Whispering Verse

Chapter 2781 Between the Bookshelves

Chapter 2780 Between the bookshelves

"Aunt Keesara, let me introduce you. This is my student Shad Hamilton. I think he should be my only student. He is very good and won the Feliana Medal last year. ”

Miss Denister finally introduced at this time:

"He is currently helping me with some things in Vista City, but I ask my mother-in-law to help hide this matter."

"Of course, of course."

The old elf looked at Shade again and praised him with words such as "really good" and "very suitable" that no one could understand.

So the group of people sat down, and this time, Shade sat on Miss Danister's sofa for the first time, that is, sitting next to her. Emilia only sat down after getting permission. She sat upright with her legs together and her hands on her knees in a very obedient manner.

Apparently, she just thought she still had to stand and listen to everyone.

But I have to admit that Emilia is really suitable for wearing the college’s autumn uniform dress. Shade had already seen Emilia's various summer clothes in Yuewan this summer, and he was even surprised to see her dressed like this.

The librarian's assistant brought them tea, snacks and fruit plates, and Miss Daniste reminisced about old times with Granny Keesara before finally getting down to business.

"I already know about Emilia. Although her parents were surprised that she was chosen in the end, this is also the pride of our Moon Creek elves."

Now that this old elf is here, there are many things that don’t need to be discussed with Emilia. The young elf sat obediently next to the elder, not even daring to hold the tea cup. It seemed that he had made up his mind not to speak unless necessary.

However, Aunt Keesara seemed very kind, very similar to the knowledgeable elder in Shade’s impression:

"The growth rings of the tree record that countless years have passed since that great era. Now my Lord Tree Father has chosen the elf again, which is actually a good thing.

It's just that Emilia is still a little weak and needs more help from the academy and you. Denist, I need you to take care of Emilia this time in Vista Grove. "

The librarian lady agreed:

"Of course. And you don't have to say that, Amelia's performance in school is actually very good."

"But we all know that what she's about to do is not something that a student can handle."

The old elf looked at Emilia again with a rather stern expression:

"Today's young elves are really inferior to each other. She inherits the noble bloodline, but has never realized her responsibilities. Even though the World Tree has long gone, the candidates for the elf priests do not only need to be present at the annual sacrifices. Dancing is so easy, and Amelia’s dancing level is not very good either.

If we could train her strictly from an early age, she wouldn't just sit here with her head down and not be able to say a word. "

At this time, Granny Chisara looked like the very strict elder that people usually think of. Miss Daniste could not help Amelia anymore, so she had to continue the topic:

"As for the chosen one of time, the academy will also provide targeted training for Emilia. Don't worry about this. And after arriving at Vista Woodland, Shade, I and others will also help her. ”

The old elf then looked away from Emilia beside him, and then looked at the two people opposite the sofa with satisfaction:

"With you and Mr. Hamilton here, I can feel more at ease. In any case, since she has been chosen, Amelia must shoulder her responsibilities."

She patted Emilia on the shoulder, and the latter immediately said:

"Yes, I will take responsibility."

The old elf showed a slight smile:

"Well, you and this Mr. Hamilton, go somewhere else to play, and take him to visit St. Byrons. Daniste and I still have something to talk about. You will be back in half an hour."

"Okay, mother-in-law."

So Emilia stood up, winked at Shade, and walked with him to the corridor between the bookshelves. She walked slowly and steadily at first, but when she turned the first corner ahead, she immediately held Shade's hand back, and then walked quickly through the bookshelves;

After walking for a while, she suddenly started running. After running for five minutes, she looked back in fear:

"Okay, okay, I didn't catch up!"

She patted her chest lightly, and when Shade looked at her in surprise, the young girl explained:

"Being with Aunt Keesara is always very stressful, and ever since she found out about the Vista Glades, she has always said all sorts of incomprehensible things in my ears."

She did not let go of Shade's hand, but grabbed Shade's other hand. She and Shade faced each other, their arms swaying slightly together, and their emerald green eyes showed an excited smile:

"Shad, you're taking me out of the academy again, right? We've only been separated for two months, but I really miss you. Little Lianna misses you and little Mia too. Vista Woodland! Vacation! Autumn !holiday!"

