Whispering Verse

Chapter 367: Washing the Cat

After Saturday night, early on Sunday morning, Shade sent an urgent letter from the city to Miss Carina's manor, hoping to receive a reply as soon as possible.

He had nothing else to do today, so he didn't plan to go out. Instead, he read and organized files at home.

When Shade returned from sending the letter at half past eight, Dorothy came to visit again. On the one hand, she wanted to return the detective files that she borrowed last time, as well as the "Encyclopedia of Ancient Delarion Fairy Tales", which Shade bought at the auction before the Blood Banquet; on the other hand, she hoped to keep it today. In Saint Teresa Square, continue to borrow the detective files to get more inspiration for your own detective stories.

"Speaking of which, how many manuscripts do you have now?"

Shade was curious about this. The blonde female writer showed an elegant smile, which meant that she was very confident:

"The first story is adapted from the experience of two cemetery ghosts you met, and it's called "Murder Overdue." My novels are not available in every issue. They are serialized twice a week. "Murder Overdue" is enough for two weeks. Content, I have already finished writing this.

The second story is "The Mystery of the Scarlet Letter" that I originally wanted to write. This is probably enough to be serialized for three issues. The third story is half-written, based on the detective records I saw here. Shade, your study is a real treasure. "

She looked at Shade with a smile, and Shade nodded indifferently:

"As long as you like it, if you want to come, you can come anytime."

His sensitive belongings were behind a hidden wall in the basement anyway.

So Dorothy and Shade spent this morning in the study together. It's just that both of them are doing their own things. Shade looked through the book he got back from the doctor yesterday, hoping to at least let the female voice in his head write down all the contents first for emergencies.

Dorothy looked through the detective files with great interest, and she would help sort out the parts that Shade had not sorted out.

Sparrow Hamilton lived in Place Saint Teresa for two years, handling double-digit commissions large and small. Although the work efficiency is much higher than that of Shade, the money-making efficiency is not as high as that of Shade.

At noon, Dorothy complained that Shade didn't have any vegetables and meat in stock, and then she and he took Mia to a restaurant outside for dinner.

After returning from lunch, there was still no news from Miss Carina, so Shade took advantage of the lunch break to talk to Dorothy about Miss Mia Gold's second letter.

"Bathe the cat?"

The blonde girl sat on the sofa and took a look at the cat, which started to feel sleepy after eating a full meal, so it was lying on Shade's lap, squinting as if falling asleep, and accepting Shade's touch:

"Why do I remember you mentioned this to me last month?"

asked Dorothy.

"Yes, but don't I have time?"

Shade replied, so the blonde girl tied up her long golden hair with the headband tied around her wrist. While arranging his hair, he motioned for Shade to stand up and smiled at him and the cat:

"So you have time now?"

"Of course there is time."

"How long do you think it will take to clean a cat?"

"About half an hour?"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Dorothy, who had tied her hair, also stood up and looked at Shade with suspicious eyes:

"You always like to finish things immediately and never procrastinate. Why do you always procrastinate with this cat? It just so happened that I was washing the cat with you. Although you don't have vegetables stored at home, you should have an apron, right?"


Because of Shade's action of standing up, the cat being picked up let out a dissatisfied cry. The young orange cat meowed very softly, not expecting what would happen next.

"Well, of course I have the apron. The previous detective left a lot behind, and I don't know what he is going to do."

Shade nodded hesitantly. This matter really couldn't be delayed. He also wanted to mail Mia's photo to Miss Gold.


The held cat squirmed in Shade's arms, and its little paws drooped from Shade's arm, looking very satisfied. Maintaining this posture, Shade carried the napping cat into the bathroom.

(Little Mia is taking a bath)

"Have you just taken a shower? Do you still have the habit of taking a shower at noon?"

This was the first question that the Duchess holding a book asked when Shade sat down in front of Miss Carina that afternoon.

It's still the study room in the manor outside the city, and it's still the same position on the sofa. However, Shade's hair was not completely dry yet, and the traces of hair washing could easily be seen.

"It's not a bath, it's a cat bath."

Shade corrected.

"Wash the cat?"

The red-haired witch asked with a smile. The black-haired maid Tifa Servit, who already knew what happened on the way here, stood aside and chuckled while helping the two prepare tea sets.

More than 80% of the people in Miss Carina's manor are female servants, so naturally there are also cats here. Although the Duchess didn't seem like someone who would wash a cat herself, she clearly guessed what was going on.

