Whispering Verse

Chapter 2739 The significance of ferrying

Chapter 2738 The Meaning of Ferrying

Mrs. Nelson sat up hurriedly. Although her husband was beside her, she was even more confused when she saw the strange young man and two witches looking at her:

"What happened?"

Ms. Bullock looked at Shad and hesitated to speak. She was quite curious about what Shad had done to convince the "boatman" to help, but Shad was unwilling to talk about it:

"Hello, lady, you are lost here, and the past is not important. Forget it all, prepare to leave now, I will take you back."

The woman nodded slowly:

"Okay, thank you so much. I only remember a pair of purple eyes looking at me. Is the lady lost too?"

"Well, I have rescued her."

So Adele might be right. Anything related to the end of the world, as long as there is no answer, is likely to be related to Luvia:

"Okay Well, let's not talk about this anymore, and get ready to go home. "

Shad raised his voice slightly, stood up and asked everyone around the bonfire to pay attention to him:

"We can meet here because everyone has their own reasons. But no matter what, life has become meaningful again, and life has new goals. It's time to go back, and I hope you won't set foot here again. "

The Nelsons hugged each other and thanked again, Miss McConaughey nodded quickly, and Ms. Bullock was a little bored, but thinking that she would have to spend the rest of her life looking for a way to see her sister after death, the long-lost sense of expectation in her heart emerged again:

"I want to pass on the legend that witches will meet a special man who fell from the sky in times of crisis. I don't know how the girls will see him in the future. "

This bonfire was originally here, and there was no need for everyone to deal with it. In addition to a small amount of daily necessities, they didn't need to take anything away. Even the things dug out from under the sand, except for the [Demon Seal] that Ms. Block intended to take away, all other things were left behind:

"The heritage of demon hunters cannot be left here."

So after Shad said that they could leave, Mr. Nelson supported his wife, and Ms. Block and Miss McConaughey walked side by side, and followed Shad to the pier at the dock.

But Shad did not let them get on the boat immediately, but touched the cat, and then took out some bone powder from his pocket. After sprinkling the bone powder into the black water under the pier, his boat also emerged with a gurgling sound.

Shad's boat was smaller than the "boatman's" wooden boat, but equally simple. He controlled his boat to the stern of the "boatman's" boat, and then connected the two boats head to tail with the "chain of sin".

After doing all this, he signaled everyone to get on the boat. Because the space was bigger, there was no need for everyone to squeeze together. In the end, Mr. Nelson and his wife sat on the boatman's boat, while the two witches sat on Shade's boat.

So the stern where the boatman was standing originally became the end of the small fleet. After Shade took the sturdy wooden paddle from Him, the "boatman" himself sat directly on his boat, facing the Nelson couple.

Shade finally asked:

"The last few times I came to row the boat, I went through the route you had already taken. But I have never been to the correct time point corresponding to them. Can't you teach me some skills?"

But it seems that the "boatman"'s teaching skills are the same as Ms. Brock's just now. They all assumed that Shade could master it after demonstrating it once, so God did not answer this question.

So Shade changed his statement:

"I at least need to know where the destination is. I have never been there."

The tall figure in black robe sat down and pointed to the thirteenth-level witch sitting at the front of the fleet. Shade sighed:

"I understand, but if I really go the wrong way later, please remind me in time."

He returned to his boat:

"Ms. Brock, can I borrow your hair as a beacon? I need to locate our destination."

The witches have mentioned many times that their hair is the best material for witch secret spells, and it can also represent themselves to a certain extent.

Ms. Brock then took three long hairs and handed them to Shade. Shade wrapped them around his wrists, then took the paddle to the bow. He gently stroked the cat on his shoulder, and seeing that it was unwilling to return to his pocket, he did not force it:

"Everyone sit down, let's go."

The paddle entered the water and then moved back, so the fleet sailed out of the dock lightly.

At this time, the people on the boat looked back at the gradually blurred beach, pier and bonfire, and then looked in the direction of the boat, but they saw only endless darkness.

This trip does not charge tickets, and it was the "boatman" who asked Xia De to carry everyone back. Under Xia De's control, the oars in his hands and the two strange boats went farther and farther in the boundless waters. Although Xia De was worried that he could not find the way, fortunately he had taken the initiative to "travel through space" once in the real world.

