Whispering Verse

Chapter 2770 Abandoned Qualifications

Chapter 2769 Abandoned Qualifications

Shad was unaware of what was happening around the world. At this time, in the dark and quiet woods, he handed the arrow to the elf with a happy face. Then he took out the bottle of umbilical cord and observed it towards the moon. He found that the intertwined umbilical cords had green leaf veins:

"So, can I also get the qualification for the so-called Time War with this? This qualification seems to be more powerful than my sublimation words."

"Of course not, you are not a candidate, you are not qualified, not qualified."

The elf girl who got the arrow said happily:

"But if the power of these two umbilical cords is absorbed by other candidates, it can enhance the ability of others to travel. Oh, let me remind you, even if the Time War begins and the Tree Father opens the qualification to go to the ancient times, you should not think about accurately locating a certain period."


"But if the qualifications of other people can be gathered on one person, you can try to break through this accuracy limit. Ahem, since you found the third arrow, I can help you transfer this qualification. Come to me when you find a candidate."

She whistled while holding the arrow, and the yellow chocobo that was waiting for her in the forest ran out quickly.

"It's too late today, I'm going to go back and rest, see you tomorrow~"

She waved and was about to leave, but was stopped by Shade:

"Wait a minute, this is for you."

He wanted to take off the crown stuck on his arm, but the elf girl didn't want it. However, she didn't show a surprised expression, but her face seemed to be trying not to laugh out of shyness. She knew what it was, and her tone was very gentle when she shirked it:

"This shouldn't belong to me, thank you, Shade, good night, both of you, see you tomorrow."

Then she sat sideways on the chocobo and left as if running away.

The owl on Shade's shoulder commented:

"This girl is really simple, she doesn't hide her thoughts at all."

As he said that, he rubbed Shade's hair with his wings, and Shade smiled, and his eyes moved to the moon high in the sky again:

"This time, the candidates can go to those ancient time and space that are most suitable for them."

This is one of the few times when he regretted that he was not the chosen one, but this fact cannot be changed.

He was just thinking that in this ancient woodland, seven candidates who had learned ancient knowledge and were accompanied by ancient heroes were about to fight. The forest would witness this "war". Although the time guardians said that this was not a ceremony for the chosen, but only a condition of the ceremony, Shade still thought that this ceremony was very legendary.

(Mija running.)

When Shade returned home that night, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Because Carina came to visit with the maids, the house seemed very lively even at night. Luvia and Carina were waiting for Shade to come back. When Shade came back, he immediately looked at the back of Luvia's hand, and they all understood:

"You really know this, this appeared more than an hour ago, and there was a new change in the Vesta Forest?"

Luvia stood up in front of the fireplace and showed him the vein marks on the back of his hand. This mark would not always appear, and Luvia needed to stimulate it with her spirit to appear.

"Yes, the story of the Chosen One of Time has finally officially begun."

Shad nodded, took Luvia's hand and touched it:

"I have asked Miss Danister to go to the academy to confirm that Emilia also has this mark on her hand."

Tifa, who had just directed the maids to clean the fireplace, came to Shad and helped him take off his coat. Shad also let go of Luvia's hand:

"Emilia went to bed early tonight. I hope Miss Danister didn't scare her too much when she broke into her dormitory. But the mark on Emilia's back of the hand is much denser than your leaf vein mark."

While changing clothes and washing, he explained everything about tonight to Luvia and Carina in full. The time guardians did not say that they could not reveal their existence to others.

And Luvia actually knew the function of this mark before Shad came back. The mark on the back of the hand is not just a simple mark, it represents qualification, and therefore also contains information.

Half an hour ago, Shade had met with the sleepy Emilia through the projection ceremony and listened to her talk about the information she had received, but he still needed to confirm that everyone had the same information.

After changing into home clothes, he sat down on the sofa, and Mia also jumped onto his lap and lay down. Luvia said:

"It's similar to what you said, but I got more details.

The so-called "Time War" can indeed be divided into two parts according to the process. The first part is to open the qualifications, and then go to the time point that suits you best to gain power. If you don't prepare anything, you have to rely on luck, but this can actually be prepared."

