Whispering Verse

Chapter 289 “Amazing Memory”

After notifying the other three people in the group that this week's study meeting would be suspended, Shade had nothing else to do today. Before going out to kill in the morning, he received a letter from his client, Mrs. Le Maire, and her lawyer. Due to the events in the city these days, Mrs. Le Maire actually went directly to stay with relatives in the country after martial law was declared.

There were many rather ridiculous rumors among citizens about what happened on Thursday night, and City Hall had no intention of dispelling them. So Mrs. Flamel, together with some citizens, chose to temporarily live in the countryside for a while. The matter of accepting the inheritance was postponed to next Sunday, and a week was enough for things to calm down.

Therefore, Shade really has nothing to do this Saturday.

Miss Louisa asked Shade about his plans for today. After learning that he wanted to go home and read, she proposed to advance the weekly classes in the evening to this afternoon. After all, neither of them had anything to do.

Of course, the place of study will be moved to Shade's home. This was not because his house was larger, but because if Shade stayed in Miss Louisa's apartment all day, the landlady who lived on the first floor would be very dissatisfied.

The two took a walk after dinner, talking and walking back to Quill Street. After helping Miss Louisa pick up the notebook and some materials for class, she did not go home immediately. Instead, she took a carriage to the Delrayon National Bank, where Shade wanted to withdraw money.

The banking industry in this era was just beginning. The National Bank was an asset of the royal family, and the services it provided were limited to the exchange of gold pounds and crowns, deposits and withdrawals, and safe deposit box services. Even on a Saturday afternoon, there weren't many people at the bank.

Marble columns stand at the entrance of the bank to support the ceiling of the front porch. This magnificent decoration and architectural style show that this is a place where truly wealthy people come. After passing through the grand door, the polished and reflective floor makes foreigners nostalgic.

This was the first time he had seen such a clean floor since he came to this world. Compared with here, Old John's pawn shop is just a garbage dump. It's actually a garbage dump.

Miss Louisa observed Shade's expression:

"Have you been here before?"

"Of course not. Do you think I look like a rich man?"

Shade asked while looking at the spacious front hall. He was holding the soft little Mia. The strange new environment made the cat want to "roar" again.

He had just explained the source of the 1,200 pound draft, so Miss Louisa was not concerned about what he wanted to do:

"I thought you would be shocked by the environment here. I don't think even the Yodel Palace is as impressive as this."

The blonde girl said with a smile. Seeing Shade looking around blankly, not knowing where to go first, she led him inside.

It seemed that Miss Louisa was quite familiar with this kind of place.

There was no trouble in the process of withdrawing the money. After all, Miss Carina was not bored enough to write a fake money order to Shade. On the contrary, after he handed over the money order signed by the duchess, the middle-aged gentleman who hurried over and wiped his sweat while doing business for them always seemed to be secretly looking at Shade's face.

Shade was confused at first, but soon thought of the misleading speech made by the black-haired maid yesterday in order to leave the city under martial law. Then he thought about how he came to withdraw money the next day with the duchess's money order.

"Fortunately, Miss Louisa doesn't know what the maid said."

He sat on the sofa holding the cat, thinking about which was more important between receiving the Duchess's full protection or his own reputation.

Although the bank in the steam era was interesting enough, the two did not stay long and left after receiving 1,200 pounds in cash. After finally returning to St. Teresa Square, Shade immediately made snowfall at home. On a sultry afternoon, sitting in a snowy room is the right way to spend the summer.

The three major thaumaturgy academies all have exam seasons twice a year, and next week is the summer exam week at the end of July, so they spent some time reviewing the study materials they needed to review and sharing their troubles.

Shade's study progress is pretty good. He has decided to pass at least seven exams during the summer exam week. If he is lucky, he might be able to pass nine (note). Now he has been promoted to the second ring, but if he wants to advance to the second grade, he still needs to meet the standards in these courses.

The written examination for the Correspondence Ring Magician will be conducted by a group at the same location and time. The college will send at least two teachers to invigilate the examination through a projection ceremony. Therefore, Shade and Miss Louisa need to inform the doctor of their chosen exam courses before next Wednesday, so that the doctor can inform the college so that they can prepare the test papers in advance.

Miss Louisa was very enthusiastic in helping Shade choose exam subjects. When she heard that he was preparing to take the exam in nine subjects, she even praised his progress:

"Being able to read so many books in one month would make it difficult for even a true scholar to be as serious as you are. In order to allow ordinary people who are new to the field of mysticism to adapt to the learning environment, the first-year courses are simpler. But the fact that you can learn so much is a testament to your hard work and wisdom.”

