Whispering Verse

Chapter 2785 Delinor Restorationist

Chapter 2784 Delinor Restorationist

This is why Shade went to Vanessa for help this morning, and Vanessa was willing to help. As for coming to the Vesta Forest, it was because she got the Space Spirit Rune when she participated in the "Love Lake" rescue mission last time, and touched the statue of the ancient god before leaving.

Vanessa originally wanted to give Shade a surprise, so she never told him about it, so this time she didn't need to look for relics or Grace and Helen's help.

The best location to detect the land and the forest is not the forest outside the city, but the commanding heights of this area, which is where the Golden Music Hall is located.

Vanessa also participated in performances here, but that was many years ago. In short, she is not unfamiliar with this place. The spellcasting materials and ritual materials have been prepared in Tobesk, so now we can start the action immediately.

However, Vanessa did not call Shade, but took Flora's hand:

"Call two high-ring followers and your apprentice, Flora, and follow me. We will try to solve the problem within two hours, and hope everything goes well."

"Why do you want me to go with you?"

The Great Witch of Death asked, and Vanessa smiled:

"Because you are familiar with this place, I don't want to be seen by the church when the ceremony is being held. I have just left a note for Sylvia in the parliament, asking her and Margaret to investigate the matter of the group of restorationists. The demons of the forest, let the two of us investigate - Shade, see you at noon."

As she said, she pulled the reluctant Flora out the door, and Miss Bell hurriedly followed, and did not forget to wave goodbye to Shade and Miss Danister before leaving and helped them close the door.

"Sometimes I am really curious, how do you make these excellent and beautiful ladies willing to stay by your side?"

The red-haired girl waited until the sound of their high heels faded away before asking with a smile.

"Can I not answer?"

Shad finally sat down on the sofa. Except for going to the bathroom once, he had been talking about various issues with Miss Danister on the sofa before this morning. The most talked about was Miss Danister's teacher, Miss Helena Carter. Although Shad danced with her once in the summer night, he still didn't know her well.

Miss Danister told Shad a lot about her past with her teacher that day. It sounded that the black-haired lady was particularly strict with Miss Danister, but Shad felt from the last incident that Ms. Carter was obviously a very gentle person.

And Vanessa and Flora did come back before lunch. Although Flora still had an angry expression, at least Vanessa was in a good mood.

Shad was very curious about what they talked about, but he would probably have to go home tonight to find out from Vanessa.

The two witches brought back good news for Shade. Luvia's divination results were quite accurate:

"This is easier than I thought. Of course, Flora also helped a lot. I sensed the abnormal flame nodes in the woods. I guess these are the burning trees you mentioned.

Those trees are connected to each other to form a ritual. I reversed the ritual and used the perception given to me by the earth to find a bright fire deep in the southeast side of the woods."

Just now, Shade and Miss Danister had spread out the map on the coffee table, so Vanessa bent down and drew a red circle on the map:

"It's roughly within this range, but the other party is constantly moving, and I suspect it has sensed my perception. But it's really hard to describe. I feel that thing is a beast, quite manic, but also quite powerful.

The ritual of the burning tree makes it every minute and every second. It is getting stronger every second. Luvia's description is very accurate. It is indeed becoming a natural phenomenon in the forest. I bet that this is the most difficult one of the four incarnations of the devil to deal with. "The two witches who had been busy all morning sat down. Shade stopped Miss Bell who wanted to arrange lunch and asked her to take a break. Then he called other girls to arrange lunch: "No matter how difficult it is, as long as the other party reveals its traces, it will no longer be a threat. In this way, the only one left of the devil's split body is the one hiding among the Delinor Restorationists. Let's wait for Margaret's news. There should be results soon. "Although Margaret is a princess, she is not in charge of the gray gloves, but fortunately, with the help of Miss Sylvia, the great witch of space, as long as she knows the location of the information, it is not a problem to take anything she wants. At about three o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Flora entered the parliament again to confirm the situation and brought the photocopied top-secret information. The thick file bag contained the identity information of most of the members of the "Derringol Restorationists" who came to the Vesta City rally this time, as determined by the Gray Gloves. After spreading and sorting the information on the coffee table, it was finally confirmed that there were 9 people in total, which was less than Shade thought.

