Whispering Verse

Chapter 2638: The Fourth Form of Moonlight Wheel

Chapter 2637 Moonlight Wheel·Fourth Form

The tide of miraculous elements caused by the pure silver fire even affected the night sky in just a few seconds. The originally deep blue-black night sky seemed to be melted, and a dim seven-color color appeared. Under the gaze of the red-haired girl and the round-faced owl, , Shade, who was at the top of the spire, raised his right hand high.

The majestic miraculous element turned into the light held in his hand, and the silver ball of light rotated and turned into a silver halo appearing in the palm of his hand. Then the light wheel got bigger and bigger, until humans the size of rice grains were holding a rotating light wheel the size of the moon above the golden concert hall.

Below are the golden city buildings, and the bright silver moonlight above illuminates everything around them. Even though there was a city defense ceremony covering it up, people in the city still felt that the city center suddenly became brighter tonight.

The huge spirit rotates and cuts through the space with the light wheel, and the buzzing sound is clearly the miraculous element colliding with time and space. Even if no one is targeted at this moment, everyone who sees the moonlight wheel feels the fatal danger.

But this is not the gigantic attack of "Moonlight Wheel Second Form", nor is it the charged attack of "Moonlight Wheel Third Form". Shade jumped up from the side tower of the concert hall, holding the huge light wheel up into the sky, until he came to the front of the three huge full moons.

In the dream, he reached out to the silver moon, but the silver moon split into three different moons. With the shock and anger at that time, Shade shook his raised right hand clockwise, and the huge silver light wheel also swayed in the deep colorful night sky.

Time and space seem to be swaying because of this, and the thunder and thunderbolts emerging from the sea of ​​stars are just abnormal spiritual tides caused by the elements. The colorful night sky was now like melted glass. As the figure's right arm swayed, spikes resembling nimbus gradually appeared on the periphery of the halo of the three-wheeled moon, followed by three-wheeled moons of orange, holy silver and blood red. The halo also rotated.

This seemed like an illusion. The owl in the red-haired girl's arms blinked, and then she suddenly discovered that the four huge rotating light wheels above Shade's raised right hand were indeed real:

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Moonlight Wheel·Fourth Form!"

The waving right hand drove the huge spirit attack forward, and four huge light wheels as big as the moon flew in the air towards the weird dragon beast. Except for the strange buzzing sound, the thaumaturgic attack is silent but extremely gorgeous, like a glow that dances smoothly in the sea of ​​stars.


The dragon's breath was sprayed towards the light wheel, but it was split straight away by the light wheel. So the gray turbulence of time protected it, and the thaumaturgy performed by the twelve-ring warlock formed a large crystal shield that also blocked the light wheel.

But this still had no effect. The shield was penetrated like paper without any obstruction, and four rounds of fatal light immediately penetrated the gray time turbulence protecting the dragon beast's body——

The red and yellow haloes cut off its two huge wings, and the two silver haloes passed through its body in a cross shape.

The dragon beast even stagnated in the air for a moment before realizing that it was dead. Then the body divided into six pieces fell to the city below again and scattered into fly ash.

At this moment, everyone in the sky held their breath, and the "Clockmaker", who had avoided the attack of the light wheel with the "Rapid Curse", flicked his hair in the air, and the thirteen hands tied by the braids pointed at the magnificent sky. In the night sky, the clock dial in her right eye quickly turned upside down, and the fly ash gathered again at an extremely fast speed:

"Come back!"

And at this moment——


The silver-white thunder gun penetrated the flying ash, and then the [Yucdrasil Staff] wrapped in the thunder gun emitted the green glow unique to the "stability principle of ancient elves" of thaumaturgy.

The dial in the president's right eye of the [Tree Hole Association] suddenly stopped, and even the pointer on his braid dropped.

She resisted the urge to vomit blood and looked at the figure who had fallen back to the top of the spire of the concert hall. She raised her hand to wipe away the second thrown thunder gun. The twelve-ring life ring rotates rapidly in the night sky, Miracle-[Time], Enlightenment-[Revolution] and Blasphemy-[Revenge] shine together:

"Thumography - Revenge that turns time!"

But he was supposed to use the thaumaturgy that had just attacked him to attack the opponent, but he failed at this moment. Under the sea of ​​​​stars, she only felt that the stars were resisting her spells with their light, and the three-wheeled moon was shining on her with some indescribable malice.

Another failure in casting the spell finally caused her to vomit out the mouthful of blood. She waved her hand to collect her blood. Facing the figure leaping towards the star sea again, and a huge light wheel appearing in her hand again, she said "Rapid Magic" without looking back. Curse" state and flew in the direction of the woodland outside the city.