Therefore, after the boat completely left the dock, he tried to grasp that feeling again. No one spoke, even the cat just squatted on his shoulder and looked around.

At a certain moment, fog appeared from the darkness ahead. When the boat sailed into the thick fog, the stranger finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Fortunately, it succeeded."

He continued to row the oar in his hand, and the small fleet continued to move forward in the fog amidst the sound of water. As the thick fog suddenly disappeared at a certain moment, the moonlight illuminated the fleet of ships appearing in the great lake from above.

The green forest under the night sky surrounded the large lake. Shade didn't know where this place was, but it must be the real world. The warm summer wind felt particularly comfortable on my body, the stars hung upside down in the night sky, and the three-wheeled moon was as beautiful as the moon at night in the Sixth Age.

The "passengers" who saw the starry sky also looked around from the ship. Ms. Bullock just recognized where it was:

"When I entered the dark town outside the beach, it was from the bottom of this lake that we really came back."

She looked up at the star map again. Although her target was the seat of death, she also had the ability to gaze at stars:

"Has it only been seven days since I left reality?"

Shade then continued to row the oar and took everyone close to the small dock on the shore of the nameless lake. This is a lake in the forest, and the dock looks particularly dilapidated, but at least it can still be used.

After the fleet came to a steady stop, the Nelsons and the two witches got off the ship respectively. Shoes and boots made a creaking sound as they stepped on the planks of the trestle, stepping into the real world again, making several people feel as if hundreds of years had passed since they left.

Everyone has a different feeling of melancholy, which is a very common emotion after an adventure. When they saw Shade still standing on the boat holding the oar, they knew that Shade would not leave with them.

They wanted to say goodbye to Shade, but except for the thirteenth-level witch, the other three had a somewhat confused expression on their faces:

"What happened just now? Where is this place? Oh, why do you suddenly have a headache?"

They forgot about Black Sand Pier and what happened there.

Ms. Bullock was not surprised at all. She ignored the three people and took the notebook from Miss McConaughey's hand and handed it to Shade:

"If I'm not wrong, I think we may not have the chance to meet again."

Shade smiled and said:

"It's best not to see you again. After all, wherever I appear is definitely dangerous. But no matter what, I'm very grateful to you and your sister."

The candidate Death Witch shook her head and stared at Shade's face:

"I should thank you. I can see now that you will appear there solely for the woman who has been to the end of the world, right? In fact, it doesn't matter whether you want to help me or Miss McConaughey. "

But if Shade ignores them and allows them to really leave by boat, then although Shade can still complete the mission, he will obviously not get those spiritual runes and power, and paying for the boat ticket will become very difficult. difficulty:

"Actually, I don't need to help Mrs. Nelson. I just need to watch her appear. But anyway, I don't have anything else to do. I like this sense of accomplishment very much."

The witch then also laughed:

"I really don't know how lucky the witches who are lucky enough to live in the same era as you are."

Seeing the expression on Xia De's face that she didn't know how to answer, she waved at Xia De again:

"You still have your things to do, so let's say goodbye. I will send the three of them back, and I will also communicate with the Prophet Association. The adventure is over, but life goes on. I am missing For seven days, my girls didn’t know if they had seen my suicide note, I hope it didn’t frighten them.”

"I feel like you might scare them if you show up again. If they think you're dead, someone might decide it's not important."

Shade also waved to her. Although Ms. Aniya Bullock was not the protagonist of this adventure, she and her sister left the deepest impression on Shade:

"Then goodbye, Ms. Bullock, I hope you can sit on the seat of death soon, and I hope you can meet your sister again before the moon after death."

The witch threw him another black pendant. The pendant seemed to be made by melting sand into crystals. It looked like a small black sickle:

"I'll give it to you as a gift. I made this by the fire when I had nothing to do. Goodbye, man from the future, goodbye!"

The oars moved on the water, and the two boats sailed towards the lake again. The other three people whose hearing had been blocked just now didn't know what it meant. The middle-aged witch stood at the edge of the small dock by the lake, watching the two boats going farther and farther under the starry sky, until they completely melted into the water. Under the night.

PS: Please vote at the beginning of the month~

It's been so hot recently.

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