Whispering Verse

Chapter 318 The Cursed Girl

, murmuring poems

"I want to buy currency relics, any dangerous level is fine."

Looking at the sea from a towering cliff is completely different from looking at the sea from the coast. Shade can even see the black smoke rising from the ship the size of Mia in the distance. He thought that if he had time to take Mia to see the scenery here, the cat would definitely be frightened by the sea.

"I don't have such a thing in my hand right now. But I can help you keep an eye on it."

Mr. Edmond said that although Shade had good luck in the tavern, it was not that easy to get another one.

"Oh well."

He shrugged, not disappointed.

"Mr. Watson may come to you by himself in the future. He was introduced by me. I came today because I have something to do."

Miss Princes said, looking towards the distant sea level. The weather was still gloomy when Shade came here in the morning, but it completely cleared up in the afternoon.

"Mr. Edmund, have you heard about the sage-level relic [Mermaid's Dream]? I want to buy a [relic] from you that can temporarily suppress this curse. I know you must have it in your hand. For this kind of thing, if Coldwater Port City can find a way to suppress the curse, other than the Righteous God Church, it must be you."

"Have you ever come into contact with a mermaid statue?"

Before Mr. Edmond could speak, Shade asked in surprise.

"Yeah, is it weird? Oh, I really wanted to forget to tell you."

The blonde girl did not look at Shade, but continued to look at the sea in the distance and said, the last sound disappeared in the rumbling sound of water:

"That happened a few weeks ago, before the curse thing broke out. I learned about three of the mermaid statues from my friends, so I got one, and unfortunately it was infected with the curse."

There was not much frustration in her tone:

"I originally thought that it would take at least half a year for the curse to break out, and the church would also find a way to break the curse at that time. Unexpectedly, I found out that only a week and a half later, I had already dreamed of a palace in the deep sea."

"This is already the final stage of the curse. How come it's so fast?"

The old man guarding the lighthouse was also surprised:

"You've seen it in your dreams"

"No, I just fell into the deep sea in a dream, and my consciousness was pulled into the abyss. I saw the terrifying and twisted giant stone buildings outside the underwater temple. There was no such thing as the huge mermaid corpse in the palace."

Even though he had heard the warehouse dispatcher describe the scene in his dream a few weeks ago, now hearing the sound of the waves and hearing the dream caused by the curse again, Shade was still a little uneasy.

He looked at Miss Princes quite worriedly. He didn't expect that the sorceress he met by chance today would actually encounter such a terrible thing.

Mr. Edmond frowned, thought for a moment, and said:

"I'm lucky. There are indeed relics here to resist the curse. Although they are clerical grade, they are very expensive."

"How much?"

Miss Prince asked, and Shade listened, thinking that if the other person didn't have enough money, he might be able to borrow some.

"Thirteen hundred pounds, no bargaining. This kind of [relic] that resists the curse, you know the value is not comparable to that of ordinary clerical-level relics."

Shade subconsciously took a breath, but Miss Princes snorted, as if smiling:

"I thought it would cost five figures. It seems that the money I prepared in advance was entirely due to my own overthinking. No problem, but is a money order okay? I can't go out with so much cash."

This woman was far richer than Shade could have imagined.

"A money order, of course."

Mr. Edmond, who was guarding the clock tower, glanced at Shade and saw that the sorceress had no intention of letting him stay away, so he told the specific situation of the relic:

"Clerical relic, Saint Laurent's ring. The origin of the relic is very clear. It is the ring of the great witch Roland, the favored person of the old god [Demon Wolf of Light] in the fifth era. In the fifth era, this was a very famous A powerful alchemical product, after being transformed into a relic, it can even give the wearer extremely strong resistance to curses. It is useful for any curse, and even if it cannot make the wearer completely immune to the curse, it can slow down the effects of the curse."

"Is it stolen goods?"

Miss Princes inquired.

"No, the ring fell into my hands a year ago. Its original owner went on an expedition to the New World and met with an accident. His companion brought the ring back to Coldwater Port and sold it because he was in urgent need of gold."

