Whispering Verse

Chapter 2849: The Words of the Thirteenth Ring Sublimation

Chapter 2848 The Word of Sublimation of the Thirteen Rings

The power of judgment and order completely imprisoned time and space, and the gorgeous miraculous elements even dyed the space that the chain did not pass through into pale gold.

After Carina completed the layout, Sivi Avora also did not bother to look for the halfling. She pointed one finger at the sky and the other at the ground. While her eyes were closed, the pure white light in the center of the life ring had already bloomed with the first dangerous ray of light:

"The Witch's Secret Technique·Pure White Flare!"

The immeasurable light truly illuminated the entire city in the next moment, and the duchess nearby even closed her eyes to prevent them from being burned. And where the white light passed by, the entire abandoned apartment block in the old city below was "melting".

It's like snow meeting lava, like the knight's hard heart meeting the tenderness of the most beautiful girl. Except for the witch's followers who can use the spells and [Night Seal] prepared long ago to support themselves, all the entities here are melted into this light.

This power that barely touched the threshold of the thirteen-ring thaumaturgy was what the Great Witch of Light gained from the Moon Bay Incident. No control is required, just let the light spread until everything around you completely turns into light.

"The sky over there has turned white!"

In the small camp deep in the dense forest north of the city, the water-avoiding spell was like a transparent spherical cover that prevented rainwater from the bonfire and the people in the bonfire. The third Emilia stretched out her hands to warm herself by the fire while turning her head to look at the city in the south. The little elf wore a purple-black water-proof cloak similar to that of the witch's followers, but because the clothes were a little too big, it looked like she was wearing a black rice bag.

"It seems that Carina's side has probably started fighting. They made such a big noise this time. I think they are very happy."

Luvia sat on the cushions and rinsed the fortune-telling cards in her hands. Next to her sat Shade, who was carefully wiping the scabbard given to him by Miss Danist with a piece of silk:

"After all, it is rare to have the opportunity to fight freely. I admit that this plan is very bold, and I hope that the church will not let us compensate for the damage to the old city afterwards.

In fact, we can be regarded as helping the old city to carry out free demolition. Tomorrow, the newspapers will not need to use the serious illness of Princess Agelina of the North to cover up the news that William Anjou killed the suspected royal illegitimate child. The news of the gas explosion in the old city will no longer need to be covered up. interesting. "

The unicorn was lying by the fire, staring at the bonfire with wide eyes, as if there was something interesting in it. [Ocarina of Time] leaned on its back, Emilia touched it gently, and then asked worriedly:

"Everyone is facing the enemy on their own, but I am hiding here. Why don't you go help too, and little Liana and I will be here."

Luvia then comforted her gently:

"When you come back from the past, it will be your turn to go to the battlefield. Don't worry, in this era of head-on fighting, few people can be stronger than the great witches. They have also come all the way from battle after battle."

Emilia's pointed ears drooped slightly, and she was still worried about the other two battlefields. But soon she no longer worried, because Shade suddenly stood up, followed by Luvia.

From the forest covered with dead branches and fallen leaves, a woman in her forties was walking in the rain.

Her naturally curving long black hair was braided into thirteen bundles, and a metallic clock hand was tied to the lower end of each bundle. The left eye, which resembles a glass bead with a dial inside, glows slightly, and the magic eye stares at Emilia:

"Finally I found it."

Shade stood in front of Emilia:

"Ms. Watchmaker, don't you hold an umbrella when it rains?

I thought it would take you a while to realize that those two places were traps. It seems that you were not fooled from the beginning? "

The demonic eye glanced at Shad hastily, and then moved to the elf. The demonic eye was trying to determine whether the thing in front of him was also fake:

"The strategy is very good, and the skill of dispersing the hunting beacons to other people is also very good. At first, I really thought that you just wanted to disperse my power, but unfortunately, you were not present in the two battlefields. , This is your biggest flaw. Then the tree told me that the elf was hiding here."

She continued to approach the small camp as she spoke, while Luvia on the other side of Shade said after drawing a few cards:

"She is the only one here this time. She is afraid that if too much power appears here, the battles in the other two battlefields will end prematurely. The enemy is the only one for the time being, and they will entangle her until the witches come to support later. good."


The "Clockmaker's" magic eye looked at Luvia again, then frowned and immediately looked away. None of the three people in front of her could be directly selected as targets by her magic eyes. She also understood that just as she came without any helpers, why the "God Caller" only brought an ordinary diviner here. Protect the real spirit.

She did not take action rashly, but raised her right hand so that the back of her right hand faced the three people in the camp. The green leaf pattern was lit up, but the complexity of the pattern was far less than that of Emilia, which also proved that her candidate ranking was much lower than Emilia:

"Godcaller, this time it's a matter between me and this young elf. The rules of the Time War are one-on-one competition, with at most helpers brought back from the past time. If you don't want to break this sacred rule, Then please get out of the way, I want to have a one-on-one duel with this elf lady.”

