Whispering Verse

Chapter 2699 Death Battle (Additional updates, please vote)

Chapter 2698 Death Battle (Additional update please vote)

Xia De blinked his eyes. Normally, a decent hero at this time should say things like "Every life is extremely precious", "No one has the right to deprive others of their lives", "People cannot live just for themselves", but Xia De De is not a traditional decent hero:

"Because if I don't deal with you, I will feel very uncomfortable. Although you haven't provoked me yet, now that I have met you and learned about your behavior, of course I will deal with you."

All the muscles on the Dead Apostle's face seemed to be twitching:

"So, you are one of those people in knight novels who think they can uphold justice?"

Shade didn't know how he came to this conclusion:

"Do we really want to have this meaningless question and answer? You killed people and harmed the world just to keep yourself alive. This is enough for me to take action against you."

"But life is so precious. In order to survive, isn't it necessary to be cowardly and cruel? Is there anything in this world that is more precious than life? Well, let me tell you the secret of my immortality, this bargaining chip Is it enough?"

Shade took a deep breath, but the continuously glowing sword in his hand still revealed his mood at this time:

"Well, I should have known that there was nothing to say to someone like you."

[Night Watch] lunged forward, but York Bronte's body merged into the wall behind him. The sharp sword pierced directly into the wall. The moment the squirming flesh behind the wall touched the sword body, the whole room shook.

The damage effect of the angel-level relic sword on evil creatures made the flesh wrapping the room feel the pain that directly affected the soul. Flesh and blood then continuously emerged from the cracks in the floor and walls, turning into tentacles that wanted to digest everyone inside.

But this cannot be called a trap for Shad, because this trap has no possibility of trapping Shad:

"Raglai's jump!"

He jumped up and then appeared in the air outside the building. He narrowed his eyes slightly and breathed scarlet at the roof of the three-story building:

"Corrupted Blood Mist!"

Invisible flesh and blood squirmed and clung to the building, and was hit head-on by the poisonous mist without any time to react. Shade, who landed on the ground, didn't think this move would work. He just wanted Bronte to gather all his flesh and blood to fight with him here, but he didn't expect that although the flesh and blood did condense together, they suddenly turned into black light and broke through. The gray fog around the building flew away towards the outside of the city.

That black light was so conspicuous that the church ring wizards and Miss Danister around the manor could clearly see it.

After Shade walked out of the manor, the eleventh-ring warlock from the Peace Church who had just led him to the door immediately asked:

"what happened?"

"There are no enemies inside. Now go in and appease the ordinary people."

As Shade spoke, he looked up at the trace of light left by the black light in the sky where it was about to rain. He was simply afraid that Shade would not be able to follow him. He knew what was coming in that direction:

"You are all ring warlocks from Vesta Woodland Parish, so do you know there is an 'Edge of Life and Death' locally?"

The high-level warlocks looked at each other:

"In Vista Glades? In the woods?"

So they don't know.

"It only appeared there for more than half a century, so it's not that long ago, or the cracks were man-made. You go in and deal with the people in the manor first. The undead that are close to the city now all appear from there."

He told the church the location of the Bronte family's old cemetery. After all, the church would need to use rituals to reseal this less active edge of life and death.

After saying that, he wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the eleventh-ring warlock who was the first to talk to him:

"Sir, oh, or madam, what is going on here?"

"Can we talk about this later? Since I have come to this city, I will definitely not just stay for a few days."

Of course, Shade was not reckless and rushed out following the black light. While the church urgently dispatched the team, he joined Miss Danister and the others before leaving the city together.

He was already quite familiar with the road to the old cemetery, but when he took the girls close to the forest area this time, the heavy fog had drifted from not far ahead, and the cold wind that made the soul feel cold had also Blowing in the forest.

"The edge of life and death is out of control!"

Ready to fight, the 18-year-old girl with red hair tied behind her head for ease of movement immediately made a judgment. After walking a few dozen meters further, she stopped everyone before they saw Cemetery Shade:

"If you go any further, you will directly enter the edge of life and death."

He looked at Miss Danister, who nodded slightly:

"I'll go with you."

