Whispering Verse

Chapter 2750 Cursed Fire and Burning Tree

Chapter 2749 Cursed Fire and Burning Tree

"Flora was in the hotel yesterday to complete the music score you found. The church, led by the thirteen-ring 'Master of Construction' Gerald Delon, has completed the blockade of the outer perimeter of Love Lake."

Miss Danister said, putting down the book in her hand:

"Also, Linda Bennett is awake."

In addition to Shad and Flora, a total of eleven people were rescued from the lake on Tuesday night. As of now, including Linda Bennett, only three people are awake.

Miss Danister got their photos and information through the college, and Shade understood as soon as he saw the photos:

"Aren't those three awake people the three people floating on the lake that we saw in our dreams?"

"Yes, Danister and I both think that this shows that the three of them were the three people with the shallowest dream at that time. As for the remaining 8 people, the church and the college both think that they will probably never wake up."

The man and woman other than Linda Bennett are not companions. Among them, 25-year-old George Kant is the son of Mr. Kant, the chief of the local police station. Their family is even a distant relative of the Bennett family.

According to Mr. Kant himself, he dreamed of this big lake in his dream after accidentally buying a pink necklace, and then he wanted to find it strangely.

When entering the woods last Sunday, Mr. Kant suddenly felt that he knew the location of the lake, and then he sank into the lake somehow.

As for the woman, she is a student of the "Riverwood Town Music Academy", one grade higher than Miss Bennett.

She claimed to have found a strange book in the school warehouse, and then she did many things with a vague memory until she somehow entered the lake.

The church is still investigating the three people's statements, but at least the three have passed the mental evaluation, and it can be confirmed that their mental state has returned to normal.

The book that Linda Bennett knew the secret of Love Lake, Mr. Kant's necklace and the female student's book have all been confiscated by the church. Out of caution, although the three were nominally allowed to leave the church temporarily, each of them wore a charm that the church said was "exorcism" but was actually used for positioning.

Next, they were not allowed to leave the local area, and their itinerary would be strictly monitored.

It was not that the church had no place to live so easily to let them out, but they wanted to determine whether it was a coincidence that these people came into contact with things related to "mermaids". The church was quite worried about this. In today's troubled times, if there was another unknowable relic causing trouble everywhere, it would make many things more complicated.

As for the charm used to track their location, of course, it also has the function of "alarming immediately after leaving the human body a certain distance away".

It's just that the two ladies introduced the follow-up of this matter to Shade, not to praise the church's quick decision, but the new situation of the Bennet family:

"In order to thank the church for its help, the Bennet family wants to send Linda Bennet to the church to be a nun."


Shade, holding the cat, asked suspiciously:

"If I remember correctly, those women who are at a disadvantage in family struggles, or those noble women who are deeply involved in some scandals, in order to prove their innocence will take the initiative to become nuns in the church."

There is no choice for nuns in the Orthodox Church to quit halfway. Once they choose this path, they can't leave the church. The Steam Age seems to be more open and free than ever before, but the religious atmosphere is still strong. After all, God really exists.

"Yes, just as you said.

Linda Bennett committed suicide several times for York Bronte, and now she is really involved in supernatural events. In addition, our report to the church directly stated that she had used the water of the Love Lake. She actually has no way out."

Flora grew up in Willendel and is quite familiar with this matter:

"Linda Bennett has no chance of getting married now, so instead of letting her stay at home and be gossiped about, which may even affect the marriages of her sisters and brothers, it is better to let her go directly to the church to become a nun.

Although everyone knows what this means, at least this Road is not the worst choice. "

Shad stroked the cat a few more times:

"There is a female elder in the Belindel family who is a nun in the church in Yuewan. Miss Belindel took me to visit her. I remember Miss Belindel told me that being a nun is basically equivalent to being expelled from the family. "

"It's not that serious, but there is definitely no inheritance right. This is to protect the private property of the nobles from being swallowed up by the church. Well, it is indeed equivalent to being expelled from the family. "

Flora nodded. As for why Shad was taken to meet the relatives of the Belindel family when he was in Yuewan, she certainly understood that the countess had her own thoughts just like she did now.

