Whispering Verse

Chapter 2623 Father Francois

Chapter 2622 Father Francois

"It's better to test the other party. Let's all hide and let the illusion mimic the appearance of Baron Cumming and wait for that guy."

Shade suggested, and Miss Owl also agreed to the plan:

"Of course. I don't have to hide. I just stand on the branch over there. I'm just an owl anyway."

But she didn't fly over immediately:

"But don't underestimate this opponent. Pure illusions are too unreliable."

"Yes, that's why."

Shade took out a toy armor from his pocket, restored it to a human-sized armor, and then used "Puppetry" to control it. After letting it bounce a few times on the ground beside the train track, Shade stretched out his hand and the red light flashed and the armor turned into the appearance of Baron Cumming.

"This is not like your teacher's illusion of the moon. This illusion has a wild and crazy beauty."

Miss Owl commented seriously, but did not go into details. Instead, she flapped her wings and flew above "Baron Cumming":

"It's not bad. Unless the other party is also proficient in illusion, it's hard to tell that it's fake at a glance. But how do you hide it? Is it illusion? Or invisibility?"


As Shade spoke, he recalled the things that made him angry, and then covered his face with his hands:

"A calm gesture."

The curled-up stone wings appeared behind him, and closed and covered Shade's body as the surface of his body petrified.

Although Miss Owl was watching him cast the spell, she felt that it would be difficult to "discover" it easily once she looked away:

"What kind of strange ability is this? Danister doesn't seem like someone who can teach this kind of magic. What did you learn from her?"

She landed on the top of the statue, and Shade let go of the hand covering his face and transformed himself:

“I studied by correspondence and am mostly self-taught.”

"But since she has taken a fancy to you, where does your moon talent show up?"

Owl was curious about this, but Shade didn't want to explain:

"It's not the right time to talk about this. The time is coming. Let's resolve this matter first."

"You always remain mysterious, and sometimes I feel like even Danister doesn't understand you."

The chubby round-faced owl complained as it flapped its wings and flew into the forest. After stopping on a branch and turning around, although he clearly felt that the angel statue covering his face was near the track, it still took him more than ten seconds to find it.

The girls led by Miss Bell were already in position outside the area, and the group waited patiently. But when the agreed meeting time of eleven o'clock came, no one came, so they could only continue to wait.

Thirteen minutes later, another steam train came in the distance. Judging from the shape of the carriage, it was a passenger train, and above the sixth carriage of the train, a man jumped down from the roof.

The man looks to be in his forties, but if you look closely, he has a sense of age unique to the elderly. He was wearing a somewhat old black coat. After the clattering train had gone far away, he looked around, and then he saw the baron walking out of the woods:

"you are late."

The baron said, and the man who looked to be in his forties actually explained. He was obviously helpless:

"When we agreed on a meeting time more than fifty years ago, I thought that steam trains would not be late or late fifty years later. Unexpectedly, after the steam industry has developed for so long, the problem of late trains has not changed. This is indeed what I considered. Not thoughtful.”

He held out his hand to the Baron:

"Okay, where's my stuff? I can feel it's nearby, give it to me now and the two of us will never see each other again, I promise."

With that said, he walked towards the baron, who continued to ask:

"I'm curious, how did you discover me back then? Are all of you ring warlocks so powerful?"

"Yes, ring warlocks are different from ordinary people. It's hard to explain to you."

As he spoke, the man walked over, and the baron took the box out of his pocket and threw it directly to him.

"be careful!"

The man immediately caught it in a hurry, opened it eagerly, and immediately opened his eyes wide because it was empty:

"What do you mean?"

"Mind blast!"

Shade from behind punched him in the back of the head, and the strange man fell forward and was hugged by the armor.

"So simple?"

Shade stretched his hands behind his back again and looked around vigilantly, but after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

The owl flapping its wings has already flown around in the sky:

"Nothing. He didn't bring any helpers, and he didn't set any traps nearby."

As he spoke, he landed on Shade's shoulder. At the same time, Miss Bell also appeared from the forest with someone. They also didn't notice any movement.

"Then what confidence does this person have?"

"I'm also curious about why he is so confident. Didn't he expect that Baron Cumming has helpers? Get out of here first and don't talk here."

Shade put away his armor and used puppeteering to control the unconscious strange man to walk into the forest with them.


Because they had scouted the nearby environment in advance, the witch's followers had already found a temporary camp.