Shade drew his sword in the rain:

"If you really want a one-on-one competition, is yesterday's surprise attack fair?"

"I just used the power of my assistant. You can say it's despicable, but it doesn't violate the rules."

Although the woman on the other side did make sense, Shade still didn't give way:

"If you really want fairness, then wait until she comes back from the past, and I can give you a one-on-one chance. If you win, I will never say anything to give her another chance. But not now."

The middle-aged woman with black hair laughed in the rain:

"Then can you guess what I learned in the past?"

She didn't really want Shade to answer. The thirteen pointers at the end of her hair floated up smoothly, and then formed a circle and spun around her rapidly.

The rotating pointers connected into a line, and then it seemed to cut a standard circular hole in the space. At the same time, in the large steam mist behind her, the twelve-ring life ring also emerged together.

The tiny glimmers of light that drifted out from the big hole attached to the life ring, and the silver moonlight that Shade suddenly jumped up and slashed out was also directly dispersed by those glimmers. The twelve-ring life ring gradually became blurred. When Shade was ready to continue the attack, the life ring hidden in the fog reappeared.

The four-color spirit runes shone on the complex and gorgeous thirteen-ring life ring. This is the real thirteenth ring. It did not rely on the power of relics, nor was it promoted because of external objects. This is the purest power:

"My biggest gain is that in the 1850s of the Sixth Era, there is finally another thirteenth ring! Of course I knew that yesterday's attack would fail, but do you really think I am still a twelve-ring?"

The rapidly rotating life ring made all the spirit runes blurry, and the light and shadow drawn by the four-color spirit light finally made the life ring vaguely turn into the style of a dial.

"God-caller, look into my eyes! Time stops!"

"Time stops!"

The two of them used similar magic at almost the same time, but with the sound of glass breaking, they also broke free from each other's magic at almost the same time.

Shade groaned and two streams of blood spurted out of his nose. As he retreated, the flowing pointer on the "life ring dial" behind the watchmaker was spinning rapidly, and the gray ray from the magic eye in his left eye socket shot out and hit the [Night Watcher] that he had set up to block.

The crystal crystals immediately spread from the [Night Watcher] to Shade's right hand, and his left hand immediately grabbed the key in front of his chest, but it was too late.

The woman who had entered a full combat state flew into the air, and the five spirit runes in the life ring behind her were connected into a line and lit up one by one, just like the pointers on the dial all pointed to the "twelve o'clock" at the top.

Core Spirit Rune [Time], Enlightenment - [Eternity], Miracle - [Proof], Blasphemy - [Solidification], Whisper - [Pointer]

"Time freezes, the pointers witness eternity!"

She had no intention of fighting with Shade. As the "Word of Sublimation" was activated, the thirteen pointers on the ends of her hair collided with each other and merged into one, then broke away from her long hair and fell down.

The falling of the pointers was like a pair of scissors cutting open a curtain, and the surrounding rainy forest scenery was replaced by a brand new scenery.

But unlike the scenery completely different from the real world created by the general Word of Sublimation, as the pointer finally fell to the ground, layers of glowing crystals replaced all the substances in the surrounding world except the caster and the three living people.

The crystallized raindrops solidified in the air, the crystallized trees were truly connected because of the contact between the branches, the crystallized ants raised one leg and stopped at their feet, and the crystallized fallen leaves piled up and glowed.

In this glittering world of eternal crystallization, as the first huge cluster of crystals broke through the ground with a loud bang, even the time and space of this world began to solidify.

The three people in the crystallized world did not even react, and they became eternal crystals as the whole world crystallized. Then this world suspended in the void completely solidified like an amber specimen, and in that void, the giant hand of the "watchmaker" held up the small world.

Her upper body emerged from the void, leaning over to check out this world that was as small as a Rubik's Cube relative to her body.

Her glass-bead-like left eye reflected the world in the crystallization, which seemed to be her hand holding up the world, and it seemed that this world was stored in her eyes.

Then light gradually appeared in the void, and the scenery of the Vesta Forest on a rainy day gradually returned. The watchmaker, who became a little weak, slowly fell back to the ground, and even the thirteenth ring of life behind him temporarily disappeared.

Although it was a genuine thirteenth ring, she had just been promoted after all.

Raindrops fell, but she still held the shining crystal cube in her hand, in which were solidified forests, humans, elves and unicorns.

The effect of this sublimation word was quite simple. As long as the pointer did not escape the casting range before it touched the ground, everything around would become part of "eternity", breaking free from the constraints of time and being separated from the timeline, becoming an eternal collection in her hand.

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