Whispering Verse

Chapter 2734 Repair Resin

Chapter 2733 Restoration Resin

The priest's suitcase contained a glass jar containing a white viscous colloid. The colloid itself does have a whispering element, but it is not strong.

"This is a derivative of the sage-level relic [Kandla's Tree of Rebirth]. Do you know the Tree of Rebirth? Put a mutilated or rotten corpse under the tree, and after three sun and moon cycles, the corpse can be restored to its best state.

This is a very practical function. Although it is not resurrection, corpse restoration is also very important. Of course, this tree also has limitations. It cannot restore ashes or things that have been dead for more than 1,000 years."

The priest introduced that Shade also knew about this relic. The Tree of Rebirth is currently housed in the Church of Nature, which is mentioned in his textbook.

As for the negative characteristics of this tree, the corpses restored by the tree are too perfect and are very easy to be eroded by subspace creatures. Perfect corpses are also derivatives of relics. In addition, there are ghosts in the subspace, so as long as there is trouble, it is not a trivial matter.

As for the resin of the Tree of Rebirth, it is called "repair resin". In addition to being able to repair corpses in a degraded version, this relic derivative can also be used as glue to repair some damaged ordinary items and even alchemical items.

Through proper blending, the function of the resin can be better exerted. And the jar of colloid in front of you is obviously the resin specially blended by the Augustus priest.

"Piece the broken key together, and then move it as a whole into the jar until the resin completely covers it."

The Augustus priest talked about the use of these special resins and emphasized:

"If I am not old and confused, the key you mentioned can be restored to its original appearance in about five minutes. There may be some left in this bottle of resin, you can keep it to repair other things."

Although Shade's magic of the breath of time can reverse time, his reverse time is limited in range, and this resin is useful for damage within a thousand years, so it is a very good thing.

"Thank you, priest. Also, can you let me see your left eye that is covered by your hat?"

Shad asked again, and the old priest shook his head helplessly:

"I put on the hat just because I was afraid you would worry, it's okay."

He took off his black silk hat, revealing his gray left eye that looked like it was blind. Shad looked at the eye, and the eye moved around in the eye socket unnaturally.

"Priest, this is obviously not normal, right?"


The cat on the coffee table also called out, and Priest Augustus signaled to Shade to touch his eyeball:

"This is just a normal reaction in the fusion state, and it will be healed in about a day or two. Feel it yourself to see if there is anything wrong."

Shade did not hesitate to touch the gray eyeball, and retracted his hand after a moment:

"Although the elements are strong, they are also balanced. Well, it seems that there is only a problem with the appearance, and I thought it was..."

"Although I am weaker than you, I won't lose control twice a year, right?"

Priest Augustus also knew that Shade was worried about his condition:

"If there is a problem, I will go find you and Bill, but this is really normal. This eye is transforming into a magic eye, and I can now choose to observe the world from another perspective. "

"So do you have a problem with how you see me and Mia now? Do I mean different from other people?"

He pulled the cat on the coffee table over, and the priest blinked at the man and the cat:

"You probably misunderstood, I mean I can see the world of the dead, which helps detect the dead, the edge of life and death, or whether someone is seriously ill. You and your cat have nothing to do with these, you are normal."

"Is that so..."

The priest had to rush back to the church to organize today's activities, and did not stay with Shade for too long. Shade sent the old priest to the lobby downstairs and gave him a bag of apples produced in Ximu Town as a gift.

The door closed, and the priest also walked into the bustling crowd of St. Teresa's Square. He weighed the bag and decided to take it back and share the apples with the children in the church choir.

After walking a few steps forward, Rat Augustus turned his head and looked at the wall of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Just now, the color of the end of the world and the end of all things was almost everywhere in the field of vision, but only after entering Saint Teresa Square, the color became extremely faint.

Especially after entering No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, the color symbolizing the end of the world almost completely disappeared. And this seems to mean that the property held by the detective may become the last building standing in the inevitable doomsday.

"So, the scene of the maze-the end city Tobesk will appear here at dusk? The detective really saw the appearance of the end."

The old man shook his head and walked into the crowded crowd.


"I know, I know, I will take you."

After sending the priest away and returning to the second floor, Shade gently picked up the cat from the floor. The cat's big amber eyes were still staring at Shade, and Shade patted its little head:

"I didn't have a chance to tell you last night, it was all thanks to you yesterday."