But the Countess had brought people to Love Lake to save her a few days ago, so she couldn't ask about it:

"There is no right or wrong in this matter. Since Linda Bennet used the water of Love Lake, it is right to accept the punishment.

In this way, she should actually thank Shade. If Shade hadn't defeated York Bronte, after Linda Bennet died, her soul would definitely be imprisoned on the verge of life and death by that dead man."

"Anyway, things in this place are getting more and more complicated. I originally thought there were only tree holes and time travelers, but now it seems that there are dangers everywhere in this forest."

Shade sighed:

"Today I want to talk to the hermits, thank them for providing information about the Lake of Love, and by the way, I also want to ask about the local tree father's beliefs. Miss Danister, you'd better go with me."

for Miss Denister went with him on several visits to the hermits.

Of course the red-haired girl had no objection, but the witch said:

"It just so happens that I want to stay and continue to perfect the score. When you come back today, I will probably be able to demonstrate the final effect to you."

"So what instrument are you going to write this as a score for?"

"Piano, I like piano the most."

Although they now know where the hermits are stationed, Shade and the two did not rush in directly. Instead, they went to Xiaomigu Village as before and met with the familiar hermit Mr. Van Buren before being led to the dense forest by him. in the camp.

The hermit camp has not changed much, but as autumn comes to an end, the hermits are also hoarding food for the winter and renovating some houses:

“The snow is going to be very heavy this winter.”

Said Mr. Van Buren.

Mr. Davis, the great elder of the [Forest Hermits Group] did not go out today, so he greeted the two people who visited again in the camp. After Shade expressed his gratitude, he waved his hand quickly:

"No need to thank us. Didn't you resolve this matter independently in the end?"

He was quite afraid of the power there and didn't want to talk more about the Love Lake, so Shade didn't continue the topic. He originally wanted to continue the topic about the tree father's belief, but Mr. Davis suddenly asked:

"Actually, we have encountered a trouble here recently. I wonder if you can help."

"Since the Hermits helped us, we will help you too."

The red-haired sorceress said, and Mr. Davis nodded:

"Please follow me, this way."

Mr. Davis and the secret keeper Mr. Meloni took them out of the camp, but they didn't go too far in the forest when they saw a temporary camp.

The camp was built around a dark tree, and there were two ring wizards who belonged to the hermit order. Seeing Mr. Davis approaching, he temporarily left the place, and Shade also discovered something strange about the tree.

The tree itself was scorched black, and at the bottom of the tree, a deer that was also scorched was completely fused with the tree, as if they were one before being scorched.

The deer that should have been dead is still alive. The middle part of its body has merged into the charred trees. Now the charred head and tail are still shaking, as if trying to break free from the trunk.

After the four Shade men approached, the charred deer even opened its mouth and spit out a stream of flames at them, but the flames were immediately blocked by the ritual arranged by the hermits.

"What is this?"

Shade asked curiously, but Miss Daniste answered:

"A typical cursed creature. It seems that both the tree and the deer were burned to death by the fire, but the soul of the deer was obviously twisted by some evil force, and then forced the corpses of the deer and the tree to continue to be active."

Mr. Meloni nodded in surprise, but he didn't expect that she could see it at a glance:

"Three days ago, the ranger in charge of forest patrol in the Hermit Corps discovered this kind of thing, but not here, but about 10 miles southeast of this location. They first discovered a small piece of forest land that was on fire. Originally, "I thought it was a normal autumn forest fire, but after extinguishing the flames I discovered that something similar to this had ignited the forest."

"Similar? So you found a lot of similar things?"

"Yes, as of before you entered the camp just now, at least ten similar trees were found in the entire northern part of the Vista Woodland. This one is the closest to us.

All similar trees are igniting surrounding trees, but they are only keeping the flames burning within a certain range, rather than spreading infinitely. Their forms of power are very similar, and their appearance is composed of charred trees and charred animals.

For safety reasons, we have arranged for people to look after the trees separately, and the news has been reported to the local church. The lady was right, not only the deer, but the tree was also alive.

Even though there are no leaves on its branches now, this thing will actually actively grow burning leaves, which is quite dangerous in the autumn forest. "

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