Whispering Verse

Chapter 2744: Sailing on Land and Cat Ears

Chapter 2743 Boating on dry land and cat ears

From this adventure, Shade mastered the spell - [Inner Fire] and thaumaturgy - [Chloe's Echo of Ice], and obtained the witch's secret skill - [Body of Courage] provided by Miss McConaughey. information, received new blessings from the gods, and learned more secrets about desire from Chloe——

It is truly a powerful evil that has existed since the creation of the world.

Although the oar given by the gods is not in my hands at this time, it has been integrated with thaumaturgy:

"God's gift box, butterfly calling flute, and paddle, this is already the third artifact."

The artifacts in stories always have great power, but the artifacts in reality always have strange effects. It is undeniable that although they are not weapons, they are quite practical. Shade is looking forward to the next time he needs to use that small boat.

After gathering his mood, Shade did not immediately set off for the Vista Woodland. Instead, he first rummaged through the bag containing six Moon Bay Dragon Scales - the seventh one was at Miss Belindle's, and then took the cat with him. [Holy White Auditorium] in the attic:

"May the eternal light protect me who walks with the light."

In the dense fog, huge white pillars with exquisite carvings stretched toward the heights of the dense fog, and luminous white walls inlaid with colored glass spread upward silently.

Shade walked through the aisles between the white chairs with ancient sacred emblems, and then successfully found the holy emblem symbolizing the "God of the Ferryman" on the wall.

The Holy Emblem of the Old God that you have touched can be found in [Holy White Hall], and you can receive blessings by touching it. The blessing that Shade currently maintains has always been the blessing of the God of Toys, which allows him to directly turn people into toys, but it is a pity that he cannot bring them to the past.

Shade tried here when he first went to the "Black Sand Pier", but the Holy Emblem of [The Ferryman God] did not appear at that time. Now that the three missions have been completed, it seems that Shade has truly come into contact with the god.

He tentatively reached out his hand to the Holy Emblem.

[Outlander, do you want to accept the blessing of the old god-the ferryman god? 】

[The effect of ferry blessing: boating on dry land. 】

[The blessing is valid for 24 hours. 】

Shade smiled and retracted his hand. These blessings may not all be very useful, but at least each one is quite interesting.

Still retaining the blessing of the Toy God, Shade set off for the Vista Grove with little Mia. It was still early, so he brought breakfast to the elf girl and thanked her again for borrowing a large group of chocobos last night to help the witches rescue the Lake of Love.

Coupled with the fact that he rode "Golden Little Mia" in his dream yesterday, Shade's mission when he received this week's gift "Chocobo Friends" has even been completed.

Something so dangerous happened in Love Lake last night, but people in the nearby city of Vista didn't feel it at all.

When Shade went up the stairs in the hotel, he was still thinking about the dream he had in the lake yesterday. After he knocked on the door and entered Miss Danister's room 317, he looked up and saw Flo with light gray cat ears. La Winslet was standing in front of the mirror with a frown, looking at her own appearance.

The stranger once thought that he had fallen into a dream again, so he immediately closed the door, stood in the corridor and turned to look at the cat on his shoulder:

"If you make a sound like woof~, you must be in a dream now."


"Well, it looks like it wasn't a dream."

Shade opened the door again. Flora Winslet indeed had no cat ears, and she turned around in front of the mirror and looked at him doubtfully:

"Why did you close the door? It's not like you went to the wrong room."

"Just now, that was this."

He raised his hands above his head, trying to raise his fingers to make ears, then realized he was probably drawing a rabbit.

"Oh, you mean this?"

She shook her head, and two gray cat ears immediately popped out of her hair. Shade was stunned by this. Although he had just seen the cat girl in Chloe's camp not long ago,

Seeing his appearance, the witch explained:

"Didn't we talk a lot when we were dreaming yesterday? You said you wanted to meet a girl with cat ears, but I forgot to show you in the dream."

The small gray cat ears twitched a few more times. Of course, things were not that simple. She just wanted to get more than the dream:

"And the transformation technique I always said I wanted to teach you involves partial transformation like this. Do you want to try to learn it?"

"Before that, can you allow me to touch your ears? I definitely don't want to take advantage, I'm just curious."

After saying that, he really walked over, and Flora Winslet did not dodge. Instead, the cat who was doing nothing immediately started meowing after seeing the pair of ears clearly, but Shade ignored it at all.

"What are you doing?"

