Whispering Verse

Chapter 2659: Iluna's Time Resistance

Chapter 2658 Iluna's Time Resistance

"Shad is right. Such an unknowable relic is a natural disaster. Even if the church knows where it is, we can't deal with it. It's just that its power has appeared in the densely populated Tobesk Diocese, so it has caused such an uproar."

Iluna was very troubled, and Sirius asked curiously:

"Did the traces of the unknowable relic appear in sparsely populated places before?"

"Yes, there has never been any trace in Yuewan and Tobesk. The church did not link the mermaid phantom that blocked the evil god's attack in the air after the battle of Yuewan with the unknowable relic. The closest incident to the big city before was only in the northeast of Willendel, and it takes a day by train to get to the city."

If it was just the [damaged Antarctic constellation clock] that went out of control this time, it would not be a new thing. But when it comes to the unknowable level, the nature is completely changed.

"The Chosen One of Time is about to appear, and now the power of the Unknown-level Relic has appeared in Tobesk again. This autumn looks even more dangerous than last autumn."

Vanessa couldn't help but sigh, and Iluna sighed:

"The church initially determined that the [Damaged Antarctic Constellation Clock] showed the characteristics of human body fusion. It's not that it hasn't been discovered in the past, but it has changed due to the unstable time of the material world. This relic has been sent away from the local area overnight, and it will probably be re-identified as a sage-level relic in a short time.

The pointer fired by the monster was left behind, which is considered to be a new relic derivative. The church found that it would not work on more primitive materials, such as natural stones and trees, so I am trying to make it into a time weapon. "

"So how did you explain the afternoon to the church?"

Shad touched Mia on his shoulder and asked curiously, which made Iluna even more troubled:

"I said I didn't care about anything else at the time. Although the monster could slow down my time, it couldn't make me completely still. I fought with it for a long time, and finally found that its heart was under the dial by accident, so I pierced it with the [Sunshine Gun].Shad, do you have any way to improve my time resistance? If the church asks me to deal with this kind of thing next time, I really have no way. "

Shad couldn't think of a way to improve time resistance in a short time, but he knew that someone must know. So he didn't invite Vanessa home that night, but took Iluna and Mia back to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

Luvia, who said she would stay yesterday, really came with her luggage tonight. But in addition to her, Carina was there too. The Duchess received Vanessa's letter at night and knew what happened in the opera house in the afternoon. When Shad and Iluna went back, they were also talking about it.

Seeing that it was Iluna instead of Vanessa who followed Shad home, the red-haired witch was very satisfied:

"Shad, I knew you wouldn't get tired of the old and fall in love with the new."

"What are you talking about, Iluna is still here."

Luvia reminded in a low voice, and the 18-year-old girl was a little confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

Carina could see that Shad and Iluna wanted to talk to Luvia, so she went to the bathroom with the maids under the pretext of washing up first. At first, she was not used to using the "narrow" bathroom in Shad's house, but now it's much better.

As for the remaining three people who went to the study, Luvia already knew about the clock, and there was no need for Shad and Iluna to tell her again. When Shade mentioned the problem of Iluna's "time resistance", the purple-eyed girl reached out to him:

"I know you are good to Iluna. Shade, take it."

The [Cat and Dog Coin] bought from the hermits was delivered to Luvia. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. As the coin was bounced to the highest point, its surface was cracked and rusted as expected.

The coin turned into ashes as it fell, and Luvia opened her eyes:

"I divined the most convenient, fastest, and least side-effect method to increase time resistance. It's not difficult at all, Shade. Didn't you say last night that you purchased a batch of strange acorns from the hermits?"

"Yes, taking them can sense people whose time stamps are different from your own. I bought a lot, most of which were given to Miss Danister. I only brought back five. How many do you need?"

The purple-eyed girl raised her index finger:

"You don't need that many, one is enough. Let Shade take one and soak it in his blood for 24 hours. Iluna, you should still remember the origin of your left eye, right?"

Iluna subconsciously reached out and pressed her left eye. Of course, she remembered that in order to complete the ritual of the chosen one, she personally sacrificed her eye in the middle of summer last year. After the subsequent night of the descent of the gods, Shade, who had transformed into a god for the first time, used his last strength to personally create an eye for her.

Therefore, although her left eye now looks similar to her right eye, both are beautiful brown, but that eye is a true "God's creation", of the same nature as "God's Gift Box" and "Butterfly Summoning Flute".


