Whispering Verse

Chapter 2596: Time Travel Rules

Chapter 2595 Time Travel Rules

The moonlight passed through the forest in the afternoon sun, and the fluctuating light was not dazzling at all. The strange lady seemed to raise her hand to touch the light, and then sighed again with her back to Shade in the sun:

"Such a pure silver moon, it reminds me of the admiration of the ancients in those ancient texts for the original moon.

You have pure moonlight and excellent time talent. Even if you are not selected by her, you are not without the qualifications to compete for the principal's seat after getting a tenured position in the college. Very good, seeing that the college has successors, and each generation is better than the previous one, I am relieved now."

"It's not that my talent is outstanding, it's that Miss Danister's vision is so presumptuous to ask, do you really not want to meet Miss Danister?"

Shade asked again. After all, if she wanted to meet just now, she would not have spoken again after Shade cast "Time Stillness".

The strange lady shook her head:

"No, sometimes it's better not to meet. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I have to try my best to avoid affecting the stability of time. You and I are not from the same generation, so I will talk to you, but Danister and I are too involved."

She hesitated for a moment before saying:

"But since you have touched these strange tree holes, you have been involved in the affairs of Creekwood.

There are some things I must tell you. Creekwood and Vista Woodland are really strange places. If the stability of time in other places is a dense and overlapping tapestry, then the stability of time here is like a large mesh sieve.

I didn't come here because of time travel , but after careful investigation, the things here are really hard to describe. Tell me, young man, in the future many years later, will there be more time travel events in Creekwood Town? "

"How to describe it? I encountered three times in the week since I arrived here."

Shad then added:

"And it seems that the eighth chapter of "Whispering Verses", the story of the Chosen One of Time, will unfold here."

"The legends and epics of the sixth era of the Whispering Verses, are actually in Danister's generation?"

The lady leaning against the tree was silent for a few seconds:

"I will stay in Creekwood Town of this era for a while. Even if we are not at the same time point, I should have a chance to help you. I thought these weird The tree hole is the remaining power of the ancient gods. Now it seems that this is the source of the disaster.

Oh, do you know the rules of time travel in tree holes? "

"I only know one: time travelers appear in places where they have stayed for a long time in the past, then they will spontaneously be attracted to that time again."

This is the experience summarized from the Bennett old house. The strange lady continued to add:

"Rule 2: The more stable the tree hole, the more single the time point it connects. And time travel through stable tree holes will be less affected by the time curse.

Rule 3: Anyone who travels through these tree holes will be cursed by time, but the stronger the curse, the more obvious it will be. For example, Danister She turned back to 18 years old directly. Thinking about it carefully, she is really lucky.

Ordinary people suffer from mild curses, probably because their souls, spirits and elements are weak. But the time curse is fair to everyone, so even if the curse is mild, it must be an unbearable price. "

Xia De was thinking about whether to take out the notebook to write down the "Tree Hole Stability Judgment" and "Time Curse Necessity", and suddenly he was startled, and then a horrified expression appeared on his face:

"Madam, I want to ask a very important question. If I accidentally transform my pet cat into a toy and bring it to this time and space, will it also suffer from the time curse? "

His hand touched the pocket of his shirt, but Mia's toy was still there. Endless regrets intertwined in his heart at this moment. He didn't expect that he didn't realize this problem, but at the same time he hoped that Mia would be judged as "non-living matter" at this time, and might not be cursed.

The lady in the black dress gave a better answer:

"During the process of passing through the tree hole, any transformation will fail, and everything will be in its original state. If your toy transformation is still effective, it can only mean that either your cat was originally a toy, or your magic comes from the power of God.

In this state, it will not be cursed, and you can even change it back to be active in this era to a limited extent. But at the same time, it came because of you and will be regarded as a part of you. If it violates the rules of time, the curse will befall you.

This works for all animals, but don't do this to people, people and animals are different."

Shad was relieved, that is, the magic [Toy Making] blessed in the "Holy White Chapel" can safely "smuggle" Mia and other animals to the other side of the tree hole, but Shad needs to take good care of them.

This also means that Shad is completely likely to smuggle "Miss Owl" over, because she is really just an owl now. As for the magic "cannot carry creatures that are forced to transform through the time corridor and space maze", it doesn't matter, because the "twisted tree hole" is not a time corridor at all. Shade will know whether he can take Miss Owl with him after trying it next time.

