Whispering Verse

Chapter 2779: Spell Chaos Residue

Chapter 2778 Spell - Chaos Residues

"The inheritance of the witcher? Is the hunter who arrived at Gregorian Village a century and a half ago really a witcher who inherited the ancient techniques of the Third Age? There are still such people today."

Shade raised his eyebrows, then withdrew his life ring. He informed the nun and the witch about his harvest. Sister Devlin on the shoal lowered her head slightly and said nothing, but Flora looked worried:

"Are you sure you want to accept this power? Although I don't know the witchers, the witches in the past have records about this group.

Their number is small, very small, and they pass on ancient secrets just like us. But none of them could die peacefully in their own beds when they were old. They chased the devil, and the devil cursed them Shade. Although they are worthy of admiration, you should not become a witcher. "

"Don't worry, just like I won't become a witch, becoming a witcher won't be something I can do even if I think about it."

Shade shook his head, paused and then said:

"Actually, I have known about the legends of these hunters since last year, but I didn't expect them to be so close to me."

"That was more than a hundred years ago. It's not that recent. Only Grandma Cassandra was born at that time."

The witch reminded, and Shade nodded again. In fact, he still regretted the sacrifice of the respectable hunter. But in any case, this has proved that even though the distant and terrible Third Age has long passed, the struggles of those past are still not over.

As long as evil spirits and demons still exist, then hunters will exist, and the hand holding the [Night Watcher] will exist. The doctor's path may seem lonely, but in fact he has many potential allies. Provided that the hunters do not regard the doctor as an enemy.

The departed old man not only brought new power to Shade, but also brought new clues, that is, the demon that lurked in the local area a hundred years ago and did not dare to let the church know that it was not sealed was related to the herbal traders at that time. .

This is already a very important clue, because according to Miss Bell's investigation, the local herbal medicine business has always been monopolized.

From the time when the village of Gregory was devastated by fire a hundred years ago to the present day, this business has been operated by a company called "Opte". This is a company registered in the royal capital of Willondale, so people generally believe that this is a nobleman from Willondale who monopolizes the herbal medicine business in the town.

But the actual situation is not, Flora provides clues:

“Vista Woodland produces some valuable herbal medicines, and Megan and Audrey’s Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals also purchases herbal medicines locally.

She told me that the herbal medicine business in Ximu Town is apparently related to the nobles of Willondale, but in fact the local police chief is more of a protective umbrella for this company. "

Having said this, the witch on the ship winked at Shade again:

"I didn't know the local area at that time. So, doesn't this matter go back to Director Kant? Those porters we found who visited the ruins of the deserted village a few days ago, couldn't they be people from the local herbal medicine company? "

Opt Herbal Company has a warehouse upstream of the river that flows through Gregorian Village, so it is quite convenient for them to come down here and pick up anything.

After getting such a clue, it was natural to go to that warehouse.

But before Shade and Flora left, Sister Devlin, who had been silent just now, said again:

"Has the time key to the past ended?"

Sister Devlin rarely asked Shade about the past. Although Shade didn't know why, he still answered:

"It's over. I sent everyone on that pier back to the real world, and then went to meet a friend."

Shade couldn't help but smile when he thought of the petite and cold Ice Witch, but Sister Devlin was obviously not concerned about this:

"Did you see that Fifth Age nun again when you used that key for the last time?"

Although Flora didn't know exactly what was going on, she could realize that it was a kind of questioning, and then she almost understood what was going on. Her ability to associate was very strong.

Shade immediately said:

"No, I only met that lady once when I was learning [Inextinguishable Fire Seal]."

Sister Yu Devlin continued to keep her head slightly lowered, with her hands hanging together in front of her body. The dark moon illuminated the dense patterns on the mithril eyepatch. This scene was quite magical:

"So, hero who bears the fire, what happened when you learned [Inner Fire]? A new nun appeared on that pier, right?"

Flora tried her best to keep her face straight so as not to make any expression. She thought what was going on at this time was really interesting. The nun who she thought was emotionally stable and even a bit cold was actually able to ask such an emotional sentence.

Shade, who was "questioned", blinked. He originally wanted to find an opportunity to tell Sister Devlin about the [Inner Fire], but he didn't expect the nun to see it herself:

"This was taught to me by the nun's sister, the thirteenth-level candidate great witch I mentioned. This thaumaturgy allows me to pay for the boat ticket, well, that's pretty much it."

