Whispering Verse

Chapter 2788 Humans, Werewolves and Green Dragons

Chapter 2787 Humans Werewolf and Green Dragon

"Mourning birds" are strange alien creatures that come to people with puzzles. If you can't solve it, you will face the death curse of this bird. If you can solve it, nothing will happen. Therefore, people sometimes use "mourning bird" to describe the troublesome guy who has to face it.

Shade just stood in front of the gap in the wall and thought for a moment before giving the answer:

"Since this journey is so troublesome, I will not continue at this fork in the road. Instead, I will immediately kneel down and face the moon at night to pray."

"She" chuckled softly in his ear, and Shade stretched out his right hand, and a holy silver ball of light flew out from his palm. Shade lowered his head slightly towards the "moon":

"Praise to Silver Moon Sage, may your graceful figure illuminate my path forward."

While the werewolf girl whispered, "Is this what the Ancient God of the Moon said in praise?", Iluna had already left the light range of the bonfire and pounced on Shade.

Shade also opened his arms, and the two hugged each other tightly. The eighteen-year-old girl was really excited:

"Shade, ever since I came to this unlucky place, I have been wondering if there is a one in 10,000 possibility that you will appear too. God really heard my prayer and sent you here too!"

She and Shade were communicating in the Sixth Age's Delarian common language at this time, but the language they used when communicating just now was the language of this era - this language was taught by St. Byrons.

Everyone knows that Iluna's performance in ancient Chinese has never been good. In addition, the robe on Iluna emits the whispering element all the time. Shade guessed that this robe gave her the power to understand the words at this time.

And through the contact during the hug, Shade was able to confirm that the girl in front of him was the real Iluna. But because of this, a new question arises, that is, why Iluna appears here.

If Shade remembered correctly, after the rescue at Love Lake last week, Iluna went to the Church of the Sun to take the exam for the "Chocobo Riding Permit." In fact, the church didn't want her to go to Vista Grove anymore, so it found something for her to do for the time being.

While Iluna was excited, she was also aware of Shade's doubts, and took the initiative to explain in Delarian without waiting for him to ask:

"After I arrived at the Holy See, it took me a whole morning to get the license. The cuties in the chocobo population raised by the Holy See are much more docile and obedient than those raised by Amelia."

Iluna still looks very proud:

"Then on Friday, the church said that since I have nothing to do for the time being, I might as well learn some new skills so that I can deal with the troublesome things that will come next. I didn't refuse at the time, and the old secretaries of the Holy See discussed it and helped me find it. This angelic relic [ancient academy uniform].”

"Angel level?!"

"Listen to me, the characteristic of this relic is that it allows the wearer to experience a course that happened in the past immersively. It could be any course, cooking classes and math classes are also possible, but one person can only use it once. And as long as the relic characteristics are triggered, almost all knowledge can be learned.

In extremely rare cases, this relic will directly transport the wearer to the past classroom, but this has only happened twice in recorded history. "

She tugged on her robe:

"I admit that I was unlucky this time. After I fell into the water over there, I thought I would never see you and Luvia again. It was the three witches over there who saved me. They told me This is the Lost Academy - Yishu Academy, a place where lost knowledge is taught.

This college uniform is actually the uniform of this ancient college. They studied it and believed that the real function of this robe that had been turned into a relic was not to teach classes, but to send the wearer here, but they didn't know why they were triggered when they met me.

In short, I am so happy to see you again. In this place where there is no concept of time and space, and even the recovery of the spirit is almost stagnant, I really miss the days when you and Luvia cared about me. I hope I didn’t miss anything while I was away. event. "

She hugged Shade again, and Shade noticed that Iluna, who had always been very clean, had some tangles in her hair. She had obviously been here for a while.

"You haven't missed too many things. It's just that the Time War is about to begin, and I have also found a way for others to come to the Vista Woods safely. I will send you back in a while using [Time Return]."

"We'll talk about this later. I don't think your thaumaturgy can counter the power of this angel-level relic. In fact, as long as you are by my side, it will be fine. Let me introduce you to these witches. They are all good people."

