Whispering Verse

Chapter 2642: Journey to Death

Chapter 2641 The journey to death

With the witches present, Mr. Nelson naturally shrank and said nothing, so Ms. Bullock briefly introduced:

"She appeared after you left. Like me, she also wanted to take a boat and leave here forever. The man over there and I comforted her, but if you also want to help her, I'm afraid you'll have to think of a way later."

"Did she come here because she lost someone important to her?"

Shade frowned and asked:

"If it's the same reason, then we'll take a boat with us in a while. Anyway, we're going to look for people in death. If we're looking for one, we're looking for two."

As he spoke, he took off the mithril eyepatch stuck on his arm:

"Look, I brought this too."

He gently tapped the cat's little head with warm mithril to stop it from moving. Ms. Bullock just saw the eyepatch and covered her mouth with red eyes:

"Yes, I know this. This is the inheritance of the fire-bearing nun. With this, my sister will not fail to come out to see me."

But the young girl came here for a different reason than either Mr. Nelson or Ms. Bullock:

"H-Hello, sir, or ma'am. I-I made a big mistake."

She said tremblingly, not even daring to ask Shade whether he was a boy or a girl. This was something only a powerful witch dared to do:

"My name is Peggy McConaughey. The teacher used a very dangerous ritual to sleep in order to be promoted. After waking up fifty years later, she can be promoted to the twelfth level. She hid herself in a hidden space and gave the only key It was given to me to wake her up fifty years later, but I broke the key."

"Ah, this"

Shade looked at the thirteenth-level witch, who controlled herself from choking:

"According to this girl, the hidden space her teacher found is a special area naturally formed in the material world. And the power that locks that special space is an ancient ritual they didn't know where they got it from, so I I have been telling my students not to use this ancient stuff casually.

No one can do anything if the key is broken. The ritual sounds like a sealing ritual. Forcibly opening it will most likely affect the safety of the witch inside. "

"Miss McConaughey, did you bring the broken key?"

Shade asked again, and the young girl nodded immediately and took out a small cloth bag from her skirt pocket, which contained some broken silver crystals.

"How long has it been since the key broke? I mean before you got in here."

"It's been about two years. I've tried many methods in the past two years but can't fix this."

She sobbed softly. It was precisely because she thought she had killed her teacher that she came here in despair. Miss Peggy McConaughey, who is wearing braids, is not trying to make amends, but it seems she has no way to find a way.

"Two years? Fortunately, the limit of my thaumaturgy is to go back three years."

Shade held all the broken silver crystals in his hands and took a deep breath under the secret gazes of the two ladies and Mr. Nelson:

"Breath of Time!"

The gray air flow was sucked into his nasal cavity, and the broken crystals assembled themselves with a rustling sound. The originally dim light in the crystal became brighter and brighter as the key was reconstructed, but at the moment when the key was fully formed, with a crisp sound, it broke into the small crystals again.

The dishonest cat immediately stretched out its paws to touch them, and Shade didn't object. After all, the cat had just sniffed them and knew they were not food.

He twisted a small piece of crystal with his hands and felt the power in it against the firelight:

"It is not useless to turn back time. Is the key that was successful just now conceptually broken? Miss McConaughey, I am very curious, how did you break it?"

Hearing this question, the young girl covered her face and started sobbing again.

The kind-hearted Ms. Bullock patted her on the back and explained for her:

"She went out on an adventure and encountered something she couldn't explain clearly. The other party used conceptual annihilation powers such as 'Hand of the Void', 'Black Moon Symbol' and 'Death Finale'. The key helped her block it. She was able to escape, but the key itself was shattered like this."

"So, this is your teacher's way of staying to protect you? Since your teacher wants to keep you alive, why did you leave?"

Shade then asked again. The young girl pursed her lips and lowered her head, shaking her head. Mr. Nelson beside him said softly:

"That's what I said too, that's why she was willing to sit down."

"This key is conceptually damaged, and I can't fix it. What happened to you?"

But the girl still shook her head, and Ms. Bullock gave her a gentle hug, probably thinking of herself being protected by her sister:

"Since that ship can take us to death, it should also be able to take us to the past. Why not go together to see what happened at that time, without changing the past, just to confirm the situation at that time."

"no problem."

Shade said as he took out the doctor's two paper figures. Of course, the paper figures at this time were Donald Gunn, whose family was killed, and Father Francois, who threatened Baron Cumming.


