Whispering Verse

Chapter 2813 Crows and Curses

Chapter 2812 Crows and Curses

When Shade was telling these things, he blurred all the information related to time to avoid affecting the future. When Shade finished talking about these things during lunch, the black-haired lady said curiously:

"If it is according to what you said, wouldn't Danister teach you nothing?"

"My magic-[Glory Moon Realm], [Moon Dream] was taught by her, and some rituals, and the use of Moonlight Slash was also inspired by her."

"But these ordinary teachers can also teach."

The sorceress smiled and held her chin with her hand. This action was quite déjà vu, and Miss Danister had done it before:

"So what is she busy with? Since she wants you to be the next librarian, how can she let you grow up like this?"

"Well, actually I am quite busy, busy with the affairs of the Chosen One."

Of course, it was not just Shade who was telling stories that day. When Ms. Helena Carter shared stories with Shade, she did not need to consider the problem of disrupting time.

She told Shad some interesting stories about Miss Danister - some of which Shad thought it would be best not to mention in the future. In the afternoon, when he followed Marissa to the noble manor and watched her prepare afternoon tea and snacks in the kitchen, the black-haired sorceress talked about her own things again:

"I am different from you and Danister. I am not a correspondence student who awakened my talent outside the academy and was discovered to join the academy. I am not a formal student who was directly enrolled after awakening my talent because my family lived in St. Byrons a long time ago.

I think even Danister doesn't know my origins. When I was a child, I appeared at the gate of the academy by myself."

She recalled the past with a smile:

"The ancient defense mechanism of the academy determines that if it is not allowed, even if someone comes to the side of the academy, they can only see the vast snow. Original, but the place where I fainted when I was only six years old was the gate of the academy. "

"But isn't St. Byrons in the north of the Arctic Ice Cap? How did you, a six-year-old child, get there? The temperature there is below minus 20 degrees Celsius all year round."

"The academy spent many years trying to figure this out. At that time, a powerful angel-level relic related to meteorological disasters appeared in the Arctic, which seriously interfered with divination and tracing.

After I graduated from the academy, I also conducted many years of investigation. Later I learned that I was born into a tribe living on the Arctic Ice Cap, and my parents have lived there for generations. It is said that the origin of these tribesmen is the pilgrims who pursued the way of the moon in the Arctic in the Fifth Age. "

So her ancestors may have met the werewolf girl Miss Bister in the Fifth Age.

"The disaster caused by the angel-level relic at that time killed everyone. I still don't know how I survived. From my childhood memories, I was swept into the sky by a blizzard, and then happened to land at the entrance of the academy. My teacher later said that this meant that I was destined to become the academy librarian.

I asked her at the time, why can't I become the principal?"

Shade also laughed.

In addition to telling her own story, she seemed to want to teach Shade something, but because she was still following him, she only briefly introduced the power and system she was good at.

She used the power of the red moon like Miss Danister, but compared to Miss Danister's expertise in this, this lady was actually a potion master. After hearing that Shade had a way to continuously obtain "Moonlight Water", she dictated to Shade several potion recipes that sounded very good, all of which she invented herself:

"Compared to potions, Danister obviously prefers alchemy. I left all my potion notes to her, but I guess she didn't read them carefully. When you go back, you can ask her for those notebooks to study by yourself.

Of course, I will teach you here. If you can stay here for a long time, I think you should be able to learn a lot of knowledge from me that Danister is not interested in."

Chatting will make time go by quickly, especially when everyone is interested in the content of the chat. So time unknowingly came to the evening of this day. In the evening of midsummer, even the sunset was so hot that it was unbearable.

After finishing a day's work, Marissa returned to her rented apartment and met the young knight Faris who was waiting for her downstairs in the apartment.

The two quarreled again at the door downstairs of the apartment, and the girl finally did not say what she had encountered. Instead, the knight accidentally used very rude words, which made the girl angrily close the door.

So the knight left in despair, and Shade, who was standing by the mailbox across the street, said:

"He seems to really love that girl."

"I bet he didn't go far, but waited to see where the girl would go after leaving the apartment."

She was right. The young knight was indeed waiting in the alley next to him, where he could see both the window on the second floor of the apartment and the main entrance of the apartment.

