Whispering Verse

Chapter 358 Lighthouse on a Rainy Night

"Want to die? How can it be so easy?"

The cards in front of him fell, and the yellow-haired middle-aged man who was stabbed in the heart looked at Shade in front of him in shock. The life ring behind the man disappeared, but before he died, Shade's hand touched it:

"False immortality!"

Then he pushed hard and made the man lie down on the ground. Shade gritted his teeth and held swords with both hands, and cut off the opponent's two palms with two swords. Without his two hands, the severely injured Ring Warlock had no chance of making a comeback.

Looking at those two hands, the foreigner who did this for the first time felt very disgusted. Turning around, he picked up the water glass on the table and tapped it gently, and a silver light appeared on the water. Shade poured the cup of hot tea on the man's wound to prevent him from losing his [False Immortality] state due to excessive bleeding:

"I'll ask, you answer."

"You...you don't want to get any answers from me! All for the Lord of the Scarlet Spiral! Kill me."

A small amount of life force remained in his body, and his voice was very weak.

"Kill you? Even if you kill you, I can channel your soul. No matter you are alive or dead, don't even think about keeping it a secret."

"Then kill me. My soul is favored by my Lord. You can't even expect to get any news!"

Although weak, he still stared at Shade with hatred in his eyes.


The corner of Shade's mouth trembled. If he wasn't afraid that something would happen to Lesia, he would never do such a cruel thing:

“Do you know what it’s like to drink water and be choked to death?”

Shade shook the water glass in his hand, and more and more water appeared under the power of the spell.

"You devil!"

The weak voice cursed.

"I'm not trying to torture you, it's pointless, I want you to realize something."

Shade had already squatted down, his back facing the gas lamp on the wall, which made the face in the shadow particularly scary:

"You are the guardian of the fishmen - a believer of the [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral]. If you, as a dependent of this great man, end up being choked to death by water or even swollen to death, do you think that god will die after you die? Do you admit your identity?"

For the first time, a look of horror appeared on the man's face:

"you you......"

"Will He still bless your soul forever?"

"You devil!"

"No, at least based on my mortal thinking, it shouldn't be possible."

There was no smile on Shade's face:

"But the [God of the Drowned in the Abyss] will be very willing to take your soul. Sir, since you are a follower of the evil god in Coldwater Port, you should also know that the great one is very interested in the drowned fish-men." of...especially the Drowned Mermaid of Coldwater Harbor."

"no no!"

Because of the spell thrown at the door, no one knew what happened in the room next. When Shade opened the door and walked out, he was holding a corpse doll with severed hands. In the room behind him, the carpet was rolled up and put aside to prevent the blood stains from scaring the maids who came to clean the room.

Shade walked quickly along the corridor:

"The Scarlet Secret Cult wants to make sacrifices to the sea when the red ocean appears tomorrow. In addition to the human believers in the sect who voluntarily sacrifice and the citizens captured by them, there must also be a woman of noble birth, As the final prelude to the 'sea return' ceremony."

This is the information that Shade just received. The other party still revealed some information under the fear of having his soul seized by the alien god. But before he could finish speaking, he died. It wasn't because he was injured, he was scared to death.

The attitude of people in this world towards faith is completely different from that of outsiders.

In the violent night rain outside the window, Shade walked through the corridor with windows on one side:

"This kind of sacrifice is not a necessary step in 'sea return', but a ceremony similar to praying... The sea return ceremony will begin tomorrow when the first ray of sunshine shines on Coldwater Harbor, and the sacrifice will also Starting from that moment. In addition to Lesia, the Scarlet Secret Cult has five or six targets, one of which is..."

Shade looked towards the city:

"Sivi Avora."

He called the servants to clean up the messy study, while he stood in the corridor and looked at the heavy rain outside the window:

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Although the heavy rain continued all night, the small-scale battle that occurred around Sophia's mansion only lasted half an hour and ended.

A steady stream of support arrived, forcing the attackers to abandon their target. In particular, there has been no news about the attackers who entered Sophia's mansion, which makes the house with lights on in the night rain and sea breeze look particularly strange.

With the twelve-ringed witch and Lesia together, Shade's worries were relieved a lot, so he didn't go out in the rain.

He originally wanted to wait until Lesia came back to rest, but after midnight, when the time came to Wednesday, the princess's carriage had not yet appeared at the gate of the manor. The servants who were sent to inquire about the news came from the rain that the city was under martial law and carriages could leave the city but were not allowed to enter.