He understood that Sister Devlin might be slightly dissatisfied with him for learning the secret of First Fire from other channels, so he was very careful about what he said.

But Sister Devlin didn't make any comment on this answer. After gently nodding her head, she said in her usual cold voice:

"I gained some new power before this dark moon. Heroes who bear the fire, please come here."

Her hands with some burn marks were held in front of her, and the first flames ignited from the palms of her hands together. Shade came to her and knelt on one knee on the wet shallows. Flora watched as his right hand stretched forward until it touched the flame in the nun's palm.

Although she knew that this was some kind of ritual, and the scene on the shallow beach under the moonlight was also very beautiful, Flora Winslet still thought that this ritual looked weird, or not very serious, so she would not take it seriously. This scene is painted into a painting.

[Yes, so you are jealous. 】

The other me said in her ear. Although Flora knew that this was what she was thinking, she still refused to admit it.

And "she" whispered in Shade's ear:

[Outlander, you have touched the power of the First Fire. 】

[You have mastered the spell "Chaos Residues" and throw out a giant rotating flame. In addition to fire damage, the flames will transform the terrain into magma after it hits the ground. This is a new spell that combines a little bit of the witch's power with the power of the First Fire. Note that this spell is extremely destructive. 】

This was the first time she used the term "extremely strong" to describe a certain spell. So Shade, who was kneeling on one knee in front of the nun, looked up at her suspiciously, wondering how the nun could comprehend such a spell in such a peaceful and quiet place. to such violent power.

Then he found that Sister Devlin was also looking down at him. Because it was not eye-to-eye contact, Shade did not feel embarrassed, so he carefully looked at the lines on the eyepatch illuminated by the dark moon.

So Sister Devlin turned her head slightly and withdrew her hand after a moment, and Shade also stood up:

"Sister, this is the first time you have taught me the spell of fire. I will make good use of it.

Then when the decisive battle with that devil comes, I will inform you that you will be responsible for dealing with the devil's split body in Gregorian Village. "

The silent nun nodded slightly, and after both Shade and Flora said goodbye to her, she stood on the shore and watched the boat carry them away.

After the two figures were "melted" in the light of the dark moon, she bent down and reached into the water at her feet, and then took out a cold weapon from under the dark water. Black sickle.

Her right hand held the handle of the sickle, and her index finger stretched forward to rest on the handle. The skin on the back of the hand cracked inch by inch, and the traces of the embers of the first fire gradually spread throughout the body, until even the gray hair tips and the hem of the clothes were covered with sparks.

Then the nun gently flicked the pitch-black sickle, and while the sparks on her sleeves fell towards the darkness, a large amount of chill began to rustle towards the water that symbolized death.

The warmth of the first fire and the coldness of death blended perfectly on her body. Sister Devlin just stood in front of the dark moon with a sickle in hand, and did not move for a long time:

"A nun from the past?"

Someone seemed to be whispering, but it seemed to be just the echo of the crackling sound of the bonfire behind her.

The dark moon shines upon her.

(Little Mia is running.)

"The nun definitely came here to improve her strength because she had a sense of crisis!"

In the fog, Shade stood at the stern of the boat and rowed the oar. The witch sat on the side of the boat and excitedly raised her head and said to him:

"She saw that you got strength from the nuns in the past, so she was unhappy, thinking that her own work had been taken away by others. But she also thought that she could not give you much more useful strength for the time being, so she did it herself Run here!

Yes, that's for sure! I understand this idea so well! "

Shade looked at her helplessly:

"Even if that's the case, Flora, why are you so excited?"

The artist lady raised her head:

"Isn't it interesting to see a nun who was originally thought to have a calm personality suddenly become like an ordinary person, and even express her emotions more clumsily than ordinary people?

This type of character is also the easiest to excel in literary creation. Complex characters can create multiple character levels. "

She smiled and narrowed her eyes:

"Shade, what do you think Sister Devlin's attitude is towards you? Are they just the so-called fire-carrying heroes and fire-wielding nuns? This title doesn't sound very serious."

Schade declined to answer the question:

"Don't just talk about Sister Devlin, what about yourself?"

"What me? Oh, you're talking about me."

Flora immediately blushed and said hesitantly:

"me to you"

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