Whispering Verse

Chapter 2811: How to get home

Chapter 2810 Ways to Go Home

Time travel is never a simple matter. Although Shade has experienced time travel many times in Vista Forest, it was all done with the power of the "Twisted Tree Hole".

But if the power of the tree hole is used correctly, it can only allow the user to go from the "present" to the "past", and the process of returning can be regarded as repatriation.

Therefore, Shade, who is in 1821, cannot use the power of the "Twisted Tree Hole" to return from 1821 to 1854. Of course, he can also use the power of the tree hole incorrectly like the "Time Curser", but this will only increase the local time instability, and how to open the tree hole is also a matter of luck.

As for the magic "Return of Time", unfortunately, this magic can only work on targets other than Shade. Just like the basic spell "Moving Objects" is not effective only on oneself, Shade cannot push himself back to 1854. What's more, his current timestamp is 1821, and he is not considered a person in 1854 at this time.

On the way back to Ms. Helena Carter's home in the forest on the flying carpet, Shade also told the concerned lady about his experience on Wednesday night, the 15th of the Dead Leaves Month in 1854.

He concealed the fact that the doctor also used demonic power, only saying that he had found helpers, and explained all the other details clearly.

He was originally worried whether it would be too risky to talk about the evil thing directly in this forest, but then he thought that the sudden appearance of a person with such obvious curse marks like himself did not cause any reaction, so a simple discussion should be fine.

Shade told the story all the way until the two landed on the platform of the tree house, and then he talked about how after the demon was defeated, he was exiled to the crack of time by the big black tree and finally landed in this era.

"I am actually very worried about my friend now, and I don't know how he is now after being knocked away."

Shade said this, and walked into the door with the black-haired sorceress.

I don't know if the spell used by this lady to build the tree house is the same as Emilia's. This time, Shade looked carefully and felt that no matter the layout or style of the house, this house is very similar to Emilia's three-story tree house more than 30 years later.

The tree house is obviously only for one person, so the indoor area is not large, so Shade sat directly at the table. The black-haired lady also sat down, and the teapot automatically flew to the charcoal stove to heat up. She said with concern:

"The academy also contains some relics that can allow you to return to the correct time point. You can wait a few days, and I will borrow those relics to try."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm afraid that repatriation relics are useless to me. My situation is a bit special."

He also introduced his own characteristics of being accepted by all time points, so the thirteen-ring sorceress doubted whether Shade really belonged to 1854, but she only doubted it a little:

"The legal way to travel through time that remains in the current era There are not many paths left. What do you think? "

"Time key, I am guessing whether I will be sent back to the present 1821 or 1854 thirty years later when I use the time key. But there is also a problem. I promised to use the key with another girl. If I break my promise, it may easily cause a time paradox. "

This time, I really encountered trouble. Of course, there is another way, that is, Shad lives from the present 1821 to 1854. He only needs to wait 33 years to see Luvia and Mia again. Just thinking about it makes me feel that this method is terrible.

Of course, Shad's current situation is at least much better than that of Miss Danister and Flora. They traveled through the tree hole and therefore could not leave the Vestal Forest. But Shad was exiled. He came to this era semi-legally, so he can go wherever he wants.

In short, there is no point in rushing back. If Shad can really find a way to go back, he will only be missing for a few seconds or hours for everyone in 1854.

It was late at night, and there was no good idea to discuss it tonight. Moreover, seeing that Ms. Helena Carter had been busy for him all night, Shade suggested to rest tonight and think of a solution tomorrow.

The black-haired lady nodded, and considering that Shade had just recovered, she suggested:

"You sleep on my bed. Although you said you were fully recovered, it is impossible for an ancient curse of that degree to not leave sequelae."

"No need for this, I brought the bed with me."

There was everything in his luggage, including furniture such as wooden beds. So he put down his bed far away from the single bed, and gentlemanly took out a curtain to separate the room from the center.

Seeing that he was so skilled in doing this, the sorceress did not refuse. Then the two of them rested after washing up.

It was late at night. Although Shade did not feel tired, he had experienced a battle with the devil, and then he was exhausted physically and mentally because of the curse. He fell asleep almost as soon as he lay down. The sorceress lying on her side under the window was not so tired. She listened to Shade's breathing gradually becoming steady, then she leaned her body slightly to look at the dark shadow behind the curtain.

