Whispering Verse

Chapter 2801: The Eve of Hunting

Chapter 2800 The Eve of Hunting

In the past three hundred years, apart from the split body that was accidentally sealed by an unknown demon hunter, the remaining three split bodies each have the task of growing in power and keeping an eye on the two forces.

It was not until Shade came to the local area three hundred years later that he got a glimpse of this long but indeed useful conspiracy.

Although the above are just speculations, as long as you check out Sir Wayne's antiques and find the fifth tree hole from him, you can basically confirm Shade's idea.

He didn't know how far the devil's conspiracy had progressed, or whether the situation in recent years was related to it. But even if he and the doctor deal with this demon tonight, it won't have any profound impact on the situation in the Old World.

Perhaps, the devil's plan had been successful as early as the fire in Hoy Manor three hundred years ago.

But no matter what, at least the purpose of attending this afternoon tea party was successfully achieved. If it wasn't too conspicuous to leave early, Shade would even want to go back now to tell Miss Danister the good news.

The afternoon tea party ended at 4:30. Before the end, the mayor, Mr. Ronan, distributed a survey letter to everyone about the expansion of the city's railway station. After that, people can mail the survey letter directly to the city hall.

Prince William of Anjou took the place of the Mayor and delivered the concluding speech of the afternoon tea party. Shade didn't really listen to what he said, but was thinking about what the Zionists wanted to do when they came to Vista City, and that was to assassinate the prince.

But in reality, nothing happened until the tea party officially ended.

Afterwards, Shade thought that he should probably investigate why Sir Wayne and Lady Shaitara attended this tea party together. This was definitely not a coincidence. But the battle to hunt demons is imminent. In order not to arouse the opponent's alert, some things can be figured out afterwards.

After returning to the Accordion Hotel, Shade explained his discovery to Flora and Miss Denister.

They were also very happy to be able to find the demon's split body so smoothly. As for Shade's speculation about the demon's plan, the two ladies also said that this was not something they should be concerned about now.

They did not insist on participating in tonight's hunt, but when Shade mentioned that he would return home to prepare and meet again at eleven o'clock in the evening, Miss Danister asked again:

"You said that the big fire-burning trees in the forest were made by the demons in the forest to spread their power. So do you need us to go to the forest tonight and pull out those big trees one by one? This should relieve your pressure."

"Don't take any action now, but you can make preparations to go out."

Shade decided to seek the doctor's advice:

"In short, no one can leave the city until the real action is taken. If Miss Elsa Asberg arrives first, please ask her to wait for me in the hotel. I will inform Sister Devlin. I hope that today Don’t make any mistakes late.”

The nun was still dying, but Shade only had to open the gap to death to see her in the shallows.

He only did this after returning home, and when Shade explained the schedule for tonight to her through the gap, the nun who was kneeling in front of the bonfire in the shallows did not stand up, but said softly:

"When you need me, write my name on the ground with flames and I will be there."

"No problem Sister, what's your full name?"

The nun who was kneeling by the fire waited for at least two seconds before saying:

"Just write 'Develine'. The fire-bearing nun voluntarily gives up her origin and background. We only have a first name but no surname."

And when Luvia returned home from get off work at the Prophet's Association that day, Iluna had already arrived at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

However, Iluna originally didn't know about the demon hunting tonight. Seeing Shade looking like he was going out tonight, she heard about it from him, so she asked to go too.

Today, Iluna also has the power of the Nine Rings. Although Shade always wants to protect the people around him, he does not always think that they need to hide behind him.

He had no objection to Iluna going to help, but he just made other arrangements:

"Iluna, after you go to the Vista Grove with us later, you will stay in the hotel with Miss Denister and the others. It is not clear whether the battle in the four positions will go smoothly this time. I have [Night Watch] and the power of ice, although the level is the lowest, it may not cause problems.

So you don’t have to follow me, but wherever there is a problem, go and support me. "

After that, he said to Luvia:

"Luvia, just stay at home. I don't need your help tonight."

Although the girl with purple eyes was a little dissatisfied, she did not object to him:

"Then why did Iluna come here in the first place?"

After saying that, he took Iluna's hand and sat down on the sofa. At this time, the flames of the fireplace provided light to the room. Iluna and Luvia sat on the couch, and Shade sat on the short sofa on the left. On the sofa:

"You may not believe it, but didn't I open a new time key this morning?"

