Whispering Verse

Chapter 2822: The worries of an 18-year-old and the rhetoric of a stranger

Chapter 2821 Eighteen-year-old worries and foreigners’ speaking skills

After the three people passed through the smoke and dust of the explosion, what they saw was a "magma lake" with a diameter of more than 20 meters in the forest. And after the elf girl mobilized the power of the forest to eliminate the magma lake with a troubled look, she found the fourth Paradox Bug shell at the bottom of the pit where raindrops were constantly turning into mist.

"Don't use such fire spells in the forest!"

She said to Shade very dissatisfied, and after cooling down the hot insect shell, she picked it up, and then threw a bottle of magic potion to Shade:

"The third bottle of paradox insect potion is ready. Really, if you do this often, even if you have the blessing of nature affinity, the forest will hate you. Look how many trees you have destroyed?"

Even if she pinches the waist with one hand to "teach" someone, she is not harsh at all, but rather cute.

After getting Shade's assurance, she called for shelter under a nearby tree. At this time, the yellow chocobo, which looked a little frightened, came over. After she mounted the chocobo, she was about to leave, but was stopped by Shade:

"On the weekend or next Monday, Miss Emilia Siam Nord from the college will come over. Would you mind meeting her?"

"I don't mind. Since I'm your friend, why should I mind?"

The blonde girl with pointed ears said, sitting sideways on the chocobo, holding its neck with her right hand, and holding an umbrella for it and herself with her left hand:

"Then goodbye, don't forget to continue to help me find arrows, this is more important than anything else."

Then the chocobo carried her and disappeared into the forest as if it was running away.

When they left Sir Wayne's mansion just now, Miss Daniste had already cast a "water-avoiding spell" on the three of them. So although it was still raining heavily, they didn't hold an umbrella. When Shade looked at the red-haired girl, she had already opened the cork of the potion bottle and drank the potion in one gulp.

"I have always thought that the elves' magic potions are very special. They can always mix unpleasant flavors into delicious ones."

As she spoke, her life ring appeared. The eight-ring life ring quickly transformed into a nine-ring life ring under the cover of the steam mist. Just as expected, the first bottle of potion changed her from the seventh ring back to the eighth ring, and the combined effects of the second and third bottles of potion changed her from the eighth ring to the ninth ring.

Emilia herself said that the Paradox Bug potion cannot completely eradicate the time curse. The next potions will only become less effective one after another, but fortunately there is still a long way to go before they become completely ineffective.

"The middle to high level is the second most important upgrade for a ring warlock. The most important one is of course the twelve to thirteenth ring. You also know that every upgrade of a ring warlock will lead to a comprehensive enhancement of the body and soul. From the middle ring to the high ring The difference between the eight rings and the nine rings is much greater than the difference between the seven rings and the eight rings."

The red-haired girl was in a good mood and talking to Shade about her feelings, when she found that Shade was looking at her in slight surprise.

Only then did she touch her face as if aware of it, and then the rainwater that was no longer evaporated by the heat formed a water mirror in front of her.

In the mirror, the slightly green eighteen-year-old face was rapidly maturing until it turned into her original appearance. But this "recovery" only lasted for a second, and the mature face began to lose age again, and finally stopped at the age of eighteen.

The red-haired girl touched her face and didn't speak for a long time as if she was stunned. Shade didn't bother her. It wasn't until she waved her hand to disperse the water mirror that Shade said in the sound of rain:

"Now that it has returned to nine rings, Flora will definitely be jealous of you when we go back."

But Daniste Gustave did not respond to this topic, but remained silent for a while before asking Shade:

"If I were to say that when I saw my face in the mirror just now, I suddenly felt that I had remained eighteen years old, would it appear that I was very, very hypocritical? Before that, I had been complaining to you about my Become eighteen."

Shade knew her psychology very well:

"The longing for youth is something everyone has. It's normal. And it seems like you won't be able to recover for a while. Don't worry about that now."

The young and beautiful girl touched her face again. She had never cared about this problem before. But when she really saw her eighteen-year-old face "aging" just now, she had to admit that she really couldn't bear to see her current appearance.

Youth is fleeting, and not many people can accept the fact that they grow old in an instant. In particular, she now really has the characteristics of being eternally eighteen years old. At a certain moment, she really thought that maybe it would be good to stay like this forever.

After returning the hypnotized Sir Wayne to his residence, Miss Danister cast a spell to modify his memory, making him think that he had been discussing business with Shade, but this meeting had no results.