"Your life is really interesting."

"I hope this kind of fun can be less interesting. Fortunately, cats like this only need to take a bath once every few months, otherwise"

Shade thought of the cat he had put into the bathtub with its big eyes in his bathroom an hour ago. After it came into contact with the warm water, it suddenly struggled and then burst out with great fighting power.

Shade once wondered how Mia, with her size, could bully other animals in a pet store.

Now he knew that the combat effectiveness of this small creature could never be judged by its appearance. If it hadn't been for Dorothy's help, Shad might not have been able to catch the cat, which was struggling and trying to escape.

During the entire process of washing the cat, Mia kept struggling, so Shade was almost covered in water. Before he had time to clean his hair, the carriage arrived at Saint Teresa Square.

So now Dorothy was at Shade's house, wiping the water off the sullen cat in a blanket with a towel. After all the fur on its body was attached to its skin, it seemed to have lost a lot of weight. After seeing its own appearance in the mirror, the orange cat had been sulking at Shade.

"Okay, let's get down to business. You said you found a bottle of ancient magic potion that still works?"

Miss Carina closed the book in her hand and put it on the coffee table, and Shade noticed that it was a real magazine for women's summer wear.

"Yes, the elixir of ancient mermaids."

Shifting his thoughts away from the cat at home, Shade put the bottle of potion on the table.

Tifa looked at it curiously, and Miss Carina picked it up and glanced at the light, then carefully uncorked the bottle, sniffed it with her nose, and frowned slightly:

"I thought you were just joking, but I didn't expect Shade. I know this. This is a high-level magic potion that can only be made by the ancient fish-men race. It can make anyone return to youth within a certain period of time. The ancient witch emperors even Use it to take a bath."

What Priest August said was that the ancient Witch Emperors added this to their breakfast. But no matter which statement is correct, it confirms the rumors that the Witch Emperors live an extremely luxurious life.

After obtaining Shade's consent, Miss Carina asked Tifa to get a professional glass dropper for preparing potions and an old black cat. After carefully sucking up a drop, he dropped it into the cat's mouth.

The three people stared at the cat. As it meowed lazily, the hair on its body became thicker and shiny at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, its old body was also recovering from health.

It suddenly jumped from Miss Carina's legs to the coffee table. When it wanted to rush towards Shade, the black-haired maid reached out and caught it.

It took half an hour for it to return to its original old appearance, and a smile appeared on Miss Carina's face:

"Judging from the color, smell and effect of the potion, this is indeed a high-end potion offered to witches by the murlocs of the Fifth Age. The potions and materials offered by other races are something that people of our time would never have imagined. In the Fifth Age, except for a few witches who were able to find relics like the [Eternal Youth Leaves] when they were young, most of them relied on various expensive potions to stay young forever, huh, those women."

The witches of the sixth era seemed quite dissatisfied with the witches of the fifth era. Miss Carina held the bottle between her slender fingers and shook it gently, watching the liquid swirling in the bottle, and then looked at Shade:

"Xia De, I won't ask you where you got this from. Since you don't take the initiative to tell me, I won't explore your secrets. But this has a great effect on me. A small bottle is probably enough. It takes a week for an adult to regain his youth. How about I give you a price of 3,300 pounds?"

"Of course, at this price, of course."

Shade nodded immediately. His original expected price was about 2,300 pounds. Although this bottle of potion has extraordinary effects, it is a one-time use and has a limited duration of effect, so the price is quite good.

"But I want cash, not a money order this time."

Cashing large money orders takes time, and Shade doesn't want to always take money orders signed by the duchess to withdraw money. This is not good for his reputation.

"No problem, but you'll have to wait a while."

She nodded to Miss Servit, who immediately left the room to arrange the cash Shad wanted.

Miss Carina put the potion on the table and talked to Shade about other things:

"Remember the last time I told you that the Council sent a new witch to search for the second chosen one? She has already set off, and her destination is Coldwater Port. I heard that there are fishmen there, and the whole city They are all searching for those strange creatures. Speaking of which, I remember that little Lesia seems to be in Coldwater Port, and I don’t know what she is doing.”

She told Shade this as a new thing, but it was very important to Shade. He pretended not to care and asked:

"I wonder who the great witch was sent this time? Can I know her identity? Oh, I won't tell others."

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