There was one thing she didn't say. Just now in the temple, when she saw the statue hugging Shade and kissing his forehead, although the scene was quite sacred, more sacred than any religious murals she had seen in the church, she clearly felt that it was not like the gods blessing mortals, nor like a mother blessing her children, but rather like.

She quickly shook her head to get rid of her wild thoughts, fearing that her blasphemous thoughts would cause other troubles.

But perhaps because of her wild thoughts before going to bed, she actually dreamed of Shade kissing her forehead in her dream that night.

This dream was a little too inexplicable, and she refused to tell anyone about it.

A night's sleep passed quickly. When the sunlight in the early morning of midsummer 1821 shone on the tree house, Helena Carter was actually awakened by the smell of breakfast.

The smell drifted from the window. When she changed her clothes and walked out of the wooden house to the platform, she saw that breakfast, even black tea and snacks, had been placed on the wooden table. At this time, Shade was holding a teacup, sitting at the table with the chirping of birds, looking at the scenery of the forest from this high place. He probably understood Emilia's feelings every morning.

The sorceress looked at Shade's back and felt that he was almost integrated with the morning scenery in the forest. This feeling was very strange, as if he had become a part of the forest, so she thought of "nature affinity", a characteristic that only appears in a few alien species such as elves.

"Is this the breakfast and black tea snacks you prepared?"

The black-haired lady asked with a smile, and Shade turned around when he heard the voice:

"I don't have such skills. This is what I summoned with magic. A ruby ​​and an emerald are enough."

"Fiona's housekeeping servant" - ruby ​​or blood diamond, red dragon, good at cooking and kitchen work; emerald or precious jade, green dragon, good at cleaning the living room, brewing black tea and making snacks. Shade usually uses rubies to exchange for sumptuous meals. This time, he remembered the emeralds in order to thank Ms. Helena Carter for taking care of him last night.

The sorceress did not say that Shade was wasteful, but smiled and thanked her and sat down.

Neither of them discussed Shade's return immediately, but ate breakfast together peacefully. After breakfast, the plates, knives, forks and teacups disappeared without a trace. It must have been washed by Miss Long, so Shade talked about business:

"I thought about it carefully this morning. Most of the legal means of time travel cannot be separated from the power of the gods. As for this piece of woodland, the temple on the top of the hill may be able to help me, or there is a temple ruin of the old god's "Yaobian Gate" in the forest. The old god has the power of time and space, and maybe he can help me."

In fact, he had originally thought about the hermits in the forest, but after thinking carefully about their methods The tree hole is also inseparable:

"I want to go to these two places to take a look."

"I'll go with you."

The black-haired sorceress wiped the corner of her mouth elegantly with a handkerchief:

"You should know that I came here originally for the matter of the astrologer Euclid, but even if I traveled through time to the future, I didn't find more clues.

Anyway, there is nothing else to do, so I'll follow you. However, isn't there a music hall on the top of the hill? Is that the temple of the ancient gods?"

Now in 1821, the city of Vesta is in a period of rapid expansion. History books regard this period as the early days of the steam revolution. Even the small town in the forest is constantly expanding the city's territory with this thriving development wave.

In this era, the accordion hotel run by the Bennet family has been established, and the "Golden Music Hall" has also taken shape. This concert hall, which will be famous throughout the Old Continent thirty years later, will not be fully built until more than ten years later in the 1930s, so its current appearance is still somewhat different from what Shade saw in 1854.

However, considering the distance, Shade and Ms. Carter first went to the ruins of the temple of the old god "Glazing Door", which was the place where he and George Conde \u0026 Mrs. Shatara fought a one-on-two duel on a late autumn night more than 30 years later.

It was not difficult to find the place. The stone arch was also entangled with green vines as it was many years later. Now in the midsummer, the grass and trees are lush, and there is no open space for young people to hold gatherings. If you don't look carefully, it's easy to ignore the arch under the cover of trees.

The sorceress who had never been here was very curious and explored around. Shade walked under the arch and touched the severely weathered stones with his hands, and then took out the Staff of Yggdrasil and knocked around.

"Well, this place is probably useless to me."

He didn't know how the demon activated the power of the arch at that time. This was probably related to the evil thing. After all, part of the power of the old god [Glazing Door] came directly from the tree father.

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