Whispering Verse

Chapter 2670: Temple in the Forest

Chapter 2669 Temple in the Forest

"Well, if Iluna and I can come back before evening, I will go to the banquet."

Shade nodded, then looked at Iluna, and the eighteen-year-old girl also nodded:

"I'm participating too. I took a whole day off today, and I have time both day and night."

The acorns soaked in Shade's blood had already been brought with him. As for the secret place in the forest marked by Luvia, it was located in the southwest of the city, close to Willendale City.

"What is the relationship between Shade and this Miss Bayas?"

After the two were sent downstairs by Miss Bell, the witch asked another question as usual, and the red-haired girl who was about to look through local information again was stunned for a moment before asking:

"Are you asking me?"

Then the witch was even more surprised:

"There are only two of us here. I'm not asking who you are asking about? Look at that young girl. She doesn't look like she's going to go on an adventure deep into the woods with Shade. Instead, she looks like she's going on an outing outside the city."

"Why do you think I know the answer to this question? Don't be surprised. One thing I need to clarify is that although I am Shade's nominal teacher, I don't know all his secrets."

Miss Denister is quite candid:

"Although I know a little more than you do, obviously that's only part of it. As for Miss Bayas, all I can tell you is that her relationship with Shade is very good, very, very good."

The witch turned into an owl and stood on the back of the sofa:

"Don't tell me that Carina can't even control her own man. That Miss Bayas is his lover."

Thinking of what she had learned, the red-haired girl showed a strange smile:

"Lover? It's probably not Miss Bayas's turn yet."

"What did you say?"

"I mean, why don't you ask yourself? Compared to Shade, Miss Bayas is more naive. If you show enough kindness, she shouldn't mind complaining to you about Mr. Knight of Tobesk. ”

Iluna was still very interested in this strange southern city, but the two of them had to do business first, so Shade did not take her to visit landmarks such as the Golden Music Hall.

The carriage took them to the southern edge of the city, and then Shade took Iluna's hand and opened the thaumaturgic "forest path" and advanced with her deep into the forest.

It could be seen that Iluna was in a good mood, and Shade talked about recent events while walking forward. Iluna also shared recent interesting things with Shade. She was a little regretful that the church had not yet received the answer to the question that Shade asked the gods. In fact, the oracle had not yet come down. Then they talked about Vesta. city.

"The Holy See has already written to me explaining the situation here. But this time the Holy See said that it does not plan to let me come here immediately."

She held Shade's hand and stepped on the yellow leaves under her feet, watching the big-tailed squirrels on the trees nearby busily carrying pine cones picked up from the ground.

Somehow I thought that if little Mia was here right now, she would definitely bark at the squirrel, scare it so much that it would drop the pine cone and run away immediately, so a smile appeared on her lips unconsciously:

"The Holy See said that once I am involved in a big time-related trouble, it will be difficult for me to protect myself even if I am the chosen one. So the church's plan is to first dig into the Natural Church to see what they know. Then make a support plan.

At present, the local support team only consists of the thirteen-level "Constructor Master" of the Creation Church you mentioned and the high-level warlocks who have been organized. So although you will not get a lot of help from the Church this time, at least you will get some help. I don’t bump into church people too often. "

Shade turned to look at her:

"Miss Daniste also said that the academy will not send anyone here at the moment, and the Witch Council also has no plans for other witches to come to support in the near future. But speaking of it, it seems that we haven't gone out together for a long time, right? "


Iluna obviously had deep resentment, and she did not hide it:

"Originally, the three of us agreed to go on together. But after your relationship with Luvia made great progress, I often felt like an outsider."

As he spoke, he gently shook the hands held by Shade:

"Besides, everyone is usually very busy, and I can't bear to disturb you all the time. And with my current status, if I go to see Luvia too often, it might be very suspicious. But it's fine that you still think about me, Shade. I don’t ask for much at all.”

She didn't look at Shade at all when she said these words, but pretended to be very interested in the scenery in front of her. And the foreigner was no longer the ignorant guy last summer. He gently squeezed Iluna's hand:

"Luvia and I have never forgotten our original agreement. We have gone through every incident without Carina and other witches, but we can never do it without you two."