"I need to remind you, this isn't really a vacation."

Shade couldn't help but speak, but Emilia took his hands and shook them again, the excitement in her emerald green eyes was still strong:

"What does it matter? Anyway, you and those beautiful witches are here to help me. Oh, Agelina and Iluna will also appear this time, right? I haven't seen them for a long time. I Just know that after the summer vacation in Yuewan is over, I will still have the opportunity to be with you.

Shade, has Agelina kissed you recently? The last time we corresponded, she said she wanted to prove to me that she had courage, but I guess she hasn't succeeded yet, right? "

Emerald green eyes blinked at Shade. The two were now between two bookshelves very close to each other. The bookshelf aisle only allows one person to pass in one direction, and for some reason there are no lighting candlesticks above the two rows of bookshelves, so there is almost no lighting except for the starlight on the ceiling.

As Emilia spoke, she moved her face closer to Shade. She had a nice smell of woody perfume, which was even more obvious in this slightly dark and narrow environment.

Shade believed that his face was turning slightly red at this time, but he did not forget to answer the question:

"I haven't seen Agelina often recently. In fact, although she spent the night at my house last week, she went to see Lesia because their mother was ahem. The topic went off topic. I'm curious about what you usually do. Say something in the letter."

"That's a lot, Shade, don't ask the girl about her thoughts."

She said a little shyly, looking into Shade's eyes and realizing that the distance between the two was a little too close at this time. So she also closed her mouth, and after looking at Shade in front of the dim bookshelf for a few seconds, the blond girl with pointed ears finally couldn't help but stretched her head forward, and then just like on the boat in Moon Bay, Blocked by Shade:

"No, no, Emilia, this is not okay."

He shook his head and greeted Emilia's kiss with the back of his hand. The girl then said with some dissatisfaction:

"I originally wanted to show off to Agelina and Iluna. I guess you won't refuse them. Humph~ It's nothing. Anyway, I will be 56 years old in three years."

As he spoke, he glanced at Sha De secretly, and then found that Sha De didn't show anything.

He just patted his head:

"Look, I almost forgot about this. This is for you, you can think of it as a gift."

He took out the armband-like thing wrapped in cloth from his arm. After holding it in his hands, he gestured to Amelia to open it expectantly:

"Look what this is."

"Shad, you couldn't have brought Sister Devlin's eyepatch to give it to me, right?"

Emilia made a little joke, grabbed a corner of the cloth and opened it, and the silver light illuminated this small corner in the next moment.

"What a beautiful crown! Is it sterling silver?"

The elf girl praised in a low voice and reached out to touch:

"Do you really want to give it to me?"

She raised her head and asked Shade, and after receiving a confirmed answer, she held it in her hands. Only then did she notice the circle of ancient elven writing on the crown. At this moment, it was obvious that she had not studied this ancient writing, but the power from her bloodline inheritance still allowed her to understand their meaning:

"Elf. Kingship?"

As the runes were recited, the entire crown, including the golden main gemstone, began to glow slightly. The powerful miraculous element seemed to radiate in all directions just because the name was read by the pure-blood elf. Fortunately, it only lit up and did not cause any bigger noise:

"Is this... Elf Kingship?"

It was obvious that Emilia's knowledge of ancient elves was pretty good. She blinked in disbelief, without much surprise on her face, because she didn't believe it was that treasure at all:

"Xia De, is this true? [Elf Kingship] is a treasure I only heard about in childhood stories. How could it appear in..."

"When you put it on, don't you know if it's true?"

Shade then reminded, but Emilia looked at the crown in her hand but hesitated to make a move. Shade then reached out and picked up the crown and put it directly on Emilia's golden hair.

For the first second, nothing seemed to happen. Just when Shade suspected that this treasure needed other methods to activate, as the crown once again emitted a little light, Emilia's life ring was actually in the quiet book. The interior of the museum emerged.

Of course, due to the special nature of the life ring, the sound of whistles and bells did not spread.

The six-ringed brass ring was dotted with green light spots. Then, under the surprised gaze of the two people, the material of the life ring gradually changed from brass to green jade. At the same time, bits of green light also spread to Emilia's hair, eventually adding a few strands of green hair to her beautiful blond hair that seemed to glow.

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