Whispering Verse

Chapter 2853 Return to Ash Valley

Chapter 2852 Return to the Ashes Valley

Iluna appeared after the people in the hotel had finished breakfast. It rained heavily yesterday, and the temperature was indeed colder today. Iluna wore a white scarf when she jogged into the hotel. At first glance, Shade thought she had a white fox hanging around her neck.

"Let's go, Shade!"

Iluna seemed to be in a particularly good mood. After all, this was the first time in history that someone could take the initiative to accompany Shade to the past era.

And although there were two people using the key this time, the "now" was still only three seconds in the past. The girls all came to see them off, or rather to watch the fun.

Because he promised little Mia last time that he would take the cat with him as long as there was no big environmental danger on the other side, Shade also turned the cat into a toy and put it away.

He was preparing to leave in Miss Danister's room. At this time, Luvia was still talking to Emilia about "the risk of time adventure" and "experience":

"You don't need to get together, there's nothing interesting about it. Then we'll see you in three seconds. May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."

The key inserted into the bathroom door was turned with a click, and thick white mist was floating behind the door. Shade squeezed Iluna's hand, and after her excited response, the two stepped into the fog ahead.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[Winter 3733 of the Fifth Age, Southern Continent, Ash River Valley. 】

[Event: The last lesson of "Yishu Academy". 】

[Duration is forty minutes (2/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Assist the "Lord in Black Robe" to complete the last lesson. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: a piece of true information - additional core spirit runes. 】

"Ten minutes longer than last time."

Thinking of Shade in his mind, he stood in the white mist and looked to his left. Iluna had disappeared. In other words, the moment he passed through the fog door, although Shade successfully entered the [Time Corridor], Iluna didn't.

He also had a guess about this situation. According to what the god said last time, Iluna would probably return directly to the bonfire, and the time would be the moment when the two left last time.

So he continued to step forward, and then fell into the cold water. After the boat lifted him up, he didn't even look at the white ash flying in the sky above the valley. He stood at the stern and quickly steered the boat forward.

Probably because Shade reacted too quickly this time, when he was almost in front of the "waterfall" at the bottom of the river valley, the thing under the water had not yet appeared.

But just because it didn't appear didn't mean it didn't find Shade. When Shade was about to leave the boat, an unknown entity under the water slammed the boat, causing Shade to fly out with the boat.

But Shade still didn't pay attention to what pushed him into the air. He landed on the stone steps next to the waterfall and ran straight up. Not long after, they arrived at the ruined castle complex on the edge of the cliff above the river valley.

That shouldn't be Shade's illusion. The water falling from the sky at this time flooded more areas here. Many buildings on the roofs that could be seen last time have completely disappeared.

But fortunately, the fourth-floor camp the girls chose was still above the water. However, when Shade paddled his boat closer, he discovered that the third-floor camp that had not yet entered the water was already covered in water.

The firelight from the gap in the wall guided him in the direction. After Shade turned into a red butterfly and flew up, he breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw that among the four figures beside the fire was Iluna. To be honest, he was a little worried when he saw Iluna missing just now.

Miss Los Metz, a human girl who wears glasses, Miss Alfina Wild, a green dragon girl who is good at making tea and snacks, and Miss Sibel Bister, a gray wolf girl who pursues the wild ways of the moon, are also there. By the fire, and although they seemed a little depressed, at least they were not injured.

When the group of red butterflies landed on the ground, Iluna clearly felt as if the frozen time and space around her were flowing again at this moment, and as if the chaotic time and space were being straightened out again and moving forward linearly at this moment.

The crackling sound of the campfire became much more vivid than the previous second, and she suddenly felt hungry after not eating for a long time:


Iluna stood up and walked towards him, then hugged him tightly:

"You're finally here. I've been waiting here for a long time."

Shade touched his chest, and the little Mia who was transformed back squeezed out between Shade and Iluna, and then meowed to protest that Iluna had squeezed into it. Iluna burst into laughter. For Shade, the separation was only a few minutes ago, but for her it was already a long time ago.

She didn't let go of Shade's arm and pulled him back to the fire:

"Everyone is waiting for you to come back. Sit down quickly, warm up by the fire with little Mia, and then listen to us talk about what happened while you were away."

