Whispering Verse

Chapter 2653 Warm Sun, Blazing Fire and Poetry Fragments

Chapter 2652 Warm Sun, Blazing Fire and Fragments of Poetry

The semi-finished "warmth" potion appears in the crucible in an ointment state with a dull gray color. Miss Winslet brewed the potion in the bathroom of her room. At this time, the bottles and jars had been put away, just waiting for Shade to come and take the final step.

Miss Denister followed, curious as to what Shad would do. But she didn't see Shade use any fancy skills. He just surrounded both sides of the flames under the crucible with his hands, and then integrated his own flames into the flames.

The rising heat makes the room steamy in the late autumn evening. The potion in the crucible quickly changed from an ointment to a golden liquid as bright as the sun in the heat. Bubbles exploded one after another on the surface of the liquid, and the sound was also very beautiful.

Miss Bell then handed over a spoon, and Miss Winslet scooped up half a spoonful of the potion and shook it, then brought it to her mouth and took a sip.

"How about it?"

Everyone was curious, but the witch just frowned slightly and handed the spoon to her apprentice. So Miss Charlotte Bell also took a sip of the potion, and her pale complexion turned rosy almost immediately. The young witch apprentice looked at the crucible in surprise:

"It's really effective. I now feel a heat that seems to come from my soul."

The curious red-haired girl also took a sip. The "warming" potion has the effect of maintaining body temperature for people other than the "death" series of witches.

"The citrus-flavored potion just tastes good. It does feel warm, like taking a hot bath."

She commented, handed the spoon to Shade again, and then asked:

"Flora, don't you feel it's working?"

"No, it works. It's indeed very warm."

She hesitated for a moment and looked at Shade, who was smacking his lips to taste the potion, while the cat was jumping at his feet:

"However, the temperature of this potion can only be regarded as the warm sun of late autumn, which is enough to make cold souls yearn for it; but I have touched the fire of the blazing sun in midsummer that is enough to burn me to death. Compared with that, this Potions are just sweet treats.”

"Fire of the Sun? Oh, you mean the Fire of the Sun? I still have some of those flames, will this work for you?"

Shade asked curiously, and the witch shook her head slightly:

"It's not a specific flame, I already know where the temperature is and I'll get it."

The rosy-faced Miss Bell took the spoon and looked at Shade quietly. Miss Danister looked at Shade and then at the Witch, showing a meaningful expression.

But no matter what, this potion is at least very effective for Miss Bell, so the witch will prepare some more in the future. She also admitted that although she pursued warmer temperatures, this potion was enough to warm her body when she was the coldest, but that was all.

Compared with Flora Winslet, little Mia liked this citrus-flavored potion very much, but Shade just let it taste. It had been left at the hotel today and seemed to be doing fine. However, Shade did not plan to stay for dinner with the cat. He just handed the purchased jewelry box to the witch and planned to leave:

"This looks like an antique used by ancient witches. There seems to be something hidden inside."

Press the small bump on the front of the silver jewelry box, and the lid will open automatically with a click. There is a mirror embedded in the lid of the box, which is convenient for users to use when wearing jewelry.

The witch stopped Shade who was about to leave:

"Wait a minute, I know what this is. This is a little trick popular among witches in the late Fifth Age. They can use mirrors to hide and transmit messages. It is said that when those proud witch emperors have an affair with beautiful commoner witches, they will Do it often."

She pressed her fingers on the mirror and muttered a few spells in a low voice. Shade and Miss Denister both came closer, and then saw black pen marks on the neat mirror.

"It's the mark left by the eyebrow pencil."

Miss Denister reminded.

The black eyebrow pencil mark left a short sentence on the mirror:

[When time begins to flow, the secret buried in the forest is the stone step to obtain the highest honor. 】

"Fragments of a psalm?"

Miss Danister asked uncertainly, Shade nodded:

"It looks like a fragment of a poem. It seems to mean that the time chosen person can become the chosen person, ultimately relying on the secret of the Vesta Grove."

"Then what's the biggest secret here? The tree hole?"

The witch asked. If it were before today, Shade might think this was the case, but obviously things are different now:

"No, the biggest secret here is the countless paradox insects sealed here!"

The fragmentary psalms about the Chosen Ones of Time are the least extant ones that have been excavated. The information St. Byrons had about the Chosen One was not even as valuable as this discovery.