Carina helped her tell her what they had summarized before Shade came back:

"According to Luvia's own understanding, her own experience, origin, bloodline, and soul affinity will affect the time point she goes to. But if you hold the corresponding items when you open the qualifications, you can also increase the possibility of going to a specific time point. It's just that completely accurate positioning is almost impossible."

She looked at Shade, and Shade knew what she meant:

"Luvia, continue."

The purple-eyed fortuneteller nodded:

"To open the qualifications and go to an unknown time point, you must be within the range of the Vesta Forest.

I don’t know the identities of the other qualifiers, but I do know that a total of seven people, including me, have qualified. After five of them use their qualifications, the remaining two must use their qualifications within 24 hours, otherwise they will be deemed to automatically admit defeat.

This is the first phase, and at the point in time where we go, we will be seen as actually traveling through it, not as spectators. Then through specific methods, you can obtain strength, weapons and even help through contracts, and then return to the present with these things. Of course, you can only bring at most one helper back to the present.

But when it's all over, the weapons and the summoned people will return to where they belong. And power, unless you truly master it, the borrowed power will disappear. "

"Is that what Emilia said?"

Carina asked Shade again, and Shade nodded:

"Yes, I originally thought that the candidates at the top of the order had more complete information, but now it seems that everyone is the same."

As for the second stage of the "Time War", everyone returns to the present and then competes until the final winner emerges.

Unlike other chosen ceremony, the chosen ceremony of time does not require the person in the lower order to kill the person in the previous order. As long as the time war can be won, any person in the order except Luvia is eligible to hold the final ceremony. ceremony.

Of course, this does not mean that all candidates are completely fair. The information obtained by Luvia and Emilia shows that the higher the order, the more power from other points in time can be brought back to the present.

But Luvia and Emilia also have no way of knowing where they are in the ranking. This is a secret as usual.

"I don't want to participate in this."

After checking the information, Luvia said again. Seeing that the duchess was not surprised, Shade knew that this was what they had already discussed:


"There can only be one person selected. Now that we have Emilia here, why should I participate in this? Why don't we concentrate our efforts to help Emilia."

Luvia saw clearly:

"I bet that Emilia's ranking will be higher than mine. After all, judging from her bloodline, her talent for time must be much higher than mine."

But this time she was wrong. Shade felt that even if Emilia lived for another ten thousand years, she would not be able to learn the ability to destroy time and restart the era.

“And from my own perspective, I don’t want to be the chosen one.

Although this status is considered noble, it is also a burden. Among you, Iluna and Iluna, since Iluna is already the chosen one, in order for our next journey to go more smoothly, there is actually no need to let I bear these too.

As a fortune teller, it is best not to become the protagonist of the story easily. This will make it difficult for my eyes to see every thread of fate. "

Luvia's thoughts were consistent with Shade's. He also thought the same after learning about the so-called "Time War". There was really no need for Luvia to get involved. The shoulder-length Luvia is based on considerations of the future and her own character, while the long-haired Luvia also hints in her dream that she does not need to be the chosen one of time.

"That's good."

Shade settled the matter:

“The elves in the forest seem to have a way to bring together different qualifications into one person’s identity. This will greatly enhance the power and positioning accuracy of those who obtain the majority of qualifications, allowing them to gain a more advantageous position in the time war.

The qualifications of the two princes as the fourth candidate are now shown on their umbilical cords. Coupled with your qualifications, Luvia, I think Emilia may go to St. Byrons of the Fifth Era. "

"When was your college founded?"

Carina asked, holding the tea cup and thinking for a while, she felt that this arrangement was indeed very good:

"She grew up in St. Byrons. Judging from her identity and experience, she is really compatible with the academy. If you add Miss Feliana's notebook in your hand, it is not impossible for Emilia to travel to that era. Maybe, just."

The duchess smiled and asked Xiang Shade:

"How do I feel that your focus is not on letting Emilia get something, but on letting her bring Miss Myrna Philiana back to the present?"

Luvia also laughed, and Shade immediately shook his head, but hesitated and nodded again. He touched the cat lying on his lap and did not deny his thoughts:

"Am I wrong to have this idea? The trouble we are facing now is not just the so-called time war. This is actually a trivial matter. Even if someone obtains incredible power, it is only thirteen rings at most. Compared with the evil gods in the past, , is it dangerous for ancient evil objects?”

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