Whispering Verse

Chapter 2774: The Burning Village

Chapter 2773 The Fire Village

"It looks like this is a vegetable cellar used by the villagers to store vegetables for the winter. I have seen similar cellars when I visited the south of Kasenlik before."

Miss Owl said.

The entrance to the vegetable cellar was hung with a rusty iron rope, but Shade opened it with just a knock. When I opened the door, I didn't feel any trace of the elements. But after I jumped down, I found that the entire cellar was empty and there was nothing here.

"Look at the dust on the ground. Something has been left there."

The cat's eyes shone brightly in the darkness, and through her reminder, Shade saw that the ground at the southeast corner was exceptionally clean, in addition to the footprints on the ground. Judging from the traces on the ground, there should have been a lot of boxes stacked here, but now those boxes have been moved away through the dock.

Judging from the degree of drying of the mud on the footprints, this must have happened in the past two days.

The person who moved the box was very careful and left nothing behind except overlapping shoe prints, let alone any identification documents or clues that often appear in detective novels such as matchsticks and cigarette butts.

Fortunately, Shade is not a real detective either:

"Echoes from the past!"

Then a man with an accent obviously speaking in the dialect of Ximu Town spoke very rudely——

"Move everything up, hurry up, the waterway will be difficult to move after dark. Barty, Claude, you two go move the last box, don't be lazy behind me.

Oh, damn idiots, if you damage the contents of the box, I can't afford to pay for your skinning. Hurry, move faster, I know you can't light the lamp and it's very dark here, but be patient for a while and you can smoke when you get back to the boat! "

After that, Shade heard the rude man's voice repeatedly urging the people suspected to be porters to move faster, but during this period no one said any information related to their identities.

"The group looked like they came during the day."

After hearing the sound, Shade said to the cat:

"And it sounds like even if they moved things here, they didn't bring any lighting tools. Considering that those people are most likely ordinary people, even if they had lighting tools, they probably only had torches and lanterns."

"So, they don't dare to light a fire here?"

The cat then asked, and Shade also meant the same thing:

"The presence of flames here seems to be very dangerous, then..."

He raised his right hand, and a slender orange flame appeared in his palm.

This light was reflected in the eyes of Shade and the cat, but with the appearance of this firelight, the originally dark basement not only did not become brighter, but instead became darker, and the village above the cellar under the gloomy sky, At this time, it was completely shrouded in darkness.

The sunlight shining into the bottom of the cellar completely disappeared, and it seemed that with just the next breath, Shade could smell the strong burnt smell in the air.

The smell didn't just mean that something had been set on fire, it also meant that human bodies were being burned. This was the last smell a stranger smelled in his hometown before coming to this world, and he was deeply impressed by it.

“The Whispering Element.”

The cat on the shoulder whispered softly, its eyes looking around in the darkness:

"I thought this would directly attract the devil."

"If the other party shows up so easily, wouldn't it be pointless for us to conduct such an investigation?"

Shade immediately extinguished the flame in his hand, completely plunging the surrounding area into darkness:

"You decide what kind of relic this is. It's incredible that my fire feels like it's on the verge of losing control."

Both Shade and the Witch have the ability of dark vision, but the surroundings are very strange at this time, because the eyes still cannot see the deep darkness in front of them, but other senses are still normal.

Rustling sounds gathered from all around, and soon Shade felt something grabbing his leg. When he lowered his head, two silver light balls flew out from behind him, illuminating the cloth. A basement full of soot.

This soot didn't exist a few seconds ago, but when Shade lowered his head, the cat on his shoulder also lowered his head and looked at his feet:

"What's wrong?"

There was nothing on the ground grabbing Shade's legs. The silver moonlight was very soft and did not reveal any marks on his trouser legs, nor did it reveal any footprints or other marks on the soot.

"I just felt something grabbing me."


The next second, a raging fire that suddenly ignited without warning swallowed up one person and one cat, but then a gray translucent shield that rejected the flames cleared a safe area for them.

This was Flora casting a spell, and it seemed to be an undead spell, but Shade couldn't identify it.

But he could tell that the fire around him was getting stronger and stronger, and the flames filled every corner of the empty vegetable cellar. In just a few seconds, it almost turned into the scene where he merged with Sister Devlin after unlocking the secret lock "Bell Tower Lover". The state is in flames.

The cat can still maintain the shield state for the time being, but she still issued a warning:

"Something is wrong. The temperature and intensity of this flame are rising too fast. This is no ordinary fire. Let's leave the cellar first and go outside to take a look."