The cat didn't seem to understand what Shade said, it just rubbed Shade's hand with its furry face. Shade smiled and rubbed it again, and decided to find time to wash the cat in the next few days, and then take it out for a big meal.

[Is this considered repaying kindness with enmity? ]

“But I’m curious, Mia. You don’t like to go out normally, but why do you like to follow me to the past? Come here and let me become a toy. You see, you are always the best at this time—May the World Tree bless me in infinite time.”


[Stranger, you have stepped into the “Time Corridor”. ]

[Message from the ancient god “Infinite Tree Father”: ]

[Fifth Epoch, Summer 2025, Western Continent, Black Sand Pier. ]

[Event: Farewell. ]

[Duration 50 minutes (3/3). ]

[You have obtained additional information. ]

[The figure of Infinite Tree Father is watching you. ]

[The ancient god of time gives you a test: ]

[Waiting with mortals for those who are about to leave. ]

[Infinite Tree Father will give you a reward: Miracle Spirit Rune-Tree. 】

"Fifty minutes is too short. If I can really see Chloe again after completing the mission this time, can you let me stay for a while longer? I won't change the past!"

He made a request in the fog, and after a moment of waiting:

[Stranger, you need to complete the mission before you can make a request. 】

"Yes, I understand."

Shad then took a step forward, and his shoes had already stepped on the black gravel.

The dark sky, the thin fog, and the monotonous sound of the tide completely ruined his good mood this morning. As the repressed and depressed emotions appeared, he inevitably thought of the dream yesterday again, thinking of him and Flora Winslet in the dream.

He shook his head violently, suppressed the distracting thoughts, and then moved towards the direction of the tide. If possible, Shad still hopes that the dangers in this strange area in the future can be more concrete monsters or natural disasters, or even the disgusting insect tides of the "Worm Cave", instead of this kind of mental interference that disturbs people's mentality.

The faint firelight was shining on the water in the distance, and as Shade approached, he found that there were still three people by the fire. This meant that there were no newcomers this time, but it also meant that Mr. Nelson's wife was still not here.

He quickened his pace a little, and when he came to the campfire, the 13th-level witch Ms. Anya Block, who had already met the sister of the fire nun, and the young witch Miss McConaughey who was waiting to repair the key also turned their heads to look in the direction of the footsteps.

The three people looked a little bad. Mr. Nelson looked pale as if he was mentally injured, and Miss McConaughey's left hand was tightly wrapped with a withered bandage, and it seemed that the hand was swollen. The 13th-level Ms. Block was in a slightly better situation, but her spirit was also not good.

"What happened?"

Shade asked hurriedly, sitting down between Mr. Nelson and Ms. Block. Of course, the former's position was almost opposite the two witches.

While asking questions, he took out Mia again. The appearance of the cat made the campfire seem brighter.

The witch replied:

"After you left, a new person came. She is still a witch, but her situation is very bad. Not only is she out of control, but her soul seems to be controlled by something. I can see that she wants to wash away the thing that controls her by starting over, so I didn't persuade her to stay."

"The boatman did send her away, but"

Ms. McConaughey whispered:

"Her body dissolved in the water, her soul was liberated, and was carried to a new life. But the thing attached to her soul struggled to the shore from the water. It was an ancient evil spirit."

Ms. Bullock shook the black iron ring on her finger, which was not very beautiful. This was the [Demon Hunting Seal] they dug out from the beach together. It was something abandoned by people who came here in the past:

"Fortunately, there is this seal. Although we didn't defeat it completely, at least it made it leave. It went there, and I don't know whether it will return to the normal world in the end, or stay in this terrible place."

The witch raised her hand and pointed to the direction of the beach away from the pier. There was an illusion of a town there, but it seemed that there were even more weird things.

In short, "Black Sand Pier" obviously has more secrets and stories, but as passers-by, the few people are not so curious to explore. In the battle with the ancient evil spirit, fortunately there was a thirteenth-level witch present, plus the things found on the beach and the supplies brought by Xia De, so the injuries of the three people were not very serious.

Therefore, after confirming the status of his companions, Xia De talked about business:

"I will probably return to the real world with you this time, but we have to wait for the next person to arrive."

PS: Please vote at the end of the month.

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