Just when Shade stretched out his hand, the door behind him opened again, and Miss Danist and Miss Bell walked in from the door. So the witch shook her hair, and the cat ears disappeared immediately. She even raised her hand to comb her hair to cover it up:

"Shad said there was a butterfly in my hair, so he wanted to help me get rid of it."

"Butterflies? This season? In the room?"

The red-haired girl didn’t believe it anyway.

What happened at the Love Lake last night was not completely over. Those people who floated from the bottom of the lake to the shore have now been taken in by the local church, and the Love Lake area has been completely sealed off.

In order to prevent the church from being unaware of the danger there, Shade had explained the history and origin of the lake as clearly as possible when contacting the church to explain the situation. According to Miss Danister, the Church of Nature even sent people to St. Byrons last night to request more information about "desire".

"That unknowable relic itself is a natural disaster, and we should be thankful that it has a good relationship with Shade. Those who were rescued with Linda Bennett were also local youths who arrived in that area for various reasons.

Because Shade said that Linda Bennett knew about the lake a long time ago, and even took the initiative to take water to seduce York Bronte. The church is now very worried that the information about the mermaid has been circulated locally for a long time, and even worried that a group worshiping it has appeared locally."

The red-haired girl said this, and Shade turned his eyes away from Flora's hair, and then He asked them to sit down on the sofa together:

"Let's not worry about the mermaid for now, let's concentrate on dealing with the tree hole. We were supposed to go to the Golden Music Hall to find the secret of the Temple of Time yesterday. Since we were delayed by the matter of the Love Lake yesterday, let's go today."

He put Mia from his legs to the sofa:

"Flora, how do you feel about your recovery? If you still feel a little uncomfortable, let Miss Bell go with me."

Luvia said that the key to cracking the Temple of Time lies in the musical notes, so it would be convenient to let a witch or witch apprentice who understands music follow.

The witch immediately shook her head:

"It's okay now. Isn't the reality of that dream more important? I have figured it out for a whole night. Yes, the false is not important, so I didn't even go to paint."

She stood up:

"I'll go with you. And, I'm glad that you call me 'Flora' like Danister now."

The red-haired girl whose name was mentioned raised her eyebrows, feeling that the influence of that dream might never disappear.

The Accordion Hotel and the Golden Music Hall are on the same street, so there is no need to turn into an owl and fly over.

Shad and Flora left the hotel on foot at nine in the morning. Although it was still gloomy in Vista City today, it had not rained yet, so there were many pedestrians on the street.

They did not communicate much on the street. After arriving at the concert hall, they went to the museum area first. Professor Quinto's death did not cause much waves here, and there were not many people in the museum on Wednesday morning.

When the two stood in front of the glass cabinet and looked at the "Original Bricks and Stones of the Concert Hall" collected inside, the witch whispered:

"In fact, I smelled it when I saw you just now. You have perfume on you. It is the "smell of witches", and it does not belong to any witch I know."

Looking at him with golden eyes, Shad did not deny:

"I used the time key again this morning. After completing the task of the tree father, I took a boat to visit Chloe."

Since she already knew the secret of the time key, Shad did not hide it. While strolling in the museum, he briefly explained what happened this morning. Of course, he didn't say anything about privacy:

".Finally, I held her in front of the campfire and watched the snow scene at night. The scene was really beautiful. Because the wind was not strong, the snowflakes fell very slowly. After she fell asleep, I returned to the present with Mia."

The witch next to him was not angry because of Shade's intimacy with other witches. After all, she was an "old woman" in the Fifth Age.

The sentimental girl was just imagining the girl who had waited for Shade for more than 20 years and would continue to wait, and then imagined the scene of Chloe and Shade walking by the lake in the starry night and snow, and somehow put herself in it:

"What is the witch a thousand years ago to you?"

"It's a lover. She likes me and I like her. She is willing to wait for me and I am willing to find her."

Shade said it very straightforwardly, and Flora Winslet was very satisfied with it, so she asked again:

"Then what am I to you?"

This was the main reason why she didn't sleep all night. She knew her own thoughts, but she didn't know what Shade thought. Xiade stopped and turned to look at her. Her golden eyes looked at him for a moment and then moved away:

"Sorry, this question is difficult to answer, right? I think the impact of that dream on me has not ended yet."

Flora wanted to move forward, but Xiade grabbed her wrist:

"The difference between you and Chloe to me is that she is far away and unreachable, while you are right beside me."

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