Whispering Verse

Chapter 2737: Ouija Board Tree Hole

Chapter 2736 Ouija Board Tree Hole

Miss McConaughey is obviously not only good at using emotions-related powers. After returning to normal, she can clearly see that Shade is interested in this thaumaturgy. After all, this is the first person Shade has encountered who consumes according to percentages. The secret technique.

"Are you interested in [Body of Courage]? The casting materials required for this secret technique are very simple. Each cast requires 10 inches (approximately 25.4cm) of your own hair. But learning the secret technique requires not only knowledge of cowardice and Courage and the talent of physical transformation are also required, and please remember that you must not have cowardly thoughts during the spell, otherwise you will immediately revert to your original state and fall into a weak state.

While you are sailing away, I will write down the learning method of this secret technique for you. Please don't be polite to me. This is a thank you to you. "

Shade did not refuse her kindness. After entering 1854, he always fought against enemies that were larger than him, but he did not want to turn into a moonlight dragon every time to face the enemy.

His strength may not be inferior to those of his enemies, but he still suffers a bit in a battle between a small body and a large body. If he could master such a witch's secret technique, at least if he faced the Dead Apostle again, even if the opponent had prepared a flesh and blood body for fighting, Shade would be able to win more smoothly.

With "Tears of Despair", all that's left next is the warmth of the soul. In line with the principle of "whose business is responsible for paying the ticket", it is obvious that Mr. Nelson needs to pay for the soul temperature this time.

But Ms. Bullock refused to cast the spell:

"Absorbing the temperature of the soul requires direct contact. I am not willing to touch men."

But she didn’t want to stop this:

"Aren't you the fire-wielding hero chosen by the nun? Can't you do it yourself?"

"I remember saying, my nuns didn't teach me this."

Ms. Bullock certainly remembers this:

“Yes, yes, I really don’t know what your nun is thinking.

So let me teach you. For those who have already mastered the first fire, this method is easy to master, just like you will run soon after learning to walk. You've already learned your skills from your sister, so you don't mind learning from me again, right? "

The teaching method of this thirteenth-level witch was quite simple. She raised her right hand and showed it to Shade, then placed it on her chest. After two seconds, she took her right hand away and the air in her palm turned pale. Yellow, and there is twisting, which represents the heat of the soul:

"The witch's secret technique - inner fire, is the starting point of many secret techniques of the fire-bearing nuns. It represents the influence of fire on the outside world. My sister said that the starting point of this secret technique comes from the earliest times. This secret technique is quite easy to use, but it's a pity that No matter whose soul the temperature is extracted from, it can only act on the caster himself.

Well, I've shown it, try it yourself. "

Shade was a little surprised:

"Wait a minute, you just showed power, but what about teaching?"

Ms. Bullock was also surprised:

"Teaching? If you really have talent, wouldn't you learn it after just one look? In our era, this is how the talent of witches is judged."

After saying that, she took Sha De's right hand and pressed it on Sha De's chest. As the spirit in the witch's body flowed, similar traces of secret techniques appeared on Shade's right hand, which did not resist.

Chu Huo seemed to be willing to respond to this power, so after a few seconds, Ms. Bullock withdrew her hand, and Shade also took her hand away from her chest, and then saw a golden warm light jumping in her palm. .

[Outlander, you have mastered the spell - the inner fire. Extract the temperature of one's own or other individuals' souls. This temperature can warm the soul, increase fire resistance, increase curse resistance, and increase instant death resistance. Note that extracting the soul temperature of the same individual multiple times will cause serious damage to the soul. 】

[Affected by the "divine afterglow" effect, you can share the extracted soul temperature with anyone. 】

"Look, I just said this kind of teaching is normal."

Ms. Bullock said, Shade nodded slowly:

"I was thinking about how I would explain this to my nun when I go back. She looked a little angry last time. Why is the temperature of my soul golden?"

"Because your soul is very strong and contaminated with the power of the gods."

The knowledgeable thirteenth-level witch said, and then taught Shade to stuff the warm light back into his own body.

Obviously the temperature itself came from himself, but when the temperature returned again, Shade still felt a jolt of energy, and then thought that this spell could be used to improve the efficiency of staying up late.

The next thing was very simple. Shade cast another spell to take out some of the warmth of Mr. Nelson's soul and sealed it in the card. Because Mr. Nelson is an ordinary person, after the spell was cast on him, he immediately said that his body felt a little chilly, but fortunately, there were no other effects.