A foreigner from a foreign land who has received higher education is slightly proud of himself:

"It is indeed difficult to memorize this knowledge, but fortunately it is interesting enough."

"Huh? Did you memorize it yourself?"

They did not choose a study room, but studied in the living room with plenty of natural light. The coffee table was covered with open books, and dense letters were written on notebooks, most of which were ancient texts that Shade helped the blonde girl translate.

"Of course, apart from doing commissions, I spend most of my waking hours reading. After all, I don't have many other entertainment activities."

Shade is satisfied with his self-discipline.


The cat, which was playing with the [Metamorphosis Ring] with its tail, meowed.

"Oh, I also spent part of the time playing with Mia."

The teacup and teapot were placed on the floor under the sofa. Shade bent down to pour himself tea. Miss Louisa, who was swinging the pen, asked hesitantly:

"Did you really memorize the content of so many books on your own?"

"Of course, otherwise there would be no one to help me carry it."

Shade said matter-of-factly.


The blonde girl frowned slightly:

"Where's your other self? Won't he help you?"

There was a chuckle in Shade's ears. He paused while holding the tea cup and asked in confusion:

"I'm sorry, Miss Louisa, you mean, the other one I can help endorse?"

Miss Louisa nodded, her expression as if Shade had asked a silly question:

"What you can see, you can also see the other one. He is you, and you are him. The memory of the Ring Warlock is amazing, partly because of our strong mental power, but also because there are two minds working together to remember. This is not cheating, because the alter ego of Ring Warlock is really me."

Shade blinked and did not comment on the second half of the sentence:

"Books I've Read"

[Of course I’m watching it too. 】

"so you"

[I have memorized everything. As long as you have read the content, I remember at least 90% of it. 】

"Then why"

[What you pursue is understanding, not carrying a lot of books with you, right? 】

Shade nodded, then looked at Miss Louisa:

"My freshman year, there were a total of 19 required courses."

"Yes, I remember. What are you talking about?"

asked the blonde.

"In addition to the exam, "Basic Potions" also requires the preparation of standard potions - [Potion of Joy] and standard potions - [Eternal Sleep Water]. "Introduction to Elementary Alchemy", in addition to the written test, you need to submit a simple self-made alchemy project Items. In "Containment and Management of Relics", you need to submit a report on your participation in the containment of relics in addition to the exam. "Time Travel Practical Training" is a complete practical course and requires the submission of reports. In addition to these four courses involving practice content, all other courses are purely written examination courses.”

Shade said again.

For magic potion making, you can learn from Priest August; for making alchemy items, you can ask Iluna or Father John for advice; for relic storage, Shade can also write a story for the mercury vial.

"Is such that……"

Miss Louisa still didn't understand what Shade meant.

"I changed my mind. I want to take 18 exams at once! (Note)"

Although he relied on the woman in his head to help him remember, he was promoted to second grade just to be able to enjoy the second grade treatment in advance and get those textbooks. He would continue to study the first grade books, so this was not considered a weak foundation.

The blonde girl blinked at him and said after a long time:

"The academy has sufficient means to detect cheating effects not limited to [relics] and potions."

Shade knew that she had misunderstood, so he put down the teacup in his hand and explained:

"No, no, no, I have an amazing memory. I mean, my other me has an amazing memory. Doesn't the other me have some inconspicuous little talents? My other me's little talent is that I have an amazing memory."

Compared with the various abnormalities she had already shown, her amazing memory was nothing to mention, so Shade didn't even bother to ask the other party how she did it.

"You want to be a sophomore this summer?"

Miss Louisa finally fully understood Shade's intention.

The summer exam season is just for exams, and the winter exam season is for grades. But Shade is a key training target of the School of History, and has a good relationship with Professor Garcia of the School of History, and even has a good relationship with Miss Denister, the librarian of St. Byrons. Therefore, as long as he can meet the promotion requirements, the college will not deny him early entry into the second grade.

"Yes, promoted to second grade!"

Shade was smiling all over his face. He originally thought that it would take at least a year or two to enter the second grade, as Dr. Schneider said, but he didn't expect that he would be able to do it in just one month.

Not only is it about their own progress, but the condition for the group to go to St. Byrons is that the group has five ring warlocks, and at least one sixth ring warlock, one fifth ring warlock, and one fourth ring warlock. Now doctors will soon be promoted to the sixth level, and Shade, the lowest level, will also be promoted to the second level like Priest August. In this way, they are really one step closer to that unattainable goal.

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