Whispering Verse

Chapter 2726 Moonlight Torches and Lake Bottom Stone Tablet

Chapter 2725 Moonfire Torch and Stone Tablet at the Bottom of the Lake

Shade is not just thinking about Carina’s current affairs:

"I don't know the situation here at the moment. Let Carina, Lesia and Siris wait for news in Tobesk City first. This is also for safety. Everyone can't come here. Let's take a look at the current situation. If it still doesn't work , I will go to the guardians and Mr. Albert for help."

The small camp welcomed so many people at once, and after the camp was expanded again, tents and bonfires soon spread all over the edge of the forest.

The four great witches of Space, Earth, Darkness, and Destiny were present, and Miss Daniste also greeted them respectively.

"Long time no see, Daniste, you look so young now."

Mother-in-law Cassandra said with a smile that she and Miss Daniste are distant relatives (Chapter 1913), and in many major events in the past year, Miss Daniste has met many members of the Witch Council. We have met each other before, so we are not strangers.

Under other circumstances, the witches except Granny Cassandra would probably say hello to Shade's "teacher" very reservedly, but now that the situation was urgent, they and Iluna were at the campfire again While listening to Miss Denister talk about today's events.

Grace and Helen cast spells with Dorothy to add space loop properties to the camp to ensure that no one can leave this loop space without their permission. The elf girl went to take care of her chocobos, while Tifa, The three witch apprentices, Matilda and Miss Swift, are responsible for preparing the girls in the camp to prepare for battle.

If it hadn't been for this emergency, Shade would not have allowed Dorothy or Lesia to merge with the Red Butterfly girls to cast spells so frequently. He was worried that this would have some adverse effects. He had not forgotten Dorothy and Lesia. Lesia's mutual fusion phenomenon has only been greatly delayed rather than disappeared, but this time it has to be like this.

As for when Shad returned to Tobesk just now, his original intention was to ask Luvia to divine how to rescue Miss Winslet, but Luvia spent a [Pure Light]. Although she did get the rescue method, she had to use a lot of manpower:

"The information provided by the hermits is correct. The Lake of Love is most attractive to a man and a woman when they come alone. Especially if the two people already have a good relationship, this is almost certain to trigger the characteristic. On the contrary, the Lake The more people on the sidelines, the less attractive and transcendent properties the lake of love becomes.

I don't know if there will be fighting, but at least twenty people must be present to ensure basic safety, and the male to female ratio must be large. "

This condition is now met.

The temperature in the forest dropped sharply after nightfall, and the whistling wind blew through the forest, but surprisingly there were no clouds in the night sky. The transparent lake reflected an increasingly strange and magnificent starry sky. Iluna looked at the lake again with her heterochromatic eyes, then withdrew her gaze and said to Shade and Luvia:

"I thought that after I reached the High Ring, nothing would be able to directly interfere with my mind."

"Iluna, don't underestimate this world."

Miss Seer reminded her. After the newly arrived ladies knew the general situation, she clapped her hands and walked to the largest bonfire. Shade and Iluna followed her, so everyone watched. Looking at her, the purple-eyed girl showed no stage fright:

“The Lake of Love is not a relic, but has acquired its current characteristics due to the influence of some powerful being.

This property is stronger during the night phase than during the day phase, but we cannot wait until daytime, otherwise the probability of Flora Winslet waking up will become even smaller. Getting started now requires everyone's help. "

"Are you going to rescue Flora directly?"

The blonde countess asked. Among the witches present, she actually had the best relationship with Luvia. This was a friendship cultivated during the Moon Bay, but Luvia shook her head:

"Bella, if you want to rescue the people at the bottom of the lake, you must let them take the initiative to wake up like Shade just now. Otherwise, even if we can sneak into the lake safely like little Mia, we will never be able to pull them out.

Now, we need to determine what this lake is. There is a stone tablet at the bottom of the lake, which records the secrets of this lake. Witches, each choose three helpers, and then leave the camp with me.

The helpers you choose do not need to be your own followers, but they must have the power of the witch. If an apprentice is available, be sure to select an apprentice. "

No one asked her how she knew these things. Everyone gathered around her and watched her standing by the campfire arranging her actions.

Her purple eyes had a serious expression. It was clear that Luvia Anat was neither the strongest girl here nor the one who had established deep feelings with the witches present. But when she spoke beside the fire, when the pair of purple Her eyes were illuminated by the firelight, and people spontaneously felt awe and belief in her.

