Whispering Verse

Chapter 2636: Night Sky Attack

Chapter 2635 Attack in the Night Sky

In the music of the ancient sacrificial dance, in the prayers of the devout priests in the center of the sacrificial field, the silver fire rising into the sky seemed to be kneaded by invisible hands, thus forming a line under the starry sky extending towards the moon. of stairs.

Similarly, the little firelight that splashed under the altar also built a staircase extending from Shade's feet to the silver fire, but at this time, the flames in the bonfire had already surrounded the staircase, forming three bright silver arches. .

It seemed that someone pushed Shade from behind, so Shade stepped onto the steps made of flames.

It felt interesting. He didn't turn around and look back but walked straight up.

Passing through the three silver arches above the altar, you can see only the vast starry sky and the approaching moon. But even as Shade moved up step by step, the music of the sacrificial dance and the prayers in his ears did not weaken at all.

The "Sage's Illusion" composed of the silver moon and the starry sky had disappeared without a trace. The moon looked like a gentle eye to Shade at this moment.

"Is this dream caused by the Moon Dance Festival? Or is it because the Golden Music Hall was once the temple of the Tree Father? Can this concert in the autumn of 1854 in the Sixth Era be counted as a sacrifice?"

He still didn't understand the meaning of this dream, so he just continued to climb up according to his thoughts and desires at this time.

Unknowingly, the steps made of silver fire have completely solidified, as if the luxurious moonlight directly constructed the steps for climbing to the moon. The outsider originally thought that the higher he looked up, the more he could see the uneven marks on the moon's surface. He was even a little worried that he would have a fear of giant objects.

But in fact, he had no chance of landing on the moon, because the stairs that seemed to be connected to the moon suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Shade stood on the top step, reached up, and wanted to jump to touch the moon that seemed to be within reach, but found that he seemed to have lost the power to jump and transform and fly in this dream. .

The silver moon shining in this wilderness with the shining stars in the sea of ​​stars was so charming. The moonlight completely illuminated him at this moment, and he also saw that there seemed to be a person standing on top of the shining silver moon.

It was a woman, but Shade could not use the vocabulary and descriptions he knew in the dream to tell what kind of figure it was.

He widened his eyes to see clearly the other person's appearance, each strand of silver hair, the curvature of the back wrapped in the robe, and who she really was.

But no matter what, the figure was so far away. The moonlight shone on his face, and the silver moon and her were reflected in his eyes. The miraculous elements weave together to recreate the story of the ancient era. From the very beginning, the light of the silver moon has spread to the earth every night until the arrival of strangers.

"Aren't you willing to see me?"

He then shouted loudly towards the moon in his own silver moon dream, but the figure in the moon still did not look back. She just melted into the halo of the silver moon and completely disappeared without a trace. And the stranger who was eager to know who she was finally jumped up and grabbed the moon under the silver moon.

The bright silver moon seemed to melt him at this moment. The huge silver moon swayed and turned into three moons of different colors. She rejected Shade, rejected him in his dream.

(Little Mia swallows the moon)

In the Golden Music Hall of Vista City, as the Willendale Royal Music Ensemble took the stage, the warm applause from the audience was deafening. Miss Danister did not look at the conductor who was bowing to the audience at this time, but looked at Shade again, fearing that the applause would wake him up.

But he was sleeping soundly at the moment.

A smile appeared on her face, and she was thinking about how she would "laugh" at Shade for falling asleep during the concert after he woke up, when she didn't expect that a huge roar suddenly came out——


The deep but crazy roar was so clear that even the conductor on the stage who was about to wave his baton was stunned for a moment.

The audience in the audience also started talking quietly, but after seeing that there were no strange sounds, the concert's finale, the symphony "The Night of Victory in Anjou", began to be performed as planned.

"The dragon roars, and it's right above our heads."

The red-haired sorceress who had experienced the Battle of Moon Bay lowered her voice and said to the witch beside her, who nodded worriedly:

"I also feel that a huge creature with extremely strong vitality is above our heads. What's going on, are there dragons in the Vista Grove?"

Miss Danister immediately put her hand on Shade's leg and patted it a few times, and then surprisingly found that Shade was not awake yet. Realizing something was wrong, she gently called Shade's name a few more times, but Shade still looked like he was sleeping with his head lowered.

"Danister, you and Charlotte stay here while I go outside to take a look."

Miss Winslet had no choice but to say this. Although she was worried about Shade, she couldn't pretend that she didn't know what was going on outside.

