Whispering Verse

Chapter 2686 Bronte's Story

Chapter 2685 Bronte’s Story

The lady continued to answer expressionlessly:

"My son sent us here. Theodore didn't want us to leave. He couldn't let us escape death like him, so he trapped our souls here. I'm in the chapel of the cemetery , his father is in the left tomb of the underground cemetery, and his sister is under the tree behind the west wall of the cemetery.

In the future, Theodore's wife, possible children, and other brothers should also appear here after their deaths. Young man, it's not that I don't want to leave here, I just can't. "

Shade pressed the cat's head on his chest. He clearly felt that she wanted to speak and comment on this matter.

"So besides your son, who else traveled through time?"

After all, the Paradox Bug has not been found yet. This question is very important, but this time the lady shook her head:

"I don't know. I was already dead when Theodore traveled through time. All the things I mentioned to you just now were what he said when he came to me."

Shade frowned slightly:

"Then do you know how he traveled through time?"

"Tree hole."

The noble lady said the term accurately, but she immediately shut up and remained silent for a moment before continuing:

"I don't know how much you know about this. There has been a legend about the Time Tree Cave in Ximu Town since ancient times. I am the daughter of a noble family who married from a foreign country. I was not born locally. My husband did not talk to me about it during his lifetime. Been to too many things.

I just know that the Bronte family has known about the existence of tree holes from a long time ago. Although not every generation of Brontës used tree holes, my husband must have told Theodore the family secret, which was probably how he was able to travel through time. "

The ancient families from the Ximu Town era knew the secret of the "Tree Hole". This was something that Sha De had guessed from the beginning, and it was once again confirmed here. It's just that he doesn't have time to deal with the more ancient things for the time being, so he still has to deal with the matters in front of him first:

"Is that tree hole passed down from your family?"

If this is indeed the case, then the origin of the book that first appeared in the hands of Baron Cumming's mother, the lover of young Cumming, is also worthy of doubt.

"I don't know, my husband rarely talks to me about time."

"Then what was the mysterious being in the forest that your son saw, the one who gave him his destined death?"

The lady still couldn't give an answer:

"I didn't know that when he found that mysterious being in the forest, I was already seriously ill and bedridden. When he came back, I was already dead.

People living in Ximu Town all know that there are many mysterious things hidden and sleeping in this woodland. Most of the surnames who have lived here for a long time know some of its secrets. Maybe he found something from the information left by his ancestors in the family collection, or maybe it was just the desire for immortality that gave him a glimpse of the darkness in the forest. "

Next, Shade asked her some questions, such as the identities of the Bronte family members, and whether there were any other abnormalities in the Bronte family. The ladies were all willing to answer, and there was only one thing she wanted from Shade, which was to rescue York Bronte from "immortality":

"Young man, please kill my son and free us. His current existence has become a curse. I can clearly feel that he is rejected by all souls."

The curse here refers to the nature of the existence of "Dead Apostles" itself, not the curse of time. Therefore, Shade also wanted to find out what the other party's time curse was, but unfortunately the lady really didn't know.

After confirming that there were no clues here, Shade and the cat temporarily left the small auditorium and returned to the outside world shrouded in heavy fog. Half of the time traveling this time has passed, and they must speed up the progress.

"Did you notice the timing?"

The cat on the chest reminded:

"The correct sequence is: Theodore Brontë knew his destined death, and then he traveled through time to escape death and became a Death Apostle and was cursed by time. So he was cursed and he became a Death Apostle, which happened almost at the same time. things.

According to the rules of time travel, the more powerful you are, the stronger the time curse you will receive. As a Death Apostle, Theodore Brontë's curse may not be stronger than ours, but it's definitely not a trivial matter like touching gold that will cause death. "

Shade looked at the grave pit where the coffin was buried again:

"And he was still a three-ringed sorcerer from 1821 to 1854. There is something wrong with this matter. When my friend told me about the Death Apostles, he said that the Death Apostles directly changed the nature of life. Even if he originally The talent of a ring warlock is not very high, and it is impossible for him to fail to reach the middle level even after becoming a Death Apostle."

"So the content of the curse is that the level is limited? You can never break through the third ring?"

"The lady just now didn't know if her son was a transcendent. There is still some time left, so let's move quickly and ask other people. Aren't his sister and father here too?"

