Whispering Verse

Chapter 2824 Hamilton's Daily Night Life

Chapter 2823 The night routine of the Hamilton family

After writing the last letter and clicking the last period, Dorothy put down the pen in her hand and gently kneaded her right hand with her left hand under the desk lamp.

The lights were on in the study room at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and the night view of the smoky city could be seen outside the window. This is the most common night scene in Tobesk in late autumn. After all, Tobesk has also begun to heat up.

"It's a good story. Although the devil definitely can't be included in the book, the twist at the end is really interesting."

The writer was very satisfied with the story she had recorded about Shade. She planned to adapt this story about greed into a new story divided into three chapters: upper, middle and lower.

Luvia, who was sitting on a chair against the wall and listening to the story, was not focused on what lessons the story itself taught people:

"So what about that trap door? Is this the fifth tree hole you have mastered?"

"Yes, but the fourth one, the coffin, was destroyed, so this is actually the fourth one. I removed the trapdoor from Hoy Manor and now it's temporarily placed with the woodland elf, Let her help take care of it temporarily, and when the witches arrive at the weekend, let Miss Elise put it on the boat to take care of it. "

Thinking of the boat girl, Shade, who was sitting outside the desk, couldn't help but smile:

"Speaking of it, I really miss her after not seeing her for a long time."

The duchess, who was sitting on the chair under the window, smiled and asked Luvia:

"Does he really like girls with tails more than human girls? I heard that there is a tail-like decoration that can be worn on the body like a belt. Do you want me to bring it to try next time?"

"Carina, your focus is so strange."

Shade said, picking up little Mia from his lap and putting it on the desk. The cat turned around in a circle and then lay down again:

"The devil's affairs are over. To be honest, I quite like this ending. Everyone who made mistakes has been punished, and the black sense of humor is enough to warn anyone who still wants to cooperate with the devil."

Tifa came in with a saucer and placed it next to Shade. Shade and the black-haired maid looked at each other. Although the latter said nothing, Shade still felt that he saw the depth of her beautiful eyes. smile:

"Tomorrow is Friday, and then it's the weekend. Flora asked me to ask you, Carina, whether you will live on the boat or in the city? If you live in the city, she has to make arrangements in advance."

The duchess did not answer immediately, but looked at Luvia. Luvia thought for a while:

"Miss Elisa's Radiant Messenger can currently only be parked in the lake outside the city, so it is relatively convenient in the city. But considering the safety issue, the Radiant Messenger is safer. Miss Winslet and Dani Will Miss Ste continue to live in the hotel or move to the ship to live with us?”

"Stay at the Accordion Inn. The Bennet family, the owners of the inn, have some problems. Staying there will keep them in the spotlight. I know it could be done by other girls, but Flora and Miss Denister obviously live there. She’s used to it, and Miss Danist said she doesn’t want others to find out that she’s so deeply involved with the witches.”

Shade replied, Luvia nodded:

"Then let's reserve some rooms at the Accordion Hotel in advance. Isn't the hotel four floors? It's best to rent a whole floor or half a floor. The Radiant Messenger is the base camp and will not change, but more people need to be stationed in the city. "

Then she asked Dorothy:

"Are you coming with us for the weekend?"

"Of course, Lecia will stay for now. When I submit next month's manuscript to the editor tomorrow, nothing will happen."

The blonde girl behind the desk said, and Luvia asked Xiang Shade:

"Are all the witches here this time?"

"Meghan and Audrey will be a little later, they are still with Adele, I mean Miss Isabella; Miss Belindell still has some things to deal with in Moon Bay, you know, before Moon Bay After the war, the control of the other six major families over Moon Bay declined sharply, and now Miss Belindel has almost become the king there.

Mother-in-law Cassandra, Vanessa, Carina, and Miss Aurora are all here on the weekends. Miss Aurora was originally with Miss Elisa, and they would come to pick us up together. The ability of that ship to move through space in any body of water is very useful.

Oh, speaking of which, Miss Sylvia will also be late. She is helping Margaret handle some things in Willondale City. But they were nearest to Vista Grove, and Miss Sylvia could always be there if she was needed. "

In other words, the eight great witches who know Shad's identity this time will go to the Vista Grove to help.

Luvia nodded to express her understanding:

"The teams from the church and the college arrived almost on the weekend. This time the association didn't really want to send anyone to assist, but in the end it was persuaded by the church and sent more than 20 diviners from Willendale to help.

