Whispering Verse

Chapter 2634: Second Lieutenant and Program

Chapter 2633 The Second Lieutenant and the Program

Shade didn't know what the Baroness was thinking, but he knew that Mrs. Bennet was enthusiastically introducing a young man in military uniform to her two daughters who were not yet engaged, namely the second daughter Philly and the third daughter Linda. .

Shade squinted at the opponent's clothing and judged the military rank from the epaulettes:

"second lieutenant?"

This is the lowest rank in the officer system, but for young people who are interested in long-term development in the army, second lieutenant is also the most important starting point for their careers. Judging from the young man's age, just being a second lieutenant is not considered a low level. After all, a "second lieutenant" is separated from the ranks of ordinary soldiers and is a real officer.

But compared with the prominent position of the Bennet family in the local area, Mrs. Bennet's enthusiastic attitude is obviously wrong.

Shade guessed that he had other backgrounds, so he asked the two ladies around him for advice. But after all, they are not locals, so they cannot be familiar with everything in the local area.

Only Miss Bell mentioned:

"Vestal Grove is considered a transportation hub in the northeastern part of Willendale. However, because the city of Huntingdon is further north to garrison the capital, so although the transportation location is still important, there are not many troops stationed here. After all, they can be reached by boat in the next day. Arriving at Willendale, instead of deploying the army here, it would be better to place it directly on the outskirts of Willendale.

The current garrison at Vista Grove consists of approximately three battalions, managed by a colonel and two majors. The soldiers here all belong to the 2nd Division of the 1st Corps of the Carsonlik Army, and most of the officers are young nobles from Willendale who came to gild. "

Shade nodded to express his understanding. Because it was inconvenient to keep looking at others, he turned back and said:

"I have a friend, and I mean a normal friend. He is a lieutenant commander in Delrayon. He wrote to me earlier this month, saying that he might be promoted to lieutenant colonel."

This refers to Major Rades, the "Eight-Gun Captain". As for being promoted as soon as he arrived in the Navy, it seems to be because his fleet achieved a major victory in encircling and suppressing pirates in the outer seas. In addition, there is "someone above" him, and there is no need to deliberately arrange it. When the military rank is promoted, his share is naturally indispensable.

"Then what rank did Carina give you?"

Miss Winslet asked deliberately.

"I am a colonel now (Chapter 1569), but this was not given to me by her. It is due to my own work. In addition, I also helped the church in the riding competition around the city."

Shade defended himself by saying that he wanted to avoid being considered a "softie", but his attitude only made Miss Danister cover her mouth and chuckle.

"Do you see that lady's legs over there?"

Before the concert started, Miss Winslet brought up a new topic. But this was not said to Shade, but to Miss Denister:

"Did you see the skimpy fabric she was wearing?"

Autumn dresses, of course, directly cover the feet, and exposing the feet is quite impolite for ladies, but this does not prevent the sorceresses from observing:

"I saw it, it's just a long white wa, but it does look very frivolous."

"I knew you lived in the north, so I must have never heard of this! But weren't you in Yuewan during the summer? Well, it seems that the amount of goods sold in Yuewan is much less than I thought."

The witch excitedly explained to Miss Danister the characteristics of this elastic, translucent fabric made of new chemical materials, and highly praised its convenience and beauty. Of course, she likes this fabric so much because it can better bring out the "beauty of girls", which is very important for an artist lady.

Miss Daniste listened quietly. In addition to her praise, Miss Winslet also complained, "My friend refused to generously sell me the highest quality fabric. She said it would be useful. Really, what use could she have?" And I see those fabrics aren’t easily damaged, haven’t her followers always been able to make them” and the like.

So when the concert was about to start, the red-haired girl poked Shade:

"This doesn't have anything to do with you again, does it?"

Shade didn't know whether she was referring to the creation of new chemical materials or the destruction of fabrics, so he blinked and didn't answer.

The well-dressed gentlemen and ladies quickly took their seats, and at 7 o'clock in the evening, the concert, which was expected to last three hours, officially began.

According to the arrangement, there were nine programs in the 1854 Golden Music Hall Moon Dance Festival concert, of which the first half opened with the overture - "Summer Night Dream Overture", followed by the violin ensemble "Night Whispers" and the piano solo " "Für Elise" and the female solo "Starry Night Aria";

After a 20-minute break, the second half opened with the dance performance of Kasenrik's classic dance piece "Silver Fantasia", followed by the orchestra's concerto "Autumn Rhapsody" and the Vista City Choir's cantata "Ode to a Nightingale" 》.

