Whispering Verse

Chapter 2644: Enlightenment Direction

Chapter 2643 Enlightenment-Direction

The shared soul power has a dim flame color. At this moment, everything around is very quiet. The silver moon shines on the two people around the flame. The color of the flame that does not belong to death jumps in the eyes of the cat and the witch.

This is the most ancient ritual. Even if the nuns holding the fire are dead, they still want to fulfill their responsibilities.

So, "she" gently whispered in Shade's ear:

[In the dark and lightless world, fire guides the direction of wisdom and civilization. The fire that burns everything has been a beacon of civilization since the old barbaric era. Now the flame is weak, and the swaying flame still points out the final direction for the last you. ]

[Stranger, you feel "enlightenment". ]

In the steam mist, the whistle and bell did not appear, as if they were afraid of disturbing the peace here. The life ring silently appeared in front of the dark moon, and the dim firelight gathered into a brass-colored enlightenment element, leaving a silent mark on the rapidly rotating life ring.

[Stranger, you have engraved the brass enlightenment rune-direction. ]

[You have obtained the magic-Eternal Fire Seal. Share your own flame with a soul that voluntarily accepts it. No matter where or when it is, you can always know its direction. This mark cannot be destroyed. Special flames are required to perform magic. Corresponding to the "direction" rune. ]

This is the second rune of the Eight Rings belonging to Shade since the miracle-night, and it is also the last rune missing in the middle ring sublimation words "The shadow of the silver moon guides the final direction".

He thought that this rune would be obtained at the end of the Eight Rings. Although he had realized the "direction" by guiding the two ladies in Vesta City to the correct time when rescuing them, he thought that he would continue to guide the time travelers afterwards, but he did not expect to get it so easily from the hands of the Fifth Epoch Sister.

These souls standing in front of the dark moon always seem to have various strange powers. Of course, this nun obviously had power before she died, and Shade suspected that she had used this spell to mark her sister before she died.

"Thank you."

After taking back the life ring, Shade expressed his gratitude to Sister Brock, and the nun slowly let go of Shade's hand and just shook her head. The eyes behind the black gauze looked at her sister again, but in the end she just said to Shade:

"May the First Fire bless you."

Then she turned around and set off again towards the dark moon with thousands of other souls.

The witch stood at the bow until she could no longer distinguish her sister's figure clearly before sitting down again. So the boat began to turn silently in a slight sway, turning the small boat at the bow to the direction from which it came, that is, to set off again away from the dark moon.

"Do you still want to leave from Black Sand Pier now?"

Shad, who was holding the cat, sat down and asked again. The witch, who still looked a little lost, shook her head:

"No, I will see my sister by myself when I come here next time. Thank you, I understand."

Shad smiled and put the blindfold back on his right upper arm, and then a small red flame appeared on the tip of his right index finger:

"Magic-Eternal Fire Seal."

But after thinking about it, the red flame turned into silver moon fire, and this flame could actually be used to perform this magic.


Seeing Shad bring the flame close to it, Mia did not resist at all. Because the cat's face was too small, Shad pressed the flame on its back.

The pure moon fire without temperature penetrated into the cat's body, and the complex silver pattern flashed on the white part of the cat's fur with orange and white stripes, and then disappeared.


It rubbed Shad, and then lay on his legs again, and it didn't seem to feel uncomfortable.

The spell was successful. Xia De not only felt the consumption of spirit caused by the spell, but also felt that the upper limit of his own spirit was permanently reduced. But the upper limit of the reduction is not large. If expressed in numerical values, it is roughly equivalent to the upper limit of the spirit of five digits. Now it has changed in the tenth digit.

The detection of "Magic Technique-Eternal Fire Seal" is not a passive effect. It requires active perception to obtain the direction of the "fire seal carrier". When Xia De tried to find the position of the cat in the silent sliding of the boat, he clearly sensed that Xiaomia was in front of him:

"It can sense the general direction and distance. The direction is absolutely accurate, but the distance is not particularly accurate. If it is combined with the "strong spatial perception" when holding the map, well, you can try it when you go back."

In short, with this magic, Xia De no longer has to worry about Xiaomia getting lost. Even if it runs to the end of the world, Xia De can know where it has gone.

[You should pay attention to the fact that you used a magic technique that cannot remove the mark on a cat that does not belong to you. 】

"She" reminded softly, but Xia De didn't care much:

"That Miss Gode is so weird. She didn't say she wanted to take Mia away when she visited my house last time. I think when she is willing to see me, she won't mind giving Mia to me."