The Prophet Association in the Willendale area is similar in size and number to our Tobesk area. They are both large branches second only to the association headquarters. This time, the elite prophets from Willendale have been recruited. "

"What are your associations worried about?"

Carina asked, and Luvia couldn't tell:

"I heard that the top leaders of the association had divined the Vesta Forest and saw a terrible future, so they thought that even if things went smoothly this time, they would encounter unimaginable dangers."

"The remains of the World Tree?"

Dorothy also asked curiously, but Luvia shook her head:

"I don't know much, but according to my guess, it should be like this. Oh, Shade, do you still remember the [Destiny Base]?"

"Of course I remember, it is an unknowable relic used for divination. I saw it in the market of [Black Mist Camp] (1803). I remember that you took this information and went to the Prophet Association to exchange for a great credit. Speaking of which, it was during the Green Lake period, and it was still the spring of 1854. Wait, did you really find it?"

Shade was very surprised, and the purple-eyed girl shook her head:

"Of course it won't be that easy. But through With the guidance of the followers of the old god, the 'Golden Lord', the association made important gains in the pursuit of the relic, and the information about the Vesta Forest was obtained at that time. "

"Although Luvia is here, I still have to say that sometimes the fortune tellers know more, which makes them timid when doing things. "

The red-haired witch couldn't help but say on the side, Dorothy couldn't help laughing, and Luvia didn't object to this sentence:

"In short, while the Radiant Messenger hasn't arrived yet, everyone should pack up these days. Didn't Carina say that the waters near Tobesk can't allow the ship to appear, so we have to take a half-hour train to Rhine City in the west of Tobesk? "

"Don't worry, I have prepared the tickets, and we will all set off together at that time, Shade, you don't have to see us off. "

The witch waved to Shade, she was looking forward to going to the music city in the south. Not looking forward to the scenery there, but looking forward to meeting Flora, and the confrontation with the "owl" must be quite interesting.

That night, the family chatted in the study until ten o'clock before going to rest. In fact, Shade originally planned to wash up at half past nine, but Carina, Dorothy and Luvia all sat in the chairs without moving, looking like they wanted to chat.

When it was ten o'clock, Shade suddenly realized something, and coughed lightly, letting go of the hand that was touching the hair on Mia's back:

"It's getting late, it's time to rest."

Three pairs of eyes all looked at Shade. Although the three of them were very familiar with each other, they were embarrassed to mention such things. If there were only two people at home, it wouldn't matter, but today there were obviously more people, so the girls wanted to be more reserved.

It seemed like they were talking just now, but they were actually competing for concentration.

"So how are you going to arrange the room?"

The red-haired witch's right hand played with the hair hanging on her side face, letting the hair wrap around her fingers. She asked this deliberately, and her golden eyes looked at Shade with some meaning that was difficult to describe.

Shade looked at their expressions:

"Since we are at home, we should rest in the master bedroom. Is there any need to say this?"

The girls all laughed, and then everyone went to wash up. Of course, there were enough bathrooms in the house. Shade, as a man, washed up faster, so when he changed into pajamas and came to the bedroom, Carina and the others had not come out yet.

"What are you thinking about?"

Footsteps came, and Tifa walked into the room and asked Shade who was looking at the furnishings in the bedroom.

"I'm thinking, should this bed be replaced with a bigger one? Just pretend I didn't say anything."

Shade, who accidentally spoke the truth, immediately added, the black-haired maid smiled reservedly, and the shallow dimples on her face were very beautiful.

She didn't say anything, but just looked at Shade with a smile. She waited for at least ten seconds before taking another step forward, and then kissed Shade gently on the corner of her lips:

"The ladies will not come out for at least fifteen minutes."

She said, with her hands behind her back, she tiptoed slightly and put her face close to Shade again. The small nose touched Xia De's nose, and the big eyes looked at Xia De closely:

"Master, have you been thinking about me recently?"

Her eyes reflected her, and her eyes were all about him. Seeing Xia De didn't say anything, the head maid gently pushed Xia De and let him fall on the bed that was made by the maids without even a wrinkle. Then, as a maid, she also climbed onto the bed of the masters.

Xia De had to admit that this "stealing sunshine" game was indeed very interesting.


The cat squatting on the windowsill bathing in the moonlight called out, feeling that Xia De seemed to have forgotten it again.

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