Whispering Verse

Chapter 265 Their Story

"No, this is wrong!"

The crazy silver-eyed man suddenly shouted, Shade's eyes widened, and the silver light blade in his hand was about to fly out, but was stopped by Miss Anat on the side:

"She'll figure it out."

"Hate only breeds hatred!"

The silver-eyed man shouted, and his originally weak body actually regained its strength and shouted:

"You killed me just to pass on the hatred. Let me go and end this hatred. This is the so-called balance. Since you are balanced, you cannot go to any extreme."

The weak Miss Bayas looked solemn, and at this moment the young girl looked even more divine:

"I...the so-called balance is a dynamic balance. I am both a balance and a human being. I just need to move around that line instead of maintaining absolute balance."

Shade looked at her and smiled. This was what he had said on a rainy morning.

"Also, the idea that hatred breeds hatred..."

The thunder in his hand condensed, and the life ring above his head completely merged with the golden scale. In the wind and the pure white sky, the color of the brass life ring changed to gold. This was not because Shade's life ring was temporarily dyed golden by the divine radiance, but the real material had changed.

The life ring deformed and returned to Miss Bayas hanging upside down under the tree in the form of a golden scale:

"...Only a psychopath would suddenly forgive you now."

The sunlight gun in his hand shot straight down, and the silver-eyed man didn't even have time to shout before his head was shattered by the thunder. The entire head was completely evaporated in the golden thunder, and only two silver eyeballs fell to the ground.

In the end, the silver-eyed ones were unable to use the word of sublimation to fight to the death.

The bright golden color completely erupted on Miss Bayas' body. Miss Anat, who was seriously injured, was a little unsteady and could only continue to watch this scene by leaning on Shade.

The long-haired young girl who offered her left eye was hanging upside down under the tree with her arms spread out. The holy bell around his waist shone with light, echoing the huge golden scale behind him.

The pure white light pillar turned into a golden color, and the thirteen light point ritual matrix merged with the scale behind it, and then the golden shock wave spread to the surroundings. This kind of power that seems to have traveled through eternity originated from a more primitive era, and it is definitely not human power. If it was only suspected before that the thirteen chosen ones corresponded to the thirteen ancient gods who had left, now Shade was completely convinced that the power of the chosen ones came directly from the ancient gods.

Fortunately, it was underground now, and except for the three of them, everyone else was dead. Otherwise, this scene might attract a lot of people.

After a long time, those lights gradually disappeared, and Miss Bayas slowly descended from the sky.

She fell to the ground, got up in confusion, then screamed in pain, and subconsciously covered her left eye, which was still bleeding.

The strong girl looked like she wanted to cry at this moment. But when he saw the body of the man with silver eyes under the tree, he still reluctantly climbed up.

She turned to look at her two companions. Because she lost part of her vision, she could not see them immediately in the dark environment.

Then she was hugged.

Under the strange blue light above her head, she was not being held by one person, but by Miss Anat and Shade at the same time.

It was only then that the seventeen-year-old girl hugged their necks and cried loudly. Maybe it was for the dissipation of such long-standing resentment, maybe it was for revenge, maybe it was the grievance and uneasiness of losing my eyes, maybe it was just pure crying.

Shade didn't take the initiative to hug him, it was Miss Anat who pulled him over. He could smell blood, but he was relieved that it was finally over.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Miss Anat patted her back gently. Although her condition was also not good, she was still happy at the moment:

"Xia De is still here. If you cry, it won't be pretty."

Miss Bayas immediately pushed the two of them away:

"Louvia, you are so true."

For the first time she addressed Miss Anat by her first name.

"Shad, you see, I chose to tell you everything on the carriage that night and let you help me. It was indeed the right thing to do."

Miss Anat said again, although her face was pale, she still looked at Shade with a smile. In the purple eyes, there was joy that Shade had never seen before:

"At last, the First Chosen One, the First Chosen One appears, and we succeed. The prophecy is true."

Looking back at the short few weeks, although it was a lot of time, it is indeed not easy for the three of them to be standing here alive until now.

"Really... Let's not talk about this for now. I will treat you first."

Shade also smiled and reached out to touch the water bottle.

"Xia De, I knew that my choice was indeed the right one."

Miss Anat put her hands behind her back and smiled sheepishly, her short hair swaying slightly. Then, she suddenly stretched out her arms, wrapped her arms around Shade's neck, stood on tiptoe slightly, and took the initiative to kiss him.


Shade heard Miss Bayas's voice beside him, and felt that he subconsciously wanted to push Miss Anat away, but he couldn't push her away at all.

After a long period of exercise and fighting underground, the two of them had a layer of gray on their faces, but Shade still felt the softness of those lips.

No matter which world he was in, this was his first time being kissed by a girl.

The kiss was very quick. Luvia Anat let go of Shade and looked at him with her purple eyes, not embarrassed, there was still a smile from the heart:

"I don't mean anything else, I'm just happy. Shade, I'm really happy, really happy."

She had always been very mature, but now she suddenly looked like a little girl. It was an expression after a heavy pressure was relaxed, at least that's what Shade thought.


Shade covered his lips, not knowing what to say. Of course, he was still happy to be kissed by the girls.

The fortune teller with short brown hair looked at Miss Bayas aside:

"Shad, Iluna, no matter what the road ahead, the three of us will walk together. The thirteen chosen ones, the poem of destiny, everything is correct."

She said softly, Shade nodded, and Miss Bayas, who had become the chosen one, also nodded.

Of course, she was a little dissatisfied with the kiss Miss Anat gave Shade just now. But she also knew that this was an emotional move, so she didn't say anything inappropriate at this time. The girl hides her little thoughts. She hasn't fully understood what she wants.

After sorting out her mood, the one-eyed girl looked at Shade:

"After becoming the Chosen One, I also gained some additional information. About the Chosen One, about our era, and about the old gods. So, no matter how rough or bumpy the road ahead is, the three of us really have to be together. Let’s go.”

Shade nodded again and released his hand covering his mouth:

"I am willing to witness it all until the end. No matter what, I will always walk by your side."

These are words from the heart. Although it is dangerous to get involved in this kind of thing, the rewards are really great.

The tree crown swayed, and the three people looked at each other in the faint blue light. But the somewhat inexplicable atmosphere was soon interrupted by the sound of Miss Bayas covering her left eye and screaming in pain.

When taking the water bottle from his pocket, the stranger suddenly understood that maybe helping them was not just because he wanted to get some benefit.

[Why else? 】

She seems to be in a very good mood now.

"I want to witness their stories."

He smiled.

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