Whispering Verse

Chapter 2703 Whispering Cowardice

Chapter 2702 Whisper-Cowardice

The main body of the shattered black giant was still underwater, but it looked like it could no longer sustain the battle. And because York Bronte has absorbed too much life force, although he still basically maintains his human form at this moment, his head is white and swollen, a structure similar to wings has grown on his back, his arms have shrunk, and his legs are unusually thick. It is gradually leaving its human form.

There were four eyes on its face that became extremely large. When it looked up at the two people in the sky, it grinned its mouth with sharp canine teeth and laughed, Shad and Miss Danister. You can hear it:

"I already know what kind of power you have. Let's meet again in 67 years! At that time, I will let you know my power."

The white mist between the narrow spaces of time seeped out and enveloped his body, and it was trying to escape from what happened next by returning to the year of "destined death" in 1787. Even though the coffin as a tree cavity has been lost, at least there is still hope that it can survive back to 1787.

From Shade's point of view, this seemed to be fate actively drawing it back to die. Although there is no evidence, outsiders have a strong premonition that once York Brontë takes the initiative to return to 1787, it will never be able to leave that time again, nor will it return to this battlefield across 67 years.

But welcoming "death" so easily seems to be a bit advantageous to him. Not only Shade thinks so, but more people also think so.

While Shade and Miss Danister were throwing wooden stakes at him, under the water where York Bronte was standing, the hands of densely packed spiritual beings stretched out suddenly, grabbing him at the moment he tried to escape. Lived him.

These souls absorbed by him in the "edge of life and death" briefly regained their consciousness after the collapse of the huge flesh and blood body. Over the past sixty years, countless souls who died tragically because of York Bronte have pulled on its body, and it is obvious that the Dead Apostles are trying to return to the past and cannot leave with so many souls.

So the two wooden stakes easily hit its throat and chest, and the huge number of souls piled up on each other from the bottom of the water, even causing the spirit body to interfere with reality.

One hand after another kept tearing at its body and soul that had lost its resilience. Bronte exclaimed and wanted to cast a spell to expel them, but when the chocobo jumped down the pit with electric light, Iluna held the Under the light of the scale, it completely lost its ability to cast spells:

"You damn things, you were my food when you were alive. Do you think I will be afraid of you after you die?"

The stakes suppress its talent for absorbing life force, and the balanced Chosen limits its spellcasting. Therefore, even though they were cursing in panic, those souls still gathered more and more, until they piled up like a hill and pushed York Brontë out of the water.

As a result, its body completely sank into the "Mountain of Souls" in this water-filled pit, leaving only its head screaming and wailing on the "top of the mountain". Tens of thousands of souls overlapped together, eroding its weird soul essence like ants.

This cannot completely eliminate it, but this torture is like the torture of cutting off the flesh piece by piece with a knife.

The red-haired girl in the air only lowered her height slightly, bringing Shade to a position that was level with the head. At the same time, she did not forget to use illusions to cover up the scene at the bottom of the pit with heavy fog to prevent the subsequent dialogue from leaking.

The fog blocked the top of the head, and at the same time, the spirit body flickered in the air. The soul of Mrs. Bronte, who had been in the small auditorium on the edge of life and death, appeared in front of Shade and the two with a pale green flame.

The lady holds her husband's hand in her left hand, and her daughter's hand in her right hand.

She did not go to see her son. The family bowed slightly to Shade and then disappeared. They would continue walking. This was something that should have been done in the last century.


Shade wanted to say something to the head, but was unable to speak due to the coldness in his mouth. Others may not understand, but Miss Daniste, who was holding him behind him, could fully feel the chill in his head, and that chill was just right to suppress her body and soul, which had become hot after drinking the essence just now.

But the screaming head seemed to understand what he wanted to say:

"I'm not wrong! I've gone further than all of you on the road to immortality! It's our nature to fear death. I just followed my human instinct to achieve everything I have now. So what if you defeat me? The god of death still sleeps in this forest, and the coffin still has the power to destroy all things.

If you destroy me, no one will know those secrets anymore! I know it all, I know everything you want to know! "

Although it spoke very forcefully, it still wanted Shade to let it go. But Shade didn't actually want to ask "Have you repented?" or something like that, but wanted to say that he could make his soul unable to go on.


He took out the shriveled eyeball impaled by a stake from his pocket, meaning it could handle the thing without itself. Then the expression of the Dead Apostle who was torn apart by the souls froze, and then he said loudly:

"The secret of the tree hole, I also know the secret of the tree hole, I know the secret of this woodland, I am a person who has survived since the time of Ximu Town, I know."