After saying that, she drank the bottle of [Spiritual Potion] that Shade didn't know the specific effect of. The potion took effect very quickly, and the eight-ring life ring that appeared automatically behind her changed into a magic potion in just a few dozen seconds. Nine Rings, and then there is a trend of continued growth:

"It feels very good. Give me twenty minutes and I'm confident that I can restore the Thirteenth Ring in a short time. Although it will take time to reach the peak of the potion's efficacy, the side effects should not be strong."

Seeing that she had made a decision, Xia De did not stop her:

"Dannister, follow me in. Miss Katrina Talbach, you guys set up the ceremony outside to meet us. This battle is the last battle with Bronte. This time, we can't let it run away no matter what!"

The witch's followers nodded in agreement, so Shade took the red-haired girl's hand, and the glowing sword split the thick fog forward, and the two entered the place where the fog was surging. Even though the "Red Moon Witch" was cursed, her soul strength was much stronger than "Miss Owl", so although she showed some discomfort, it did not affect the battle.

The two held hands to prevent getting lost, and took a few steps forward and arrived at the dilapidated old cemetery of the Bronte family covered by thick fog and dead branches.

"Should we go in?"

The voice of the red-haired girl in the fog was also quite low, and Shade shook his head with a serious expression:

"I don't think we need to go in, three, two, one."

With a rumble, the ground shook, accompanied by a loud noise that should not have appeared on the brink of life and death, a black fist as big as a mountain smashed the main body of the cemetery from underground and stretched out of the ground.

Amid the continuous rumbling sound, the terrifying huge figure crawled out of the ground. This time, unlike the nearly phantom behemoth that appeared in the coffin, this thing was a real entity.

Even though the thick fog obscured most of its appearance, Shade could still see that on its surface, the dark flesh and blood flowed like liquid. This body was no longer made of solid flesh and blood, but a terrible semi-fluid formed by breaking the flesh and blood and sticking them together.

Just the terrifying resentment and breath of death when it crawled out from the ground made Shade and Miss Danister feel suffocated, and this was just the huge body that the dead apostles had prepared for themselves since 1821 for fighting.

The flesh and blood came from the corpses of the innocent dead, and the resentment of the victims became the power of the murderer.

But it was not over yet. With most of its body sticking out of the ground, the dark giant raised its head and roared at the "world", and the spirits on the edge of life and death became restless. The invisible suction pulled the resentful spirits towards the giant, and then the wailing souls were all sucked into the mouth of the black giant.

"The powerful body with deformed flesh and blood, plus the powerful soul obtained by absorbing the undead. You are right. If this kind of thing is not solved in time, it will destroy the whole world sooner or later."

Miss Danister's statement is not an exaggeration. The dead apostles who have existed for more than 60 years can do this. If it existed for more than a hundred years, Shade might have called the guardians of the earth, Mr. Ptolemy Albert, Grace and Helen.

As countless souls were absorbed by the black giant, even the thick fog in the "edge of life and death" began to thin. The giant's body became larger and larger, and at the same time, the blood and flesh flowing on the surface of the body gradually solidified into semi-solidified hideous human faces.

It did not attack Shade immediately, but stood in the fog and asked:

"Give me back my coffin! I'll give you one last chance!"

At this time, there was no need to communicate. Shade nodded to the red-haired girl beside him, then jumped up and threw out a huge halo. The black flesh and blood giant raised his hand and pinched the light wheel. The pure soul power could not be purified by the silver moon. As it exerted force, the light wheel was crushed into pieces:

"Do you think I saw your moonlight thirty-three years ago and would not be on guard against you?"

"Very good, it seems that you have not prepared for more than thirty years in vain."

The huge three-ring life ring suspended behind the black giant was also dyed black. Its right hand opened, and the death ray swept towards the direction of Shade and Miss Danister like a torrent.

Shade stepped forward and blocked the red-haired girl. After a roar, the huge silver eyes rose from the ground like the moon, and then the luxurious moonlight dragon stood up from the mist.

The scales shining with silver moonlight shone brightly in the mist. The dragon blocked the death ray in front of the red-haired girl, and then opened its mouth to spit out a silver stream of light, but it was blocked by the soul barrier opened by the black giant.

The dragon spread its wings and flew into the sky, then dived towards the giant and collided with it. The entire ground in the fog was shaking with a loud rumbling sound. The battle between the two behemoths ended briefly with the dragon being thrown into the sky.

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