Whispering Verse

Chapter 2796: A story that should not be known

Chapter 2795 A story that shouldn’t be known

Shade sat up straight and looked at the doctor under the early morning sun:

"The original demon has long been split into different parts. Some of them want to make themselves whole, but this will lead to serious consequences, and may even lead to the resurrection of the oldest evil.

Doctor, your group was involved in this matter many years ago when you were a low-level warlock. In the end, the two seniors voluntarily sacrificed themselves as a price to prevent one part of the original demon from being taken away by another part, and their souls were also taken away. Doctor, you were forced to accept the power of the 'King of Demons' and use it to Imprison it yourself and wait for revenge when it becomes stronger. And your ability to devour demons comes from this. "

He blinked and asked when the doctor didn't speak:

"Is this guess correct?"

The doctor asked with difficulty:

"How did you guess that the oldest evil was split?"

"It's not a guess, it's what I said just now."

"Then I used myself to contain and seal part of it, how did you guess it?"

"I heard some allegorical devil stories told by my friends and got inspiration from them."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the doctor nodded dejectedly, looking depressed:

"Is this story really so easy to guess?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and bang bang bang~ the living room doors closed one after another, and the curtains fell one after another. The room immediately became dark, which made the cat who liked to bask in the sun quite dissatisfied.

Of course the doctor didn't do this to silence Shade and Xiao Mia, nor did he deliberately create an atmosphere. It was just for information security.

"Doctor, I just made the most reasonable inference, and it seems I was right."

The doctor sighed and covered his face with his left hand:

"There are still some details that you don't know, but that's about it. I originally wanted to hide it and tell you until you reach the 12th Ring, but I didn't expect you to find out so easily. So are you aware of the problem? "

He raised his head again and asked, Shade nodded:

"Of course, although you are using yourself to seal part of the original demon, and it seems that your power is far less than that of the 'Demon King' who took away the soul. But it cannot be denied that you are indeed using it. Power. And if you succeed in revenge and take back those two souls, can you control yourself from absorbing the power of the 'Demon King' to supplement yourself?"

He gently rubbed the cat's little head:

"In this way, the ending seems to be no different from the thing you prevented all those years ago."

"Yes, that's why I need you."

The doctor patted his face to cheer himself up:

"I can guarantee that I have not completed the original evil spirit's idea now, but I don't know whether I will be tempted by this power in the future, or my soul simply cannot resist the power sealed by me. It has actually been waiting. I went to the last step and took control of me, and maybe it's even listening to us now."

Shade still understood what he meant:

"You need me to be the last resort."

"Yes, so the level difference between you and me cannot be too big, and I must ensure that you understand all my methods. Saving Mr. Tim and Miss Aya is what I must do, even if it is a devil's conspiracy I have to take the risk."

If you think about it carefully, this may really be the conspiracy of that terrifying existence back then, waiting for the doctor to take the initiative to walk in front of it again with strength, or a conspiracy.

The doctor's blue eyes showed his usual determination:

"I know how unlucky I am, so instead of imagining that everything will go well, it's better to be prepared for the worst-case scenario in advance. If you find that something is really wrong with me, just like I have told you many times, directly Kill me."

Shade asked again:

“But doctor, there’s still a lot I don’t understand.

What exactly is the so-called Demon King? Is the subsequent appearance of evil spirits and demons related to it? How did it get split? How many parts was it split into? Where has it gone since what happened to you back then? Does anyone else in this world know of its existence? "

The doctor finally smiled again:

“Detective, I thought you really knew everything.

I'm sorry, I don't know about some of these issues, and some of them are not something we can talk about right now. I can only tell you that even in the first era known as the Genesis Era, its existence was the most secretive and dangerous.

Even the crowned Elf King of that era, the ancient dragon who was the son of God, or the human demigods blessed by the gods, may not necessarily know of its existence. For this world, if everyone can forget it, maybe it will be a good thing. "

Now, besides [desire], there is another thing that was very dangerous in the first era. Shade was curious about who was stronger and weaker between the "Desire" at his peak and the "original demon". After he entered the area controlled by the Great Witch of Chaos and obtained the protection of the ancient god, he could go to Moon Bay to find that A mermaid asked.

