Whispering Verse

Chapter 2693: Soul Experiment and the Location of the Mourners

Chapter 2692 Soul Experiment and the Location of the Mourners

The undead were completely suppressed. When the surrounding flames disappeared and Shadluo returned to the floor of the auditorium, the curled up lady tried to stand up tremblingly. She has regained her consciousness, but the severe pain in her soul that seems to be coming from the inside out has not disappeared:

"This kind of pain~ I haven't been so clear-headed for a long time, and I haven't felt such a vivid existence of my soul for a long, long time."

She looked at Shade with bright eyes. Shade knew this "symptom" very well. Sisters Megan and Audrey had similar feelings when their souls were chaotic.

"Can you come to me again?"

The noble lady's soul made a request, but the cat refused on Shad's behalf. She believed that the other party was taking advantage of Shad. It can be said that the witch and the witch apprentices took advantage of Shade because of their own people, but this soul is not one of their own:

"What are you thinking about? It's been a long time since we last met, but as agreed, we are here to see you again after sixty years. I'm glad you are still sane."

Cat tried to bring the topic back on track:

"This time we will help all your family members escape, but have you collected the information we want in the past sixty years?"

The noble lady finally stood up completely while holding on to the wall. On that wall was the family tree of the Bronte family. Although the wall was more dilapidated, each name was still clear:

"Yes, sixty years. They have all lost their minds. If I hadn't made a contract with this gentleman and let my soul feel his breath, I might never wake up like the rest of my family."

She tried hard to stop trembling, but the cat became even more angry at this statement. She believed that feeling the breath of Shade's soul should be hers alone:

"Please answer our question, what have you known in these sixty years?"

The soul actually doesn't have many emotions, so it won't be angry because of the cat's strange attitude:

"No, there is no second time traveler. I am pretty sure that only my son has traveled through time. Apart from him, I have only seen you two people who are not from normal time and the cat."

The cat's tail was dangling in Shade's clothes. She was thinking, and Shade asked:

"What else do you know besides this? Have you found out about that mysterious existence?"

The lady shook her head:

"I don't know, Theodore hid this information very deeply. But I at least figured out that Theodore gave part of his soul to that mysterious existence. That was after 1787, West Odo never gave up on soul experiments. He split his own soul and exchanged it for some terrible knowledge.

I still remember that terrible night. He came here in the madness of soul loss, ate many souls, and told the forbidden and terrible knowledge in the madness. "

She shivered again, but this time it was from fear:

"Then he regarded this place as his secret laboratory. I already regretted giving birth to this son. He has done many cruel things in the past sixty years, especially after 1821 33 years ago. He said that he had met a strong enemy, so he must become stronger. At first, he only conducted soul experiments on the souls of strangers, but soon he also became involved with us."

The cat looked up at Shade, and Shade looked down at her. The witch's voice appeared in Shade's mind:

"If there's only one time traveler involved, is it possible that the Paradox Worm is in Theodore Bronte's split soul?"

This is also what Shade suspected, but now they still can't find the "Mourner":

"Madam, there is a tomb of a deceased named Jack Bronte outside the auditorium. In 1787, you said that it was a fake tomb erected by your son. Do you know that he moved the coffin from that tomb? "

"I know, that was his way of traveling through time. He always appeared from there before, and he took the coffin away from here after 1798. We all felt very uneasy about that coffin, very uneasy, and there was a sense of regret in it. , I can't describe it, but there seems to be our natural enemy in it.

Starting in 1791, the coffin often shook for no reason, and I even felt that my strength was being drained by it. If you go outside and take a look, you will find that the world today is much larger than when you came here in 1787. This is all caused by the power of that coffin. "

Shade was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly discovered something that he had ignored. He probably knew where the "Mourner" was:

"We didn't open the coffin!"

He lowered his head and said to the cat. The cat was a little confused:

"Didn't we open it? Otherwise, we used the key to open the door, we didn't actually open it physically!"

The cat also realized this and immediately grabbed Shade with its claws:

"Solve the matter here, let's go now!"

"Madam, I will open a door for you, and you can continue walking through it."