He also looked ahead:


"Anyway, we have already gone out today, and no one knows what we did. If things go well for a while, let's just walk around in the woods and go back in the evening? There are many interesting things in the autumn woodland. Try a picnic by the stream, chase deer in the woods, or see the brown bears preparing for the winter?”

"There are brown bears in Vista Forest? Oh, I mean, this is not good, it's a waste of time"

"Then I'll take it as you agree to my invitation."

Iluna bit her lip, trying not to let herself smile too obviously.

Although there was no convenient "Owl Air", they still arrived at their destination at 11 o'clock in the morning that day with the help of magic. This place is the same as the hermits' residence in the north of the city, which is deep in the forest. Even hunters don't come here on weekdays.

Shade took the map marked by Luvia and used "Strong Spatial Perception" to determine the location. Finally, he and Iluna stopped beside an unnamed mountain stream:

"According to Luvia's mark, cross this stream, and the south bank is the place we are looking for."

He looked up and looked at the woods on the south bank of the stream with Iluna:

"But haven't we walked past the opposite side twice? With our perceptions, plus my magic, it is impossible not to find the abnormality nearby."

"Then that place is hidden! This requires a puzzle!"

Iluna seemed very interested:

"Shade, are there any marks on the map sold to you by those hermits?"

"No, I checked it before I set off. The main activity area of ​​the hermits is the north of Ximu Town, and they rarely come to such a southern location."

The two crossed the stream again and came to the south bank. Iluna suggested using magic to solve the puzzle, but Shade's "Crystal of Truth" still had no effect.

After that, the two used the spell again, but still got nothing. Iluna suggested:

"Shad, use the 'Crystal of Truth' again, this time with the ultimate spell."

Steam mist appeared from behind the two at the same time, and the nine-ring and eight-ring life rings appeared together, and Iluna's life ring was quickly transformed into the dark golden scale. On Shad's life ring, Whisper-Prejudice emitted a dazzling black aura, and then a white transparent crystal appeared in his palm.

"Don't move, but if you feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately. I just want to try it."

Iluna reminded, and then gradually raised her dark golden scale until the scale left her hands and flew behind Shad.

As soon as the dark gold color of the scale came into contact with the aura on Shad's life ring, the power from different souls did not conflict at all, but seemed to attract each other, so that Iluna's scale finally stopped in the center of Shad's life ring.

The huge brass wheel revolved around the sacred scale, and the [Time and Space] and [Silver Moon] spirit runes surrounded the ancient scale. The dark golden light gradually infected Shade's life ring. Shade clearly felt that his ability to cast spells had been wonderfully enhanced.

Iluna looked up at this scene and was quite satisfied:

"I had this idea after we merged with each other in Green Lake last time. Your soul is much stronger than mine. Since you can perfectly accommodate my power in the maze state, theoretically it should be possible in the normal state. How do you feel now?"

"It feels strange, but this should be fine - the crystal of truth!"

The white transparent crystal was stained with Iluna's dark gold as he cast the spell again. The spirits of the two people passed away at the same time. Shade even felt that Iluna, who was standing beside him, was now close to him from another dimension. This feeling was indeed very strange.

And when the dark golden light emitted by the crystal formed ripples and expanded to the surroundings, the originally narrow distance between the two big trees at the eight o'clock direction of the two people suddenly expanded to the size of an open space, and in the open space was a ruined temple ruins.

The integrity of this relic is at least better than that of the "Space Labyrinth", not only because one of the four walls of the temple is still intact, but also because there is an altar in the center of the temple.

The most intact wall is the wall at the entrance of the temple. There are steps covered with weeds in front of the wall, which makes this broken and ancient stone wall look like an archway at this time.

The altar behind the arch is made of huge stones, and its surface has been eroded by time and covered with a thin layer of moss. In the gaps between the stones that make up the stone steps, walls and altar, small wild flowers and vines grow even in autumn.

It has been a long time since someone last left this temple. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind, frost, rain and snow, this place has cleverly merged with this forest. The clever connection between desolation and holiness makes the picture at this time look like a static landscape painting.

PS: This chapter map "God of Order·Temple"

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