He sighed and stroked the cat:

"Guess who I saw in the fifth era this time?"

Luvia glanced at the eighteen-year-old girl standing by with an expectant look on her face:

"It can't be Iluna, right?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Iluna was quite proud. Although this time it was an accident, she did something that even Luvia could not do - go on a time adventure with Shade.

The purple-eyed girl looked her up and down, and her eyes were like Shade looking at Mia. She showed an inexplicable expression:

"Iluna, don't tell me that you are still a candidate this time. How many times is this?"

"What candidate? No, no, I am not. I didn't rely on the qualification of the Time War. I was sent there because of a relic."

She explained to Luvia in detail what happened from last Friday to now, and then happily said that she would go with Shade next time he used the key.

And Luvia didn't care much about the relic out of control incident that Iluna encountered. As a chosen one, the 18-year-old girl often encountered similar situations.

The fortune teller just whispered:

"When the candidates of time are about to follow their fate to go to the other end of time to learn and gain power, Iluna also went to the past to gain power for a strange reason."

Although it looks like a coincidence, this kind of coincidence happens every time. Perhaps Luvia with long hair understood the reason, but Luvia with shoulder-length hair just superficially thought that Iluna was indeed the most special one among all the chosen ones.

Although Luvia knew that the doctor would go to the woods tonight, the doctor was reluctant to let others know that he used the power of the devil, so before leaving that night, Shade did not let the doctor go to his house, but took the initiative to invite him to take a walk in the city after the doctor knocked on the door.

The city of Tobesk in late autumn also seemed much more bleak than usual. Now that winter heating has started in some blocks, there is thick fog on the streets after nightfall, and not many people are walking around on the streets.

Shade put his hands in his pockets, and the doctor carried a suitcase. After the two walked out of the square side by side, they turned into Silver Cross Avenue.

The doctor didn't seem to be nervous about what was going to happen tonight:

"I originally wanted to meet with the nun and the thirteen-ring warlock you found, and remind them of the precautions, but then I thought about it and decided not to meet with other people."

He shook the box in his hand:

"I have prepared some good things for you.

Three shields, I can assure you that no matter how strong the flames of the demon are, this shield can last at least three minutes; there are also three ice needles, after breaking up its flames, use the shield to trap it to prevent it from escaping, and then use this needle to destroy one of its split bodies. Other methods like "Night Watch" are also useful, but obviously you only have one sword.

You don't have to return the things to me after you use them up, it's a gift to your friends. This time you asked someone to help me, I can't just let you spend the favors on yourself."

The doctor handed the box to Shade, he always cared about this aspect of the problem.

After Shade put away the box, he asked again:

"Do you need other people to remove the burning trees in the forest after the battle begins? You said that the big trees will make the burning demons in the forest stronger every moment. I think removing them should relieve some of your pressure."

The doctor did not object:

"Yes, but only after we start. This is just a small matter. Since you have already determined the identity of the demon, the main consideration now is the order of the end of the battle.

Just leave me for the last. I can sense whether its other split bodies have been destroyed by you. You should discuss the order in which the three of you should deal with the enemy first. This is very important."

Shade has already thought about it:

"I plan not to arrange the order. As long as I can win, I will end the battle immediately, and then go to support others. I admit that among me, the nun and the lady, I am the weakest, so maybe I still need the nuns to help me. "

The doctor looked up at the gas street lamp next to him and smiled:

"I feel that you will make the most progress. When this is over, I will probably stay in the Vesta Forest for a while. You don't have to worry about me at that time. I will go deep into the forest by myself to prepare for the third core spirit rune.

When I decide to perform the ritual, I will inform you. I am more worried about this than the battle tonight. "

"Doctor, your target is that ancient existence, you won't fall at this step, right?"

Shad asked jokingly, and the doctor shook his head:

"I will definitely go on, no matter what, even if the ending I face is more terrible than anyone else, I will go on."

He slightly widened his eyes and watched the black bugs hit the gas street lampshade next to him, ding ding ding, as if it would never stop.

PS: More votes!

I had a serious illness in August, and there were many things to do at the beginning of school. This month's update is not as much as last year. Come on in September.

Please vote again at the end of the month.

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