Shade was completely unaware of the changes here since his arrival, but in Iluna's view, not only herself, but the other three girls also became "normal" because of Shade's appearance.

Miss Los Metz looked like she had just woken up from a dream. The green dragon girl stood up and said with a smile that she was going to make tea. Miss Bister, who was holding her furry tail, first said hello to Shade, and then became curious. He looked at the cat standing on Shade's shoulder.

Iluna no longer wanted to recall the time when neither of them spoke, but just stared at the bonfire blankly. Even if they occasionally went out on adventures together, they would fall into silence and melancholy again after returning.

Everyone looked very happy at this time. Miss Wilder's busy figure and Shade's voice greeting everyone made this place seem to be no different from the normal world.

Iluna even noticed that the cat was looking curiously at the surrounding environment. After seeing the werewolf lady, she also saw her wolf tail. It looked at the werewolf's furry tail, then at its own tail, and then seemed to be lost in thought.

As for Miss Los Metz, after a moment of trance, she responded to Shade's greeting gracefully, and then said with a smile:

"After Iluna first disappeared and then came back, we were all wondering how long it would take for you to appear again. We didn't expect to wait so long. But while you were gone, we all learned something from Miss Bister. ability."

At this time, everyone could smell the fragrance of tea. The gray wolf girl whose name was mentioned immediately put away the tail she was holding, but did not realize that this made the cat even more surprised.

"Everyone's talents are pretty good. Although they didn't learn the transformation technique like you, they were still very productive."

"I learned this."

As she spoke, Miss Metz tore off a blank page from her notebook. The paper fell into the bonfire and burned, and then a flaming wolf walked out of the fire.

This wolf is not an illusion, nor is it simply controlling the flames to form a specific shape. Shade can feel the essence it possesses that is close to a soul, or in other words, the giant wolf summoned by Miss Metz possesses something close to a soul through spirit and elements.

"Here, your tea and snacks. I brought some tea leaves with me when I came here, but I have almost used them up. These are the tea leaves given to me by the teacher. They are not available elsewhere."

The green dragon girl said and distributed the tea cups to everyone, so little Mia looked at her big tail again, and then realized that she had seen a similar tail, and unlike her own tail, it had no hair, so it didn't care.

"I learned this. I also learned the secret techniques of the Moon series when I was in the academy, so I still have some basics."

As she spoke, Miss Wilder flicked the wings behind her, and large swaths of moonlight were spread out by the wings. A strip of light formed by dots of light floated above the flames. Shade realized that this was an ability that could reveal the star map at the current time even indoors or in a place where the sky could not be seen.

Werewolves run around in the wilderness chasing the moon. Identifying star charts and performing divination through star charts are also abilities they must possess.

"In fact, the secret technique that Miss Wilder masters is the most profound. Her teacher must be an amazing person."

The gray wolf girl praised in a low voice, while Shade took a sip of tea, and then felt that the black tea tasted very much like Yorkshire black tea, which was Detective Sparrow's favorite black tea during his lifetime. This is the black tea that he always keeps at home. In the past, Shade wanted to commemorate the detective, but now the maids mistakenly think that Shade really likes this.

"And me, I learned this."

Next was Iluna. Like last time, she sat next to Shade and leaned against him. As she spoke, she stood up and walked to the open space aside.

She clenched her hands into fists and tensed her body. As her body flew forward like a spring, Iluna waved her fisted hands forward, and two pairs of sharp claws composed of golden solar energy tore forward in the air, and Hence the roaring sound that broke through the sky.

"Iluna is really talented in fighting. She is able to simulate the attacking form of a werewolf without claws, which is amazing."

Gray Wolf girl praised again, and Iluna sat back down next to Shade in embarrassment. Her fighting talent is indeed very strong, but because of this, her talent in ancient writing and other aspects is somewhat lacking.

While Iluna was drinking tea and eating snacks, she said to Shade:

"I discovered that traveling through time is not a bad thing. When faced with an emergency, I suddenly had so much more time to adjust and learn. This is a good thing that no one else can encounter."

"It's not that there are others, there are five other people who also met."

Shade reminded, watching the green dragon girl start preparing meals for everyone after making tea and heating snacks. She wore a white apron around the college uniform of this college, holding a spoon in her hand and shaking it in the pot. She was quite familiar with the work, looking like a very professional dragon maid.

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