But it didn't matter anymore. Xia De adjusted the numb muscles in his mouth due to the coldness, and took out the 0.9-minute ordinary quality [Cowardice] from his pocket, which was the paper figure given by the doctor.

Now this "cowardice" has been kept in Xia De for too long, and the black figure looks more and more real. So he put the paper figure in front of his mouth as Chloe said, and then looked around suddenly. There seemed to be a strong feeling of being spied on just now, but it disappeared in just a moment:

"The things in this forest are really not over yet."

But those are all things that need to be dealt with later. Xia De slowly opened his mouth and finally spit out the cold current.

The heavy snow in the sky became more dense at this moment, and the colorless cold current turned into a frosty white color.

The cold current pounced on the head at the top of the "Soul Hill", and the screaming sound became louder and louder, but became low after a few seconds. When the spirit touched the cold, it was not only frozen with a rustling sound, but also had crystal-clear and fine cracks on its surface.

Even the creeping "hill" felt the extreme cold, so the spirits gradually retreated, and Bronte's soul also dropped a little bit in the process of freezing.

The water surface at the bottom of the deep pit quickly froze, and the chocobo standing on the water surface raised one of its claws curiously to observe the solid water surface.

The red-haired girl continued to hold Shad, descending while Shad continued to exhale the cold. When Bronte's spirit covered with cracks completely turned into an ice sculpture standing on the ice, Shad also covered his mouth and coughed violently several times, and the cold air given by Chloe was finally used up.

[Stranger, you have some understanding of "cold" and "freezing". ]

[Stranger, your spell "Carina's Ice Spell" has changed. Please wait. 】

[The spell "Galina's Ice Curse" is sublimated into the spell "Chloe's Cold Breath". The spell effect remains unchanged, but its coldness is enough to freeze the soul. 】

The densely packed souls that have consumed their strength and resentment are still standing on the ice in the deep pit and looking at them, so Iluna has to ride the chocobo very hard to squeeze to the center:

"Please make way, please make way. Is this the end? Miss Fortune Teller saw that you didn't have a meeting this afternoon, so she asked me to let me see what's going on here."

As she spoke, she jumped off the back of the chocobo that was curiously looking around. This creature, which is known for its boldness and curiosity, is not afraid of the souls around it at all. However, it followed Iluna very obediently, stretching its head to look at Shade from behind Iluna.

"It's over."

Shade, who felt that his throat was better, said, staring at the crystal clear mutant soul of the Dead Apostle, and then punched it -


As the rustling sound gradually grew louder, the cracks on the surface of the spirit body also spread rapidly and became finer. Until finally, with a click, the extremely cold spirit body completely shattered.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to return."

There seemed to be a voice moaning in the cold wind, but it was just the last fear and not repentance. After the spirit body collapsed, some black airflow emerged uncontrollably from the soul residue frozen by sin, swirled in the air and plunged towards Shade.

Shade originally thought that this was a means of attack after death, but he did not stop it after "her" reminded him.

Then the life ring behind him emerged in the steam mist, and the black airflow climbed onto the life ring and turned into a pure whisper element. A new sin was attributed to Shade, the "murderer", because of the shattering of a soul. York Bronte added a new spirit rune to Shade's life ring.

[Because of fear, he is cowardly. Because of cowardice, he is cruel. Because of cruelty, he kills. Because of killing, he fears death. Although the cowardly person uses all means to desire immortality, he does not know that all mortals will eventually die. When the destined death opens its arms to him, cowardice is the first sin that makes him unable to rest. ]

[Outsider, you have engraved the Black Iron Whispering Spirit Rune - Cowardice. ]

"Whispering? Because he uses the power of the relic to keep his soul from being torn apart by other souls?"

Because when collecting sins before, Shade had already come into contact with "cowardice" twice, so he was not too surprised to really get this spirit rune.

This great sin spirit rune can obviously also be connected to the "Great Sin Chain", but this sin is not the sin of the outsider himself, just like the previous "laziness". He is not a coward at all, so he still needs to use the knowledge given by the tree father to make the "Great Sin Chain" accept the eighth sin rune.

PS: The current runes of the Eighth Ring are:

Miracle-Night (resurrection after death in the Battle of Moon Bay), Inspiration-Direction (a gift from Sister Brock in the Fifth Era), Whisper-Cowardice (sin born out of fear of death).

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