Whispering Verse

Chapter 399 Corpse Bomb

After calculating the time, it was about twenty minutes before dawn. He also captured the traces of air flow and found that the wind in the church came from behind the stone wall where the three fat fishmen were standing.

So Shade took off the steam bomb from his waist and took out a Rhodes card from his pocket:

"I want you to see that I am definitely not learning [Treasure Objects] just for the convenience of playing cards."

Thinking in his mind, he took a deep breath and touched the ring to his right hand with his left hand. A faint golden light lit up in the sleeves of the robe, and the full sense of power made Shade feel at ease.

Quickly pull the pull tab on the surface of the steam bomb, but no steam comes out, because steam bombs in this era need to be banged hard to detonate. This is to prevent accidents.

Wrap the second corpse doll with the bomb in a handkerchief and fasten the death buckle.

After checking the time, Shade gently touched the handkerchief:

"Toy Making!"

Feeling that the object inside the handkerchief was rapidly expanding, Rhodes, under the control of [Treasure Object], quickly flew to the front of the church with this package of things.


Even with the help of the witch's ring, it would be difficult for such a big thing to fly in the air without being noticed. A light shone from someone's hand, and then the swollen thing fell heavily on the aisle between the long row of seats.

The voice of prayer was interrupted. People looked over curiously and saw the corpse with a sharp wound in the heart lying on its back. There seemed to be a squeaking sound under the body, but it was not very obvious.

"Oh, my God, isn't this little Fishenna?"

The priest standing next to the fishman on the left exclaimed and quickly walked down to check the situation. The gray-robed fishmen sitting around them also moved over, and even the serial warlocks frowned and stood up.

Shade did not get up. Instead, he lay directly on the ground between the seats. Hold your head with both hands, lie down completely, and start counting down the time:


The corpse has been surrounded by fishmen.


"It's Feishena! Come on, look who's here!"


The Ringman came to the body to examine it more closely.


"Blasphemy, this is blasphemy!"

The old fishman priest was shouting hysterically.

"Something's wrong. Why is there white smoke under the corpse? No, it's not white smoke, it's steam mist. Could it be that the corpse is about to awaken into a ring warlock?"

Shade, who was counting down, almost laughed.


"Fool, get out of the way, it's a steam bomb!"


At that moment, the ground was really shaking. In addition to a small amount of compressed gunpowder, small steel balls, iron fragments and other strange things buried in the steam bomb were shot in all directions at an alarming speed under the influence of air pressure.

Even though Shade was lying there motionless, his left leg was still hit by something, but it was just a scratch.

The fish-men nearby were in bad luck. Shade even thought he heard the sound of pieces of meat and blood falling into puddles on the ground after the explosion.

The stone wall above the head continued to scatter dust downwards due to the explosion. Shade was actually worried that the place would collapse due to a steam bomb, but the fishman's building was still very strong. Besides, if a steam bomb could blow up this place, the church's ring warlock team wouldn't be able to draw a tie with the murlocs.

Screams, curses, and wailing sounds continued to be heard in the smoke and dust after the explosion.

Shade took this opportunity to get up, and ignored the dust on his body, and walked forward along the wall with his body low.

One steam bomb was still not enough. After taking a few steps, I heard someone shouting that no one should move.

The sea breeze was called in to suppress the dust raised by the explosion of the bomb. At the same time, two cultists, ring warlocks, gathered together to treat the injured and confirm who was still moving.

Shade must not stop, otherwise once he is discovered, he will not be able to deal with so many people at the same time.

Thinking that he could not be exposed passively, he raised his right hand high, and then slashed towards the center of the smoke that had not completely dispersed. The brilliant silver moonlight flew towards the ring warlocks of the Scarlet Secret Cult in an arc.

Without even thinking about it, the next moment his body disappeared and appeared ten meters ahead.

Screams and curses came from behind again, and the place where Shade was standing was bombarded by several spells that he could not recognize at all.

This was enough. Counting the distance Shade had moved in the early stages of the explosion, he had now reached the front of the damp chapel.

"Bring it here!"

He snatched the big leather book from the hands of the old fishman priest who was standing there, and when the other party wanted to resist, he slashed down with the huge sword shining with silver light in his hand.

Dirty red blood stained the front of his robe, and the fat fishman who had snatched the book from Shade died immediately. But instead of looking for trouble with the other fat priest, Shade used the sword in his hand to move forward and block the arrows flying in front of him.


With a muffled groan, the bone arrow actually shattered the moonlight sword into pieces. Even after shattering the Moonlight Sword, he was still able to continue forward. After Shade turned his head to avoid it, the arrow scratched the side of his face, penetrated the hood, and then shot into the stone wall next to the Holy Emblem behind him. .

The arrow passed through the stone wall, creating another hole in the stone wall and allowing Shade to feel more sea breeze.

"No one moves!"

With the book under his arm, he pulled another fishman priest over, pulled out a pistol with his right hand and put it against the other person's forehead.

The dust completely subsided, and the damage Shade had just caused could be seen.

Blood was everywhere where the steam bomb exploded. One-third of the fishmen died in the first wave of explosions, and the rest were saved by the Ring Warlocks.

Then, the Silver Moon Slash that Shade took advantage of was really effective. Under the amplification of the witch ring, the moonlight struck through two rows of chairs, even the middle-ring warlock could not block it without special methods. .

Therefore, the corpses on the ground that were neatly split into two pieces were all caused by Shade's blow. Among them, only three murlocs died, and one ring warlock from the Scarlet Secret Cult also died. This must be bad luck, just blocking the arc of silver moonlight.

The better news is that the old fish-man priest who just went to check the body is actually dead. In addition to the one who was hacked to death by Shade, the only remaining fish-man priest alive now is pointed at gunpoint by Shade. This one.

If the ceremony here is still going on, it is impossible for the other party not to care about the life of this old fish man.

Being able to have such a big impact is partly due to the ring, and partly because Shade took advantage of the chaos to make a sneak attack. But it didn't come without a price, and now Shade was surrounded by the remaining cultists.

Even with a hostage in hand, the situation that Shade faced was not good.

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