Just now, Iluna specifically spoke in Drarian language because she was worried that future events would be revealed. Although the three witches watching them by the fire were wearing similar robes, those robes were ordinary items, so they did not have the function of language translation.

Seeing Iluna bringing Shade over, the three of them still looked very wary, but Iluna was very happy to introduce these new friends to Shade:

"Metz, Wilder, Bister, this is my friend, a very good friend, Mr. Shad Hamilton.

Shade, this human girl is Miss Los Metz. She has been here the longest and is the person who knows this place best;

This green dragon girl is Miss Alfina Wilder, she is the third one to come, she is very powerful;

This werewolf girl is Miss Siebel Bister. She took care of me when I was very weak when I first came here. "

Although the three witches look young, they are all high-level. Shade thanked them for rescuing and taking care of Iluna, but only the werewolf girl responded with some restraint.

This is not because the werewolf girl Miss Bister is more receptive to men, but because there is also a chain of contempt and racial discrimination among witches, and unfortunately, werewolves are at the bottom of the chain of contempt in all aspects.

Although werewolves are often compared with vampires in the literature of the Sixth Age of Steam, vampires are actually more wealthy and united, so no one dares to look down upon them even though they are ugly and like to suck blood.

The werewolves themselves do not have a unified clan concept. In addition, low-level werewolves are easy to fall into a crazy mental state on a full moon night, and there are many "werewolves are cursed people" and "werewolves live in sewers and swamps and are not very clean." " rumors, so humans, elves and other races are somewhat discriminatory against them - the above information comes from Shade's textbook.

In short, due to this reason, coupled with Shade's belief in the moon, the werewolf girl is more accepting of the existence of Shade. The green dragon girl and the black-haired human girl would not invite Shade to sit down just because of Iluna's words:

"Sir, you'd better tell me who you are. Are you really a male?"

The light of the bonfire was enough to illuminate five people, and everyone's eyes were on Shade:

"This question is very rude, but I confirm that I am human."

He took the initiative to reach out to the two witches, so Miss Metz and Miss Wilder really grabbed his wrist. After sensing that he was indeed not a messy monster, they fell into an even greater shock:

"Wait, are you a man or a woman?"

Shade didn't know how many times he had experienced this kind of thing. He smiled politely at the werewolf girl, and then asked:

"Can you at least let me sit down first? We don't have to stand and talk."

Although they still had doubts in their hearts, they did not stop them this time, and everyone sat down again. Shade sat next to Iluna, and the eighteen-year-old girl leaned directly on him.

This bonfire located behind a gap in the wall on the fourth floor of the building is not particularly strong, but at least it can keep the surroundings dry in this ashes-covered castle. The daily necessities of the four girls were piled near the fire. Seeing Shade looking at their tent, the human girl Miss Metz, who still did not trust Shade, explained:

"Except for Bayas, the three of us came here to study on our own initiative, so we prepared tents and daily necessities in advance. It's just that the situation here is very different from what we saw in the ancient secrets. We expected to see It's a normal school, but it's obviously going to be completely destroyed."

"I still have some food and daily necessities that I brought with me."

As he spoke, Shade began to take things out of his pocket. This move made the witches treat him much better. In addition, with Iluna's guarantee and mediation, Shade was actually accepted quite easily:

"Excuse me, before I showed up, what were the four of you doing sitting here? Although the castle above the river valley is so dilapidated, if you really want to learn, you should still be able to find something useful, right? Or "If this place is different from what you think, have you tried leaving here?"

"It's not that simple."

Miss Metz shook her head:

"The living environment here is even worse than what you see now. It took us a long time to ensure that everyone can survive here together. As for the exploration of this college, we also did it. Of course, this was mainly to leave here. "

"We all saw from our respective materials before coming here that as long as we complete our studies, it is easy to return to reality from this strange place. But looking at the current situation, it is obviously not as easy as written in the book. "

Miss Green Dragon also said that Shade felt that the aura on her body was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember what it was for the moment.

The werewolf girl on the side added in a low voice:

"So our current idea is that since this academy is ruined, we will complete the course ourselves, and maybe we can end this journey if we meet the conditions. The four of us have academy uniforms and can all be regarded as members of the academy. students, so we lack teachers and classroom environment.”

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