Shade spoke quickly, and was about to use the Door of Death, but the lady shook her head and refused:

"I want to wait until my son is dealt with by you before I leave. He has done so many wrong things. As his mother, I also have a responsibility. No matter how you want to deal with him, it is enough to ensure that he can no longer harm others." ”

Then he pointed to the ground again:

"You must not only be careful about him, but also be careful about the souls underground. He used the knowledge he exchanged with his soul to create a huge undead army for himself, and many of the souls among them are no less powerful than me just now.

Don't you guys try to deal with them here, there are too many and it will draw his attention. Please rest assured that if he really wants to use these souls, I can at least stop you for a moment. Let's go, I hope that the next time we meet, you will have let Theodore know that you are really wrong. "

The witch has the ability to tell if the soul is lying, and she can see that the mother is sincere. Before leaving, Shade even thought about whether to leave her one of the three wooden stakes made by Priest August, which might be useful at a critical moment.

But he was worried that this would arouse the alertness of the Dead Apostles, so he had to give up in the end.

"We didn't expect that something was obviously wrong with that coffin!"

Returning to the real world, when she turned into an owl and grabbed a cat and flew in the air, the witch was still regretting this:

"The coffin was obviously too old. I didn't notice it at the time."

"Didn't I notice it too? I was only paying attention to the tree hole at that time, and the power of death escaping from the tree hole also greatly obscured the situation inside the coffin."

Otherwise, Shade's badge will tell him immediately:

"Stop talking so much, York Bronte is still in town now, and we still have time."

When the owl reached noon ten minutes before the day, the owl took Shade to the familiar sparse woodland. After the clearing was dug again, the coffin was revealed. This time the two of them cast spells together. With an extremely dull sound, the coffin flew up from the pit and hit the ground heavily.

Even now, the two of them still failed to notice that there was something terrible inside the coffin. The breath of death seriously hindered their perception. Even when Shade put his hand on the coffin lid again, he failed to notice " traces of the mourners.

So the best way to hide a rotten egg is to stuff it in the toilet.

Shade took out the three wooden stakes given by Priest August. This alchemical weapon used to deal with the "Dead Apostles" was obviously also useful for the "Mourners". The witch was chanting a spell on the side. As the air became moist, more and more moisture gathered around it, until a cubic body of water larger than the coffin itself enveloped the coffin on the ground.

The water body was rapidly turning black due to the pollution of the aura of death, but as Shade poured the No. 3 holy water directly into the water body, the blackened water body quickly became clean again.

After a bang, a coffin nail jumped up from the southeast corner of the coffin, and then bounced out of the water. Shade reached out to catch the nails and gently rubbed his fingers on the metal surface:

"Elven runes are creations of ancient elves. They are not something from the Sixth Age at all."

The witch who kept the coffin wrapped in water vigilantly said:

"So, this coffin is also some kind of seal? In fact, the mourner did not break free of the seal at all, but Bronte discovered it?"

"It's hard to say, but there is no legend of the Mourner in the entire Sixth Age. It's possible that Bronte actually discovered it."

"Do you want to open it here?"

The great witch of death asked uncertainly:

"If the seal is still in effect, should we open it?"

But without Shade making a choice or further investigating the coffin situation, someone had already given them the answer.

From the gap in the coffin, a small piece of dark red flesh crawled out from the inside of the coffin. When flesh and blood come into contact with the diluted holy water, it immediately shows signs of being corroded, but this does not affect its rapid proliferation.

When it landed on the ground next to the coffin, the remaining vitality of the nearby forest immediately gathered towards it. It was not that Shade didn't notice this thing. The silver moonlight in his hand struck out immediately, but when the moonlight reached the piece of rapidly multiplying meat, the arm growing out of the piece of meat blocked it.

It is not accurate to say that it was blocked. The moonlight still split the piece of flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood immediately gathered together and continued to grow.

At this time, the witch quickly controlled the coffin to fly far away to prevent it from being taken away, while Shade stepped forward to block in front of her.

The flesh and blood grew to the height of a person in just one breath. After being split into four parts by the crossed moonlight cross, York Bronte, whose skin was half-melted, still grew in the scarlet mist exhaled by Shade. come out.

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