Whispering Verse

Chapter 335: Wishes, Jumping into the Sea and the Plank

"what else do you want?"

The Mystery Lock has been unfolded. Although this power cannot last for long, it is enough for Shade to gain the upper hand.

He looked over the delicacies on the table and the falling snow in the air at the fishman captain across the table. He wanted more:

"I'm going to bet a few rounds with you fairly, with one bet in each round, and the cards are compared. In the first round, I'm going to bet on how to lift the [Mermaid's Song] curse on the lady next to me."

He rearranged the cards on the table, and the falling snowflakes fell on the cards, but they could not leave any traces. The curse on Miss Princes has the same source as the power of the pirate ship, so the other party must know something.

"Okay! I'm going to bet you to leave!"

On both sides of this long table placed on the snowy street, the situation was completely different from before. The captain reached out to draw the cards in front of him, this time he was completely betting on luck:

"I am Sun 10."

Shade did not take action. On the contrary, a barefoot little girl carrying a basket appeared on his left. She wanted to draw cards, but because she was not tall enough, she could not touch the cards even with her feet.

With a slightly aggrieved expression on his face, he walked to Shade's right side and patted Miss Princes. The latter's eyes widened, and then he picked up the girl in a daze.

Her Royal Highness the Princess cannot understand the current situation at all.

"The first wish is to spend 13."

Shade said, and the girl being held drew the first card, which was indeed the flower 13.

"The answer is the Sea Return Ritual, which prevents her from entering the ocean when the red waves crash. When the ocean returns to normal, the marked curse will be lifted regardless of whether the ritual was successful or not!"

"In the second game, I bet your ten powerful coins."

Shade's behavior is actually blackmail, so he has to grasp the other party's level of acceptance.

The captain was breathing heavily, and the anger could almost be seen on his swollen face. His voice was low and hoarse, but it was not him who had the upper hand now:

"I bet you leave."

He pressed the cards in front of him with his thick fingers:

"Flower 13."

The girl held by Miss Princes reached out to touch the cards again, and Shade on the golden seat said softly:

"Second wish, Queen."

The girl turned over the cards and it was the queen.

Almost without thinking, the shabby bag was thrown high by the captain and landed in Shade's hand, making a dull sound on the white tablecloth.

"The third wish, I want to know why you chose the cruise ship I'm on to rob!"

This is a question that has been bothering Shade. He doesn't believe that his luck is so bad and he is not the chosen one.

"You have to leave for the third round of bets!"

Both sides draw cards at the same time.

The captain held the cards in his fingers and showed them to Shade:


"The third wish is, King!"

The girl held by Miss Princess turned over the third card, which was the king.

"There is no reason. If you must have a reason, then please believe in fate!"

This was an answer that surprised Shade.

"Bet for the fourth round, all the people you robbed this time will leave!"

"I want you all to leave! King!"

The largest card among the 54 cards is the figure of the fish-man captain swimming in the deep sea.

"The fourth wish is that the girl around me will be well."

The power of the Mysterium was trying to restore Miss Prince's spirit and drive away the influence of those beans. The girl who was held by him excitedly turned over the last card. Because this time there was no blessing from the myth lock to make a wish, the answer this time was completely random.

Star 1.

"I lost. According to the agreement of the bet, we have to leave."

He grabbed the bag containing ten coins and stood up. The golden scars shone on his body. The powerful power of the myth was about to decline. The fire at the end ignited the picture of the snowy night scene.

At this moment, the life ring behind him suddenly rotated rapidly in the steam gushing out from an unknown source. The black iron-colored soul was enriching and finally condensed into a new power. He unfolded the blood feast table, and he drained some of the power from everything around the table.

The power of these undead pirates is equivalent to the power of this ship. Excessive exposure to the relics gave Shade a new power.

[Those who are greedy will pay the price. Pirates galloping in the deep sea eventually encountered more powerful robbers. This time, it's your story. 】

[Relic - Fishbone Pirate Ship, gives you new power. 】

[Outlander, you have engraved the black iron blasphemous spiritual rune - Greed. 】

This is probably the only one of Shard's current four spiritual runes that really has nothing to do with God.

"next time"

The afterglow of divinity almost dyed his eyes golden, and the movement of his body caused the blood-red clothes to leave golden sparks like sparks in the air.

He looked at the pirate across the table and asked him to say something. The captain also looked at him fiercely:

"According to the rules of this ship, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke us, the scarlet servant, the spiral hunter, and the fishbone ship sailing in the eye of the storm will never rob you again!"

The captain was roaring loudly, venting his dissatisfaction and fear. Rolling flames burned, the snowy night disappeared in the light of the fire, and the cabin once again changed back to its original appearance.