"Since you know so much, you also have a time curse, right? Can't you remove this curse?"

Reassured about Mia's matter, Shade hurriedly asked again, time is running out.

"I also have a curse, and I have a way to solve it, but Daniste cannot copy what I did. You can understand that I used a one-time precious relic collected by the academy to transfer the curse I suffered to the place where I died. moment.

But Danister also has her own way. Although she is not a time genius, she certainly did not touch the taboo and stability of time in the process of traveling through time. So, she was just cursed for crossing illegally. Speaking of which, do you know her ancestry? "

"Miss Daniste said that her great-grandmother came from the Stormchaser clan. This is also an elf clan that believes in the Tree Father, so Miss Daniste has one-eighth elf blood. (2035)"

Shade immediately recalled that the strange lady turned her back to him and nodded slightly:

"Yes, so to a certain extent she is one of our own. Although this bloodline will not allow her to be cursed, but now she is only cursed because of illegal crossing, then there is the possibility of 'atonement' [ Paradox Bug].

Ancient evil thing - Paradox Worm, I won't tell you what it is, otherwise this tree hole will completely collapse. Go look it up on your own time, the possibility of Denist's recovery is here. Of course, it's just a possibility. Also, don't ask Daniste what it is, look it up yourself, and then tell her yourself after you find it. "

But Shade is very sure that Miss Winslet has no elf blood, she is purely human. Therefore, the "smuggling method" only works on Miss Winslet, and the "paradox bug" only works on Miss Daniste.

But no matter what, at least now there is finally a possible solution to Miss Daniste's problem, which is considered progress.

"I understand. I will investigate on my own. It's time for us to leave. Let me ask you one last time, are you really unwilling to meet Miss Danister?"

He asked in the mottled shadow of the trees. The warm summer afternoon breeze blew over the two of them. The lady's back left the big tree, but her back was still facing Shade:

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but judging from her performance in the fantasy, it's better not to give her hope. Goodbye, young man. May the moon bless you, me and her."

She disappeared as if melting into the sunlight. Shade nodded slightly in that direction, then turned around and patted Miss Danister on the shoulder, and took out the key from her pocket:

"Grab my hand, I'm afraid I'll have to force you back for a while - may the World Tree protect me for infinite time."


The view from Room 317 of the Accordion Inn is returning, and the view of the sunlit woodlands is gradually blurring. Because the picture in front of her was very coherent, the red-haired girl didn't realize that she was missing two important minutes.

Just when Shade read out the current time and forcefully pulled the illusive red-haired girl towards him, the young girl suddenly turned around and looked at the sunshine under the tree not far away.

She didn't know why she did this suddenly, there was clearly nothing there. And when she wanted to take a closer look, she had been taken back to 1854 by Shade.


Shade immediately changed the cat back, then touched the cat's head to make sure that it was really not contaminated with the curse, and then turned it back into a toy with the cat's confused expression.

At this time, Shade and Miss Danister were standing in front of the dilapidated wooden door at the deepest part of the cloakroom in Room 317. Shade quickly inserted the time key in his hand into the keyhole again, confirming that the door leading to 1821 There really was only one last chance to use the door, so he turned around and asked Miss Danister, who looked melancholy:

"It looks like you've come back successfully. What happened here? Miss Bell just told me that you wanted Adele Isabella to find out how to use the door safely. After she refused, she took Winslet with her The lady went to room 321 alone, and then things got out of hand.”

The thin white mist that filled the room was slowly disappearing. Judging from the density, it was clear that the mist was coming from this door.

Miss Denister looked a little guilty, but she still shook her head:

"I'm not sure either. At 8:40 this morning, the witch with thirteen rings arrived at the hotel, and what happened after that was just as you said.

The three of them did not come back immediately after leaving my room, so I have been alone in this room just now. Everything was normal at first, then I noticed an extra layer of fog in the room, and then I found the source of the fog was the door, but before I could do anything, I suddenly appeared in the illusion.

It wasn't me who cracked your thaumaturgy, and I didn't think about actively using this door. I thought about it, but I didn't. It was this door that took the initiative to pull me through. "

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