"Perhaps in the past Sixth Era, Luvia also obtained the command power of the Parliament through some means."

Before choosing their own helpers, the girls first helped Shade perform a ceremony to add the power of [Cowardice] to the Chain of Sin. He has collected enough materials, but has not yet performed the ritual.

In the subsequent process of selecting helpers, Vanessa, the four great witches present, was the strongest, so even if the apprentice Margaret was not around, she just randomly selected three high-ring girls;

Granny Cassandra is only tenth level and is nominally the weakest in power, so not only did Miss Swift follow her, but Tifa also stood behind her;

The twelfth-level countess has her own maid, Matilda, so she doesn't have to worry about other things;

Although the young Miss Sylvia was already at the eleventh level, she did not recruit apprentices, so in addition to her followers, Miss Bell also followed her.

The girls who were not selected hurriedly made a batch of torches, and then Shade was asked to use "moon fire" to ignite them one after another. The three people beside the four witches who went out each held a torch. Then the four groups were divided into four directions: east, west, north and south, and came to the shore of the heart-shaped love lake.

Under the light of the moonfire, the urge to enter the lake reflecting the magnificent stars has weakened a lot.

Luvia then selected twenty-eight people from everyone present, including Grace, Helen, Dorothy, the elf girl, herself, Miss Danister, and Iluna. They were divided into seven groups, and one group went out at a time to insert the remaining torches into the soil on the shore of the lake.

The seven groups left the camp for a total of three rounds and successfully outlined the outline of the Love Lake with silver firelight, so the spiritual pollution of the large lake immediately weakened.

Then, under Luvia's instructions, the four witches by the lake each took out their own witch jewelry.

Vanessa's gold ring, first from the left, the countess' right hand bracelet, Cassandra's mother-in-law's button, Miss Sylvia's gold ring, second from the left, the four pieces of witch jewelry resonate with each other after being activated, and the silver on the lakeside The firelight added a golden glow.

The power of the witch seemed to be particularly restrained by the power of the Love Lake. The spiritual pollution of the star-like lake was once again weakened, and even the color of the stars in the water became dim.


Luvia reminded him softly, and Shade in the camp suddenly threw a chain with eight mortal sin runes towards the lake. The chain successfully crossed the gap between the two torches and plopped into the water. At this time, Shade subconsciously took a step forward, and Iluna, who was holding the sword, immediately held his shoulders.

"The stone tablet is underwater. It should not be buried very deep. You can look for it yourself, but be careful not to touch anyone's body."

Luvia reminded.

Although Shade couldn't use the "Sin Chain" as an extension of his senses, he could really feel if the chain touched something. The power of Moonfire and the four great witches compressed the power of the Lake of Love to the limit, and the power of sin seemed to be able to effectively filter this spiritual pollution.

"The end of the chain seems to have become transparent."

Dorothy whispered to Luvia. Every rune on the chain of sin lit up under the moonlight, but at the end of the chain illuminated by the moonfire, there was a violent vibration in the rune chain of the chain. It is indeed becoming a transparent color.

"It doesn't matter for now."

Luvia, who was staring at Shade's back, replied softly.

The calm lake surface became rippled after the chains entered. Half a minute later, the swaying water of the lake was about to splash onto the big witches. Fortunately, Luvia warned of this possibility in advance, so they were all careful. to avoid the lake water.

Shade had closed his eyes to allow his senses to better perceive the situation at the bottom of the lake. Finally, when he did find the stone slab half buried in the mud and wrapped it with chains, a loud hula broke the tranquility of the night.

Except for Shade who closed his eyes and the chocobos huddled together, all the ladies and girls in the camp and by the lake saw a huge tail-like black shadow on the transparent lake surface glowing with stars. Flashed below.

Even the ladies by the lake couldn't see the whole thing clearly, but this didn't affect the cat on Shade's shoulder meowing, and two-thirds of all the moonfire torches were extinguished. The four great witches fell back one after another, but were immediately supported by their respective helpers.

"found it!"

Shade grabbed the chain with both hands and pulled it sharply in the direction of the camp, and then Iluna's hand also grabbed the chain. The two of them exerted their strength together, and with a muffled sound, the ancient stone tablet flew directly out of the water and fell into the camp.

With a bang, the bottom of the stone slab was deeply embedded in the soil beside the campfire. Shade and Iluna breathed a sigh of relief, but Luvia did not relax. Instead, she directed the witches by the lake to retreat one by one, and asked the groups in the camp to go out again to replace the extinguished torches. .

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