"Sylvia said that these are the core members. Some of the others they control know who they are, and some don't even know who they are working for, so those people are not important."

The Gray Gloves were not sure whether these nine people were all, so Prince William of Anjou brought the agents to the local area. In the information currently available, all nine people have side photos and psychological profiles, and the relationship between each character is recorded in detail.

Shade believed that the clone hidden by the devil would not be a marginal figure among this group of people, so he paid more attention to the leader of the nine:

"Mrs. Shatala, thirty-eight years old, one of the descendants of the Drin'ol royal family, and the third most important figure among the entire Drin'ol Zionists;

Sir Wayne, forty-seven years old, appears to be a successful businessman doing business in the mountains east of Carsonlik. In fact, he is responsible for dispatching supplies for the organization and is considered the fifth figure among the Delinall Zionists.

Our goals are probably these two. "

"But what on earth did they come to Vista Glades for? Just to have a meeting?"

Miss Danister asked. Flora, who had just met Miss Sylvia, shook her head:

"Grey Gloves' local investigation is not going well. Although these suspects have been identified and Gray Gloves agents are tracking them, they have not carried out any actions so far. They just keep contacting various people locally and then change places. It’s just a meeting.”

"Speaking of which, what is William Anjou doing recently? Did Miss Sylvia tell you?"

Shade also asked, and this time Flora nodded:

"She said that the prince was constantly reporting the progress of the illegitimate child investigation to the king of Willendale from Vesta City with a letter every two days. The current preliminary result is that the illegitimate child is already dead. But William Ann Ru seems to want to find his bones before going back."

"So William Anjou is not going to investigate MI6 spies and those Zionists?"

"He doesn't have time to do this either. Didn't you catch him secretly dating his lover at the Golden Concert Hall a few days ago? I think the next generation of kings will probably really have to choose between Margaret and the eldest prince. Well, William Anjou is indeed incompetent compared to them."

At present, Lady Shatara and Sir Wayne are still active in Vista City. Gray Gloves did not arrest them in order to catch a big fish for a long time. And if Shade wanted to confirm which of the two of them was the demon's clone, he only had to shake hands with them.

This requires him to appear next to the two of them on a suitable occasion. This matter is not simple, because Lady Shatala and Sir Wayne have no relationship on the surface, and the two never appear together, so Shade Contact the two people separately.

Compared to the social butterfly-like lady Lady Shatala, Sir Wayne is the kind of person who doesn't participate in social activities very much. After he came to the local area, except for attending a few concerts, he almost never appeared in public.

"Miss Bell, I would also like to trouble you to find out whether Mrs. Shaitala will attend any banquets or salons recently. If possible, please try to get an invitation letter for Flora."

After speaking, he looked at Sir Wayne's information in his hand. In the information, the man who was nearly fifty years old looked very energetic:

"As for this Sir, I'd better not appear in front of him deliberately and go back to MI6 to ask. MI6 should also have information on these Delinall Zionists."

Shade's idea was correct. When he welcomed his boss, Director Anlos, who hurriedly arrived at home that night, the director gave a positive reply after he sat down:

"Yes, we all know the Lady Shatala and Sir Wayne you mentioned. The former is a direct descendant of the royal family at that time, and the latter had nothing to do with this group of Delin'all Zionists, and only gradually came into contact with them because of business reasons. They and were absorbed by them as one of their own, Rick Wayne became a real wealthy businessman, and the Zionists also received a stable supply channel, and even we sometimes used Rick. ·Wayne, send some military equipment to the Drin'all Zionists."

Both North and South have a tradition of funding each other's domestic opponents. MI6 and the Gray Gloves cross paths with each other, and neither can accuse the other of being more dastardly.

Everyone else in the family was on the third floor at this time, and only Sha De received the director. The two sat across from each other on the sofa in the living room. The fireplace in Room 1 on the second floor beside them was already set alight by the maids. The temperature has dropped sharply in the past week, and late autumn has arrived and winter is approaching. Considering that there are many people at home, the maids had already cleaned the fireplace last weekend.

The swaying firelight illuminated their faces, and the sound of high-grade burning wood was reassuring. Director Anlos leaned forward slightly and asked cautiously:

"You've been busy in Vista Glades lately, haven't you?"

Shade, who was petting the cat, nodded:

"Yes, do you know what these people are trying to do?"

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