"No problem, Raglay's jump."

After preparing the casting materials, Shade jumped up and appeared out of thin air with the cat in the village on the ground. Then the flames disappeared and darkness enveloped the surrounding area. The fine raindrops have disappeared, and now the sky is filled with burning fly ash with a few faint sparks falling downwards.

This place is just like the cellar just now, dark vision does not work at all, and the flying ash sparks are not worth mentioning.

And when the silver ball of light illuminated the surroundings again, they saw that the surroundings were no longer abandoned villages integrated with nature. The surrounding buildings were all intact, with radishes drying on the walls and doghouses on the ground with the door open. There are also chicken manure and a pitchfork standing next to the open door with a farmer's hat hanging on it. Everything here is full of life.

And in the third second after the light ball appeared, the dazzling fire ignited all the surrounding buildings. Immediately, the fire spread along the ground, and in an instant the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​fire again.

"Chloe's Ice Breath!"

Extremely cold air was exhaled from Shade's mouth, and the cat on his shoulder also opened its mouth at the same time, but what was breathed out was not the cold but the dark frosty air that contained the power of death.

The two forces simultaneously attacked the surrounding fire that gradually became raging. At first, the fire was quickly contained and even began to retreat backwards. But soon as the fire became more and more fierce, the flames actually began to suppress the joint spells cast by Shade and the Witch.

"Thumbology - Original Power·Repulsion!"

The cat on the shoulder slapped a claw heavily on Shade's shoulder, so Shade felt his shoulders sink, and then centered on his feet, a huge repulsive force immediately affected the surroundings, and the sea of ​​​​fire that tried to devour them suddenly fell back. At least ten meters away, but then quickly surged up again.

"Primal power·Repulsion!"

The cat opened its bow from left to right and clapped its claws continuously, and the sea of ​​​​fire continued to retreat and advance as the air surged. But this obviously didn't have much effect, because Shade clearly felt that the whispering elements around him were becoming stronger.

The seemingly uninhabited village had been completely engulfed in flames, and the blazing fire even covered the sky. Everything he saw was red, and in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, human figures were running crazily.

"This won't work!"

The cat reminded loudly, and then thought of other ways:

"Block it first, I haven't figured out what this is exactly yet - Thaumatology·Wall of Sighs!"

Amidst the rumbling sound, three high skewed walls arranged in an equilateral triangle shape rose up around Shade. The gray stone walls collided above his head with a roar and nested into each other, then enveloped him like a triangular pyramid.

"Isn't this thaumaturgy a bit too omnipotent?"

The sea of ​​fire was blocked by the stone wall. Shade asked in the darkness, while the cat on his shoulder panted:

"So this is the thirteen-ring thaumaturgy. It's just that the incomplete power I currently have has integrated channeling, defense, and summoning into one. It can even be used as a staircase to take me to a higher position sometimes. "

But it seems that casting this spell consumes a lot of money for her, but soon the cat discovered the problem in the darkness:

"The temperature outside is decreasing, and I feel that the speed at which the Wall of Sighs is being destroyed is also decreasing, etc. The fire outside is extinguished! I can't feel that the Wall of Sighs is being destroyed! What's going on? The fire is over ”

So Shade asked her to temporarily stop casting spells, and as the wall disappeared, the outside world returned to darkness.

Even though there were ashes with sparks floating all over the sky, the darkness was too deep, and the two people's eyes still couldn't see through it. But the two people's perceptions still reminded them that they were surrounded by a complete and deserted village, the ground was covered with ashes, and there was no life here.

"I probably understand a little bit."

The cat whispered softly in Shade's ear:

"Every time the flames appeared just now, it was after you summoned the light ball to illuminate the surroundings. But once we come from the burning basement to the ground without fire, or from the burning village into a lightless sealed environment, the flames will disappear.

Does this mean that as long as the light is triggered, more and more intense flames will appear around it? "

"It should be like this, but it's not safe without light."

As he spoke, Shade raised his foot and kicked forward, kicking away the thing that grabbed his leg. As the darkness lasted longer and longer, dense rustling sounds were heard frequently from the surroundings. He could not sense any monsters, but his hearing could immediately remind his brain that there were a large number of living creatures crawling on the ashes around him.

The cat's little ears twitched, and then she quickly got into Shade's clothes, only revealing her little head from his chest:

"We seem to be surrounded. We can't see it with our eyes, but other senses can feel the things around us. Resentment, souls, and ashes, these three things make up the enemies around us. Look at me, this is my specialty ——Thumbs-dispelling resentment!”

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