Of course, Shade does not think that the "Demon King" is "Desire". The two are obviously not the same existence.

After chatting with these doctors, the doctor got up and prepared to leave. He would also come to St. Teresa Square tonight to discuss the final plan for the midnight operation with Shade. And when Shade sent the doctor to the foyer, he asked one last question:

"Doctor, that ancient evil demon definitely wasn't split into two, right? The original demon and other divided parts are hidden in secret corners of the material world."

The doctor holding the door handle smiled at him:

"We don't discuss it.

Detective, really don’t explore this issue too much. Its split also happened in the long past, and the ancient gods had not left yet. Nowadays, the legend about it has disappeared in the wind of time, and the ancient stories are buried among other ancient secrets. There is no need for us to rediscover those sinful and dangerous stories just because of curiosity. "

He winked at Shade:

"Remember? Stories are also powerful."

(Little Mia is running.)

When Shade appeared at the Accordion Hotel in downtown Vista City with little Mia in his arms, it was already ten o'clock that morning.

He was still thinking about the doctor, but he didn't forget to hand Flora the list:

"If you have time today, please help me deliver this to Megan and Audrey's desk in the parliament. It is best to raise these herbs within a week."

On the list was the list of herbal medicines that the three girls needed after he translated it. They had tried their best to write down the common special materials, but obviously they didn't know that the situation in the Sixth Era was very different from the Fifth Era.

Megan and Audrey's "Paradise Island Pharmaceutical" can collect most of the materials from the New World, but there are still a few that Shade needs to figure out on his own, but fortunately this is not a very important matter.

"Shad, I see there are ingredients for 'wolfsbane potion' in it? Have any of your friends been bitten by a werewolf?"

The list Shade gave was two pages of notebook paper, not folded, so Flora glanced at it. Hearing "bitten by a werewolf", even Miss Danister looked over, and Shade hurriedly shook his head:

"No, no, it has something to do with the time key. This is the list of materials that the ancient witches need. They are trapped. Speaking of which, do you want to see my new ability?"

As he spoke, silver light penetrated the surface of his body, and then the cat lying on Shade's lap felt empty, and then landed on the sofa.


It stood up with a confused cry, turned around and saw a silver wolf standing behind it. The wolf was too big for the kitten, and even its shadow was enough to cover the cat.

So little Mia paused for a moment, then bumped into the wolf affectionately, rubbing against the hair on the silver wolf's chest.

"I knew that no matter what I looked like, little Mia would be able to recognize me."

Sha Delang said in a good mood.

"Did you learn any new transformation techniques from the witch?"

Flora, the master of transformation, suddenly became interested. She stood up and wanted to hug the little wolf:

"My natural transformation can also allow me to transform into the form of a wolf, but it is obviously different from yours. This is not an ordinary wolf, right? What is your transformation blueprint?"

"An eleventh-level werewolf witch who is pursuing the way of the wild. She is also very good at the power of the moon."

Shade didn't give her a chance to hug him, and suddenly changed back to his original state. Then he described Miss Bicester to the two ladies. Flora admired her greatly, while the red-haired girl was thoughtful:

"Is it possible to improve the power of the moon by pursuing the wild way? I haven't heard of this idea for many years."

She didn't know what she thought of, but she didn't discuss this topic with Shade anymore. After all, that was not the focus of today.

"Can Miss Elsa Asberg arrive in this city at midnight today? Then along with the nuns, we can start hunting demons. I hope Miss Asberg can arrive in advance, and we need to discuss the specific plan."

Shade said, and the red-haired girl who looked very lazy on the sofa nodded:

"It should be no problem. I asked her to prepare last week. At eleven o'clock tonight, I will ask her to come to the hotel first. However, apart from your friends, Sister Devlin, Aisha and you, are you sure Do you need help from Flora and me?"

The witches on the side obviously wanted to ask this question, but this time Shade didn't want to invite them:

"What you need help with is during the day. There is no need to locate the devil's clone deep in the forest, but we'd better figure out who is the devil among the Delin'all Zionists before tonight. "

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