Then the two of them left here and rushed to Hoy Manor in the north of the city. Jazz has already told the location of the wooden trap door. Now as long as the door is recovered, the matter will finally come to an end.

But it was almost noon, so they had a quick lunch on the way. Seeing that Miss Danister was still not in high spirits during the meal, Shade tried to tell a few jokes, but then realized that he had no talent in this area.

So the outsiders "shamelessly" plagiarized some classics from their hometown. Although this only made the girl purse her lips and smile slightly, at least she seemed to be in a much better mood:

"Are you always so good at changing other people's emotions?"

"I'm just good at not making people sad."

"You are so Xia De, can you answer me a question? Which do you like better, the 18-year-old me or the real me?"

The rain outside the window was pattering, and the noise in the tavern was not noisy. The sound of the wine glass being put down by the next table seemed to become a bell, which meant that this was a fatal question.

[Maybe you can say "I like both", and then express some positive opinions on her 18 years old and her real age. 】

"She" suggested with a smile, but Shade did not accept it. Instead, he put down his knife and fork, put his hands together on the table, and then turned to look at the rain outside the window as if thinking:

"To be honest, I probably prefer the way you appear in front of me."

The voice in my ear laughed lightly, and the sorceress across the table really laughed. She laughed very happily:

"Okay, I admit, Shade, choosing you as my student is really one of the few most correct choices I have made."

After dinner, the weather turned from cloudy to sunny like the mood of an eighteen-year-old girl. The heavy rain stopped without warning, and the sun even poked its head out from behind the clouds.

But the action was still unexpected. When the Hoy Manor could be seen from a distance, the sky had been reflected red by the fire. When they got closer, they saw that the entire manor was now engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

Several people who were suspected to be church ring sorcerers were trying to put out the fire, while the servants, cooks and maids of the manor gathered far away from the gate, looking worried. However, it seemed that these middle ring sorcerers were not able to suppress the fire smoothly.

"When I first came here to attend the wedding banquet, I guessed whether this place would be engulfed by fire again like three hundred years ago. You see, my intuition is quite accurate."

Shad said, blinking at the flames again, and then continued to say to the girl beside him:

"Devil's flames. It seems that the devil should have left something for Director Kant, or the devil has other means."

"Is the devil not dead?"

"No, he is definitely dead, there is no doubt about this, it should be just some tricks. I will go to the manor to confirm the situation of the trap door first. These flames can't hurt me. You wait here for me, and by the way, see what these people in the church want to do besides putting out the fire."

The red-haired girl hesitated for a while before nodding, and did not say that she wanted to follow Shad into the sea of ​​fire:

"Then you have to be careful, after all, there is no teacher here to save you."

Although she obviously did not completely let go of what happened last night, at least she said this with a smile, so the degree of teasing was greater than anger.

Shade smiled and responded:

"If Ms. Carter doesn't save me, isn't there Ms. Gustav who can save me?"

She had a visibly unhappy expression on her face, so Shade changed her words:

"I mean, isn't there a younger Miss Gustav who can save me?"

She then gently patted Shade's arm:

"Why don't you go quickly? If you don't go, the manor will be burned down."

"I know, I'll be back soon."

This fire with demonic power did not have the power of curse, but it was difficult to extinguish. However, even so, it still seriously hindered perception, so the church's ring warlocks did not notice a group of butterflies with the same fiery red color flying into the fire from the side of the manor.

Compared with the real flame used by the devil, the fire in the manor at this time was not worth mentioning at all.

Shade flew into the house from the back window on the first floor of the manor house, and then walked along the corridor to the first floor restaurant in the surrounding fire, which was the place where the bodies of the Hoy family were found three hundred years ago.

The faces of the portraits on the wall had become distorted and terrifying in the fire, and the door of the restaurant had been deformed by the fire as expected, but Shade still kicked it open.

The restaurant was connected to the kitchen located in the semi-underground, and the trap door was under the cabinet in the innermost storage room of the kitchen. Of course, every time Sir Wayne came to "move" those "treasures" in person, he took the tunnel outside the manor leading to this place.

But the tunnel was too long, and it was not as convenient as breaking into the manor directly, so Shade did not choose that way.

The trap door was still here at this time, and the surrounding fire could not destroy it. What surprised Shade was that the cabinet pressing on the trap door had been moved away, but the trap door was still locked. Judging from the traces around it, it didn't seem like someone had locked it after going down.

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