Whispering Verse

Chapter 2585 The Teacher Who Should Not Appear

Chapter 2584 The Teacher Who Should Not Appear

Shad and Miss Danister did not leave the tavern to wander around the Little Mig Village, but sat here and waited.

They talked about the secrets that the [Hermitage in the Woods] might hide, the secrets that they had discovered in the local area in recent days, and even talked about the Moon Dance Festival concert that started on the weekend.

The hermit Mr. Bell Van Buren said that he would be back in about two hours, which made Shad and Miss Danister guess the location of their real station, but in fact he was back in more than an hour.

There were also two other elderly gray-haired hermits who came with them. They were also wrapped in brown coarse cloth robes, but the villagers in the tavern were not surprised by them. Obviously, these hermits often appeared in the village.

When they entered the tavern, the red-haired girl was smiling and asking Shad what he thought of Flora Winslet.

"Thank you for returning the holy emblem, Mr. Watson."

The two old hermits seemed to be the elders of the [Hermits in the Forest], and they came to thank Shade and told him how to contact them in the village and the city. They regarded Shade as a true friend.

Shade also left the address of the Accordion Hotel as his correspondence address, so that the two sides established a mutual communication channel.

The three hermits brought information about "Astrologer Euclid", but it was just a yellowed notebook:

"Three years ago, a strange sorceress visited the forest and had a brief contact with us. The lady was very powerful. We don't know why she came to the local area, but she talked about the topic of "Astrologer Euclid" with our elder."

The old hermit who called himself "Cork Jarvis" said, and Shade was even more surprised:

"You mean, someone also inquired about Astrologer Euclid three years ago?"

He also glanced at Miss Danister, who shook her head and didn't know what was going on.

"Yes, she didn't want others to know her identity. She was active in Vista Forest for half a month and then there was no news. She probably left the local area. We couldn't help her much, and she didn't leave anything behind.

As for this notebook, it was the diary of the elder of the hermit group a hundred years ago. It mentioned the astrologer, so the lady three years ago saw it, and I think you should need it too."

The old hermit handed the notebook to Xia De, who flipped through it roughly. It was indeed a diary, but the recorder was not diligent and only wrote a diary every other week, so it could also be called a "weekly diary".

The content of "Astrologer Euclid" is very small, only the two articles "15th of the Frost Month in 1750" and "23rd of the Frost Month in 1750".

The owner of the diary said that he met an astrologer from outside the area when he was buying supplies in Ximu Town on the 15th. The two chatted in the tavern for an afternoon and got along well with each other, so they exchanged personal belongings as gifts;

Then on the night of the 23rd, the narrator ran into the astrologer who was preparing to observe the stars in the forest. This time they talked about the relationship between the stars and disasters. The astrologer even said that the stars showed that there was a high probability that a terrible disaster would occur in the local area ten years later.


Shad frowned, because next to this diary, there was obviously some new ink writing the phrase "Red Moon Mutation". The handwriting of the writer of the diary is completely different from this newer handwriting. The former is a man's handwriting, and the latter's cursive letters are most likely from a woman's hand.

"The annotation next to it was left by a lady three years ago."

The old hermit reminded, and Miss Danister also tilted her head to look at the notebook.

"Ten years after the year 1750 written in the diary, isn't it 1760? I heard from the local black market that a terrible red moon anomaly occurred in the night of Ximu Town that year (Chapter 2545)."

Xade asked, and the old hermit nodded slowly:

"Yes, that astrologer successfully predicted the disaster ten years later through the stars, so we have an impression of this name that only appeared twice in the diary."

Xade was amazed at this. Although astrology is also an important part of divination, its complexity can actually be regarded as a separate subject.

Even Luvia, who has passed the "Registered Diviner" exam, now only dares to say that she is "a beginner in astrology", and Mr. Euclid, who lived a hundred years ago, is obviously a master of astrology.

However, the diary did not record other things in detail, so it only let Xiade know the specific time point when "Astrologer Euclid" appeared in Ximu Town, which was the Frost Descent Month of 1750 in the Universal Calendar, which is 104 years ago.

"The cabinet can lead to the years 1698, 1763 and 1834, which seems to be far away from 1750."