Mr. Edmund said, and the blonde girl nodded after thinking about it:

"Yes, but I need to inspect the goods. Also, do you have any other news about [Mermaid's Dream]? The ring cannot completely eliminate the curse, and I can't expect the church to find a solution as soon as possible."

"Do you know about the deep-sea fishman summoned by the ritual who shot and killed people?"

The old man asked, and Shade looked up at the seagulls above his head, not wanting to participate in this conversation.

It seems that everyone in this city knows about the "murloc shooting and killing people".

"of course I know."

Miss Princes smiled:

"That was last week. I also know that the church is investigating along this line, but it seems to have reached a dead end, as if the deep-sea mermaid summoned by the ritual has turned into a human and disappeared."

Shade put his hands in his pockets and kicked the stones under his feet off the sea cliff, looking very bored.

"Do you know about the 'sea return'? It is said to be a ceremony related to those statues."

The old man said again, and then said one step ahead of Miss Princess:

"Even if you heard the news, you must have only heard it and did not understand its full meaning. Only folklorists, such as myself, who have lived in Coldwater Port for many years and know the ancient local customs can interpret the meaning of that nursery rhyme .”

The old man who claimed to be a folklorist smiled and twirled his fingers at Miss Princes, who said indifferently:

"We'll settle the bill together later. If you have any news, can you tell me all at once?"

"Well, most nursery rhymes have their own origins, and the origin of 'Sea Return' is actually a sacrificial ceremony to an evil god in the local fishing village of Coldwater Port in the early part of this era. Let me analyze it for you. The main body of the nursery rhyme is four sentence."

He held out four fingers:

"The songs of mermaids are floating in the harbor. There are rumors of mermaids appearing in the local area, which represents the evil totem;

Even the bloody pirate ships lowered their sails and the evil god's retinue appeared as pirates to participate in the ceremony;

The red ocean makes waves. After the above two steps are completed, a signal symbolizing the ocean turning red will appear;

The beautiful girl went to the deep sea to sacrifice a young girl. "

After speaking, he smiled and shook his head:

"Folklore is so interesting. As long as you know how to interpret it, you can see a lot of different things in just four sentences. There should be scholars in the Zhengshen Church who can come to my conclusion based on local folklore and legends, but it will definitely not be better than I'm faster."

The old man was very proud of his knowledge.

"Why does this ritual sound like a summons?"

Shade, who heard the entire conversation, suddenly said, and Miss Princes nodded hesitantly:

"Mr. Watson is right. If someone deliberately placed the mermaid statues in the dock warehouse and let them scatter, is there a cult group behind this incident that wants to summon something?"

"I don't know about that, but now that mermaids do show up in Coldwater Harbor, if unusual pirates show up in a few weeks, we'll know the answer."

Mr. Edmond said, and Shade, who had just experienced the evil god's coming incident more than a week ago, asked nervously:

"Excuse me, which god is this ballad related to?"

"The small fishing village of Coldwater Port has disappeared for more than a thousand years. The only information points to three gods. [The God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea] who controls the dead in the sea, and the legendary protector of the terrible fish-man race [The Lord of the Scarlet Spiral] , and the stormy god [Raging Storm] who was defeated by the Righteous God [Peaceful Father] recorded in some esoteric scriptures."

The old man replied, then paused and added:

"These three are all evil gods."

Shade was fairly familiar with the first one, but he had only read about the other two in books. The murloc race mentioned is a humanoid intelligent race. But unlike the image of a beautiful girl who is good at singing in the story, the mermaids in this world are cruel creatures who like to eat human flesh and are good at various evil spells and rituals.

At this time, facing the sea and hearing the names of the three evil gods in succession, even Sha De felt a little chilly inexplicably.

The current evidence is not enough to prove what will happen next. But more and more clues are showing that the appearance of those mermaid statues in Coldwater Harbor is definitely no accident.

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