"Don't run!"

The church ring magicians immediately gave chase, while the red-haired girl helped Shade catch the long staff in the air, and then flew towards him with Sister Devlin.

The remaining church ring warlocks who did not pursue the figure discussed in the sky not far away, and then the 12-ring warlocks from the Sun Church and the 11-ring warlocks from the Peace Church flew over together.


After landing at the top of the steeple, they bowed to Sister Devlin, apparently recognizing her. After looking up at the starry sky that was still as colorful as melted glass, he looked with some awe at the figure still wrapped in silver flames.

That figure seemed to be integrated with this strange night sky at this moment, facing him was like facing the moon at this moment.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Who can answer, what is going on?"

The figure asked, so the church's ring magicians looked at Sister Devlin, who was wearing a silver eyepatch under the moon, and after the nun nodded, she said:

"In the morning, a powerful resentful spirit appeared outside the city. When the teams from the Church of the Sun and the Church of the Dawn went to investigate, they accidentally discovered an unconscious old priest from Willondale, and then discovered that there might be a so-called "ghost" in the local area. 'Time Tunnel'.

This matter was immediately reported to the Holy See, and a lot of things happened next. A ticket for tonight's Golden Music Hall was found on the unconscious old priest, but according to records, he had no interest in attending concerts.

So we originally planned to send people here to investigate whether there were any suspicious people here tonight, but we soon discovered that members of the [Tree Hole Association] had disguised their identities and appeared on the invitation list for the concert. When I went to arrest him, I bumped into the watchmaker from before. "

What followed was a battle in the air. As for the origin of the strange dragon beast, we only know that it existed in the past time and space. But it is still unclear which period of history of Ximu Town it was pulled from.

Shade nodded without saying anything more. It seemed that exposing the "Twisted Tree Hole" to the church had already triggered a chain reaction. But looking at the "clockmaker's" actions just now, she clearly wanted to destroy the music hall and didn't want the church to notice anything.

So there are other oddities here.

But at least things for tonight were over for the time being. Shade didn't say hello to them. He reached out and grabbed the red-haired girl and the owl, took a step back and disappeared from the top of the tower.

"Sister Devlin"

The church's ring magicians then looked at the now-famous nun. The latter didn't say anything and disappeared in the light of the fire.

The remaining two people looked at each other in confusion until the middle-aged man from the Sun Church asked:

"That person just now, the one who used moonlight, could it be that when Father Francois was discovered in the morning, there was also a ring magician who used solar magic. After we reported it to the Holy See, they said there was no need to investigate that person. Couldn’t it be that one?”

Of course, it was not just the church members who were also doubtful about Shade's identity. Miss Winslet, who had witnessed the four huge haloes of light just now, was also doubtful. However, they returned to the concert hall first and caught up with the concert's closing song "Bright Moon Waltz".

The people in the concert hall had no idea what was happening above their heads. After the last note fell, bursts of applause kicked off the 1854 Moon Dance Festival.

And when the four people sitting together stood up from their chairs, the witch who looked to the side did not see the light and shadow on Shade's body just now. She just saw him smiling and clapping. It was as if what happened a few minutes ago was just an illusion, just a dream she had at the concert.

The majestic spirit has been dormant in the soul, and the new strength and pure moonfire are also deep in the heart. Of course everything tonight was not a dream, the ancient sacrifices that had lasted for thousands of years were once again presented to the right object. Shade applauded and looked at the musicians on the stage. He did not think about the escaped woman and the unkillable dragon. He was still regretting that he had not touched her on the moon in his dream.

No one spoke on the way back. Among the four people in the group, only Miss Bell had not gone out just now. When she and the worried teacher returned to the Accordion Hotel with Shade and Miss Danister, Shade sat down on the sofa. Just a brief review of what happened tonight:

"The people in the [Tree Hole Association] are really brave. They don't even have the Thirteenth Ring, but they dare to make enemies of the church in the city. When the church's support arrives in a few days, they will be in bad luck."

But neither Miss Danister nor Miss Winslet wanted to talk about it. They both looked at Shade:

"Compared to them, shouldn't you explain your situation?"

The black-haired Miss Bell went out to prepare tea for them. Miss Daniste just looked at him with some relief, while the witch was very excited:

"Don't you only have eight rings? After you appeared on the top of the tower just now, even if I restored the nimbus to eleven rings, I would not dare to face them directly. What is that?"

"That's the magic of the moon. Tonight is the Moon Dance Festival. I saw the moon in my dream."

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