The symphony "Victory Night of Anjou" by the Willendale Royal Music Orchestra was the penultimate performance of the finale, and "Waltz of the Moon" was the closing piece.


Shade originally thought that Miss Daniste was as ignorant of classical and trendy music as he was, but he didn't expect that the red-haired girl also had quite good musical accomplishment, which led him to this concert There are a few guys who don’t understand appreciation.

It is not correct to say that he does not understand appreciation. Although the outsider's artistic accomplishment is not as good as his scientific and mystical accomplishment, at least he still has some appreciation level.

This concert can be regarded as an annual music festival in Kasenlik, so both the repertoire and the level of the performers are at the top of this era. The opening song "Summer Night Dreams Overture" was composed thirty years ago. It is a unique masterpiece born among musicians of a generation earlier than Miss Winslet.

The combination of violins, bassoons, clarinets, horns, triangles, timpani and other instruments that Schade really couldn't identify brought about rich timbres and diverse expressions.

While admiring it, he also thought of his own thaumaturgy [Sound of Music]. This thaumaturgy could only record one kind of music originally, but as Shade's level increased, this unique thaumaturgy also increased the number of recorded music.

He wanted to "record" his favorite pieces from this concert and sing them to Dorothy and Lesia when he returned to Tobesk, but then he thought that this thaumaturgy also recorded the "traveler". "God" singing, Vanessa was promoted to the twelfth level because of that singing:

"I wonder if it will be of any use to Miss Winslet."

When thoughts gradually disperse, sleepiness emerges quite naturally. With Xia De's current mental strength, he could actually stay awake if he wanted to. But he believes that since the word "dream" is included in "Summer Night Dream Overture", it might be better to listen to it with your eyes closed.


"Don't fall asleep."

The red-haired girl next to him patted his leg, and Shade immediately became energetic. But there are still some doubts in my heart. Something seems wrong about the sleepiness just now and the active spirit tonight. But this shouldn't be something bad, he just had a premonition that something was going to happen.

The opening overture "Summer Night Dream Overture" is very suitable for Shade's taste, and the violin ensemble "Night Whispers" Shade remembers hearing it as a soundtrack in an opera when he and Lesia went to the opera house. But even with his memory, he couldn't remember what he was going to see.

[The time when Emma Sylvia's highest-grade fabric was tested to see if it could hang up the standard-sized princess Kun//Bangzhi. 】

Now Shade remembered that at that time, he only used "living rope trick" and "moving objects" to make Lesia hang in the air. Later, he used this method on the day he reunited with Megan and Audrey in Moon Bay, that is, when they took out the goblet, the wise witch also praised him for being very creative.

The piano solo "To Alice" is one of the few pieces in this concert that is not directly related to "Moon/Night/Autumn". It is actually a piece dedicated to a lover, and it has become a popular music piece with its affectionate and beautiful melody. A classic in classical music.

In the writings of contemporary writers, that is, Dorothy's generation, "Für Elise" is often considered romantic when played under the moon, so it is associated with "night". Shade speculates that this piano piece was selected because of This reason.

When the female solo "Starry Sky Aria" just started, Shade bent down and stood up:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

He lowered his voice to Miss Daniste, but even Miss Winslet and Miss Bell looked over. After the solo, it was time for a break. If he said he wanted to go to the bathroom, he definitely didn't mean to go to the bathroom.

The lights are rarely turned off in concerts, at least in this Moon Dance Festival concert, the lights were not turned off, so a few people noticed that Shade got up and left the hall to go to the corridor. So five minutes later, Shade waited for the twin brother Eric in the corridor with red carpet.

The latter nodded to Shade, and the two of them did not speak, but turned into another remote corridor together.

Shade has checked the area, and there is no heartbeat in "Heart of Stone". So after throwing down the silencing spell, he leaned against the wall and said:

"Long time no see. I saw your mother in Moon Bay. She helped me, but I couldn't find her after that battle. Is she okay?"

Although Shade's tone was kind, Eric Foran knew who he was facing. The two parties are indeed related, but his tone when he spoke was still surprisingly respectful:

"Mother is fine. She sent us a letter some time ago. In the summer, the [Dragon Feast Order] was defeated in Yuewan. Mother and the few members of the order who escaped went into hibernation. At least their generation will not be able to do so again. Got something else done.”

He was worried that Shade wanted to completely eliminate the [Dragon Feast Cult]. This was not because he cared about the cultists, but mainly because he was concerned about his mother's affairs.

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