Whispering Verse

Chapter 2860: Bold Witches

Chapter 2859 The bold witches

Everyone guessed that Sha De was leaving when they saw how he stood up.

The cat, which had been staring at Miss Bister since just now, received Shade's call, jumped into his hand and was turned into a toy again. The gray wolf girl said goodbye to Shade in a low voice, and thanked Shade for bringing her wolf hair cleaner this time, which was used to clean her tail.

Miss Metz also said goodbye to Shade. Only Miss Wilder, who was wearing an apron, seemed to want to say something else, but in the end she just let Shade drink tea before leaving.

There was no need to leave in such a hurry this time, so when Shade and Iluna left hand in hand, both of them left empty teacups. But after just a second, Iluna, who was in a significantly better mental state, reappeared.

Everyone was no longer as surprised by her "return" as last time. Miss Wilder, who bent down to put away Shade's tea set, hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked everyone:

"Next time, how about I give him one of my scales?"


Miss Metz, who was still drinking tea, was choked, and Miss Gray Wolf even crushed the tea cup in her hand. Iluna reacted for a moment before remembering that this seemed to be the dragon's method of courtship. She just sat down and looked at the dragon:

"Wait a minute! Did I really just leave for a second? Before we left last time, wasn't everyone discussing the topic of tea and Miss Metz's memory?"

The dragon maid poured her another cup of tea absentmindedly:

"Isn't it true that Mr. Hamilton hasn't left yet, so I'm embarrassed to talk about this topic?"

Her tail waggled behind her to show her shyness, but Iluna didn't feel that she had any "sense of shame" at all, otherwise she wouldn't have said such words directly.

"Miss Wilder, actually I discovered just now that you have been secretly watching him."

The werewolf witch who is very good at observing others said, and the green dragon maid did not refute, but nodded lightly:

"You can't find such a handsome dragon anywhere else. You don't have to remind me that he is not a dragon but a human, but I don't even discriminate against him because he is a man. Do I still care about race?"

Iluna felt more and more that she could not understand the thoughts of the witch of the fifth era. It was obvious that everyone got along very happily before:

"But I want to remind you that you and he are not from the same era. You know that we do not belong to this time, right?"

"So what, I don't belong to this time either."

She finally told the story, but except for Iluna's shock, Miss Metz and Gray Wolf were not surprised at all. After all, too many surprising things had happened.


Iluna still wanted to stop it, but couldn't think of a good reason, so the big-tailed green dragon girl asked:

"Iluna, you also like Mr. Hamilton, right?"

"Who said that?"

Her face suddenly turned red, and now everyone confirmed her relationship with Shade.

So the Dragon Witch discussed with her:

"Look, you will still get along for a long time in the future, but didn't you say last time that he could only appear three times? After sending us away, we may not be able to meet each other.

So do you think this is okay: next time I give him the scales, don't stop me. If the atmosphere is right, I will probably kiss him, and then return to my own time with this memory, and miss the experience and experience here forever. He and you, my friend. "

Iluna looked at her in shock, really wondering how the other party had the nerve to call her "friend".

But judging by the looks on Miss Metz's and Miss Bister's faces, they were not surprised. They didn't get involved in this matter to express their own opinions, just because both parties were their friends.

So Iluna didn't feel that the Fifth Era was "morally corrupt" for the first time, but she was very lucky that the witches in the Sixth Era were completely different from those in the Fifth Era, otherwise Shade might have been dragged to more than one wedding. .

"It's your own business to give him the dragon scales, but you can't forcefully kiss Shade against his will. Let's get down to business."

She didn’t want to talk about this indecent topic anymore, so she decisively changed the topic:

"Before Shade comes back, we have to endure the following period of chaos and disorder. While everyone's mental state is still good, let me teach you about the 'sun'. This book "The Glorious Sun" 》 is actually more like a religious text than a textbook, but fortunately, the object of prayer in this book is the supreme sun god.

Now let us meditate on the sun, that blazing wheel. Miss Bister, what's the matter? "

"I believe in the moon, I will not meditate on the sun."

Miss Bister, who raised her hand to express her opinion, was quite stubborn, so Iluna persuaded:

"The ancient gods of the sun and moon are often described as sisters in ancient records. The sun and moon have never been in conflict with each other."