Sophia's mansion was attacked by murlocs, and a similar incident probably occurred in the city. The lack of news about Lesia made Shade, who originally thought nothing would happen, feel uneasy again:

"Even if the fish-man attack before dawn didn't hurt Lesia. But if she doesn't come back overnight, I won't be able to be by her side when the ceremony begins."

After midnight, Shade rested in his room for two hours. After waking up, he said hello to the maid left by Lecia and left the house in a carriage.

But he did not enter the city. Instead, he let the carriage take him to the Sea Cliff Lighthouse, also located in the north of the city. When Lecia took the alias of Miss Princes, she brought Shad here once. The caretaker here was the folklorist Mr. Edmund.

Holding an umbrella and struggling to watch the light of the lighthouse in the rain, I climbed all the way to the top of the sea cliff. After putting on a mask and knocking on the door for a long time, Mr. Edmond's alert voice appeared behind the door:

"who is it?"

"Introduced by old John from Tobesk!"

Shade said.

The last time she came with Lesia, Lesia mentioned half of Father John's name. At that time, Shade didn't know the secret of the writer and the princess, so he didn't think much about it, but he later understood it.

"Don't lie to me! Huh, on this rainy day, even if he introduced me, no one would come knocking on the door so late in the rain!"

The old man behind the door said dissatisfiedly.

"It was really him who introduced me. I was here last time, do you remember? You came back from fishing that day, but there was only one small fish in the bucket. My companion bought a Yves Saint Laurent ring, and I sold you a book. "

Shade shouted loudly that the rain here is really too heavy.

"Oh? There is such a thing..."

The old man inside the door hesitated.

"Old John! Father John, that stingy guy, oh, I have never seen such a stingy person in my life."

The door was pushed open suddenly, and before Shade could react, the old man's strong hand pulled Shade in.

The lighthouse was obviously dilapidated, but just separated by a wooden door, the interior was extremely dry and warm.

Old Edmond was in his pajamas, with his coat draped over his shoulders, and in his hand held a kerosene lamp. He frowned slightly and looked at Shade under the lamp:

"Yes, he is indeed the stingiest guy in the world. It seems that you are indeed his friend, young man, what are you doing at this late hour? Do you think I am the same age as you?"

The old man complained, but still asked Shade to find a place to sit down and found a dry towel for him.

The bottom area of ​​the lighthouse is the residential area for the tower keepers. Although the area is not large, it can still meet the needs of life.

Shade took the towel and wiped his hair:

"Sorry to bother you so late. The sea will return, the red sea will appear at dawn today."

"Oh? So?"

The old man asked while sitting on the chair in front of the desk. The lighthouse was actually connected to the gas pipe, and he turned on the gas light on the desk.

Shade took a deep breath and put the towel on the back of the chair:

"You must know more about the sea return ceremony. Last time the lady and I came, you didn't tell it completely."

Edmond looked at him quietly, his eyes were not cloudy like those of ordinary old people:

"so what?"

"I have money."

"But you need to convince me to agree to this deal."

"The Priory of the Guide of Light."

Amidst the terrifying sound of waves crashing against the cliff outside the lighthouse, Shade gave the answer. Mr. Edmond subconsciously narrowed his eyes, and then relaxed:

"John probably wouldn't tell you that."

Through the "Tree Kiss" transaction, Shade learned that John's father belonged to the "Guiding Light Monastery", and the latter even wanted to know Shade's expression when he knew this. Edmund of Coldwater Port, like Old John of Torbesk, both run secretive black market stores for ring warlocks, and both are knowledgeable but unwilling to do other things.

Therefore, it is not troublesome at all to infer that Father John's friend, Mr. Edmond, who can introduce business to each other, is also a member of the "Light-Guiding Hermitage".

"What does it matter? I don't care about your secrets. I only know that as long as I pay, you will always be able to help. I have no resistance to your doomsday survival preparations."

Shade stared into the old man's eyes from behind the mask.

"What do you want to know?"

Probably seeing his determination, the old man thought for a while before asking in a low voice.

"It's very simple, my friend, that lady has a mermaid curse on her. Now I know that I can use the binding of fishing rods and lines to reduce her urge to enter the red ocean. Apart from this, is there any other way? "

Shade said quickly.


The old man shook his head, and Shade didn't care, because he wasn't here to ask this. This question was just to detour and prepare the other party:

"I still want to know..."

He lowered his voice subconsciously:

"The original intention of the sea return ceremony is to awaken the power left by the evil god in the deep sea, so as to summon the water to flood the city. So, what did the god leave behind?"

Lightning flashed across the window, and white light illuminated their faces from the window. The waves rumbled, but were silenced by thunder.

The storm is coming.

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