But even with such a surprising discovery, Shade still didn't stay for dinner. He even said that he might not come until the afternoon tomorrow or even not at all. He was thinking about discussing the new angel bones with Priest Augustus, and it seemed that there was currently no part of the investigation in Vesta City that required his participation.


Whether it is the origin of the dragon beast, the news of the night song elves, Margaret's tracking of the professors who had participated in the study of the Tree Father Temple, the elves' paradox worm potion, or finding a new local "time traveler", these all require time to investigate.

Therefore, Shade wanted to deal with his own affairs in Tobesk tomorrow, and the two ladies in the Accordion Hotel had no objection to this. Only when Miss Bell sent Shade downstairs did they stand in the sunset at the window and talk about Shade's plan:

"Although we always say that he is a little too anxious to deal with things, if he really doesn't come for a day, I will probably be very uncomfortable."

The witch did not hide her thoughts.

"Flora, I see your attitude towards Shade. You don't have feelings for him, do you?"

Seeing that the witch was noncommittal and even turned into an owl and stood on the windowsill, Miss Danister handed her the "Time Stabilization Anchor":

"This is what we bought this afternoon. It can suppress the time curse. The effect on me is that my age is still eighteen years old, and my level is still the seventh ring, but the total amount of spirit has recovered to one twentieth of the peak of the thirteenth ring. This is the bill that Shade paid for you, remember to pay him back."

"You really don't want your students to suffer."

Miss Owl said, controlling the rope hanging the ring and hanging it around her neck:

"It feels good, the spellcasting restrictions of the owl form are further relaxed In addition, the consumption of human form has also been reduced a lot. "

"In other words, you don't have to stand on Shad's shoulders anymore?"

"No, no, it's just that the consumption is reduced, not that there is really no consumption."

The chubby round-faced owl stuck to the window glass and saw Shad in the crowd before entering the hotel from the window:

"Dannister, do you say that he is really not the chosen one of time?"

"Since he said he is not, then he is definitely not, I believe him. Why, are you still doubting this? Or do you suspect that I deliberately said this to you because I want to protect my students?"

The owl didn't say anything else, she just wanted to see clearly what secrets the man had.

After throwing the crystal shoes in the alley and returning home, she found that it was still evening, but Tobesk outside the window was gloomy and terrible. The storm was still attacking the city, so that when Shad changed Mia back, a sudden thunder outside scared the cat and made it jump up.

"Wait, when did you become afraid of thunder?"


Shad didn't stay in the hotel for dinner because he wanted to visit Father Augustus this evening. But seeing how bad the weather was, he gave up the plan to go out after thinking about it. But because the weather was so bad, Luvia, who got off work from the Prophet's Association, did not go back to her apartment in the rain, but came to Shad:

"Shad, you are at home. Are you cooking dinner? Let me do it, just as a payment for my stay tonight."

After kissing Shad's cheek, she went to cook dinner.

Tonight, apart from Luvia, no other lady came to visit. And this violent autumn rain, which continued into the night, became even more terrifying.

At 7:30 in the evening, the purple-eyed girl in a pink nightgown stood in front of the window glass of the study with her teacup.

The light of the gas lamp in the rainy night was so dim that it was almost invisible. The difference in light between indoors and outdoors made her face and the indoor scene clearly reflected on the glass. But behind the glass, she could clearly see layers of rain sliding down the glass.

It was as if someone was standing in the air and pouring water down, but the sound of the heavy rain made the people staying in the warm and comfortable room feel particularly at ease:

"According to the weather divination, this extreme rainstorm may not stop tonight. The weather conditions have been very strange this year. The snow and hail in the summer just passed not long ago. The problem this fall may be such continuous heavy rain."

Shad, who was sitting at the desk, was looking at her back:

"Although the sewer system of St. Teresa's Square is very good, I think I have to prevent the problem of water entering the first floor. Luvia, didn't you say last week that the college's autumn astrology activities will start again this year? Are you going to live here recently?"

The fortune teller turned around and looked at him with a smile:

"Why, do you want me to live here this fall like last year? Will this hinder your relationship with other girls?"

Shad answered the question with a question:

"Luvia, don't you want to live here?"

"Cunning man, okay, I'll pack up and move in, but I just hope Dorothy and the others don't complain."

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