Whispering Verse

Chapter 2619 Time Sharing Potion

Chapter 2618 Time Sharing Potion

The doctor, who still had his hand on the forehead of the sleeping man, was startled:

"Time travel? No, no, your imagination may be a little too rich.

Of course it's not time travel, detective, the first step to atonement is to accept your past self and accept reality, instead of trying every means to say "this thing never happened". You must work hard to make up for your mistakes and sincerely repent, this is atonement.

The young man in front of us did a good job. He wrote a letter, detailing the various problems and contradictions in the garbage school he was in, I mean the Northern Industrial School where he studied. This is actually There are a lot of extraordinary contents in the letter, which will definitely get him into trouble, but the letter was sent last night and will probably arrive at the office of the police officer in charge of investigating the case this morning.

Not only that, at 11 o'clock in the morning, a reporter from the Tobesk Morning News will come to investigate him. He spent a lot of money to buy guns and now hides them in the bathroom. He will shoot himself while the reporters are taking pictures of him, and make this matter a big deal.

Even if the school incident is not made public in the end, the two murderers will definitely be sentenced to heavy sentences, and I will not be surprised if the death penalty is immediately executed. "

Dr. Schneider said Qi:

"Sure enough, this is the interesting thing about intelligent life. After suffering a major blow, the personality will always change.

Various tragedies have led to the current situation, but he has embarked on the path of atonement. After his death, his soul can rest in peace. When he sees his relatives in death, he should also be qualified to leave with them."

Although Xia De's goal has been achieved, he still wants to talk to the doctor for a few more words:

"So what are the benefits of atonement? I'm just curious, things like soul rest should only be useful after death, right?"

The doctor laughed:

"Benefits? It's just Just to make yourself feel at ease, don't be so utilitarian about this kind of thing. Making a mistake is making a mistake, and the so-called atonement can't change what has happened. What we can do is to face our mistakes and then find ways to make up for the victims caused by the mistakes.

As for atonement, this is for yourself. Don't think that atonement can solve everything. If you have this idea, you might as well think about what you are doing wrong now and prevent the mistakes from being further magnified. "

He patted Shad's shoulder:

"Continue to find the next target, the sin of 2 minutes is easy to find. "

Shad nodded and said goodbye to the doctor in the sanatorium. There were no accidents in the operation this morning, and there was no special gain. It was just an ordinary morning.

As for Donald Gunn's plan, Shad and Dr. Schneider had no right to make choices for others, so they would not interfere.

It was just because I went to the sanatorium this morning, so when Shad appeared in Miss Elf's tree house with breakfast, she was not here, and I didn't know what she was doing.

Shade had no choice but to put down the breakfast and continue to go into the city. When he met the two ladies at the Accordion Inn, they were still talking about the story of the three generations of the Cumming family:

"From the timeline, the cause of this incident was undoubtedly the peace between James Cumming and Erica in the 1800s; but as a result, James Cumming still doesn't know the whole story, and it is even likely that he doesn't know the relationship between himself and his "father", while Sir Cumming knows everything.

So, time is a very strange thing. Once you rashly connect with the past, paradoxes are almost inevitable."

"Opening the Forest Gate: Our Animal Companions" is now lying on the red-haired girl's knees. It seems that they have checked the book yesterday.

"Good morning, Shade."

The ladies invited Shade to sit down together, and they all seemed to be in a good mood:

"We have read this book, and the content in the book is meaningless. However, after inspection, all the pages of this book should come from the same tree. Although you think that only the cover is effective, we do not recommend removing the cover of this book alone."

She handed the book to Shade, and Shade flipped through it casually:

"So from last night to now, has Erica, who lived half a century ago, written anything? I think in James Cumming's hands, the other party's words can be passed on."

Miss Winslet shook her head while holding the teacup, looking at Shade who was reading with his head down. Appearance:

"Not once, we discussed this issue and thought that there might not be another one in the future.

Erica Cumming and James Cumming were able to exchange information through this book, which was something that had to happen. If you know this story, you should understand what I mean."

Shad nodded:

"Of course I understand. Perhaps it is because of this unique relationship that we got this book after a series of events. Even if there was a mistake in the middle, this book would probably not appear here now, so the time is really strict."

This is the third tree hole that everyone has. Like the previous two tree holes, there is only one last chance to use it. And before figuring out what will happen after using it, Shad should not use them again.