The dark moon half-sunken in the water gradually moved away from the silent boat behind him. The thirteenth-level witch was still sad about meeting her sister just now, and when Xia De turned his head to look at the moon for the last time, he thought he would see one or two familiar people standing there waving to him.


But there was no, only the silver cold moon, quietly watching them leave. Xia De also knew that this was definitely not the last time he came to this place.

"Last time you asked me how to suppress the emptiness in the heart and soul of the great witch of death."

When the boat suddenly sailed into the sudden thick fog again, Ms. Bullock spoke again:

"Did you go back and try?"

"But didn't you say, 'Two souls are closely attached, heart to heart, and then use your greatest passion to kiss her, and use your fire and soul temperature to warm her in the resonance of the soul'? And you also need to use a few words Years of doing this.”

Shade shook his head:

"My relationship with that lady hasn't reached this level yet, so I can't use this method."

The witch glanced at him:

"It seems that the girls in the future are a little different from what I thought. You helped me. Although my sister has given you a gift, it was given by her and has nothing to do with me. I also want to give you a gift to thank you, otherwise The witch of the future will say that the witch of the past was rude."

She took out the notebook from her robe and gave it to Shade:

"Since you refuse to use the most effective method, then try using this potion. This is the potion that my sister and I created together. Before my sister completely solved the problem of my soul, I would use this potion occasionally.

Because this potion requires some warmth from the first fire, in order to prevent the future witch of death from causing trouble to the future fire-wielding nuns, I will not pass on this potion formula to my students. I give it to you as a way of expressing my gratitude. "

It took nearly twenty pages to write the potion formula in the notebook. This was not only because the formula was very complicated, but also because she wrote down the production process and precautions in detail.

The name of this potion is very simple and does not conform to the "standard potion naming rules" - warmth.

Shade turned directly to the end to read the introduction:

"Does such a complicated potion only serve to warm the soul?"

The thirteenth-level witch nodded slightly:

"This is the temperature my sister gave me. I must remind you that a soul that has not experienced temperature can still endure the cold; but once it has experienced temperature, the soul will crave heat even more.

I knew my sister would solve this problem sooner or later, so I didn't care. But for the witch you know, it's best not to let her use this potion often. It won't lead to addiction, but it's just a little cruel, isn't it? "

Shade nodded slightly and put the notebook away solemnly. The boat traveling in the fog was still heading in the direction it came from, but after the conversation between the two ended, the boatman who had been silent until now actually spoke:

"Now that you have the direction, do you want to try punting?"

Ms. Bullock knew that this was definitely not what she was talking about, so she shrank back and didn't even look toward the stern of the boat.

Xia De looked at the tall figure in surprise:

"Me? Of course I can give it a try, but nothing, yeah, I want to give it a try."

After saying that, he stood up, stuffed the cat into his coat and buttoned it, and then came to the bow. When the cat struggled to get its little head out of the gap between buttons, the tall figure in black robe had already sat down, while Shade stood at the stern of the boat and held the oar with miraculous elements.

As it swayed slightly, he felt that he could completely control the direction and speed of the boat. It felt interesting, and he didn't know if it was the power of the ship, the power of the oar, or the power of God.

In short, under Shade's control, the boat quickly passed through the thick fog and swayed again, and at the same time, the monotonous sound of the tide also appeared again.

In front of the thin white mist, the light of the bonfire beside the pier was faintly visible. So a moment later, as the boat was controlled by Shade and stopped steadily beside the black dilapidated pier, the journey of Shade and Ms. Bullock was successfully completed.

[Foreigners, you have some insights into "ferry" and "boat". 】

The witch got off the boat first, and Shade returned the oar to the "boatman" and thanked him softly before stepping onto the dock.

Although the journey just now took some time, because this time I was able to stay in the past for a full fifty minutes, there were actually more than ten minutes left at this time.

Shade on the dock looked at the bonfire and determined that the only people around the bonfire were Nelson and Miss Peggy McConaughey, who had broken the key. By the way, the main color of her hair is golden, but there are black highlights at the ends. I don't know if it was done intentionally or because of the influence of her own power.

He motioned to Ms. Bullock not to leave the dock yet, and then asked the "boatman" who was standing at the stern again:

"This lady and I, as well as the young girl over there, want to take a boat to the time when she broke the key. How much does it cost? Oh, it's still a round-trip ticket. We don't interfere in the past, Not affecting the past, just going to see it.”

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