But anyway, this is a major gain. Shad looked up and wanted to ask Miss Danister's opinion, but saw the 18-year-old girl sitting next to him staring at the notebook in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

She stretched out her hand and pinched Xia De's arm. Even with Xia De's current physical condition, he felt a little pain.

The two looked at each other, and Xia De actually felt that he could read the red-haired girl's thoughts at the moment from the pair of rose-red eyes with anxious and incredible expressions.

So he continued to ask the three hermits:

"Do you know anything else about the lady from three years ago? For example, where did she go afterwards? Since she is also investigating the astrologer, maybe we can ask her for help."

"That's all we know."

The hermits all shook their heads, but the oldest one thought for a moment and said:

"However, we do know where she lived during her local activities. She did not live in the city, but in a lumberyard not far from here. The lumberyard was rumored to be haunted more than ten years ago, and then several lumberjacks died in succession, so it was abandoned.

Later, we sent people to investigate and eliminated the evil spirits entrenched there, but the lumberyard has not been used since then. Do you have a map? I will mark the location for you."

Shad did have a map in his hand. After confirming the location of the lumberyard, he stood up holding Miss Danister's hand, thanked and said goodbye to the three hermits, and then left the tavern.

Of course, the notebook had been returned to the hermits, and when the two left the village and went deep into the woods, the red-haired girl finally spoke:

"The annotations on the diary are the teacher's handwriting! I won't make a mistake. The teacher came to Vista Woods three years ago!"

Shad didn't say anything, but just took her hand and walked through the woods, so she said in a low voice:

"But we all know that this is impossible. The teacher died in Mount Karas many years ago. This is the conclusion given by the [Silver Moon Library], but the handwriting is definitely correct."

"We originally came to Ximu Town just to investigate the astrologer who also went to Mount Karas. Before just now, we didn't know that your teacher also investigated Euclid."

Shad added:

"Combining the above information and conclusions, the most reasonable speculation at present is: This Another time travel?

Your teacher who secretly investigated the astrologer had come to this woodland before he disappeared, and found a tree hole in the forest and appeared in 1851 three years ago? "

"I don't know, Shade."

She pursed her lips and held Shade's hand more tightly, as if holding the answer:

"Will I have a chance to see the teacher again?"

"Do you want to go back to the past?"

Shade turned his head and looked at her:

"Now you are eighteen years old, do you want to be eight years old next time?"

Dannister Gustave also looked at him stubbornly:

"I'm just asking you: Will you help me?"

"I will help you not make the wrong choice."

"Is it up to you to judge what is right and what is wrong?"

She asked with her rose-red eyes wide open, looking a little angry. This is consistent with the performance of an eighteen-year-old young man, so Xia De was not bothered by it. He just nodded as a matter of course:

"I am older than you and my level is higher than yours, so it is reasonable for me to help you judge."

She shook off Xia De's hand, and Xia De took two more steps forward before turning around and stopping.

At this moment, the two had come to the sparse woodland outside the village. This was a small open space. The autumn afternoon sun shone through the gaps in the treetops that had not yet turned yellow. In the swaying mottled shadows of the trees, she looked at him:

"Even if I become like this, I am still your teacher."

The rose-red eyes gradually lit up, but Xia De shook his head:

"I am not denying this. I just want to say that in order to prevent unexpected situations, I will come to ensure that you do not make the wrong decision."

"Xia De, I want you to help me!"

The sorceress put her hands together, and then the bright red light slashed at Xia De.

She gave Xia De enough time to react, so Xia De, who swung with one hand, also slashed out bright silver moonlight.

The red moon and the silver moon collided in a cross shape in the middle of the open space. While the light was flying in the sunlight, the red-haired girl turned herself into a blood light and rushed towards Shade. With a loud bang, Shade, whose feet left two drag marks on the ground, slid back three meters and blocked the impact of the blood light.

In the blood light, he just blocked with his left arm. The light melted his sleeves and caused the skin of his entire left arm to ulcerate, but it still couldn't cover up the fact that Shade only used his left arm to block the attack.

In the light, Danister pursed her lips and looked at his injured arm. She began to regret it, but Shade didn't think about ending it:

"Night Seal!"

The expanding black shield almost immediately bounced the blood light outward, and the sorceress who appeared in the blood light flew backwards and stopped after hitting the big tree next to the open space.


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