And now the cabinets leading to three different time points and the wooden door leading to the time point where the "teacher" is located are placed in the rooms of the two ladies respectively. And even with the Keeper-level relics [Distant Puanti Alley] and [The Only Lock], Shad does not want any two tree holes to be put together.

After all, neither of the two relics could essentially block the power of "traveling through time", so the storage location of the third tree hole needs to be discussed.

"How about you take it home? It's just a book anyway."

Miss Danister suggested, but Shade shook his head. In his heart, he didn't want these tree holes to leave the Vista Woodland, which would spread the trouble:

"When I go back later, I will go see if the elf lady in the forest is willing to help take it in. If she is not willing, I will put it in another tree hole."

It is the tree hole that connects the "hidden space", but this requires considering whether someone will accidentally discover the secrets of the hidden space and the "space maze" if someone emerges from it.

"Xia De, this unusable book is not important at the moment. What is important is tomorrow.

You probably have no plans to go alone to see the ring warlock who threatened Sir Cumming tomorrow, right? The other party knew about Tree Hole, and even if he wasn't from the Tree Hole Association, he wouldn't be a good person. "

The red-haired girl asked him, but Shade asked Miss Winslet:

"Did the witch in the council who knows a lot about potions say what the potion in the box is?"

The lady with black and gray hair nodded and handed the empty tea cup to Miss Bell beside her:

"I met with them in Parliament last night.

But this potion is not the dangerous product we imagined. It is just that the material contains relic derivatives, which are the stone chips of the sage-level relic [ancient stone]. The potion prepared is called [time sharing potion].

When this potion is configured, a drop of the user's blood needs to be added, and then the user needs to stay away from this potion for at least fifty years. If you drink this potion fifty years later, you will be able to gain the lifespan of the years that the potion has experienced. After fifty years, you will get fifty years, and after one hundred years, you will get one hundred years. "

This is easy to understand:

"The effect is so strong, what are the negative characteristics?"

"Users will do everything possible to open and drink this bottle of magic medicine, which is even more uncomfortable than taking illegal drugs, so they need to suffer for fifty years and resist the urge that comes from their body and soul all the time. This is The effect of that drop of blood.

And if they entrust someone else to hide the potion, then they have to bear the risk that once the potion is taken by someone else, the other person will get the entire remaining lifespan of the owner of the blood in the potion. ‘Time sharing’ also has this meaning. "

This is easy to understand. Seeing Shade nodding, the red-haired girl also asked the witch:

"So if you hold the potion yourself, you have to be tempted all the time; if someone else holds the potion, you have to consider whether the other person will use it. So wouldn't it be enough not to tell others what it is and let others hide it? "

Miss Danist came up with a new idea, but Miss Winslet smiled and shook her head:

"Don't try to deceive time. This bottle of potion has a magical power. Anyone who touches it will always have the urge to drink it, and this urge will become stronger and stronger over time until it becomes the same as the owner of the potion. Feelings. This kind of resonance does not even require direct contact, it is the power of conceptualization, after all, it involves time.

In short, Baron Cumming, who traveled through time, is indeed the best candidate to hide and deliver the potion. After all, he only experienced it for a day or two. As long as he did not drink the potion during this period, the owner of the potion would It worked. "

Shade took the bottle containing the emerald green potion on the coffee table:

"I also have an idea - if we find a stray cat now and feed it this magic potion, then when we get a long-lived cat, the ring warlock who threatened Baron Cumming will be dead?"

Miss Winslet thought for a moment:

"That's the theory, but the witch who appraised the potion for me didn't know the rate of loss of lifespan. So if the other party has a way to stop the transfer of his own lifespan in time, he doesn't have to die immediately. Of course, the other party must be very distressed. "

Shade shook the bottle and watched the liquid inside ripple:

"Yes, I waited for fifty years to succeed, but in the end I still fell short. Oh, I found that if this ring warlock mastered the tree hole that spanned fifty years, he could do such a thing by himself. Travel through it at will. One trip can add fifty years to your life, and twenty trips can make you live to be 1,000 years old."

The great witch of death smiled and said:

“But I think the Paradox Worm born due to this situation has a greater chance of eating him up.

And this potion is not cheap. The witch who appraised the potion said that the cost of this vial is at least eight thousand pounds, not including the relic derivatives, and many of the materials cannot be bought with money at all. "

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