Whispering Verse

Chapter 2625: Acorn, Wrathful Spirits, and Sea of ​​Fire

Chapter 2624 Acorn, Wraith and Sea of ​​Fire

"So what if we are cowardly? We are incomparably small compared to this world. Isn't it right to fear death?"

Shade stopped wasting time with such nonsense:

"What's the method for detecting the 'time traveler' you got?"

"Acorn, there is a roasted acorn among the relics of the five-ring warlock of the Church of Nature. After I eat the acorn, I can sense people in a certain area nearby who do not belong to that time within a month.

I waited for a month but didn't wait. I drank a bottle of [Oak's Lucky Potion] bought from the black market in Ximu Town, and then I waited for him on the last day! "

Shade has also drunk this magic potion. It is a specialty of the [Forest Hermits Group], so it is not surprising that it is on the local black market.

"It's getting really complicated."

The witch on the side waited until Shade finished asking before speaking, and her beautiful face couldn't help showing a sad look:

"This can be regarded as confirming that the local Natural Church has known that at least a small number of people have known about the existence of tree holes since the days of Ximu Town. I just don't know if it is just a sporadic case or if this is already a tacit thing."

She looked around at the surroundings surrounded by black mist:

"The complicated story of the Cumming family that took us a week to unravel now appears to be just one part of the Creekwood story, and probably the least important part."

Seeing her face getting paler, Shade said with concern again:

"Let's finish casting the spell first."

“What are we going to do with this priest?”

The artist lady asked again:

"Erasing the memory will cause the church to come to you immediately; killing him is even more impossible, it will cause big trouble.

But just let him go? This is a little too cheap for him. And he knows about Baron Cumming. Although we have no direct contact with the Baron, it is best not to expose their family immediately. "

"Then erase the memory. Is it possible to just make him forget his identity as a baron?"

"Of course, but this will lead to "

"Just to attract the church."

Shade said, knowing that she still didn't understand what he meant:

"Since it is determined that the local natural church has secrets, of course we need to introduce other churches to investigate these secrets. Otherwise, are we alone to be hostile to the church? I don't think it is necessary.

Only by making things bigger can the people hiding behind be forced to show up. He knows about time travel, and the bottle of potion we left behind can perfectly prove this story. And although he knows about time travel, he doesn't know too many details, so he is really the best person to expose this matter. "

"I always feel that you are very skilled in handling this kind of thing."

Miss Winslet nodded, feeling that it made sense:

"Indeed, investigating time travelers and time curses will bring us into contact with the chosen ones sooner or later. It's also time to let the church get involved. Our investigation progress is already so far ahead, and we don't have to worry about the church affecting us."

She stretched out her hand to end the spell of Wall of Sighs, but her movements faltered, and then she turned to Shade with an apologetic expression:

"It seems out of control."


As the priest on the wall was forcibly ejected and passed out, majestic black mist burst out from the cracks under the wall like a volcanic eruption, followed by hundreds of undead embedded in the wall. They leaned out together, and as the fog and wind suddenly became colder, they stretched out their hands to the two living people outside the wall.


Flora Winslet whispered again, and then naturally hid behind Shade:

"I seem to be a little out of control, but I'll be fine with you here. Be careful, there seems to be a big guy coming out!"

Those undead reaching out cannot completely break away from the restrictions of the "Wall of Sighs", so although they look scary, they cannot threaten Shade. At this time, Miss Bell saw that something was wrong and had already rushed over with the girls. Then everyone saw a huge miserable green shadow passing through the "Wall of Sighs".

The powerful power of death carried by the huge spirit body quickly caused more trees in the surrounding forest to lose their vitality, but it was not the image of the dead, but the image of a skeleton wearing a white bone crown.


The shrill scream like a whale's cry echoed through the forest with the dark wind. Even though Shade had the blessings of thousands of souls, the huge resentful spirit still reached out to press him immediately after passing through the Wall of Sighs.

"Since we want to make the noise bigger to attract the local church, this should be considered a big noise, right? Miss Bell, take the people and leave first."

The witch also understood Shade's thoughts and nodded to her apprentice, who hesitated before turning around and leaving.

The witch herself suddenly transformed into an owl and stood on Shade's shoulder. The change in her own state caused her to completely lose control of thaumaturgy. Although the "Wall of Sighs" collapsed and no other undead would appear, it also meant that the huge crown skeleton undead could not be driven back through the "Wall of Sighs":

"The noise is indeed loud enough, but can you hold on before the church team arrives?"


