, blood relationship, time travel, contradictions"

The soul began to loom over the dark waters, so his words became choppy.

Miss Winslet hurriedly continued to ask:

"Do you have any other purpose in coming to Ximu Town besides looking for the Time Tree Cave?"

The soul has almost half turned black, and merged with that strange area:

"Hear about the chosen ones chatting about important events"


The witch looked at the soul in surprise:

"Wait, what Chosen One?"

But the soul that was almost disappearing suddenly became clear again at this moment, but the pure white spirit body was dyed black. It stretched out its hands to strangle Miss Winslet's neck:

"Why can you live!"

"Because I'm alive."

The girl with gray-black hair raised her hand and the surrounding darkness immediately swallowed up the soul, bringing the soul that should have left back to where it belongs.

She had done this kind of thing many times before, but she didn't expect that this time the darkness swallowed up the soul. When she tried to disperse the water under her feet, countless gray dry hands stretched out from the darkness in front of her:

"Why are you alive!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"I don't like beef!"

"Hate, hate!"

"Come down with us!"

Miss Winslet immediately stepped back, ignoring the surprise, and waved her right hand again, hoping that the death summoned by herself would take away these things that should not appear in the world of the living:

"Oops, are the consequences of level reduction so serious?"

But when the dead darkness swallowed up these withered hands, she discovered that her body, starting from her feet, was also being swallowed by the dark waters.

Realizing that something was wrong, she hurriedly tried to cancel the thaumaturgy to dispel death. The process of interrupting the spell went smoothly, but she discovered that the darkness around her was not replaced by sunlight. Instead, the darkness and the water under her feet became more and more real. , but the sunshine of the world of the living is getting further and further away from her.

It was not that death was spreading into the world of the living, but that she was being dragged towards the world of the dead.

Death freezes the soul, causing the flow of spirit within the body to almost completely stop. She struggled to continue to retreat, but her already transparent feet seemed to be stuck to the water, and at the same time, the scenery of the surrounding woodland had completely disappeared.

Silver light shone from a distance, and the frightened Flora Winslet raised her head forward. One after another, transparent white souls in her eyes appeared around her at some point, and passed her one after another. He walked towards the source of the light.

She didn't want to know what the increasingly bright silver light in front of her was, but her body raised her head uncontrollably. Then the huge silver moon half sunk in the distance of the water illuminated her face, and the hollow feeling of death hidden deep in her soul completely infected her in an instant, and her eyes became transformed under the moonlight. Silver.


She raised her immobile feet and tried to walk forward, then she felt heat bursting from her right arm, and a hand grabbed her arm tightly.

The cold skin only regained consciousness when the body was dragged backwards. Then she turned her stiff neck slightly and saw Shade leading her back.

This feeling was very familiar. She was pulled back to the "now" by this hand in the study in the morning. Looking carefully at this time, Shade has indeed stepped onto this phantom-like dark water. The sunlight is returning, and the heat in his body that belongs only to the living seems to be dispelling all the coldness and emptiness here.

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