Whispering Verse

Chapter 2828

Chapter 2827 "Ancient War"

"We have lived in this woodland for many years. We have not only drawn local maps, but also recorded local hidden and dangerous monsters. However, recording the detailed information is too dangerous, and the booklet will be contaminated if we are not careful, so We just drew inaccurate sketches of them and then passed on their information through word of mouth, which is where 'The Keepers' came from."

Mr. Meloni turned to the sixth page at the front of the booklet. On that page was a large insect similar to a unicorn, but the shape of its wings was obviously not that of a unicorn:

"Sleeping Paradox Worms are definitely more fragile than when they are active. Although they are rare, there are still people who can discover holes in the ground like you and the ancestors of the Hermits. Therefore, there is an extremely powerful individual among those Paradox Worms. , responsible for protecting those sleeping bugs.”

His finger tapped the bug drawn on the booklet:

"So it is called the 'Watcher' by us. Although it is almost the only Paradox Bug that is always active, it will not stay away from the underground. So even if it is encountered, as long as you run fast enough and don't run down, Basically, there is no danger. This bug is very special. As you said just now, the time power it used just now is similar to casting a spell, rather than purely relying on its own instinct.

And probably because of living underground for too long, the 'Watcher' can control the power of the earth. But I can’t tell exactly how. The knowledge passed down from the previous generation describes it very vaguely. "

Shade nodded:

"Speaking of it this way, the name 'Watcher' is really appropriate. So what are the tree roots I saw? Those tree roots extend from deeper underground, just like the giant trees connected by the roots on the earth. under."

This time Mr. Meloni did not answer immediately, but thought about it carefully:

"It would be appropriate for the great elder to say these words to you originally, but since he is not here, let me say it."

He closed the book and motioned to the other hermits around the bonfire to leave for a while:

"Mr. Watson, [The Hermits of the Woods] have existed in Vista Grove for many, many years. We can even say that we were already there before the town of Brookwood was established and the first Natural Church church appeared in the town. Here it is.”


"So, we know better than anyone that there is a great evil underneath this woodland. And we even know that that great evil is a tree."

When Mr. Meloni saw Shade's surprised expression, he thought he was surprised by this fact, but he didn't know that Shade was surprised that they knew so much.

"That ancient evil has been here longer than us, but do you know why there haven't even been local legends about it for so long?"

Shade shook his head, so Mr. Meloni pointed to the church of the old god of luck, the [White Holy Tree], under the tree:

"Because of this, no, not only because of my Lord's church, but also the countless shrines, temples and churches scattered in this forest, which together played the role of suppressing and sealing it."

The old man looked at Shade, with flames dancing in his eyes:

"In the ancient times unknown to us, the ancient ancestors from different races and different beliefs jointly defeated that terrible evil. After that ancient war, the ancestors used a method that is now unknown A huge sealing ceremony was held, and respective churches were established at key nodes in the forest.

This is also the real reason why there are so many ancient ruins in the Vesta Grove. Have you ever thought about why many old gods and even believers in ancient gods come here to build churches? "

Shade didn't really realize this problem until now. So far, he has come into contact with the God of Law, the God of Luck, the God of Change, the Tree God, and even the power of the Moon God in this forest, but he really hasn't thought about why. There are so many ruins here.

"It turns out that there was a war here in ancient times."

He imagined the scene of the ancient ancestors fighting against the evil thing that destroyed the world, but then he thought of a new question:

"When those temples and other buildings were built, there were still people who maintained them, but now most of the buildings in the forest are dilapidated, right? Like your church, maybe it is the best-maintained one. .

Under such circumstances, can the seal really still work? When the trees in this forest were just saplings, the ancient war came to an end. Now the forest has become lush and lush, but the people who left these trees have long gone. "

Mr. Meloni sighed, and his voice became much lower:

"Mr. Watson, we can't change the fact that supernatural powers are declining with the changes of eras, nor can we change the fact that the old gods have left in the last era. So all we can do is patrol the forest and protect ourselves. of church.