Shade and the black-haired sorceress waited across the street. They didn't wait too long. When the sun set and only the last rays of the setting sun were shining on the city in the forest, the window of the second-floor room where Marissa rented was suddenly opened, and then a black crow flew out.


The crow was not flying very fast, and it was wobbling like it had just learned to fly, which was completely different from the owl that Shade knew. But looking at the crow's body shape, it was clearly an adult bird.

Without waiting for Shade and the sorceress to make any move, the young knight followed after hesitating. He was just an ordinary person, and he probably wouldn't associate this crow with anything. Shade guessed that he thought it was a "carrier pigeon."

Then, from the other side of the street, two very low-key men who covered their faces with the brims of their hats also followed. Of course, Shade didn't know them, but the thirteen-ring female sorceress who had stayed in the local area for a while knew them:

"People from the local natural church, the church seems to have discovered the problem. So, do those blasphemous elements represent some kind of curse?"

She said softly, but did not call Shade to chase after them, but looked up at the open window:

"Since so many people have caught up, let's not rush to catch up. I released a tracking beacon on her in the afternoon, and she can't run far. Come with me to her apartment, I feel there will be clues there."

"Maybe we can find one or two crow feathers."

Shade said this, but did not choose to fly directly from the street facing the street in broad daylight, but walked up the steps downstairs of the apartment building and knocked on the door.

The apartment rented by this young actress is similar to Dorothy's. They only rented a room in the entire building. Dorothy rented an entire floor. Anyway, the person who opened the door for Shade this time was an old woman who looked very old, wearing a hairnet and reading glasses.

She hunched her back slightly, holding her glasses to look at the stranger:

"Young man, who are you looking for?"

Shade made way for the sorcerer behind him to cast a spell. Unexpectedly, after the old man saw the black-haired lady behind him, he hesitantly asked:

"Are you the librarian?"

This time, even the thirteen-ring sorcerer raised her eyebrows with a little surprise, but she was well-informed and quickly adjusted her expression:

"Yes, I do work at a university, so do you know me?"

"No, no, I don't know you, but someone left something for you. Come in, I've finally waited for you after so many years."

Shade looked at the lady behind him in astonishment, who nodded slightly and motioned Shade to follow:

"Sorry to bother you then."

The old woman lived on the first floor by herself, and there was a maid taking care of her life, but the maid went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables at this time - the price of vegetables was cheap in the evening, so she was not at home.

She asked the two to sit down in the living room first, and she went to get something. The furniture on the first floor where the old woman lived looked very old, and I don’t know if it was because of the lack of frequent ventilation, but there was a strange smell in the room, which was a common smell of the elderly.

She had two cats, one black and one white. The two cats were very interested in Shade. When the old man came back with the box, they were already lying on Shade’s legs.

The old man didn’t care about the performance of his cats, but put the box painted in mahogany on the coffee table, and then sat on the single sofa:

“I was born in 1750. I had a serious illness when I was just born, and I was about to die. The town of Ximu was still very small at that time. There were no good doctors or good hotels. At that time, there was a foreigner staying at home. He claimed to be an astrologer, and he saved me.

My whole family was very grateful to him, but he didn’t ask for compensation. My parents told me that he touched my head and said that a week before I died, a lady with black hair, a wide-brimmed hat, and an exceptionally beautiful appearance would come to the door. If the other party was a librarian, let me give this box to her. . ”

She said to the black-haired sorceress with a smile:

"Over the years, I have always worried that I would not meet you before I died, and that I would not be able to fulfill the promise my parents promised. Now that you have come on time, I can also prepare my will and funeral well. ”

"Madam, what funeral are you talking about?"

The young maid who came in from the door asked curiously with a basket of vegetables. The old man stood up and said to the two people on the sofa:

"There is another letter in the box. You can read it yourself. I will not disturb you. Please remember to help me close the door before you leave."

As he said, he walked towards the young maid and took her to the kitchen. Before closing the door, he did not forget to greet his two cats. The black and white cats walked towards their owner, looking back every three steps.

When the kitchen door was closed, Shade cast a puzzled look at Ms. Carter again, and the latter put her hand on the box:

"I bet I will be very surprised in a while. "

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