"Of course, the thing I'm not afraid of the most is the undead!"

As he spoke, the Crowned Skeleton Necromancer leaned over and opened his mouth to Shade. The miserable green light also reflected Shade and Miss Owl green, and the mist of death was fatal to living beings. It has been sprayed down one step ahead of time.

Shade put his index fingers together and pointed upward:

"Solar Ray!"

The rays fired from the two fingers converged into a beam. The thin beam seemed weak, but it easily penetrated the black fog and hit the mouth of the huge evil spirit. With another shrill scream in the wind, the evil spirit retreated backwards, but the white bone crown on its head emitted light and it quickly recovered.

"A very good choice. The power of the sun does restrain the undead."

The owl on the shoulder commented:

"Wait, this is not magic, it is witch magic!"

She spread her wings and slapped Shad's cheek, which of course did not hurt at all:

"Wait, wait, stop for a moment, what's going on? How can you use witch magic? Why didn't you tell me about this? Your immunity to our curse and your ability to learn magic are two different concepts. What did Jialina do to you?"

"Don't move! I'll explain it to you later!"

As he said that, a silver thunder was thrown upwards, rumbling in the daytime~ A thunder resounded through most of the forest, and Shad, who immediately took action based on the principle of making things bigger, raised his hand and threw out five large fireballs in the forest with dry autumn ground full of fallen leaves.

Although this tall and strange undead is indeed stronger than the undead that Shad encountered on the brink of life and death in Midhill Castle last autumn, Shad is no longer the same person he was last autumn.

The series of thunders first attracted the attention of nearby woodcutters and villagers. When the people on the train brought the bad news of "the forest is burning" to the city, the joint team composed of the local Dawn Church and the Sun Church had already rushed to the scene.

The powerful undead that appeared in the forest was as conspicuous as a little Mia among a group of black cats.

When the team of 20 people led by two high-level warlocks appeared near the battlefield in good condition, they saw the terrifying white-bone ghost locked in the forest engulfed by the fire by two chains on the left and right that were still dark and chilling even in the sun.

The firelight had already illuminated half of the sky red at this time, and the struggling ghost made the two chains of sin rattle, but it could not move at all under the dim light of the seven sin runes.

Another silver thunder exploded in the charred open space in the center of the fire. In the flames, the man with the owl on his shoulder swung his wrist violently, and the blood-red whip thicker than the tree trunk directly whipped the ghost:

"Soul Whip!"

The shrill scream was enough to make anyone with a firm mind fall into a nightmare tonight, and the howling even made the forest tremble a few times.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the ghost imprisoned by the forest fire and chains, the ring warlocks saw the man flying into the air - the owl flapped its wings and pulled him up desperately.

After Shad's position was higher than the white-bone ghost, he faced the sun in the sky that seemed to be dyed red by the fire and said:

"Praise the moon!"


The owl wanted to remind Shad that he had said the wrong thing, but Shad's figure had already carried it, and passed through the ghost's body with the silver-white lightning. After a loud bang, the explosion completely razed the surroundings to the ground. And when the smoke and dust dissipated, the black death fog that enveloped the surroundings had also dissipated.

The vengeful spirit stood on the charred earth, howling at the sky. Silver lightning splashed on the surface of the green spirit body, causing it to twitch constantly.

A huge black moon symbol appeared on the ground, and after the last scream, the vengeful spirit was completely annihilated by the power of the black moon.

Even with two high-ring warlocks leading the team of twenty ring warlocks, they did not dare to rush into the battle field immediately after seeing this scene.

The sea of ​​fire surrounded the huge black moon symbol on the ground for a long time. As the winner, Shade stood up and moved his shoulders. Although the chubby Owl lady swaying on her shoulders wanted to say "I finally saw the magic that Danister taught you", she couldn't speak at this time.

While standing up, Shade grabbed Father Francois's collar and pulled him up. Pulling his hair and clamping it in the paper man, he wrote his name on the paper man, and then took out the needle given by the doctor and drew out the "sin".

[Foreigner, you have some understanding of "cowardice". 】

The dark liquid was injected into the paper man. Unlike the paper man on Friday, this time the paper man had a more human-like texture. Although Shade couldn't tell how much "cowardice" it contained, it must be no less than 1 minute.

Miss Owl saw this scene up close, and the filthy power even made her feel nauseous:

"What kind of method is this?"

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