"Of course I remember, there are many things that I can't see with my normal eyes, I have to rely on this eye to see."

Iluna nodded, and secretly glanced at Shade. She regarded this eye as one of the most important gifts between her and Shade, second only to the kiss at the end of last year.

"You haven't shown time talent yet, so if you want to improve your resistance, you still need to rely on your left eye. After Shade's blood soaks the acorns for 24 hours, you have to go to the Vista Woodland with him. After I Mark a location for you on the map, although I don’t know what’s there, Iluna, you need to be there and let your eyes try to absorb the acorns.”

Seeing the eighteen-year-old girl covering her eyes and looking at her in confusion, Luvia continued to explain:

"Don't underestimate the power of the eyes that Shade created for you. The power you are exerting now is just the tip of the iceberg. In short, Shade will prepare acorns for you, and we will figure out a way to get to Vista City.

Miss Sylvia's portal cannot be easily located in a large diocese like Tobesk. I think we still have to rely on relics. "

"You don't need to think of a way, just borrow it from the academy."

Shade immediately said:

"In the past, it was impossible to borrow such relics from the academy because most of the space transfer relics were sage-level and angel-level. If you want to borrow them, you need to go through very strict procedures. You also have to explain the specific purpose and provide evidence to prove it.

But isn't Miss Denister over there in the woodland now? Her power as a librarian is unlimited. Although not unlimited, at least borrowing a sage-level relic does not require special registration. "

Luvia is very satisfied with the result:

"This is better. You can take the opportunity to take Iluna for a walk in the forest in advance and let her get familiar with the local conditions. Remember to use the statue of the ancient god when you go home, so that she can help at any time."

So when the beautiful duchess came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, she saw the three of them sitting on the sofa in the living room around a teacup, and Shade was squeezing the blood from his fingertips into a glass bottle.

"What are you doing?"

When he got closer, he saw that there was an acorn in the bottle, and Shade's blood had already covered most of the acorn. Although they deliberately chose a bottle with the smallest diameter that fit the acorn, broke the bottle mouth and put the acorn in before allowing Shade to rewind time, it seemed that Shade still released a lot of blood.

"Really, why do you want Shade to bleed? Can I do it?"

She sat next to Shade, and her plump body touched the sofa, causing the sofa to sink slightly. She had just taken a shower, and even if she didn't wear perfume, she still had a very natural body fragrance. Shade couldn't help but take a few sniffs.

"Iluna wants to use a ritual to increase time resistance."

Luvia gave a brief introduction, and the duchess immediately cast a somewhat dissatisfied look at her anonymous "student". Iluna actually felt a little guilty about watching Shade bleed herself, and she didn't even dare to look at the witch's expression at this time.

Today is Tuesday, and the acorn will not take effect until Wednesday night at home, so Iluna expects to go to Vista City with Shad on Thursday the day after tomorrow. Seeing that it was already very late, Shade invited Iluna to stay the night, and Iluna agreed after thinking about it.

Although Carina didn't have any objections on the surface, she still gently twisted Shade's arm when Iluna wasn't paying attention.

So at eleven o'clock in the evening, the lights at home were turned off on time. Tifa prepared pajamas for Iluna and let her live in the second room next door on the second floor. The red-haired witch who claimed to be sleeping on her side in Room 1 tonight sneaked into Shade's bedroom eight minutes after the lights were turned off, and then couldn't help complaining to the two people inside:

"Are you so anxious? Why don't you wait for me?"

However, Shade was being held in Luvia's arms and had no chance to speak. The girl with purple eyes under the moon blushed slightly, and those magnificent purple eyes were really faintly glowing:

"Of course we can't wait for this kind of thing. Each of us only has 24 hours in a day, and the time we give Xia De love every day is limited. Infinite love, well~, if you want to express it in a limited time, of course you have to race against time. Besides, I thought you wouldn’t come over because Iluna was staying here tonight.”

Carina immediately objected:

"Louvia, when you talk like this, I will think you are Dorothy or Lesia. Since the time every day is limited and your love is unlimited, then wouldn't it be enough to let this love last until the end of time? ?”

"Don't say that, that's what the madman said this afternoon!"

Shade, who finally took a breath, immediately expressed his objection, but the witch had already kicked off her slippers and hugged him with a smile:

"Shade, I will hold your Luvia like this until the end of time. Slow down a little, otherwise I won't be able to help you anymore. Otherwise, I won't help you. What is this thing that is shining on you?"

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Moon Seal". Don't get confused about which one is true and which one is false.

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