So the two men said goodbye to Ms. Bullock and Ms. McConaughey, who was dedicated to writing information about witch secrets for Shade. After handing the two cards to the boatman, the boat slowly sailed towards the area. Deep in the dark waters.

Although this was not his first time taking a boat, Shade, who was sitting on the edge of the boat, still looked at the surrounding darkness with interest. Mr. Nelson covered his face and sat across from him. When there was only a dim spot of light left on the beach with the bonfire, he asked Shade:

"Sir, even if you can persuade my wife not to leave, can she still return to normal? I am not worried about your power, but I am worried that one day she will come here again on her own initiative."

Shad, who was looking at the scenery, withdrew his eyes from the thick fog that suddenly appeared in front of him:

"So I have to make sure what kind of doomsday your wife saw. I still don't understand what she encountered, I just hope it is not the worst."

After the boat entered the thick fog area, the monotonous sound of water around it disappeared. The voyage in the fog was quite brief, and Shad was very curious. The first two trips to "Death" and the Vestal Forest in the Fifth Epoch were because the places where the incidents occurred were near the water, so the boat could appear reasonably, but the incident of the Nelson family did not happen by the river.

"So how can the boat get close? Or do we have to get off the boat and walk a distance?"

And soon he understood, as the boat sailed out of the white fog, Mr. Nelson immediately screamed. Even Shade half stood up in surprise, watching the boat sail out of the sea of ​​stars, along the strange "river" of starlight in the air, and headed for a small apartment in the bustling city night scene illuminated by gas lamps below.

"Well, the galaxy is also a river, which makes sense."

The appearance of the city in the Fifth Epoch is very similar to that in 1854 of the Sixth Epoch. The steam industry is already quite developed, and pipelines are erected in every corner of the city. Even the skyline is decorated with chimneys and messy pipelines of steam factories.

The difference is that even at night, witches can be seen flying in the air on magic carpets or flying alone. There are more spellcasters in this era than in the next epoch. Of course, they can't see the boat that sailed out of the sea of ​​stars.

The boat is much more stable in the air than on the real water. Finally, it docked outside the attic window of a small apartment, allowing the two people sitting at the stern to see the scene in the attic through the glass.

"This is my home."

Mr. Nelson explained in a low voice, and then made way for Shade to get a better view. He knew that everything depended on Shade.

The light in the window was not on, but soon the door of the attic was opened, and a middle-aged woman holding a huge Ouija board came up. She looked about the same age as Mr. Nelson, but probably because she always worked indoors and took good care of her skin, she looked much younger than Mr. Nelson.

She still did not turn on the light in the attic, but put the Ouija board under the moonlight projected from the window, and sat directly on the floor.

Shade thought he had to wait a while, but he didn't expect that almost in the next second, a large cloud of white mist suddenly emerged from the small window in the center of the wooden Ouija board - it was the decoration of the Ouija board, and then Mrs. Nelson disappeared without a trace.

"What does this mean? Why did she disappear?"

Mr. Nelson, who could not see the white fog, immediately asked Shade, who then asked the "boatman" in disbelief:

"Wait, if I understand correctly, the lady went to the destination? Is that piece of wood a tree hole?!"

The boatman did not answer this question, after all, he was only responsible for transporting two people in this matter. Facing Shade's question, the god just handed him the oar in his hand.

Shade was stunned for a moment before he stood up and took the oar:

"Since you don't answer, I will assume it is. But this is a bit too exaggerated, this kind of thing actually appeared in the early Fifth Epoch?"

"Excuse me, what exactly is it?"

Mr. Nelson still didn't understand.

"It's hard to explain. I can only say that your wife is very lucky."


"Since ancient times, few people who disappeared for this reason have been able to come back. And the place she went, it's even harder for me to imagine how an ordinary person like her could come back. Let's go back first. You said that you returned the Ouija board to the Prophet's Association?"

This is the first tree hole outside of the Vestal Forest that Shade encountered. After he learned about the unreasonable existence of the "twisted tree hole" in the Vestal Forest, he asked the girls around him whether such a thing had appeared in major organizations. Luvia was of course also among those who were asked, and the purple-eyed fortune-teller replied at the time that the Prophet's Association had no records of tree holes.

Considering the long time, Shade believed that in 1854 of the Sixth Era, the Ouija board was likely to have disappeared. But he also believed that the Prophet's Association was likely to know the arrival of the end of the world in the Fifth Era.

I just don't know if President Rhodes of the Sixth Era created the Rhodes card system and attempted to use the large-scale ceremony of the Rhodes card to reweave and connect the stable material world with enlightenment elements. Is this related to this?

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