Whispering Verse

Chapter 2646: The First Oil Painting

Chapter 2645 The first oil painting


The young girl whispered, and Shade shook his head:

"It's getting late, so I'll leave first. Ms. Bullock, I would also like to ask you to help take care of these two. Of course, if anyone else comes here, please leave each other behind. I will take them with you next time. Get out of here together."

The thirteenth-level witch was roasting the fire and agreed, and then the three of them saw Shade "stuff" the cat into his chest pocket, and then stepped on the rippling water at the end of the beach with a curious look on his face.

Shade didn't expect "water walking" to actually work here. Out of curiosity and running out of time, he stepped on the water and crossed the pier and the boat, heading all the way to the depths of the water.

Facing the dark endless water, the loneliness and fear are even more obvious than when we took the boat deep into it just now. Shade was actually very curious about what was under this water, but even if he was about to leave, he didn't intend to cause trouble for himself by doing such a thing.

So he just kept moving forward. After walking more than fifty steps, he turned back and looked back at the bonfire at the dock. He smiled and waved to the three people looking over:

"See you next time."

When he turned his head to look forward again, his eyes widened in surprise, because the black water covered with thin white mist was already covered with dense corpses.

The corpses floated one after another on the water, and not even a gap could be seen. As he glanced left, right and ahead, he saw floating corpses everywhere within his field of vision.

A soaked hand reached out from the water and grabbed Shade's right foot. And then, something huge under the water seemed to be awakened, and two penetrating red lights lit up from the water below the corpses.

"It turns out that the souls of those who were taken away by the ferry started a new life to forget this life, while the bodies stayed here and as the boat carried the souls away, the bodies floated quietly behind the boat unknowingly. There is really an atmosphere on the water. ”

Before being pulled into the water, Shade, who was entangled in white mist, had already left this time and space.

From the perspective of the three people sitting by the bonfire at the pier, he just gradually walked into the distance until he could no longer be seen in the thin fog.

(Little Mia is running)

Stepping out of the door of Miss Elf's tree house in the autumn morning, although it looked a bit cloudy, the early morning sunshine and the vibrant trees still made Shade happy to leave the strange place just now. He took a deep breath of fresh morning air, then smiled and said:

"I'm back."

"You were only gone for three seconds, so there is no need to say hello like this."

The blond elf who continued to eat breakfast said this. Shad pulled up the chair and sat at their table, and handed the blindfold on his arm back to Sister Devlin:

"It has been used up. You would never guess that in the past time, I saw the fire-bearing nun from the fifth era in death."

The elf girl continued to nod, her attitude very perfunctory. The nun turned around and put on the blindfold again, and after arranging her hair, she "allowed" Shade to see her face:

"The destination of the fire-bearing nuns is always to turn into firewood."

She stopped talking for a moment, and Xia De was confused, so she asked again:

"Have you accepted the guidance of other fire-bearing nuns?"

The voice was as calm and emotionless as before, but for some reason, both Shade and Miss Elf at the same table felt cold.

"She" chuckled softly in her ears, and the blond elf girl immediately lowered her head that she had just raised. The cat that had just been transformed back by Shade now got into the gift box on the table again, and it seemed that he was not planning to come out for a while.

Shade felt that Sister Devlin seemed a little angry, and he nodded hesitantly:

"Yes, the nun gave her sister a spiritual rune and a thaumaturgy to thank me. That thaumaturgy can leave an eternal flame mark."

Although half of Sister Devlin's face under the eye patch remained expressionless, Shade clearly felt that the surroundings seemed to be getting colder. He didn't do anything wrong, but he felt like he had made a huge mistake like destroying the world.

He originally wanted to introduce the magic technique in more detail. The nuns who also used the First Fire might be interested in the "techniques" of other nuns in the Fifth Age. But he wisely closed his mouth at this time, so both of them fell silent. The only sounds around them were the morning wind blowing the leaves, the elves beside him, and the two nuns eating behind them.

Perhaps because it felt too quiet, little Mia poked her head out of the gift box and looked at Shade. However, it probably didn't understand Shade's "do something quickly, like knocking over the plate" look in his eyes, and it immediately retracted.

Finally, Shade took the initiative and said:

"In the future, I will not accept any other cultivation practices."

"No, it's okay."

Sister Devlin said softly, and the strange atmosphere around her suddenly returned to normal. The elf girl who had felt as if a stone had been pressed on her chest just now exhaled. Then she noticed that Sister Devlin was "looking" at her, so she lowered her head and continued to eat obediently.