Last time, the three blank cards given by the "Boatman", or the "God of Ferrymen", were taken out by Ms. Block. Two of them already had patterns, one was a teardrop representing "tears of regret", and the other was a flame representing "a little warmth of the soul". Ms. Block's profile could be vaguely seen in the translucent flame.

Shade then pressed Father Francois's paper man on the last card, and then the paper man was sucked into the card. At the same time, the gilded font also stated the information of this card-

[Cowardice·Treasure·3 Kes. 】

According to the classification of sins, treasure is already the highest quality.

Shade then brought the remaining 9 Kes of ordinary quality cowardice close to the card, but the card did not react:

"Don't you want it?"

But since 3 Kes is greater than the 1 Ke required for the ticket, the ticket has been collected and it is time to set off.

Mr. Nelson has no interest in taking a trip to death. He still has to wait for his wife here, so he will not go with Shade.

Although the young witch didn't want to stay here alone with the man, it was obvious that the legendary "death" was more dangerous. Besides, Ms. Bullock didn't want more people to see her privacy, so she stayed.

Without further ado, Shade and the 13th-level witch temporarily said goodbye to the two companions by the campfire, got up and walked on the wet black pier to the boat.

Perhaps she saw something from Shade's attitude in the conversation with the "boatman". This time, Ms. Bullock stood behind Shade very restrainedly and let him negotiate. After Shade showed the three cards, the tall "boatman" in a black robe did not give Shade "change", but let the three cards fly into his sleeves, and then made a gesture to invite them to board the ship.

"The ticket is 1 quarter of a coward, I paid 3 quarters, and it's a treasure."

Shade had to emphasize, but only the sound of the tide was still rustling, until both of them boarded the boat, the boat left the dock silently, and he still didn't get the change.

Unlike what Shade had imagined, the boat was not stable at all, but was constantly shaking with the sound of the waves.

The tall boatman in a black robe made of black fog stood at the stern. When the boat moved towards the seemingly boundless black waters, both Shade and Ms. Bullock, who were holding the cat, turned their heads to look at the shore.

The black beach and the pier were getting farther away, and the bonfire next to the pier soon turned into a candle swaying in the mist.

The two sat down on the simple boat, one on the left and one on the right. Ms. Bullock curled up and looked very uneasy. Shade first looked at Mia, who was held by him, with some concern. After finding that the warm cat was looking around with interest, he looked up and looked into the depths of the water.

Ahead was deep darkness, undulating waves and thin white mist, and as Shade stared at the scene, he instinctively felt a little fear of darkness and the unknown, as if someone was telling him that this was a route of no return;

But then, he suddenly felt that they did not seem to be moving, because no matter how the ship shook, the scene in front of him remained surprisingly consistent.

When he turned his head again to confirm the distance from the shore at this time, and found that the Black Sand Pier and the bonfire had completely disappeared, he knew that darkness had completely descended.

No one spoke, and the monotonous sound of water made the unknown environment around him even more terrifying. Even if an indescribable giant emerged from the bottom of the water in the next second, Shade would not be surprised. Outsiders have not read many horror novels about deep-sea voyages, but even the most terrifying scenes that can be depicted in the books are probably just like now.

He didn't know whether the faint fear and loneliness that gradually rose up was the characteristics of this area itself or the oppression brought by the scene itself, but in any case, he felt okay holding Mia, because the cat was really warm, and he felt like he was holding a small heater in the quilt in winter.

In contrast, the thirteenth-level witch's face was pale and a little scary. Xia De originally wanted to hand her the eye mask stuck on his arm, but after thinking about it, a flame rose directly in his right hand.

The flame with the power of the first fire was so dazzling and warm in this oppressive dark water. So Ms. Brock moved closer to Xia De, and the cat excitedly stretched out its claws to the flame.

But it looked up at Xia De again, and when it saw Xia De looking down at it, it honestly retracted its claws.

The two of them remained silent during the rest of the journey, because the time adventure was subject to strict time limits. He was originally worried that the journey to "death" would be too long, but fortunately, the sound of the tide gradually became smaller, and the originally thin fog suddenly became thicker.

The "boatman" rowed the boat carrying the two of them silently into the white fog, and the sound of the tide completely disappeared, and the boat that was still shaking was completely stable.

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