The girls set up alerts and defensive spells around the perimeter. Shade put the unconscious man on the ground where the fire was lit. He first bound him with the [Sin Chain], then bent down and put his hand on his forehead:

"A fourth-level warlock, and he has been in the fourth level for many years. If nothing unexpected happens, he will not have the chance to continue to be promoted. He is not talented enough."

The owl on her shoulder has also turned into the beautiful witch. She endured her nausea and stood behind Shade and took a look:

"The soul age is about 80 years old, and his youthful appearance should be the effect of magic potions or specific thaumaturgy. If he doesn't take that bottle of time-sharing potion, he can live for up to ten years. Even if a low-level warlock has a longer life span, he will still be the same as ordinary people. The difference is not very big.”

"Can you tell the age of a soul? How old do I look?"

Shade asked curiously, but Miss Winslet shook her head directly:

"You can only see lower-level ring warlocks and ordinary people. Your soul is very powerful, very powerful. I feel that even if I reach the twelfth level, I will definitely not be able to see the age of your soul."

"Okay, let me search it."

The girls definitely didn't want to get close to him, so Shade squatted down and took something out of the unconscious Ring Warlock.

But instead of digging into his pocket first, he grabbed the chain around his neck. The thing hanging on the chain was hidden between his shirt and coat.

The reason for checking this first is because the things hanging around the necks of ring wizards are usually very important, but this time Shade didn't expect that the thing was too important, because the silver wrench holy symbol hung on the chain. He was startled at first, and then he was shocked:

"The Holy Emblem of the True God [Ms. Creation]!"


Miss Winslet looked over again:

"true or false?"

"I would rather believe that he stole this Holy Emblem than that someone would dare to forge the Holy Emblem of the Righteous God. This Holy Emblem is his. Wait a minute."

He quickly dug out the other things on the unconscious old man's body. In addition to his wallet, pocket watch, keys, spell-casting materials and other miscellaneous items, there was also a Holy Book of the Creation Church that was often read.

“This man is truly the clergyman who created the church!”

Shade could only accept this result. After standing up, he looked at the witch, who frowned slightly:


Miss Bell handed over her teacher's "makeup remover" and poured it on the old man's face. The face that had been deformed by the potion returned to its original shape and looked younger.

Of course, Shade and Miss Winslet did not know the local clergy, and Miss Bell, who should also not know the local clergy, actually recognized the old man lying on the dead leaves:

"This is Father François of Willendale!"

The black-haired young girl briefly explained the other party's identity:

"Miss, when we returned to Willondale for the New Year's Eve in 1853, didn't we almost get into trouble because of black market transactions?

Following your instructions, I investigated the identities of the ring wizards who were 'fishing' in the black market at that time. Father Francois was one of the few people I could find out about their specific identities. "

But Miss Bell only knew that the other party was indeed the priest of Willondale Diocese, and did not know other details.

"But how come this matter involves the clergy of the Zhengshen Church?"

Miss Winslet thought for a moment, and then asked Shade:

"Would you have any objection if I used some means to force him to speak?"

"Of course not."

Shade shook his head:

"But I also have friends from the church. If magic potions like veritaserum or thaumaturgy are used to force questions, the contracts signed by these church ring warlocks with the church when they join the job will be triggered. At that time, the church can easily target all of us present. ”

I heard all this from Iluna. It’s no joke that no one in the Church of the Five Gods dares to offend:

"I suggest asking Miss Danister for help. She should know the church's methods very well."

Shade didn't know what was wrong with his words. Anyway, Flora Winslet, who was hesitant just now, raised her head:

"Don't underestimate me, I have a way."

Shade looked at Miss Bell, hoping she would say something, but the young girl was looking down at the ground, as if there was a precious Rhodes card under her feet that she had never seen before.

So Shade looked at the lady with gray-black hair again, but didn't say a word. Miss Artist was stared at by him, and of course she could guess what he was thinking:

"There will be no problem this time."

Shade continued to look at her, and the girl, whose cheeks were a little red, emphasized:

"I have also learned about the church's contract, and of course I have thought about how to break it. The transmission effect of the contract will be blocked by life and death. I will use thaumaturgy to summon death and you to help me in a while, so there will definitely be no problem this time."

Of course she still remembered the last psychic accident. If Shade hadn't pulled her back in time, she would have almost been lost in death.

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