"Generations of nuns have different abilities, but the changes of eras and various events have not been able to pass on all the knowledge and power of the nuns of all generations. Those nuns who spent their lives guarding the First Fire could not wait while they were alive. The fire-wielding hero will turn into ashes after death and still have the responsibility to help you.”


She grabbed Shade's right hand and felt it, but quickly let go:

"Didn't she just give you power and didn't mention the First Flame?"

"That Sister Brock said that the First Flame has weakened beyond recognition in our time."

Sister Develyn did not comment on this:

"We will come back as soon as possible after leaving this place. The residual heat of the ancient flame brought news, and the instantaneous touch made me touch something: there seems to be fire in this woodland."

The stranger just nodded. According to the current understanding of the strangeness of the Vestal Woodland, he was not surprised no matter what was here:

"Well, I will also pay attention to rumors in this regard. Do you want to live in the city after you come back?"

The silver eye mask looked at the elf girl, who immediately said:

"Let the nuns live here. If there is not enough space, I will build some tree houses. It's not a big deal anyway."

It seems that these tree houses are also built with magic, probably similar to the "Traveler Camp" in Shade.

After breakfast, due to the special nature of this "woodland that cannot be walked out of", Miss Sylvia's portal could not be opened here, so Shade and the elf girl first sent the three nuns out of this area.

Then Sister Defulin used Miss Sylvia's space beacon - a hexagonal crystal. With a hum, the space shattered like glass, and then a rotating black and gold vortex appeared out of thin air.

This is not a one-way door, because the young black-haired witch first emerged from the vortex, and then saw Shade, with a surprised expression on her face:

"Good morning, Shade."

"Good morning, Miss Sylvia."

He also smiled and greeted, so the witch of space passed through the portal and hugged Shade:

"I knew you would definitely come to see Sister Defulin off. Margaret just left, she must regret not waiting a little longer.

Margaret originally wanted to persuade her mother to come to Vista City to watch the concert, but you also know the current situation. The queen thinks that it is not right to let the people see that the royal family is still on vacation at this time of year. It's a pity."

She hugged Shade and took a deep breath:

"But it's okay, this place is very close to Willendel. If Flora bullies you, remember to tell me~"

After that, even Shade laughed.

Then Shade and the elf girl waved goodbye to the three nuns. When the portal disappeared, Shade turned around and planned to send her back to the tree house and then go into the city:

"By the way, do you know the 'Night Song Elves'?"

The blonde elf nodded:

"Of course I know, this is also a very famous elf clan. Although the Night Song Elves and our Moon Creek Clan have different beliefs, because the elders intermarried, many people are related. There are many Night Song Elves students in Saint Byrons."


Shade asked curiously:

"Do all the Night Song Elves also live in the school city of Saint Byrons?"

The elf girl explained:

"When Of course not. They had their own settlements in the Fifth Age, and gradually moved to places where civilization had not yet radiated at the end of the Fifth Age. Now the largest gathering place of night song elves is in Zarath Liberal Arts College, and the night song elves in Sekses Higher Medical School and St. Byrons are small settlements.

In addition to the three major colleges, it is said that they have a large island settlement on the overseas islands in the east of the Old Continent, and there are also one or two small settlements in the rainforest in the south of the Old Continent. So if you want to find the elves of the Night Song Clan, you must first figure out which one you are looking for. "

So with new questions, Shade and Mia entered the city together. When he left the forest, the weather was still gloomy, and when he got off the carriage in front of the Accordion Hotel in the city center, the raindrops had already begun to fall.

The coolness brought by the autumn rain easily made people realize that more than half of the year had passed, and when Shade knocked on the door of Room 317, he found that there was an easel in Miss Danister's room.

The easel was placed in the corner of the living room where it could get sunlight. On the easel was a finished but still drying oil painting.

The picture depicted a young man holding a huge moon standing on the top of a golden spire against a dark blue starry sky. The picture was extremely wide, and the city with lights on could be seen. The blue of the night sky and the golden color of the city formed a contrast.

And in the moon background depicted with transparent techniques, there was an owl flying across the night sky.

The whole painting was dark in color. The atmosphere of the picture seemed grand and strange because of the starry sky, but it was also strange and warm because of the depiction of the city scene below.

And all these did not prevent Shade from seeing that this was probably describing the scene that happened above the Golden Music Hall last night.

PS: This chapter picture is "Flora's First Oil Painting".

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