Whispering Verse

Chapter 312 Social Worker

"The roommate in the orange pajamas... It's so enviable to find such a friend."

The young girl said, subconsciously touching the ruby ​​earring in her right ear. Just at this moment, the waiter came over with the vegetable salad she ordered, and the two stopped talking for a while.

This is a relatively good restaurant in the dock area. It happens to be noon and there are many people dining. However, the tables in high-end restaurants are not as dense as those in street bars. Shade and Miss Princes chose a corner against the wall. In addition, there was no one sitting around the table for the time being, so they did not have to worry about being heard when talking.

"Speaking of which, Miss Princes, what do you do in this city?"

Shade asked. He just mentioned his occupation just because it was convenient to ask the other party's identity.

It was obvious at first glance that the young girl of noble birth did not refuse to answer this time:

"As a side job, I am a reporter. I occasionally write some social commentary reports and submit them to newspapers. As for my main job... Mr. Watson, I am not afraid of your ridicule. I am a noble. My father does not allow me to work outside the home, so you put me It’s okay to be the kind of aristocratic girl who does nothing all day long, attending banquets and salons.”

This kind of self-introduction is similar to Shade's guess. Seeing that the other party's answer this time was not concealing anything, Shade tried to ask further:

"Noble? Oh, it seems that I really met a great person. I don't know, your father is..."

"I definitely can't tell you his specific identity. As for his profession... he is a social worker, contributing to public undertakings."

"social work?"

Shade's understanding of this is that in order to maintain their dignity and status, small nobles usually seek a position in the city hall or government departments. The salary doesn't have to be high, but it must be able to pay for it. There are similar positions in the Kingdom's municipal departments. "Social work" is a relatively low-level job, and you can't just get by without doing something.

Therefore, Xia De speculated that the identity of the other party's father should not be high.

"This is a very hard job. He has never thought about quitting his job and trying to open a factory? In recent decades, it is not uncommon for aristocrats to rely on their connections to open factories and then become rich people in newspapers."

Shade was half-testing and half-joking, while Miss Princes picked up the cauliflower with a fork and showed a helpless smile:

"Resign? Oh, that's not possible. As far as I know, no one has ever been able to resign voluntarily in this profession that my father is engaged in. This is a lifelong seat... You may not be able to understand that there is not much salary in this kind of job. Although my work is heavy and I often have to deal with documents in the study room until after nine o'clock in the evening, there are also very high benefits that ordinary people can't imagine. The work content affects many people, so I can't just quit my job."

"That's really unfortunate."

Shade made an expression of realization, feeling sympathy for Miss Prince's busy father, and then cut the steak in front of him with a knife.

After being promoted to the second ring, his appetite increased slightly. But this is also a normal situation. The Ring Warlock itself is a power system that improves both physically and mentally. Similar situations will occur when you first upgrade.

After the preliminary test, Shade believed that although the five-ring sorceress opposite was still suspicious, she could basically be trusted. In this strange city, there shouldn't be anything wrong with hiring her as a one-day tour guide.

Moreover, he is not afraid of making mistakes. If there is any problem, he will immediately throw himself into the sea. Even if the opponent is a five-ring warlock, it is impossible to chase him into the sea.

Miss Princes has very high requirements for food. She only tried the vegetable salad for two bites before giving up, as if she disliked the fact that the vegetables here were not fresh. As for the drinks, Shade did not order wine but chose soup, while Miss Princes ordered water and complained to Shade in a low voice about the drinks:

"Last night, I sneaked away... ahem, I went out to eat alone, and asked for a bottle of 1845 wine from Chateau Russell. Mr. Watson, what do you think?"

"The wine was watered down?"

Shade guessed.

"Of course not, watering down is the lowest form of practice. The restaurant used a bottle of cheap third-rate wine from Chateau Russell that was sold in large quantities this year, passing it off as a good wine from 1845."

The slender fingers held the glass filled with white water and shook it slightly, as if there was wine in it:

"Mr. Watson, if you are interested in wine tasting, I can take you to a good place for dinner tonight."

"No, I'm not used to drinking."

Shade shook his head, and Miss Princes did not insist, as if she already knew Shade would say this.

After lunch, Miss Princes decided to accept Shade's employment and use the rest of the day to take Shade around Coldwater Port City.

But since you have to go in and out of those sensitive places, you can't act with your original face. It happened that Miss Princes also needed to find a place to store the bag of books she was holding, so she took Shade back to her residence in the city, intending to help Shade and herself do simple makeup.

The so-called residence is of course not the house of a noble family, but the house that Miss Princes rents herself. It was not a single-family apartment, but a small room in a relatively simple collective apartment on Robin Hood Street in the South District of Coldwater Port City.

Robin Hood Street was only a fifteen-minute drive away from where the two of them were eating. The apartment is more like a mansion. There are garlands hanging on the iron fence. Entering the house, there is a wide hall on the first floor with seats and card tables for residents to rest and entertain. There is a patio in the center of the second floor, surrounded by small rental rooms. There are 12 rooms on one floor. There is a fence on the other side of the corridor outside the room, where you can lie down and look out at the first floor.

With cautious thoughts, when Shade followed Miss Princes here, he carefully observed every detail of the apartment. This should not be faked to deceive people. This is indeed a normal rental apartment. The other tenants who passed by them had the aura of urban citizens, but they could not be disguised no matter how hard they tried.

This is probably only used as temporary accommodation, so the interior of the apartment is very small. In addition to the room that serves as both a living room and a bedroom, there is only a small balcony where clothes can be hung, and an unusually small bathroom.

Although the atmosphere of life in the house is not very strong, the mold spots and hanging paintings on the walls, the unwashed teacups on the table, and the dresses swaying in the wind on the balcony all indicate that this place is often used by people, and it is indeed Miss Princes. temporary residence, which further dispelled Sha De's vigilance.

The young girl hid the book she was holding in the closet, and then asked Shade to sit down on the mismatched chair next to the low coffee table. There are old newspapers on the chair and a few pages scattered on the coffee table. She doesn't seem to clean the room often:

"Since you are hiring me, it is not too late for us to negotiate the price before setting off. Mr. Watson, first you have to tell me where I, as a tour guide, need to take you."

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