But you don't need to worry too much about the seal's failure. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the seal has long become a part of this forest. The forest itself now also plays the role of a seal. "

He pointed in the direction of the city again:

"The Orthodox Church also inherits ancient secrets. The Natural Church also knows what is going on here, but only a few high-level officials in the Holy See know about it. Since the beginning of the Steam Age, the Kingdom of Kasenlik has not logged large-scale forest areas for use. The fuel, in fact, was the natural church that made the kingdom change its mind.

After all, we still need the power of this forest, and we cannot short-sightedly destroy the forest area just to burn wood. So the city of Vista is expanding in name, but in fact the urban area will not change anymore. If it weren't for the discovery that the civilization symbolized by human settlements could also strengthen the forest's seal against evil in the form of enlightenment elements, the church would not have allowed Ximu Town to expand into a city. "

"But the strength of the ancient seal now will definitely not be as good as it was originally. Haven't you noticed signs similar to 'seal damage'?"

Shade was very worried. The expression of the old secret keeper did not change:

"How could you not notice that more and more tree holes are appearing, more and more weird creatures are active in the forest, and more and more weird areas are appearing. These are all warnings."

"So, do you know the origin of that tree that you call the 'great evil'?"

Mr. Meloni did not answer, but asked thoughtfully:

"So you know what that is?"


"It seems you already have the answer."

Shade smiled and shook his head, and the old secret keeper also laughed:

"What can we do even if it breaks out of the seal tomorrow? It's just that we all work together to contain it, and then we die together or are exiled. We have already made preparations, and this is actually nothing. I just hope that everyone's sacrifices will have some effect. , the ancestors during the ancient war probably all had power beyond the Thirteen Rings, but now we"

After Shade thanked him, he stood up with his hands on the ground and prepared to leave. Mr. Meloni also stood up to see him off. When he was at the gate of the camp, the elderly man said again:

"We have also heard about the Time War. The church hopes that their candidate can find a time when an ancient hero who was active in the Vesta Grove existed, so they came to us for help.

The story of the eighth chosen one is about to reach its climax. When the heir who controls the power of time and trees appears, all the problems here will surely be solved. Yes, everyone hopes so. "

"What if things don't work out?"

Shade asked again, and Mr. Meloni looked at him:

"Isn't there you? The God-caller who summons the moon, aren't you the only one in this era who is qualified to compare with the ancient ancestors?"

Xia De did not deny it, but the old man suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, when you appeared this time, I always felt like you were integrated with this forest. Have you encountered anything good recently?"

(Iluna is praying.)

Although he failed to get back even a piece of mithril ore, what Shade saw underground and the information he got from the hermit was a huge gain. When he returned to the hotel with the news in the evening, the busy ladies were also in the hotel.

After listening to Shade's story about the Paradox Swarm sleeping underground, Flora thought of the same question as Shade:

“Although we all know that the Chosen One is very powerful, the Chosen One also needs time to grow.

Not to mention the underage elves currently in the academy, even the mysterious girl in the forest currently only has eight rings. She is not the Thirteen Rings like the Earth Guardian of Randall Valley, nor is she possessing extraordinary power like Sister Devlin.

If Emilia becomes the chosen one, can she really solve the problem here? "

The red-haired girl held the teacup elegantly with her little finger raised, not too worried about this:

"There will definitely be a way to do it by then. Maybe after the ceremony of the chosen one is completed, Emilia will suddenly understand the 'Insect Killing Secrets'. What I care about are the roots that Shade saw."

"I also suspect that it is part of the so-called 'great tree', but this suspicion is useless. The tree does not look like its strength will be greatly damaged if one or two root systems are destroyed. Also The 'Watcher' I met, the hermits said it was quite powerful and could control the power of the earth."

And after Shade came home that night, Vanessa came to the house as she said in the afternoon. As for Carina and Dorothy who were at home last night, they were not there, so the only ones at home that night were Luvia and Vanessa.

Shade also told them about tonight's experience. As a witch of the earth, Vanessa was more concerned about the secret of the secret and the paradox insect's dormant place being together. Is it a coincidence or some kind of necessity? The origin of silver ore and its effects on supernatural beings.

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