Shade grabbed Miss Prince's hand, and the latter was still immersed in the sense of loss when the girl in her arms disappeared. The inexplicable force caused their bodies to float upwards, the surrounding environment changed drastically, the space shook, and they left here.

The cabin once again changed back to its original appearance, and the captain, who looked like a fishman, immediately stood up and shouted an order to the depressed evil sailors:

"Let's go!"

(Little Mia is running)

"Let's go!"

When Shade, who was tortured by hunger, opened his eyes, he saw the deepest and most charming night sky above. The last few snowflakes fell from the sky, and the cold feeling made Shade sober up.

He was lying on the deck now, and someone was pulling him around.

I climbed up with difficulty and saw that it was Miss Princes. They were now at the edge of the banquet cruise ship's deck, and everything around them had returned to normal. The sea breeze blows from afar at night, bringing with it a warm and moist smell.

The pirate ship has disappeared, but under the deep night sky, wisps of black air penetrate into the bodies of every waking person. Even Shade and Miss Princes were no exception, and the voice in their ears immediately reminded:

[Even if you leave the ship alive, you will be cursed. The power of the curse is very similar to the power of the curse your companions were originally infected with. 】

"Everyone here is infected with the Mermaid Song Curse, right?"

[You don’t. This curse that entangles the soul has no effect on you. You should only worry if it's a curse targeting the body. 】

The guests on the deck were all waking up, and the awakened ring warlocks among them jumped off the ship and left as soon as they noticed the curse. Because in the distance, several warships flying the flag of the Kingdom of Delarion were approaching. The unique golden aura of divine magic was shining on the ships. The Orthodox Church of the Coldwater Port Diocese was coming.

Considering that this time the accident happened in the waters outside the port, their speed was really fast.

"Let's go!"

Miss Princes said something, stepped on the deck, forcibly removed a piece of wood from the deck, and then pulled Shade and jumped directly into the sea. At the last moment when he left the deck, Shade saw ordinary people on the deck, shouting and laughing crazily. Most people died directly in the ship in the strange sea, and most of the people who were rescued had gone crazy.

The two fell into the water, and Shade's spell [Underwater Breathing] was immediately activated. But Miss Princess didn't seem to have the ability to move in the water. Although she could swim, she still hugged Shade nervously when she fell into the sea. When her head emerged from the sea, her long red hair clinging to her face, she grabbed the board and said awkwardly:

"Swim to the east, and there will be people there to pick us up. I sent people to follow the boat to prepare for this situation."

Although Her Royal Highness is keen on adventure today, it is impossible not to care about her own safety.

The location at this time was very far from the port of Coldwater Port. If Shade was allowed to swim back with Miss Princes, it would probably be a few days before the two of them returned to Coldwater Port. Shade was relieved to hear that she was still prepared.

"Shad, never tell stories on the ship again!"

She nonchalantly called out Shade's pseudonym, acquiescing to her identity. Her red hair was wet and stuck to her face, and her green eyes looked at Shade:

"Look, it's just like the ending of your story. After falling into the sea, we scraped the plank to survive."

Because the story of the little match girl corresponds to the four wishes, so in addition to having the advantage of being the master of the mystery lock, Shade also has the power of the four wishes in the mystery lock. This is the characteristic of his mystery lock. Miss Princes seemed to have recovered well from the last wish, and she was still able to joke at this moment.

"Oh, Miss Princess, please take this and shut your mouth, we're going to go."

Shade took out the leaf from the waterlogged pocket watch and let the red-haired girl hold it in her mouth. Swimming in the sea for a long time would cause terrible hypothermia. Because of [Underwater Breathing], Shade has a strong environmental affinity for exercising in water, but Miss Princes is not.

"You still call me Miss Princess?"

The red-haired girl was pulled by Shadra and swam forward. Because she had leaves in her mouth, her words were a little unclear. On the dark sea, they were as inconspicuous as the other ring warlocks who jumped off the ship.

"I want to wait until today's journey is over and hear you tell me who you are."

whispered the stranger, and plunged into the sea. Still because of the spell, when his whole body enters the water, his swimming ability will be significantly enhanced.

Just like that, Miss Princes grabbed the board while Shade looked after her, and the two quickly left the direction of the cruise ship. As the pirate ship left, the water became much calmer. They didn't dare to stop at all and moved quickly towards the east.

After a full twenty minutes, I saw a small boat parked on the sea in the distance. Miss Princes, who was still not fully recovered, signaled. Shade knew that it was one of his own, so he pulled her and swam toward the boat.

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