Just like the noble lady who has completely transformed into a wraith, the old baron and the woman in her thirties have also turned into terrifying wraiths because their spirits have existed on the edge of life and death for a long time.

Among them, the spirit body of the old baron in the underground tomb mutated and merged with a corpse, turning into a mutated ghoul that could achieve full-body virtualization. It fought with Shad in the narrow tomb and escaped with one blow. It relied on its ability to penetrate the wall to escape, and even wanted other undead wandering in the tomb to attack Shad.

Shad, who was in a hurry, had no time to tangle with him. He relied on his physical strength to break through the earth walls and chased after him. Then he destroyed the body of the corpse ghost with a lightning gun. After purifying it with moonlight, he wanted to ask as before, but the witch gave a bad answer:

"No, he died longer than that lady. His soul is completely lost. He can't even extract his memory."

But fortunately, Theodore Bronte's sister died the shortest time. When Shad found her in the forest outside the cemetery, the soul of the young woman rushed over with a shovel. The vengeful spirits of this family have powerful powers that exceed ordinary souls. The special thing about this vengeful spirit is not the shovel in her hand, but that she can transform into an apple that can explode.

But the ghost is still a ghost. After being successfully subdued by Shade and restored to normal by the witch, she also provided important information to the two:

"Yes, my brother is a ring wizard. That happened two years before my mother died. In order to treat his seriously ill mother, he gradually changed from medical research to mysticism research. And one day he suddenly told me that he heard another voice belonging to himself in his ear."

The soul named Anna Bronte stood quietly under the tree. She was 31 years old and unmarried when she died. This was a completely tragic life in this era and in 1854:

"Theodore liked to communicate with me very much. I know a lot about him. After hearing the voice in his ear, he spent a lot of money to buy a potion to make himself a ring wizard. But he said that the potion he bought had side effects, and he would never be able to touch higher powers in his life."

This is the disadvantage of non-normal employment of ring wizards. The ritual methods mastered by the Five Gods Church and the three major colleges are the formal employment channels.

"Two years later, my mother also died of illness, and my physical condition also deteriorated. At the funeral for my mother, Theodore told me that he had achieved immortality, and he promised to make me the same.

I rejected him, because Theodore's mental state was already very wrong at that time."

"After he achieved the so-called immortality, did you notice any difference between him and before? For example, the details of his life."

Shad asked, and the girl's soul answered after digging out the dormant memory:

"He likes to eat raw meat."

But this is also the performance of humans after transforming into dead apostles, not the time curse.

"After my mother died, a series of consecutive disappearances occurred in the town, but the missing people were all outsiders, and the town could not find the murderer. I always suspected that he was the one who did it, but I was seriously ill at that time and could not investigate."

This is probably the crime of Theodore Bronte killing people and sucking vitality. Father Augustus said that dead apostles prefer humans and highly intelligent alien creatures to plants and ordinary animals.

"Except for this year, he frequently appeared in this strange world of the dead and chatted with me, my mother, and my father. Even though we could no longer respond to him, he still came to visit us frequently after we lost our minds. I originally thought he was missing his family, but now I think about it. He just seems to like the environment here."

But this is not right. Although "Dead Apostles" sound like immortal undead creatures, undead creatures are normally produced by "death", and "Dead Apostles" are neither alive nor dead. This thing is definitely not a dead spirit, and it is even less likely to like the "edge of life and death".

Therefore, "liking to stay on the edge of life and death" is not a characteristic that Theodore Bronte should have.

Shad smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he felt that he had grasped the point. The cat in his arms also realized this, but she thought of more things:

"How did your brother find this place? Your family cemetery is also here. Could it be that your ancestors knew about the existence of the edge of life and death?"

The girl's soul was not surprised by the cat's words, and her emotional expression was still indifferent:

"At least before our parents died, none of us knew about the existence of such a place. That was also after our mother's death. Theodore often came here. I originally thought he came to mourn his parents, but after his death I found out that he had been coming in and out of here frequently after our mother died."

"Before your mother died, did your family cemetery have anything like the resurrection of the dead?"

Shad asked again, and the soul shook his head. This is very interesting. The edge of life and death overlaps with this area, and this place happens to be a cemetery, but there has not been a single resurrection of the dead. It can only mean that this world actually opened a gap after their mother died.

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