"Be careful. Don't worry about him. He is just asleep. His spirit and elements are stable."


As she spoke, Miss Danister used the illusion of the red moon to create an identical body of Flora Winslet. After the illusion overlapped with her own, the real witch turned into a mouse and fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, Then disappeared.

A few minutes later, the witch, with one hand on her waist, looked up at the deep night sky, and saw a huge monster that almost merged with the night sky. It opened its mouth and breathed a dragon's breath at the golden music hall below.

But the beam of light was blocked by the ring magicians of the church who came to chase the dragon, but the change in wind pressure caused by the huge energy spewing made the witch below very dissatisfied.

"Local rumors say that a dragon appeared in the woods outside Ximu Town hundreds of years ago. Is this rumor true?"

But the "dragon" in the sky did not look like a dragon. It did not have the mental pressure of a pure-blooded dragon, and the twisted and deformed body was clearly just a dragon beast with low dragon blood purity.

The horror of the dark beast was not only that its body seemed to be twisted by a huge force, so that the front and back half of the body had a twisted dislocation, but also that when the monster breathed, there was gray mist in the gaps between the scales.

The fog made the monster's body look extremely illusory. For a moment, Flora Winslet thought she saw a dragon egg, but then she saw an old ancient dragon.

As the gray fog moved with the monster, natural phenomena at different times, such as day, night, dusk, dawn, rainy days, sunny days, blizzards, and lightning, flashed around the strange dragon beast one after another, and they were not coherent.

The ritual to protect the city has been launched. Although the citizens below cannot see the abnormal movements in the night sky clearly, the power of the ritual has no protective effect in front of the strange gray fog.

The ring warlocks of the church in the sky have just fought with the monster, and they dare not rashly approach the "dragon" whose body is covered by gray fog. Although it is not immune to long-range attacks like the paradox worm, it is obvious that the gray fog is also seriously weakening the power of magic and spells.

"It's the fog that messes up time again."

After being blocked from spitting once, the monster circled in the air, opened its mouth and spit out deadly gray fog at the ring magicians in the air, then took advantage of their embarrassed dodge and lowered its head to spit again towards the concert hall below, but the ring magician team running from a distance immediately turned into a layer of translucent shield and silently absorbed the energy of the relics thrown in the air.

The city of Vesta has never been a large diocese, and the number of local high-ring magicians is completely incomparable to cities like Yuewan and Tobesk. There are only eight high-ring magicians flying in the air to contain the dragon, and the ring magician team on the ground near the concert hall is composed entirely of middle-ring magicians.

After they defended against the dragon's spit, they saw a woman standing in the square from a distance, holding her waist with one hand but not being able to see her face clearly. I thought she was an enemy at first, but after getting close, I just took a look at her and felt that she was a good person from the bottom of my heart.

"Are you willing to explain the current situation?"

The ring wizard team that came to support belonged to the Sun Church. Hearing Flora Winslet's question, the captain of the Eight Rings tried to control the urge to speak, but still squeezed out a sentence from his teeth:

"Some things were discovered this morning. When the church investigated similar situations, it encountered some strange ring wizards, and they summoned this monster."

This is basically equivalent to saying nothing, but the gray-black-haired lady still understood. The Sun Church, which knew about time travel, obviously encountered such a big trouble after a little investigation:

"We discovered serious problems in the local area this morning. Didn't you report it? Didn't the Willendel Parish send people to support?"

This is not something that a church ring wizard of the team leader's level can explain clearly. The witch herself did not ask for an answer. She jumped and turned into gray-white mist and flew into the air. Then, with a cry that resounded through the night sky, the pure white unicorn emitting holy light appeared in the night sky.

It raised its head, and the white horn collided with the dragon's breath head-on. The unicorn just stood up against the beam of light, spread its wings and stepped into the air. The pure white light and shadow left a residual image in the night sky, and then instantly pierced through the body of the dragon beast.

But if you look closely, the unicorn is still standing in the air. It was only the light and shadow that flew out of its body that pierced through the dragon beast's body.

Although the monster's body was wounded, as the gray fog spread, the wounds on its body healed rapidly.

This still inspired the high-level warlocks of the church. After all, the power of the unicorn seemed to be able to directly hurt the monster. They were about to cooperate with this holy creature that came from nowhere to attack again, and the twelve-ring life ring suddenly appeared in the area behind the dragon beast covered by the gray fog.

This is not that the dragon beast has a life ring. The next second, a figure flying at almost the speed of light appeared from behind the dragon and attacked everyone at the same time in an instant.


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