"No, I won't meditate on the sun, I will only meditate on the moon."

"That's it. Then would you mind meditating on Shade's cute cat?"

(Little Mia is running.)

Walking out of Miss Danister's room at the Accordion Hotel, holding Iluna's hand, Shade found that the ladies in the room were still staring in the direction of the door:

"This process is actually quite boring, right? I don't think this is something worth watching all the time."

"Anyway, it's only three seconds, and it won't delay things. Shade, you can't arrange anything else today. You have to tell Emilia about your actions in the Vista Grove in the past two months."

Luvia reminded, so the witches listened to the "story" before they dispersed. After sending Iluna away, Shade said to Luvia:

"It's okay to tell the story, but I have to go to Huntington City in a while, but I should be back soon."

He released little Mia, and then asked the owner of the room:

"Miss Daniste, do you know if there are still followers of the teacher's guardian, the old god - [Lord of the Black Robe]?"

The red-haired girl nodded:

"Last time you talked about your experience, I went to the college to inquire. St. Byrons had no connection with the believers of the old god. However, after the old god left in the fifth era, Zarath Academy of Literature absorbed Some members of the Old God Order also helped them preserve some precious order documents."

"Can you help me contact Zarath Academy of Literature?"

The red-haired girl smiled and said:

"Of course, but what do you want to investigate? There must be no origin for the name Yishu Academy. I have already investigated it."

"In the materials and documents left by the Order of the Old Gods, is there any mention of a witch named Los Metz? Or, is there any mention of a book called "The Blessing of Books"?"

"I have learned the magic of this name."

Luvia said, and Flora asked curiously:

"Shade, are you suspecting something?"

Shade was not sure what he wanted to investigate. He just felt that, including himself and Iluna, only one of the five people sitting around the bonfire in the ruins of the academy "a few minutes ago" was normal.

[That silly werewolf girl probably didn’t realize that she was the most ordinary. 】

Shade had seen Huntington City in late autumn last year, and came here again after a year to look for the "Lady of the Lake." His mood was completely different:

"Isn't it a bit too much to ask an angel to help me answer Zhengshen's hints about divinity?"

After emerging from the White River Valley Vineyard, Shade borrowed a horse from the old caretaker of the vineyard and rode into the golden autumn.

Compared to Vista Glades and Tobesk City, the temperature in Huntington City is slightly higher today, and the weather is also very good. It’s just that this area is also most affected by this year’s abnormal climate. Most wineries are doing real loss-making business this year.

It took Shade half an hour to find the Lake of Cherubim, which had no fixed location in the countryside of Huntingdon. He led the horse and the cat across the calm water to the island. The island in the middle of the lake was still full of green in autumn. Shade let the horse graze freely on the island. He took little Mia and saw him soon. He arrived at the "Lake Lady" waiting for him in the middle of the lake, on the island in the middle of the lake.

The "cherubim" Cherub was still dressed in white robes, holding a staff and standing under the huge rock in the middle of the lake. When Shade stepped on the water and walked closer, she smiled and shook her head:

"While I can provide you with guidance, you should understand that I will not give you the answers to your questions about gods."

"Long time no see, you really know why I came here."

Shade expressed his greetings to her and put the cat on his shoulder. As for Cherubeus' refusal to answer questions related to divinity, he had actually thought about it before coming, so he was only slightly disappointed at this time:

"Since you can't tell me the answer, I will find the answer myself. However, can I ask about the past story of Vesta Grove? When the ruins of the ancient era fell there, you should have been in the material world, right?

Oh, I still remember that answering doubts requires a test. Please tell me about this test. "

The lady in white robe shook her head gently:

"If you just want to hear a story, this doesn't require a test."

Seeing that Xia De was a little surprised, she smiled and asked:

"How much do you already know?"

"I know that the wreckage fell in the Vesta Grove after the tree father left. Then in order to seal the evil that was born from it, the ancient ancestors united and fought a war. After the ancient war, the ancestors A huge sealing ceremony was arranged with temples and churches, which is the cause of the current situation of Vesta Grove.”

Shade briefly stated the news he heard from the hermits, and then the lady holding the staff asked:

"Don't you know everything?"

"Although it can be said, I would like to know some more detailed processes. Is this allowed to be said?"

he asked expectantly.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Green Dragon Maid-Alfina Wilder".

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